Jake Lockley Fluff - Tumblr Posts
Hello Pygmi! I wasn't sure if your requests were currently open, but nonetheless, I was wondering if you could possibly write a Moon Boys x fem reader, where the reader has both ADHD and BPD.
If you feel uncomfortable with any of this, then please feel free to ignore.
That aside, I hope you have an outstanding day.
Cheers! 💞
for sure my requests are open!! also I did a bunch of research on bpd and I really hope that it isn't inaccurate PLEASE tell me (respectfully) if it isn't!! obv every experience is different so I tried to make it as general as possible.
content: angst with a HAPPY ENDING GUYS we have happy endings here ok? mentions of mental illness, hurt/comfort, fluff, insecurity, healthy relationship dynamics ftw, afab reader and very sweet cuddles
(I made it sad I'm sorry, oops but it is fluffy, dw)

It was one of those days. A little drizzly out, cold fog still curling around your ankles. It made the boys' hair curl wonderfully, little dewy drops of condensation sparkling on their waves. Although it did feel like a wet dog when Steven smashed his face in your neck for a hug.
"Steven, honey, you're soaked," you shrieked, flinching from the wet sensation. He laughed, shaking out his hair.
"Sorry, but the bus got stopped up so I thought I'd walk," he said sheepishly, hanging his sopping coat over the radiator. You wrinkled your nose at the water pooling on the floor.
These were your favorite days; nothing to do, nowhere to go, just a nice rainy day with a cozy flat. There was leftover soup in the fridge - Marc had taken to meal planning so you didn't stress about making dinner. You'd gotten all the laundry done during a hyperactive period where you speed-cleaned the whole apartment (you'd set a record, a little less than two hours!). You were exhausted, wanting nothing more than to sit on the couch and watch television.
Steven, now changed into warm, dry clothes, poured himself a cup of tea.
"Hey, love, Jake wants to go grab somethin' for his car, but we'll be back soon, yeah? Just a few brake pads or whatever," he explained, catching your tense expression. You thumbed the ring on your finger.
"Can you text?" you offered. He nodded around a mouthful of Earl Grey.
"Sure, love, we'll be back in a bit." He pressed a warm kiss to your cheek and ducked out the door, Jake's hat tucked under his arm.
You took a deep breath and counted to ten, reminding yourself of Steven's promise. It was really nice how the trio had stepped to with communication. You felt a little over-attached sometimes, but Steven put in a ton of effort to keep you in the loop.
Pulling a blanket from the dryer, you curled up on the sofa and drifted off to the sound of a movie.
You woke later to a still empty flat. Frowning, you turned off the television and sat up. The lights in the kitchen were still off, Jake's jacket and hat were still gone.
Why hadn't they come back yet? Surely it had been long enough.
You slipped on a pair of socks and padded through the flat, peeking in every room. You didn't want to call out in fear that the boys might have just gone to bed, but it appeared you were alone in the flat. Huh. Okay. Well.
A little agitated knot began to grow in your chest. Deep breaths. Small problem, this is a small problem. He's fine. Probably just a long line at the store.
Feeling a stronger rush of adrenaline, you went to the kitchen and pulled out a few ingredients. You'd bake something while you waited. It helped take your mind off his absence and also, you were hungry.
two cups of flour, half of sugar. a bit of salt. You hummed a song while you measured, laser focused on the mixing bowl.
one teaspoon of-oh. Steven said he'd text if something happened. Dropping the spoon, you rummaged around the couch cushions until you grabbed your phone.
No messages. You refreshed the app and got the same answer. Chewing your lip, you hovered over the bowl of half-mixed ingredients. should I reach out? don't wanna intrude, maybe they've got some Khonshu work.
Nevermind that. You should just finish the snack. Muffins were a good choice - you could eat them tomorrow for breakfast. There were bananas getting old on the counter, so in they went.
half of the batter with chocolate chips, half without. Jake always made sure to put a note on your recipe so you didn't forget. He liked the chocolate on the side.
The oven timer ticked down as you waited, licking the spatula clean. It was very late now.
it wouldn't hurt to reach out. You typed out something quick and finished the batter remnants.
hi love, hope you and the boys come home soon. x
You'd sent it to the group thread so that they'd all see it, no matter who was fronting.
The rain had started up again, but now the thrumming was irritating. Your agitation built, and you tugged at the hem of your shirt. laundry. do some laundry.
Yanking the hamper from the closet, you shoved all the darks into the small washer and slammed it closed. The heavy thud-thud-slosh-thud-thud echoed in the empty flat. The emptiness was tearing at your nerves.
You hadn't missed anything. No anniversaries, no dates, no meetings. All the errands were done. The big chores were done. Nothing big at work for Steven or you.
"Why isn't he home?" you huffed, pacing in front of the door. He said he'd be an hour. He promised-
it's okay. if he wanted to reach out, he would. they all would.
did he not wanna talk to you?
That idea send a cold sheen of sweat over your arms. Shuffling to the couch, you curled under the duvet and shivered. No, it wasn't that. Steven kissed you goodbye and promised. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and burrowed into the faint smell of Jake's cologne. Maybe he'd be here when you woke up.
Sleep did not want to come out, apparently. You tossed and turned for a while, ate a muffin, went back to the couch, ate another muffin.
It had been two hours before you heard Jake's muffled car door slam.
