James Mcavoy X Reader - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

We Need to Talk

Pairing: James McAvoy x reader

Word Count: 904

The Request: Can I have one with James McAvoy where we’re dating and my best friend, Steven, is on a movie with him and after a couple of weeks he starts rumors that I am cheating on James but they’re not true. James believes them and we break up. One day, I am on the set (as a make-up artist) and James hears Steven say that it was all fake and he fights with him and I break them up and at home I clean his wounds and with a lot of fluff?

Warnings: N/A

A/N: Request for @anyfandomimaginex


“Y/n, we need to talk,” James’s voice told you over the phone, and you froze. In your experience, nobody ever used that phrase to say a good thing. Nervously, you replied.

“What is it, James?” you asked, trying to keep your voice level.

“What is it!? You dare ask me that question?” he was very obviously angry, and you didn’t know why. You felt like you were supposed to, though.

“Um... Yes. I don’t understand what your problem is. I’m sorry if I did something wrong, but tell me so I can fix it,” you mumbled into the receiver.

You could hear his scoff even from over the phone.

“You can’t fix this, I’m sorry. Your friend Steven told me that you’ve been cheating on me for a while now, and he has no reason to lie,” you could now hear a broken note in his voice, like he was holding back tears.

“We are over,” he declared and terminated the call. You just sat there, unable to comprehend what had happened, and you dialled James’s number again, hoping for an apology, a chance to let you explain that you were definitely not seeing another man, but he didn’t pick it up.

For the next couple of weeks, neither he nor Steven answered your calls or messages. You were both confused -because why would a man you’d known from school and called himself your best friend would do this to your relationship?- and determined to confront them both when you would be called on set for ‘Welcome to the Punch’, the action movie they were shooting.

When you finally were called on set as a make-up artist, you were relieved. You were finally going to have a chance to talk to James and Steven, demand explanations from the latter and ask the former if you could continue your relationship, because you’d been going strong for some while now and you loved him a lot.

You walked on set, hoping to catch sight of James first, so you could rush up to him and explain your side of the story, but you were unfortunate. Steven was there, and apparently he was waiting for you because he greeted you immediately.

“Oh, hello,” you huffed out a reluctant greeting and glared at him.

“Why so hostile?” Steven asked confidently as if he himself had done nothing wrong.

You were angry; extremely so. After two weeks of being unable to do something about the situation James, you had every right to be mad at the person responsible.

“Are you kidding me? What you told James about was absolutely awful and untrue!” you almost shouted at him.

The idiot just shrugged. “It was just some fun, sheesh. Why are you acting that way? I thought he’d have figured out by himself that you’d never cheat on him. Chill,” he said and you were about to reply with a string of curse words, but you were interrupted by a smooth, Scottish accent.

“Fun? You orchestrated all that for ‘fun’?” asked James’s incredulous voice from behind you. He quickly walked up to where you and Steven were standing and glared at the other man.

“That was unacceptable! You know I can get you fired, right? You’re not even important around here! You’re a waste of money and space,” James half-screamed at Steven. Even he had the good sense to look chastised by James’s fury.

“Do you have any idea what your stupid, moronic antics put both me and Y/n through?” James asked. “Fun,” he scoffed mockingly.

Steven didn’t say a thing to defend himself, but James was still angry. He launched himself at the other man, probably intending to land a punch or two, but Steven was quicker and punched him in the upper arm. You could see a small tear in the fabric of James’s shirt from where Steven’s hand had grabbed on tightly and pulled, and you thought you saw a bit of blood too. Steven was about to kick James when you stepped between them, glaring up at you old best friend and slapping him hard across the face, so hard that there was an angry red mark on his skin.

“Go,” you said authoritatively, and he did. Quickly, you turned to James.

“Let’s go to your hotel room, I can fix you up there and you can get another shirt, okay?” you asked him softly and mutely, he nodded.

The car ride there was silent but, once you were in the safety and silence of his room and you had dressed his small wound from where Steven’s fingernails had scraped his skin, he kissed you. Just like that, and out of the blue. You didn’t complain, instead kissing him back.

