Jamie X Dani - Tumblr Posts
Hi! Can you write a Jamie x Dani morning sickness fluff fic?
YESSS BLY MANOR!!! Oh my god I could write essays about how much I love this show!! I'll write it as Dani being the one going thru it, bc honestly, I live for fics where Jamie helps Dani. Also I think that's what you meant (I hope! You can request again with the other way around if that's not it!) I don't have any experience with pregnancy (honestly kind of freaks me out), so I'm just gonna do... Dani sick... in the morning. Basically same plot minus the pregnancy! Hope that's ok
2AM (Who Do You Love?)

Ship: Jamie Taylor x Dani Clayton Word Count: 1k Description: Dani's ill. Jamie vehemently denies that it was her cooking from the night before that caused it. No Ghosts!AU Warnings: Explicit references to illness, and throwing up.
The bed's cold, and the sun hasn't come up yet. Even for up-at-the-crack-of-dawn Jamie, this was early. With a groan, she tosses over, pushing the sheets down enough to move freely. The red lights of her alarm clock stare back at her.
2:00am? Jesus.
Jamie pinches the bridge of her nose, exhaling heavily, and tossing back over. It wasn't a regular occurrence, having Dani up in the middle of the night. Not unless there was a nightmare involved. Given the light shining from the bathroom, Jamie could only infer that her girl would be back soon. Content, Jamie settles back down, shutting her eyes.
Then Jamie hears retching. An ugly kind of sound that travels over the tiles and into the bedroom. Her eyes shoot open, quickly brushing her hair out of her eyes. Jamie waits with bated breath. Watching. Listening. Again, the sound comes, followed by a half choked out sob. Sighing, she pulls back the covers of the bed and gets up, padding quietly to the bathroom door. She knocks.
"Poppins? You alright in there?"
Another retch. A soft cry.
"Right, I'm coming in." Jamie's hand meets the handle, pushing the door open slowly, careful not to knock her girlfriend. She spots her quickly, on the ground next to the toilet. The soft amber bathroom light shines off of the thine sheen of sweat across Dani's even paler skin.
"Oh, Poppins," Jamie coos, crouching down to Dani's level. She retches again, curling around the toilet. Quickly, Jamie gathers up her hair, and places her free hand on Dani's back. It was cool to the touch through her sleep shirt, despite the sweat. When Dani pulls away from the bowl of the toilet, shivering, the back of Jamie's hand touches her forehead. Also cold to the touch.
"Well, you don't have a fever. How're you feelin'?"
"Like shit," Dani whispers, voice raw. "But I think... that has passed. The throwing up."
Jamie nods, sitting down fully onto the tiled floor, leaning her back against the adjacent bathtub. Her arms snake around Dani's waist, gently pulling her backwards into her. Dani's head comes to a rest on Jamie's shoulder. A few hairs were slick against her forehead, which Jamie brushed away.
The pair sat like that for a while, Dani against Jamie, and Jamie against the tub. Jamie's warmth seeped into Dani, and slowly the shivers that periodically wracked her body stopped. Though still tense, she melted into Jamie's side.
"I'm sorry for waking you up."
"Don't be, Poppins. I'd rather be up than leave you in this state by yourself," Jamie whispered, pressing a kiss to Dani's hairline.
"Yea, but you have to be up in a few hours," Dani protested, trying to push herself up from Jamie's side. The latter moves with her, brow creasing.
"If you think I'm headin' into work with you like this, you're mad."
Dani frowns, looking at Jamie. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the exhaustion finally reaching her brain, but she teared up a little. Call her sentimental, but it was sweet.
"Have any idea what brought it on?"
"The vomiting, love."
Dani squeezes her eyes shut, nodding.
"Uh, I don't know. Haven't heard of anything going around- maybe it was your cooking?" Dani didn't really mean for it to come out sounding like a dig, but it did. Jamie took it in stride, bringing a hand up to her chest in mock hurt.
"Dani! You wound me!"
"No- that's not what I meant," Dani says, huffing a small laugh and pressing her hand to her face. "God, I'm so tired."
Jamie smiles, reaching forward to pull Dani forward into her arms again.
"Well, considering that I ate the same meal, and I haven't a thing wrong, I don't reckon it was that, Poppins."
Dani nods, humming in agreement. The still-energised part of her brain recalled back to when she was a teenager, rattled with stress. How her body would be wracked with tremors, and force her to the toilet for hours.
"Maybe it was stress?" she offers. There had been a lot going on as of late - with Flora and Miles getting ready to go back to school, the changing of seasons forcing Jamie to spend long hours in the garden. Makes sense.
"Maybe," Jamie muses, pulling away from Dani and leaving her leant against the tub. She stands up, walking briefly to the bedroom to get the glass Dani kept on her nightstand. She dumped the water into the sink, refilling it with fresh tap water.
"You hurting anywhere, love?" Jamie asks over her shoulder, already knowing the answer and reaching for the medicine cabinet. "Feel like you can stomach a couple of pills?"
Dani nodded, taking them gratefully. She works on taking them, while Jamie putters about. A cool cloth touches her forehead, making her flinch.
"Sorry, Poppins. Just figured you'd rather get the sweat off than shower. Do you want new bed clothes?"
A lot of it was a blur; the way that Jamie deftly moved around the space, meeting her needs, asking her what she wanted. If Dani weren't so tired, she'd find it incredibly attractive. By the time she's tucked into bed, with the bin in reach, the clock reads 3:34am. A small part of her still felt guilty.
"I'm sorry again, Jamie-"
"It's alright, Dani. Seriously. The garden isn't gonna die just because I don't show up one day. I can make up the work," Jamie says as she rounds the bed to her side, sliding in. Once settled, she takes Dani's hand - the best she can offer, as it's a bit hard to cuddle with someone who's sitting up. She presses a chaste kiss to the back of it.
"This is your body telling us that we need a short break, yea? Owen and Hannah can hold down the fort without it falling apart."
Dani nods, watching as Jamie settles down.
"Goodnight, Jamie."
"Goodnight, Poppins."
Hope you guys enjoyed!! Requests are open.

never forget that amelia was not expecting victoria to drop the plate and that she stayed in character and also said that this is just what she would do if she were to comfort someone in a situation like this and that the “oh baby, come here” line was unscripted and that this scene was improv and was also the last scene they shot together and i’m not mentally stable
just watched the haunting of bly manor and i’m sobbing
Iove this artist so much! Dani and Jamie are so cute!

we had a great good life in the jungle, my love and I