Your eyes were achy and tired, and a buzzing adrenaline headache had been thrumming at your ears.
Jake was halfway through the door when you yanked him inside.
"Hey, ba-"
"Why didn't you text?" You stared at him, eyes searching his surprised face. He blinked, slowly shutting the door and removing his hat. Grease was smeared on his forehead.
"I'm...sorry, baby, I got real busy," he said genuinely, pulling you in for a short kiss. You scowled and pulled back.
"But...but Steven said you'd text if something happened."
"You didn't," you emphasized, flexing your hands anxiously. Jake paused, taking in your haggard expression. Realizing the issue, he set down the bag of supplies and gently tugged you forward.
"Hey," he whispered, rubbing his hands on your shoulders. "I'm sorry, amor. I didn't mean to let time get away from me, and it did."
"I'm sorry I scared you, but me and the two were perfectly safe the whole time. I'd never intentionally shut you out, okay?" Jake looked at you again, eyes wide and sweet. He rubbed your cheek, the soft leather of his gloves grounding you.
"I'll remember next time. Look, I'll put a note in my phone." Still wrapping you tight to his chest, Jake set a reminder, letting you watch him type it out. txt when leaving.
Your irritation quelled, leaving behind a small inkling of shame. You curled into his shirt, still damp from the rain. Jake shucked his jacked and pressed a kiss to your hair. Out of the boys, he was the best at handling little escalations. He held you for a bit, casually stroking your head with his warm hands.
"Did you make something?" He asked, catching a whiff of the banana bread. You nodded, gesturing to the kitchen. Tugging you softly behind him, Jake grabbed a muffin and took a massive bite.
"it'sh good," he mumbled around crumbs, wagging his dark eyebrows. You smiled tiredly, feeling better already. He bumped your shoulder and flopped on the couch. His socks didn't match, you noticed, curling up into his side.
The silence wasn't so bad now that you could hold him. Jake's heart beat steadily under your ear, warm and soothing. He continued rubbing your back comfortingly. The muffin was gone, but the two of you still sat in silence. Sleep tugged on your shirtsleeves, and you were tempted to just pass out on his chest.
Jake nudged your nose with his thumb, tilting your chin up.
"Hey, c'mere," he said gently, pulling you up to his face. You averted his gaze, feeling shy from your earlier outburst. Jake squeezed you a little tighter, poking your sides until you squirmed and bit back a grin.
"I'm sorry," he said, eyes soft and warm. You met his gaze then, fighting through the awkardness. At his crooked smile, you melted, leaning forward to kiss his cheek.
"It's okay," you said, half-smiling back. Once he saw you relax, Jake's face broke into a bigger, crookeder grin.
"Oh, you can do better than that."
Diving forward, he smothered your face in light, sweet kisses. You giggled, shoving his chest back onto the cushions. The adorable attack lasted a few minutes, until your cheeks were pink and you were laying on top of him. Still laughing breathlessly, you snuggled tighter, taking a deep breath of his detergent.
Your hands laced together and you kissed him again, slower. Jake hummed, soft lips sucking gently on your tongue. He tasted sweet and tart, like...
"Did you go to the farmer's market?" You said accusingly, eyes narrowing. "You taste like danishes."
His eyes widened, caught in the act. "No! I ate a muffin, is all," he covered, cheekily kissing you again. His diversion did not work against your detective skills.
"No, you taste like cherries-"
"Amor, would I lie to you?" He said in mock offense, hand braced to his chest. Snorting, you made a move for the bags in the kitchen.
"Yes. Yes, you would," you poked out your tongue, causing him to stick his out right back. Your hand just brushed the edge of a pastry bag, when-
Shrieking, Jake scooped you off your feet, twirling you back to the couch and attacking your ribs. His warm hands were ticklish against your soft sides, and you quaked with laughter.
Dissolving into giggles, you both fought over the last pastry, cut in the shape of a heart.

I HOPE I DIDN'T MAKE IT TOO SAD! also sorry for taking so long!!!!!!
tags: @krakenkitty @ominoose @bulletgoth @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @justsomeonecalledemma @iolaussharpe-24 @rosegnome @twwcs @heeheehoohoofictimr @steven-grants-world @ael-xander @to-be-a-sunshine @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @silvernight-m
xox comment to join!
Paper butterflies
paring: moon boys x fem! reader; established relationship
summary: instances when moon boys found safety and love in your hands.
Who holds the reins of my desires if not my hands? My hands—my body’s gates of tenderness, the tools of my wonders, be they violent or gentle, be they both.
Natalie Diaz, from The Hand Has Twenty-Seven Bones—: These Hands If Not Gods
a/n: inspired by this lovely art piece.
genre: mostly domestic fluff
warnings: mention of nightmare, verbal harassment, swearing, slight violence

• You place your hand on table corner, cupping the sharp edge so Steven doesn't accidentally hit his head when he bent down to pick up the spoon he dropped, the little gesture didn't go unnoticed by Steven.
To you, it was an instinct, most natural thing. Steven was baffled. No one loved him like you—you loved him intentionally and subconsciously, like every beat of your heart.
"You want some?" you stretch out your hand, holding out a small bowl of strawberries in front of him.
You hum in response, already chewing a piece of strawberry, juice dripping slightly down your lips.
He outstretches his hand, touching your cheek gently. He leans closer, pressing his lips on yours, his tongue swirling around the strawberry juice.