“I’m so sorry for believing that moron. It’s just... I thought he was your friend, and I didn’t think he’d be lying,” he sighed and grabbed hold of your hand.

“Will you forgive me for being stupid?” he asked, looking at you apologetically with his angelic blue eyes wide.

“I’ve already forgiven you,” you muttered in response, kissing him again. “I love you, and you know that,” you said with a soft smile.

“Me too,” he replied happily and hugged you tightly. “Thank you,” he said, “And I’m sorry for everything I put you through by refusing to listen,” he added.

“It’s all right, James,” you mumbled, kissing him. “I can’t stay mad at you for long.”

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8 years ago

Day Off

Pairing: James McAvoy x reader

Word Count: 565

The Request: Can I have another James McAvoy where we are both busy with work and stuff and one day we have a day off and we have a day together and it's all fluff.

Warnings: N/A

A/N: For @anyfandomimaginex, hope you like it!

Day Off

“So, I have a day off today,” James told you over breakfast with a grin, and you smiled back at him.

 “Finally, after so many months, so do I,” you said with an equally bright smile. You were happy because you hadn’t spent any quality time with the actor for over three months now. Your interactions were limited to goodnight kisses before, exhausted, you went to sleep and hurried texts during the day. It was logical to be excited that day and to want to spend it all together.

“Well,” he said, “I was thinking maybe we could cook together then have lunch, watch a movie now go for a walk later, when it’s dark outside?” he suggested, and you shrugged.

“Sure, but don’t we usually do the opposite? What’s the point of going out at night?” you asked.

“I want us to see the stars,” he replied with a smile, and you chuckled. Sometimes, he was so sweet and romantic, and you felt like you were falling for him all over again.

You cooked together, laughing at almost every step of the way as you both tried to follow the recipe. Soon, the house smelled deliciously like food and it was lunch time. The kitchen was quiet, void from words, as you ate, but you were looking at each other with your gaze so intense that it was almost as if you were speaking.  

After that, you watched the movie curled up next to James on the couch, his arm around your shoulders holding you close as you watched the screen and sneaked kisses in between bites of pop corn. When the movie was over, you just sat on the sofa and kissed him like there was no tomorrow for an hour or so.

“I think we’d better go soon if we want to be back before midnight,” he said eventually, reluctantly pulling away from your kisses.

You both grabbed your coats and put on your shoes before leaving the house. Immediately, he grabbed your hand with his and traced patterns on the back of your palm with his thumb. You walked and walked and walked, sometimes using the public transport to move quicker, talking about everything and anything, laughing and kissing, until you were far enough away from the lights of the city so you could see the night sky, endless and blue, stretching above you.

“That over there is Ursa Major,” James said, pointing up at a constellation that kind of looked like a kite. “It’s the only one I know how to recognise,” he added with a chuckle.

He continued looking up at the sky while you just stared at him, and when he commented on the beauty of the sky, you couldn’t help but kiss him softly, because he himself was so beautiful and his eyes were bluer than the sky itself, with just as many colours included. And he, unlike the sky, was there on the ground with you, and you were happy.

“I wish we had days like this more often,” you murmured, and he nodded.

“Yes, me too,” James said before leaning forward to capture your lips with his in a kiss that would make you miss him so much more the following days. It was a kiss that made you hungrier for more instead of satisfied. You loved him, and you loved spending time with him.

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8 years ago


Pairing: James McAvoy x reader

Word Count: 462

A/N: This is a request from @anyfandomwriter.  I hope you like it, and sorry for the delay. ^_^


