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Time For a Picnic || Jake Lockley & Khonshu x fem!reader

Summary: In spite of many pleas, you manage to convince Jake to go on a picnic with you. Little do you know you're going to be joined by an unexpected and very fluffy guests 🐰
Warnings: none but Khonshu being himself 🤭
Word count: 1912
Author: Rouge
A/N: today’s prompt: Picnic ♡ green italics indicate Khonshu, orange italics illustrate Jake speaking Spanish ♡ below the fic you will find Spanish translations

Jake was certainly not keen on your idea of a picnic in the woods, even though he knew you'd complain for a few days if he didn't agree.
Despite the fact that it was late October, the weather was surprisingly pleasant; there were many sunny days with no rain and no cold wind.
He was driving his limo and checking on you in the rearview mirror from time to time; he couldn't help but smile as he saw you going through the list you'd made of the items that were about to be taken from your apartment; you were making sure you didn't miss anything. "Is it okay?" He asked casually, looking back on the road; his tone surprisingly calm and sweet as he spoke.
You nodded, looking in the rearview mirror and tucked a strand of your loose hair behind your ear. "I believe so. When you stopped at a gas station, I bought crackers and pickles because I didn't have any at home. The list is now complete," your lips were curled up in a smile.
As Jake parked his limo, he turned off the engine and got out of the vehicle, rushing to open your side door. His next move was to open the trunk, and he pulled out two big, wicked baskets and a plaid that he tucked under his arm.
As you closed your door, you suggested, "Jake, leave it, I can take it."
His head shook, indicating that you wouldn't be allowed to carry anything.
Since you wanted to be at one with nature and far from people, you chose a park located at the edge of the city. Jake knew there was a long walk ahead; in spite of the parking lot's proximity to the park's entrance, Lockley knew you chose a specific location near a little lake on the west side of the park for your perfect picnic spot.