"Oh". No matter how many times Steven had kissed you before, his kisses still left you feeling giddy.
"Thank you, Y/n/n"
"Whatever for?"
For everything you are and everything you do.
"Nothing" he shakes his head. A mellow smile adores his handsome face.
• "Let me see"
Marc volunteered to chop the vegetables while you cooked, accidentally knicking his thumb finger.
"It's nothing, I'm alright, babe" he brushes you off and watches your eyebrows meet together in worry.
You ignore his words, giving him a 'what' look when his lips curved up in a smile. It doesn't matter if your boyfriends are the moon knight system, when they get remotely hurt in front of you, you panic.
"You've seen me get bloody many times before" he takes your fumbling fingers in his.
"I don't care if you are moon knight and have magical healing powers, you are my still my baby and I'm allowed to worry about you even if you dress up in your fancy suit with that silly cape and fight" you move past him to grab a band-aid from the first aid kit.
"The cape is not silly!"
Khonshu hit his staff on the floor.
Marc chuckles. "Hey, don't hate the cape", his thumb circles the top of your hand absent mindedly, "I saved you with that cape twice" he says, the smile never leaving his face once.
"How dare you talk about my powers like this? you little worm!" his voice booms.
"Khonshu is not happy to hear that" Marc chuckles again.
"Where is he standing?"
"On your right"
You turn your head to your right and stick your tongue out at Khonshu.
"Odd little mortal"
Now amusement laced Khonshu's voice, his earlier annoyance lessened.
• Khonshu have seen Jake smile once or twice maybe.
But when Jake was around you, that act came to him easily, natural as his skills with guns.
You two decided it was a nice evening was a casual stroll around the park, the fresh air and all. Besides, it would be nice to chill with Jake, you thought.
"Jake" you call out, watching him walk ahead of you.
"What is it, querida?"
"You dropped something"
His eyebrows furrow as he pats his pant pockets to check if he dropped something.
"This" you slip your hand into his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
He chuckles, "You are so cheesy, cariño"
"Oh, you like it", you smile back, watching the way his eyes crinkle and lights up his whole face. There is so much spark in his deep brown eyes—warm and tenderness.
He brings your interlaced fingers to his lips and presses a kiss on the back of your hand. This little gesture spreads warmth through your entire chest.
If Khonshu had eyeballs he would roll his eyes, Jake thought. But he ignored the God of the moon, continued to hold your hand for the rest of the walk.
• You knew Steven reads a lot. You wanted him to have something pretty for bookmarks. What better way to make it by yourself? After watching many pinterest and youtube videos, you made those cute butterfly bookmarks in different colours with different patterns on them.
"Yes, love?" he says, when you called him to get his attention. His gaze is still glued to his book.
You stride towards him to stand near his desk. "Pick one" you say, holding out your closed fists in front of him. Your grasp was gentle not to crush the butterfly bookmarks you are holding.
A small smile forms on his face, he closes the book and pulls down his glasses, taking it off and placing it next to the book. "This one" he touches your left fist, with that sweet smile still gracing his face.
You slowly open them to reveal a bright orange butterfly bookmark. You eventually open your right hand too revealing a blue one. "Since you are cute, you can have this too"
"Oh, these butterflies are lovely!"
"These are bookmarks, I know how much you like reading, so I wanted you have something cute, I know it's not much-"
He couldn't focus on your words.
You had his whole heart. How is it possible to love someone this much? He felt like his heart is about to leap out of his chest.
The smile on his face widens, "Oh, darling". He gently takes off those bookmarks and places them safely on his desk. He then pulls you on his lap, taking your face between his hands, he presses the softest kiss ever, as if physically giving you his love for you.
• It wasn't new to see your boyfriends have nightmare in the middle of the night. Marc had the most nightmares, Steven would have them too. But it was a bit surprising when you saw Jake screaming in his sleep.
"Hey, hey, Jake, Jake..." you didn't shake him too hard in case if it made him even more alarmed. You prop yourself to sit and switch on the bed side lamp. "Jake, babe, you need to wake up, it's okay..." you touch his chest, trying to shake him.
He screams, his hand clutching the left side of his neck. He jolts up still screaming, his eyes opening.
Even though you don't see his face clearly in the dark, the dim light from the lamp illuminates his face. His eyes are wide with panic, darting around the surrounding.
"Hey, hey, it's just me" you carefully touch his shoulder. "Baby, it's okay, you are safe now, you are safe..." you half whisper, keeping your voice gentle.
The panic in his eyes vanishes slightly when he hears your voice and sees you next to him.
Not saying a word, he wraps his arms around your waist, burying his face in your chest.
Oh, God. What kind of nightmare he just had?
You don't dare to ask. You hold him tightly as he is holding on to you. "I'm here now, you are safe" you repeat it again, rubbing his back in soothing gesture. "It's okay, baby, it was just a bad dream, you are with me here now, you are safe..." you continue to whisper calm things in his ear, until you feel his breath becomes steady and uneven. You press light kisses to his head in between saying those comforting words.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He replies few seconds later, "no".
You didn't want to push him. You gently run your fingers through his hair. "Want me to punch the monster under the bed?" you joke, in an attempt to ease the situation.
He don't say anything but you could feel him smile against your chest, then a slight chuckle.
That's more than enough for you. "You are safe now, baby" you say it again, like a promise. You kiss his forehead.
