Joan And Talyn - Tumblr Posts
I might need some time to articulate a full and heartfelt opinion piece about this video, but for now I just want to recommend it to everyone (whether you've seen Steven Universe or not).
I wish THIS is what we'd see nowadays on TV.
@thatsthat24 thank you, for your truly special work. It's one of the few things, that give me hope nowadays. I am so thankful for these videos.♡
Also a great thanks to all the other actors involved (@thejoanglebook stood out particulary to me, it was incredible!) and to all the people working behind the scenes to make this possible (@tallykat3 ).♡♡
I hope this will give more people the chance to maybe try out therapy and to help lift the stigma that exists around therapy!
NEW VID: “What STEVEN UNIVERSE Teaches Us About Relationships – Cartoon Therapy” Hope you enjoy this NEW scripted series!!
Sander Sides Role Play
so i have a sander sides RP and have well all the sides in the RP and well Thomas! but now we are looking for someone to play Joan and Talyn! if anyone would like to join as one of these roles then please PM me!

Thomas Said that Joan and Talyn have helped soo much with Sanders Sides, so I drew them BECAUSE THEY BOTH NEED TO BE APPRECIATED MORE!! +I couldn’t choose which picture to draw so swipe for the inspiration. @thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3 ~ ~ Time Take: 1hour 23 min Tags:
Bats are
cute little
puppy baby
dogs - Talyn 2018