As soon as everything was set for the picnic, the blanket was placed on the ground, the baskets were unpacked, you sat on the blanket to make sandwiches with Jake.
For him, putting so much effort into preparation seemed a little ridiculous, and he was certain he could do without them.
Khonshu chuckled to himself as he formed himself next to Jake who was trying to use his cellphone, yet there was no signal. "See how hard she's working, your little bug has been working like a little bee just to make you happy," he told Jake. "It would have been nice if Steven and Marc had done the same for me, little idiots."
Jake hid his phone in his jacket pocket and stared at the scrawny figure with a loud huff. "Stop being so dramatic, Khonshu."
Jake's words immediately caught your attention, and when you looked at him you asked with great anticipation, "Is Khonshu here, with us?"
“Él está aquí con nosotros,” Jake replied. “Come on, pal, Y/N would like to see you too, it’s easier this way.”
Khonshu manifested himself to you unwittingly, poking your side with his crescent moon staff, "Y/N."
Greeting the God of the Night Sky with a head tilt, you returned to preparing sandwiches. After you were done, you offered them to your boyfriend.
As Jake wasn't hungry per se, he accepted them and took a bite; oh, you knew exactly how he liked his sandwiches prepared, he thought to himself. “Gracias, cariño.”
"I see you are very adept at taking care of my friend, Y/N," Khonshu said, circling the blanket carefully, checking the surroundings. "Ideally, we all need to reconnect with nature in order to reset our frustrations. Isn't that right, Jake?"
Jake stopped chewing his sandwich and narrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Khonshu. "I'm far from being frustrated, why do you ask me this?"
You could not help but chuckle when they had their brief conversation; you admired Khonshu for being an entity beyond comprehension, yet truly protecting those who helped him; you could always count on Khonshu to provide you with any assistance you needed.
Khonshu took a seat on the blanket, saying, "We all know you're the most frustrated person among us, Lockley."
As Jake was about to start an argument with his godly friend, he heard you squeak so loudly he thought his head would explode. "What the fuck, nena?"
With a hand gesture you pointed towards the closest bushes; Jake and Khonshu looked there as well.
There was a small and round wild rabbit peering out of the shrubs, its nose twitching continuously as it was observing the gathering carefully.
“A rabbit,” you whispered, barely moving your lips. “Oh my God, what a beautiful baby. Tsss-tssss, come here, little one,” you slowly leaned forward, reaching your hand out to the rabbit.
"Perfect, a fucking rabbit is what we need now," Jake said with a roll of the eyes.
"Shush!" As you hushed him, your tone grew a little angry; you didn't want to scare the rabbit away.
Khonshu mocked Lockley, "And who claimed to be a haven of peace just a moment ago? It's just a wild rabbit, and you've already got a problem."
“My apologies, Khonshu, but Y/N is a freak when it comes to sweet, little animals y ella quiere adoptar todos ellos y consentirlos con buena comida," Jake said with a frown.
"Shut up, both of you, I'm luring this little baby to us," you hissed.
Even though Jake hated being around animals because you immediately turned your attention away from him, he remained silent.
Observing your attempts to attract the rabbit closer, Khonshu chuckled deeply; he knew your purpose was to pet it. Whenever he observed humans, he was surprised by their nature and the things they found attractive, such as petting animals.
Soon, the rabbit hopped close enough to nose the blanket and plastic sandwich bag; after that, it sat on the blanket and sniffed your jeans.
“Oh my God, oh my God, it’s so close,” you whispered, feeling your heart beating faster with happiness and excitement.
“Nena, it’s just a wild rabbit,” Jake tried to explain, looking at you; he saw how narrowed your brows were as you slowly turned your head towards him - it indicated that you were growing angry with him, like never before, so he raised his hands in the air, shrugging his arms, silently apologizing to you.
As the rabbit raised its tiny head to gaze at you, you reached out a hand to touch its soft fur on the back, but the animal simply jumped into Jake's lap and soon started cleaning its tiny face.
The man froze and looked at you. "En serio, Y/N, ¿qué coño?"
Your mouth dropped open; you couldn't believe the rabbit had chosen Jake over you! Although Jake liked animals, he wasn't very emotional about them, so your surprise at seeing the wild rabbit curled up on his lap was even greater.
Khonshu chuckled lowly and said, "Well, well, Jake, if I had bet on Y/N touching the rabbit first, I would have lost my hand."
Angry and upset, you turned your head towards Khonshu and huffed angrily. "Shush, Khonshu."
This elicited a loud chuckle from the God of the Night Sky.
Jake began slowly petting the rabbit's back, risking being scratched by it; apparently, the animal enjoyed all the attention, as it rolled itself in a ball and twitched its nose as it observed the surrounding. “Pet it, Y/N,” Jake encouraged, giving you a brief glance. “Move your hand slowly.”
You frowned at his words at first, but soon followed his advice and began gently stroking the rabbit's back and head. "It has such soft fur!" You exclaimed. "Jake, will we be able to keep them?"
A frown crept across Jake's forehead. "¡De ninguna manera, nena!"
As you sighed loudly, you lowered your head.
Suddenly, you heard some noises in the bushes and soon a few more wild rabbits joined you.
You gasped loudly, looking around, as you hadn't expected anything like that to happen.
Bunnies had a variety of fur colors, from black to beige.
"When it comes to adopting a rabbit on Jake's lap, you need to consider getting them all, Y/N, it seems they're a family," Khonshu suggested as he reached for one of the sandwiches and pulled a piece of lettuce from it, offering it to the nearest rabbit with black fur who gladly accepted the treat; unfortunately, another rabbit hopped closer and took the lettuce directly from the black rabbit's mouth, chewing it quickly.
A few of the rabbits even allowed you to pet them without getting bitten, and it made you smile brightly. "What a day! It is such an honor to commune with nature in its purest, fluffiest form!" You exhaled, looking at both Khonshu and Jake.
As Khonshu held the rabbit in his hands and took a closer look at it, he nodded, remaining silent; the rabbit dangled motionless in Khonshu's hands for some longer moment, but soon started wriggling, trying to make its way free. Khonshu then put the bunny back on the grass. “I’m not going to hurt you, little, fluffy bug.”
Despite the many treats you gave them (apples and bananas you brought with you for picnic purposes), the bunnies soon became bored with you, and they hopped into the bushes, disappearing among the leaves.
You waved your hand farewell to your furry friends, yelling, "Bye, babies, stay safe! Oh, boy! It was so exciting and nice!"
"That was nice indeed. A little odd, but nice. I'd never seen wild rabbits so close to humans. Perhaps they had rabies?" Jake shrugged his shoulders casually.
Khonshu got up from his seat and improved his grip on his staff as he said, "If they had rabies, you'd be bitten by those little beasts already, Lockley."
You tilted your head, looking at Jake after eating your sandwich. "How can you say such a thing? Nothing odd about that, they were looking for friends, and they found us. I bet they sensed good vibes from me."
Lockley snorted loudly and shook his head in disbelief. “Would you mind if I reminded you that the first bunny chose me over you?"
You crossed your hands over your chest. "You're being cruel to me."
"Y/N, I'm just telling the truth."
"Stop arguing, kids," Khonshu said as he returned to the blanket. "The only way to make Y/N happy again is to get her a bunny."
Jake rolled his eyes, snorting louder. "There's no way I'll let a bag of bones and furry flesh roam around my apartment."
Making the cutest puppy eyes you could muster, you looked at your boyfriend; you knew Jake couldn't refuse them. “Baby, I promise I'll keep the flat tidy, and I'll care for the bunny, and I'll prevent it from destroying the walls and cords, and I'll feed it, so you won't have to worry!" You finally earned a loud groan from Jake after staring at him for a few minutes.
“Bien entonces, déjalo ser,” Jake sighed.
Immediately, you threw yourself on Jake's lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting kisses all over his face with a loud squeaks of happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best!"
As Khonshu observed the scene, he chuckled to himself.
"Te juro, vas a matarme un día de estos, estoy seguro,” Jake whispered deeply, giving you one of the tightest embraces you have ever experienced. “I love you, my little bunny.”

SPANISH TRANSLATIONS: Él está aquí con nosotros - he’s here with us
Gracias, cariño - thank you, sweetheart
Nena - babe
… y ella quiere adoptar todos ellos y consentirlos con buena comida - … and she wants to adopt all of them and spoil them with good food
En serio, Y/N, ¿qué coño? - seriously, Y/N, what the hell?
¡De ninguna manera, nena! - no way, babe!
Bien entonces, déjalo ser - well then, let it be
Te juro, vas a matarme un día de estos, estoy seguro - I swear, you're going to kill me one of these days, I'm sure

💘FLUFFEMBER🐑 Masterlist

🐼Hiya! 🐼 We are pleased to present you with our Fluffember 2022 Masterlist ♡
Essential information:
♡ the following post will serve as the masterlist for this event and will be updated with the links upon posting
♡ all works are SFW
♡ following the cut, you'll find the full list of the fics written for Fluffember 2022
Picnic [Moon Knight]
Stargazing [Vikings]
Dinner Cooking [The Hobbit]
Bed Sharing [Genshin Impact]
A Helpful Ally [Peaky Blinders]
The Emotional Reunion [Harry Potter]
A Little Nervous [Moon Knight]
Bad Hair Day [Genshin Impact]
A Rainy Night [Don't Worry Darling]