You stayed up for a while to make sure he was completely calm and sleeping peacefully as he could be in your arms.
• A jerk at bar decided it would be fun to mess with you despite you making it clear you aren't interested. He cursed you out and moved away. You sent a glare in his direction before walking back to Marc.
"Is everything alright?" he instantly rushes to your side after seeing your annoyed face.
"Don't worry, I'm good" you smile at your man, trying to assure him, "Just a creep"
Anger flashes in his eyes. "Did he bother you? Where is he?" he clenches his jaw.
"Marc, it's okay. I got it handled. We are here to have fun remember?" you rub his arm up and down, calming him down.
He didn't want to ruin the night for you so he put on his best smile and kissed the side of your head. "Let me get our drinks. The usual?. He can be peaceful for you tonight.
"The usual" you smile back at him.
Moments later, you turned your head to hear a slight commotion.
It's that same jerk who verbally harassed you arguing with Marc. He 'accidentally' spilled drinks on Marc and now smiling like a smug bastard.
You roll your eyes in annoyance.
Why was Marc trying to smooth things over when it's not his fault?
You storm towards the jerk, staring right in his face. "Hey asshole, shut the fuck up or I'll make you shut up"
"What did you say, bitch? The fuck you gonna do? Cry? Run to your man?", he laughs mockingly.
"What did you just say to her, you piece of shit?" Marc lost his patience.
Before Marc could get to that jerk, you clenched your fist perfectly and throw a strong punch to his jaw.
"Or that" you shrug, shaking your fingers. You take a glass of drink from nearby table and chug it in one go.
He cradles his jaw, blood spilling from his mouth, his gaze was devoid of mockery, now full of anger and fear.
"Now, apologise to my man" you gripped his collar with a death glare.
My man.
Marc couldn't help but smile.
"Geez! Sorry, man" he admits, defeated.
"That's better" you let go off him.
"So much for fun" Marc smirks.
"I had fun" you smile sweetly. " I know you could take him out, but no one messes with my man and leaves. No one"
"I'm proud of you, baby" he kisses your knuckles. "That was so damn hot" he whispers in your ears, making you chuckle.
"Our girl is a badass"
You never showed them your tough side before.
All of your boys are absolutely in awe and turned on. Oh, you are definitely going to have fun that night, alright.
Moonboys & Khonshu vs cat || Steven Grant x fem!Reader || Marc Spector x fem!Reader || Jake Lockley x fem!Reader || Khonshu x fem!Reader

Summary: How would moonboys interact with a kitten? And how would Khonshu handle a cat if he had to?
Warnings: none
Word count: ~ 2890
Authors: Cass & Rouge

😻 JAKE 😻
It was usual for Jake to announce his return home loudly, but this time he didn't. He entered the apartment and went to the bathroom without removing his cap or jacket.
You peered out of the kitchen after you thought you had heard the lock and keys squeaking. "Jake, is that you?"
"¡Sí! ¡Me das un momento!" He yelled loudly from behind the closed door.
"Of course!"
Within a few moments, Jake walked out of the bathroom. "You better not get in there. I have blood on my stuff. I don't want you looking at it."
A frown appeared on your forehead but you followed him back to the hallway, not questioning anything else.
"How was your day, cariño?" Jake asked, trying to catch your attention.
"I made dinner and tried to reach you but you didn't answer my calls. Was everything okay? I'll wash your stained clothes. Do you want me to wash your jacket as well?" You replied with a frown still on your face.
Sitting down, Jake protested, "None of that is necessary. I can take care of it myself. You don't need to worry yourself."
You proceeded to set the kettle on fire to make Jake his afternoon espresso. It wasn't until you could swear you heard a loud meow sound coming from the bathroom.
Jake heard that too and cleared his throat loudly. "That crazy lady next door. I wonder how many cats she has there."
With a raised eyebrow, you left the kitchen and headed straight to the bathroom. "She only has three of them and none meows like that."
Immediately after getting up, he grabbed your hand tightly. "Since when do you know how her cats meow? I told you not to go there."
"Why not? She's just an older lady. I sometimes help her with shopping and I've been there a few times. She's very kind and her kittens are cute. Also, none of them meow like that, so stop making fun of me, Lockley, and tell me what you're hiding in our bathroom."
Jake continued to argue, "Just blood on my stuff. I don't want you to even look at it."
Another loud meow and a small paw reaching out from under the bathroom's door sold him out.
In a nod, Jake pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. "Okay fine. It's a cat... A kitten to be exact."
"Bring it here," you instructed your boyfriend and walked to the living room.
After rolling his eyes, he went to the bathroom only to return with a kitten in his arms. "Here."
You immediately approached him and rubbed the kitten's head.
"I just found him in the trash can outside and I couldn't leave this little guy there," Jake shrugged.
You made a quiet awww sound and picked the kitten out of Jake's arms.
"I was also unsure if you would let me keep him here," Jake added.
"Why wouldn't I, silly?"
"Because the building owner is weird and you don't want to have any trouble?" Jake gave you one more shrug. "I hope the kitten isn't a problem."
"Like I'd care about the groaning of that old prick," you told him, cradling the kitten in your arms. "How are we going to name the baby?"
I was going to ask you for a name idea, honey. You always come up with great ones."
You picked the cat up to have a brief look between its legs. "It's a boy. So maybe Nuka?"
Jake rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle. "I know it's a boy, silly. Well, you will have to think about more names then."