"What is this!?" You were shocked, pointing at James's script as if it had offended you. Because it had. You knew what you had gotten yourself into when you decided to get together with an actor, and you knew the risks it included. You knew how your relationship was never going to be truly private or intimate; it never could be. You knew you had to trust James to never cheat on you or make you feel inferior to any of the actresses he had to pretend to be with on screen, but every time you saw him off screen with any of his co-actresses you couldn't stop a small stab of jealousy from making itself known in your gut. Now, though, it's different. You knew this day would probably come, but you could feel tears prickling the back of your eyelids. "I don't want you doing this film..." You admitted, perhaps a bit pathetically, looking down at your feel and shuffling nervously. "There is sex in it and I'm not sure... I'm mot sure I want you doing that on film. I love you and I know it's your job, but I can't watch you doing that in front of the whole world..." You mumbled. He frowned. "I know, but it's my job, as you said. It's ridiculous if you think that I would ever let this be more than just a job for me!" He fired back, crossing his arms over his chest. Sighing, you nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'm being ridiculous. Goodnight," you said sharply even though it was still just five in the afternoon and far too early for you to go to sleep. That didn't stop you from burying yourself under the covers though, calming up after a bit. It was a couple of hours later that James came in, looking apologetic and sitting down next to you, pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry for snapping at you," he muttered. "I shouldn't have done that." You shook your head at him. "No... I have to be the one to apologise. I overreacted, and that was something I shouldn't have done. Acting is your job and that's just part of it. I was aware of that when I chose to love you for who you are and your job is part of it. I'm sorry." You apologised, smiling up at him and cuddling closer to him on the bed, kissing him softly.  "I want you in my life. You make me so happy," you murmured, closing your eyes and leaning your head against his shoulder, curling up against his side. Despite the jealousy, you were both still there, and when he muttered 'I love you too' you suddenly didn't feel the little green monster of envy any more.

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2 years ago

We need more fanfiction of the following characters/celebs:

Dean Winchester x reader from Supernatural

Charles Xavier x reader from X-Men

Erik Lehnsherr x reader from X-Men

Robbie Turner x reader from Atonement

Beau Arlen x reader from Big Sky

Soldier boy x reader from The Boys

Wolverine x reader from X-Men

James McAvoy x reader

Hugh Jackman x (daughter) reader

Michael Fassbender x reader

Tony Stark x reader, preferably daughter!reader from Marvel-movies

Clint Barton x reader from Marvel-movies

Avengers x reader, any Avenger at all really.

Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) x reader from Fantastic Beasts

Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) x reader from Fantastic Beasts

Jack Dawson x reader, Titanic

Legolas x reader from Hobbit-movies and Lord of the Rings-movies

Aragorn x reader from Lord of the Rings-movies

Eomer x reader from Lord of the Rings-movies

Faramir x reader from Lord of the Rings-movies

Castiel x reader from Supernatural

LOTR/Hobbit characters x reader

Charlie Hudson x reader from Hudson & Rex

Lord Asriel x reader from His Dark Materials

Nick Ryan x reader from McLeod's daughters

Richard O'Connell x reader from The Mummy movies

Wade Wilson/Deadpool x reader from Deadpool-movies

Richard Castle x reader from Castle

Drover (Hugh Jackman) x reader from Australia

Ronan Keating x reader

Christian x reader from Moulin Rouge

Aidan Turner x reader and his characters x reader

James Bond (Daniel Craig) x reader

Bucky Barnes x reader

Steve Rogers x reader

Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader from Star Wars prequels and Obi-Wan Kenobi-series

Ewan McGregor x reader

Anakin Skywalker x reader from Star Wars prequels

Hayden Christensen x reader

Owen Grady x reader from Jurassic World

Bucky Barnes x reader from Marvel-movies

Sirius Black x reader from Harry Potter- movies

Cedric Diggory x reader from Harry Potter- movies

Draco Malfoy x reader from Harry Potter-movies

Indiana Jones x reader from Indiana Jones- movies

Cillian Murphy x reader

Tommy Shelby x reader from Peaky Blinders

Harry Goodman x daughter reader from Pokemon Detective Pikachu

Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x (daughter) reader from Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick

Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x (daughter) reader from Top Gun/ Top Gun: Maverick

Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader from Top Gun: Maverick

Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader from Top Gun: Maverick

Robin Hood/Robin of Loxley (Taron Egerton) x reader from Robin Hood

Rafe McCawley x reader from Pearl Harbor

Daniel "Danny" Walker x reader from Pearl Harbor

Eggsy Unwin x reader from the Kingsman-movies

I'll add here more as I remember more characters/celebs. I prefer character x female reader. The ones in bold need more fanfiction.

We Need More Fanfiction Of The Following Characters/celebs:

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