Jean Kirchstein Asks - Tumblr Posts
One- totally ship jean with armin... and two....

1.) Me too. 2.) I’m not at liberty to discuss who my parents are, but you are quite a good guesser. ((THANK))
Hey john are you dating someone*looks at you*

I am not
Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco. Marco.

What about Marco?
If you knew someone you didn't like was in the dorm room beside the one you had would you make love with Marco and Eren loudly to bother them ?

I would make love with them loudly anyways.
You randomly came up in my recommendations because I follow thealchemicfox. I still don't know who you are, but hi stranger who I don't know!

((I was trying to come up with something witty to say, but I’m kinda freaking out that I was recommended because you follow thealchemicfox...she’s so cool and such a good cosplayer and an inspiration for cosplay and...(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ))

Good morning ~ I just wanted to let you all know that I'm in college now!!! That being said, I can really only come on to answer asks if I have a TON, considering I don't have as much free time as I used to. So PLEASE fill up my inbox so I can answer asks as soon as possible 💖 Thank you all so much for sticking around!!
I think I'm in love with my friend, but I feel like if I tell her it'll ruin our friendship. What do I do?😩😰

I know it’s scary, but you also don’t want to miss out on something that could turn out really well! I have no clue what will happen, so I can’t be held responsible, but I say go for it!! ((I’m in college so this is my new setup!! Lighting isn’t as good as my room back home, but it’ll do))
If you had to choose between Marco and Mikasa , who would you choose?

HAHA Marco.
Oh ok then thats weird i am single one of kind

You smooth talker you. I’m a man who enjoys good pick-up lines, so maybe if you throw one of those my way, I might be available ;)
Hello sir! I wanna know if you have hairy legs or you shave them lol

Why don’t you find out for yourself good sir? ((I shave them but I’m lazy so it could go either way))
If you could choose a horse from Disney movies as partner, which one will you choose? (there's a lot of horses.. like Khan from Mulan, or Tangled, The Sleepy beauty, etc etc)

A compelling question. Other than myself, I would say Pegasus from Hercules.

That’s-a me
Have you done the do with Levi? *Makes Lenny Face*

Depends on who you ask. I say yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Does Levi spray people with cleaning fluid when they do a bad job 😂

Yes, but it makes for some pretty steamy wet t-shirt contests, particularly with Jaeger
Ey, loser. Keep trying with Mikasa man! You're a great guy and she's... well, amazin' (but if she seriously won't take you... there's always Yeager *winks*).

Thanks for the vote of confidence man!!! But don’t worry, you’ve got the right idea, I’ve got plenty of men to fall back on if Mikasa doesn’t work.
Have you ever considered nude cosplay? You definitely have the body for it.

((I’m sure you had no ill intentions with this, but 1.) You’ve never seen my body, so you have no idea if I have the body for it, you’ve just seen my face and 2.) I hope people enjoy my cosplays enough that I don’t have to take my clothes off for attention. Thank you for the suggestion sir, but I must politely decline and ask you to never mention something of the sort again.))
That eyeliner is on point.

Isn’t it always ~ ((THANK YOU THAT”S VERY KIND))

I’m sorry friend, feeling bleh is very shitty and bleh. Jean loves you though and hopes that you feel better soon!!! Let me know if I can help in any way.
Bed, Wed, Behead. Marco, Levi, Mikasa.

Hoo boy, that’s a tough one. Definitely wed to Marco...Mikasa bed and Levi bedhead??? Idk man,,, I just can’t get,,, bedhead Levi,,,, out of my mind now,,,,,, so hot,,,,,
I'm that asshole that will send in asks once you start posting. I am very sorry...

((NO THAT IS TOTALLY NOT AN ASSHOLE MOVE!!!! This goes for everyone, if you see me posting, that means I am ONLINE and ready to answer asks, so PLEASE send me tons of them if you see me on here!!! It means I can stay on for longer and give you more content!!! Thank you for sending in asks anon!!!