"You can give your thoughts too, love," you told him. "We need to take our baby to the vet."
"Babies, cariño," Jake muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "I have a box full of his siblings in my limo."
You blinked. "What?"
"Well... There was more than one kitten."
"How many?"
"Four more," Jake said quietly.
You gasped quietly. "Mr Lockley, I never thought you would care about the plight of poor stray animals."
"I just like cats, okay?!” Jake groaned, not too happy with your teasing.
You put the kitten down and turned to Jake to give him a deep kiss.
He didn't even dare to protest and kissed you back, grabbing your sides. Once you pulled away, he smiled. "What was that for?”
"For bringing this beautiful furball home. Now, chop chop, move your round ass and get his siblings here."
"You want to keep them all?"
"Why not? Our flat is spacious."
This time he grabbed you by cheeks and kissed you deeply. "I love you."
"Go, go and bring them. I can't wait to see those babies."

Steven was busy with a new book you gave him recently. Your return to the flat after work caught his attention. "Evening, luv!" He said cheerfully. "Look, I'm reading the book you got me!"
You entered the flat with something nestled in your arms. "Baby! Can you help me out here?"
In the blink of an eye, Steven sprang from the armchair, abandoning the book on the desk. "Did you go shopping again?" Steven asked softly. "One more trip like that and we'll drown in your dresses."
As you shook your head, a soft chuckle escaped your lips. "This time, no. Take a look at who I brought with me."
A small, red-haired cat was curled up in your arms.
Steve smiled, surprised, and gently touched the kitten. "Who might that be?" He chuckled. "You're a cute one, aren't you? Where did you find this poor thing?"
"I noticed him limping down the street near my office. He was so tired that he kept falling, and it appeared that his back paw was injured. I couldn't let him live on the streets any longer... I had no idea what else I could do."
"Did you take it to the vet? Shall I call someone?"
"Actually, I didn't. I wasn't sure if you'd let me keep him because I live by your house, so first I wanted to see if you'd agree," you explained everything.
The kitten you were holding opened his eyes and meowed loudly, his gaze fixed on Steven. The tiny creature was trembling.
As Steven picked up the kitten from your arms, he gently wrapped it in a blanket from the couch.
"Poor little thing. We need to get you warm and cosy. Then we should take you to the right doctor," He abruptly stopped, looking at the fish tank. "Oh, bloody hell. We cannot have cats here. Gus... Cats eat fish."
You blinked as you listened to Steven's words. "But, babe? Gus lives in his tank. The tank is covered from above. And the kitten is too young to comprehend the significance of his own cat nature and hunting abilities. Not to mention that he's hurt. If he grows up around Gus, he will never attack him..." You made an effort to make your points clear.
"He will learn how to get under the covers if he grows up here," Steven explained, looking at the kitten.
You approached Steven and gently took the cat wrapped in a blanket from his arms. "So, why are you holding such a raging beast?" You couldn't pretend not to be angry with Steven. "It's only a kitten. A furball. He will not attack your goldfish. But if you take him as a treat, I'll take him with me to my old flat, where he won't try to hunt, kill, or eat anyone nor anything."
Don't act so dramatic, darling. I didn't say I wanted to throw him out."
"I'm not being dramatic, but you're accusing him of something he'll never do. You stated that cats consume fish. That is, you attempted to find him guilty before he committed a crime. Are you playing Ammit?" You started raising your voice.
Grabbing your arm gently, Steven protested, "Don't pull that card on me now, luv. I don't judge the kitten. I am just worried about Gus. That's all."
"Do you honestly believe I won't teach the cat not to eat Gus, and treat him like a part of the family instead? Do you think I'm a horrible person? You already know how much I adore your goldfish," you protested.
I never said I thought anything like that. Now you put things into my mouth, and that's something I don't like," Steven said, shaking his head. "Let's get the little guy to the vet, okay?”
Steven nodded and gave you a small smile. "Then we will go to the pet store and get him everything he needs."
"And you promise to not accuse the little one of anything, deal?'
"I promise."

It had been two months. Freddy, the kitty, was doing much better after his injured leg was treated by the veterinarian. He was a bouncing ball of energy who was too cute to not be liked by everyone in the house.
You got home earlier one day because your boss had to close the store where you worked a bit earlier due to computer problems. How surprised were you that Steven wasn't there to greet you right away.
He was on the couch with the kitten on his lap. He was moving his finger right above the kitten's head, giggling when Freddy tried to catch it. "Look at you. Jumping like a little bunny. Someone is getting better."
Your heart melted at that precise moment. You were annoyed with Steven at times for being too harsh with the kitten, but the man was still concerned about his beloved goldfish. However, the scene you witnessed convinced you that Steven adored your new pet. "Hey, boys, I'm back. I can see you two are having a lot of fun!"
"Oh yes we do!" Steven cooed, stroking Freddy's little cheek. "He was a good kitten the entire day. Today, I woke up with him sleeping on my chest. I-it's okay, right?"
"I've been convincing you that he's not a beast, but a sweet, fluffy furball," you flopped on the couch next to Steven and briefly kissed his cheek. "Thanks for giving him a chance. You did the best thing possible by saving his life."
"Although I try, I still get nervous when he sits under the tank and watches," Steven admitted, kissing Freddy's head. "But he is indeed a cute, little furball."
"He watches Gus because it's interesting to him to see other animal just floating so peacefully in the water," you explained. "It's nice to see you two getting along so well. I'm pretty sure you both are the cutest boys around."

😾 MARC 😾
Marc loved visiting your flat. Your cat was the only thing he didn't like. The animal hated Marc, despite your claims that it was sweet and cute.
Your cat was a lovely black girl with a pointy nose and big, golden eyes. She was a sweet furball around you, but whenever Marc came into your flat, she transformed into a demon, as if possessed.
When Spector entered the room that day, your kitten ran up to him and hissed loudly.
Marc frowned in disbelief at the cat. "Yeah. Glad to see you too," Spector groaned, already annoyed before he looked at you. "Why is she like this?"
"Maybe she's just a bit jealous of you, you know? You're the only man that visits us and you pay all of your attention to me," you told him after making it to the hallway to greet him.
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. There is no doubt in our minds that she is your one and only baby."
"But she can sense that you're a leader type here," you commented. "Maybe we can run a short test?"
"Test? Should I be worried?"
"No. Just come with me," you grabbed Spector's hands and led him behind you, right to the living room.
Reluctantly, Marc nodded and followed you, squeezing your palm.
You asked him to take a seat on the couch.
As reluctantly as before, Marc took a seat and got comfortable. "What are you planning?”
You took a seat by his side, and asked him, "Kiss me now."
Before pulling you into a deep kiss, Marc teased, "So demanding."
The moment you started kissing, your cat jumped on the couch and aggressively poked Marc's lap with her paw.
He glared at the cat, then at you, with an annoyed growl. "She seriously has a problem with me getting close to you. What now?"
In the softest voice you could muster, you advised, "Give her some attention. And change your tone, she can sense your exasperation."
As soon as I touch her, she's going to try to scratch me, you're aware of that, right? She's done that before."
"At least this time, trust me."
As Marc rolled his eyes, he decided to gently scratch the cat behind the ear. It was a hit with cats, wasn't it? What could possibly go wrong?
You knew everything you said was true when you heard a loud purr of approval filling the room.
"I wonder when she'll happily sink her claws into my hand," Marc joked.
The kitten jumped on his lap, made two small spins and laid down, purring loudly. Some moments later, a meow accompanied.
"I still don't trust her. I saw her sharp teeth," Marc said, scratching the cat's back.
"If you give her the attention she seeks, there's no way she'll think of attacking you."
"Are you sure about that? It's a mini version of a tiger."
"It's just a kitten, Marc. You're several times bigger than she is."
Marc was brave enough to pick up the cat and display it to you like a little lion. "Look at those paws. Mini tiger."
You couldn't help but chuckle. "Marc, it's a small kitten. She won't eat you alive and all she needs is love."
The cat meowed loudly, wiggling her tail.
"She agrees with me,” Spector added, happy that the kitten finally stopped hissing at him.
"You see? We can say you tamed her in some way," you smiled at Marc.
Marc chuckled and took a look at the kitten. "Yep. When she's not hissing at me, she's not so bad.
The cat freed herself and instantly placed herself on Marc's lap again, purring loudly as soon as her golden eyes were closed and Marc started scratching her back again.

Khonshu asked, watching you carry a cat in your arms, "What's the point of this creature even being here?"
A small frown crept on your forehead after you heard Khonshu's words. "Well, she's my cat, and I love her. Do I really need some deeper purpose in keeping a cat at home?"
He scoffed, "In my time those were treated like saints and not like common house mascots."
"Would you tell me more, Khonshu? Of course, I've heard they were worshipped in Egypt."
“Is there anything else you would like to know, woman?" Khonshu asked.
"How did it start?"
"Have you heard about the goddess Bastet?”
"Yes, I did."
"There's no need to discuss that then," the god nodded, getting closer to gently rub the cat's head. "The Egyptians believed cats brought good luck. To honour them, wealthy families dressed them in jewels and fed them royal treats."
Your kitten tried to grab Khonshu's hand, meowing loudly. "This is what I need to do for my beautiful Nea," you smiled, looking at your cat.
"Do you know how to mummify it?" Khonshu asked curiously.
You blinked in disbelief, shaking your head.
"You don't? And you house a cat? Pathetic.”
"I won't mummify my cat after she passes away," you said with a frown. "She'll be buried, that's all."
A roar came from Khonshu. "What? You all lack even a shred of respect these days! I knew humans were stupid, but now it's ridiculous and disrespectful."
"What's your problem this time, 'ol bird?"
He scoffed, scratching the cat's head as he said, "You humans have no respect for old customs. Poor thing will die and be buried without respect."
Your cat tried to be picked up by the creature as best she could.
Khonshu picked up the cat and scratched its chin. During my time, owners would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. They would mourn until their eyebrows grew back," the god stated simply.
You blinked and frowned more. You thought to yourself that as much as you loved your kitten, there was no way for you to shave your fucking eyebrows as a sign of mourning. "Well, it was centuries ago, Khonshu. And now we live in the modern world and we have modern ways to worship our dead, beloved ones."
By burying them like ordinary animals. Modern people are so pathetic and weak."
"Even though you think we're weak and pathetic, we've gained longevity not only for us but also for others thanks to medicine and science," you argued with Khonshu.
A life full of nothing. Hardly worth extending," Khonshu muttered, absorbed in the care of your feline companion.
Your kitten climbed on her back legs and licked Khonshu's beak.
"I will ensure that you are respected after you are gone, my dear," Khonshu promised, stroking your kitten's head carefully.

Time For a Picnic || Jake Lockley & Khonshu x fem!reader

Summary: In spite of many pleas, you manage to convince Jake to go on a picnic with you. Little do you know you're going to be joined by an unexpected and very fluffy guests 🐰
Warnings: none but Khonshu being himself 🤭
Word count: 1912
Author: Rouge
A/N: today’s prompt: Picnic ♡ green italics indicate Khonshu, orange italics illustrate Jake speaking Spanish ♡ below the fic you will find Spanish translations

Jake was certainly not keen on your idea of a picnic in the woods, even though he knew you'd complain for a few days if he didn't agree.
Despite the fact that it was late October, the weather was surprisingly pleasant; there were many sunny days with no rain and no cold wind.
He was driving his limo and checking on you in the rearview mirror from time to time; he couldn't help but smile as he saw you going through the list you'd made of the items that were about to be taken from your apartment; you were making sure you didn't miss anything. "Is it okay?" He asked casually, looking back on the road; his tone surprisingly calm and sweet as he spoke.
You nodded, looking in the rearview mirror and tucked a strand of your loose hair behind your ear. "I believe so. When you stopped at a gas station, I bought crackers and pickles because I didn't have any at home. The list is now complete," your lips were curled up in a smile.
As Jake parked his limo, he turned off the engine and got out of the vehicle, rushing to open your side door. His next move was to open the trunk, and he pulled out two big, wicked baskets and a plaid that he tucked under his arm.
As you closed your door, you suggested, "Jake, leave it, I can take it."
His head shook, indicating that you wouldn't be allowed to carry anything.
Since you wanted to be at one with nature and far from people, you chose a park located at the edge of the city. Jake knew there was a long walk ahead; in spite of the parking lot's proximity to the park's entrance, Lockley knew you chose a specific location near a little lake on the west side of the park for your perfect picnic spot.

As soon as everything was set for the picnic, the blanket was placed on the ground, the baskets were unpacked, you sat on the blanket to make sandwiches with Jake.
For him, putting so much effort into preparation seemed a little ridiculous, and he was certain he could do without them.
Khonshu chuckled to himself as he formed himself next to Jake who was trying to use his cellphone, yet there was no signal. "See how hard she's working, your little bug has been working like a little bee just to make you happy," he told Jake. "It would have been nice if Steven and Marc had done the same for me, little idiots."
Jake hid his phone in his jacket pocket and stared at the scrawny figure with a loud huff. "Stop being so dramatic, Khonshu."
Jake's words immediately caught your attention, and when you looked at him you asked with great anticipation, "Is Khonshu here, with us?"
“Él está aquí con nosotros,” Jake replied. “Come on, pal, Y/N would like to see you too, it’s easier this way.”
Khonshu manifested himself to you unwittingly, poking your side with his crescent moon staff, "Y/N."
Greeting the God of the Night Sky with a head tilt, you returned to preparing sandwiches. After you were done, you offered them to your boyfriend.
As Jake wasn't hungry per se, he accepted them and took a bite; oh, you knew exactly how he liked his sandwiches prepared, he thought to himself. “Gracias, cariño.”
"I see you are very adept at taking care of my friend, Y/N," Khonshu said, circling the blanket carefully, checking the surroundings. "Ideally, we all need to reconnect with nature in order to reset our frustrations. Isn't that right, Jake?"
Jake stopped chewing his sandwich and narrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Khonshu. "I'm far from being frustrated, why do you ask me this?"
You could not help but chuckle when they had their brief conversation; you admired Khonshu for being an entity beyond comprehension, yet truly protecting those who helped him; you could always count on Khonshu to provide you with any assistance you needed.
Khonshu took a seat on the blanket, saying, "We all know you're the most frustrated person among us, Lockley."
As Jake was about to start an argument with his godly friend, he heard you squeak so loudly he thought his head would explode. "What the fuck, nena?"
With a hand gesture you pointed towards the closest bushes; Jake and Khonshu looked there as well.
There was a small and round wild rabbit peering out of the shrubs, its nose twitching continuously as it was observing the gathering carefully.
“A rabbit,” you whispered, barely moving your lips. “Oh my God, what a beautiful baby. Tsss-tssss, come here, little one,” you slowly leaned forward, reaching your hand out to the rabbit.
"Perfect, a fucking rabbit is what we need now," Jake said with a roll of the eyes.
"Shush!" As you hushed him, your tone grew a little angry; you didn't want to scare the rabbit away.
Khonshu mocked Lockley, "And who claimed to be a haven of peace just a moment ago? It's just a wild rabbit, and you've already got a problem."
“My apologies, Khonshu, but Y/N is a freak when it comes to sweet, little animals y ella quiere adoptar todos ellos y consentirlos con buena comida," Jake said with a frown.
"Shut up, both of you, I'm luring this little baby to us," you hissed.
Even though Jake hated being around animals because you immediately turned your attention away from him, he remained silent.
Observing your attempts to attract the rabbit closer, Khonshu chuckled deeply; he knew your purpose was to pet it. Whenever he observed humans, he was surprised by their nature and the things they found attractive, such as petting animals.
Soon, the rabbit hopped close enough to nose the blanket and plastic sandwich bag; after that, it sat on the blanket and sniffed your jeans.
“Oh my God, oh my God, it’s so close,” you whispered, feeling your heart beating faster with happiness and excitement.
“Nena, it’s just a wild rabbit,” Jake tried to explain, looking at you; he saw how narrowed your brows were as you slowly turned your head towards him - it indicated that you were growing angry with him, like never before, so he raised his hands in the air, shrugging his arms, silently apologizing to you.
As the rabbit raised its tiny head to gaze at you, you reached out a hand to touch its soft fur on the back, but the animal simply jumped into Jake's lap and soon started cleaning its tiny face.
The man froze and looked at you. "En serio, Y/N, ¿qué coño?"
Your mouth dropped open; you couldn't believe the rabbit had chosen Jake over you! Although Jake liked animals, he wasn't very emotional about them, so your surprise at seeing the wild rabbit curled up on his lap was even greater.
Khonshu chuckled lowly and said, "Well, well, Jake, if I had bet on Y/N touching the rabbit first, I would have lost my hand."
Angry and upset, you turned your head towards Khonshu and huffed angrily. "Shush, Khonshu."
This elicited a loud chuckle from the God of the Night Sky.
Jake began slowly petting the rabbit's back, risking being scratched by it; apparently, the animal enjoyed all the attention, as it rolled itself in a ball and twitched its nose as it observed the surrounding. “Pet it, Y/N,” Jake encouraged, giving you a brief glance. “Move your hand slowly.”
You frowned at his words at first, but soon followed his advice and began gently stroking the rabbit's back and head. "It has such soft fur!" You exclaimed. "Jake, will we be able to keep them?"
A frown crept across Jake's forehead. "¡De ninguna manera, nena!"
As you sighed loudly, you lowered your head.
Suddenly, you heard some noises in the bushes and soon a few more wild rabbits joined you.
You gasped loudly, looking around, as you hadn't expected anything like that to happen.
Bunnies had a variety of fur colors, from black to beige.
"When it comes to adopting a rabbit on Jake's lap, you need to consider getting them all, Y/N, it seems they're a family," Khonshu suggested as he reached for one of the sandwiches and pulled a piece of lettuce from it, offering it to the nearest rabbit with black fur who gladly accepted the treat; unfortunately, another rabbit hopped closer and took the lettuce directly from the black rabbit's mouth, chewing it quickly.
A few of the rabbits even allowed you to pet them without getting bitten, and it made you smile brightly. "What a day! It is such an honor to commune with nature in its purest, fluffiest form!" You exhaled, looking at both Khonshu and Jake.
As Khonshu held the rabbit in his hands and took a closer look at it, he nodded, remaining silent; the rabbit dangled motionless in Khonshu's hands for some longer moment, but soon started wriggling, trying to make its way free. Khonshu then put the bunny back on the grass. “I’m not going to hurt you, little, fluffy bug.”
Despite the many treats you gave them (apples and bananas you brought with you for picnic purposes), the bunnies soon became bored with you, and they hopped into the bushes, disappearing among the leaves.
You waved your hand farewell to your furry friends, yelling, "Bye, babies, stay safe! Oh, boy! It was so exciting and nice!"
"That was nice indeed. A little odd, but nice. I'd never seen wild rabbits so close to humans. Perhaps they had rabies?" Jake shrugged his shoulders casually.
Khonshu got up from his seat and improved his grip on his staff as he said, "If they had rabies, you'd be bitten by those little beasts already, Lockley."
You tilted your head, looking at Jake after eating your sandwich. "How can you say such a thing? Nothing odd about that, they were looking for friends, and they found us. I bet they sensed good vibes from me."
Lockley snorted loudly and shook his head in disbelief. “Would you mind if I reminded you that the first bunny chose me over you?"
You crossed your hands over your chest. "You're being cruel to me."
"Y/N, I'm just telling the truth."
"Stop arguing, kids," Khonshu said as he returned to the blanket. "The only way to make Y/N happy again is to get her a bunny."
Jake rolled his eyes, snorting louder. "There's no way I'll let a bag of bones and furry flesh roam around my apartment."
Making the cutest puppy eyes you could muster, you looked at your boyfriend; you knew Jake couldn't refuse them. “Baby, I promise I'll keep the flat tidy, and I'll care for the bunny, and I'll prevent it from destroying the walls and cords, and I'll feed it, so you won't have to worry!" You finally earned a loud groan from Jake after staring at him for a few minutes.
“Bien entonces, déjalo ser,” Jake sighed.
Immediately, you threw yourself on Jake's lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting kisses all over his face with a loud squeaks of happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best!"
As Khonshu observed the scene, he chuckled to himself.
"Te juro, vas a matarme un día de estos, estoy seguro,” Jake whispered deeply, giving you one of the tightest embraces you have ever experienced. “I love you, my little bunny.”

SPANISH TRANSLATIONS: Él está aquí con nosotros - he’s here with us
Gracias, cariño - thank you, sweetheart
Nena - babe
… y ella quiere adoptar todos ellos y consentirlos con buena comida - … and she wants to adopt all of them and spoil them with good food
En serio, Y/N, ¿qué coño? - seriously, Y/N, what the hell?
¡De ninguna manera, nena! - no way, babe!
Bien entonces, déjalo ser - well then, let it be
Te juro, vas a matarme un día de estos, estoy seguro - I swear, you're going to kill me one of these days, I'm sure