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The DW Clothing Thing

So I remember reading that with the 10th Doctor when he went back in time his suit was one color and it was another when in the present or future. Same for 11th. I'm sure they probably did this in some way with Capaldi's 12th Doctor but I'm more familiar with people talking about 10's suits and 11's bow ties.

But guys

It's happening again

With 13!! She has her own color change with time travel!

For example:

Present/future (unable to give exact episode cause of lack of context)

But she has on the iconic blue shirt with stripes seen in the outfit reveal in Jodi Whittaker's first episode this season

The DW Clothing Thing


In Rosa, the first episode where The Doctor and her companions have traveled back in time she is in the same shirt with stripes but in red

The DW Clothing Thing

Nobody else probably cares and 70 other Whovians have probably already noticed but regardless I'm in love ❤️

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"None of us know for sure what's out there. That's why we keep looking. Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe will surprise you."

The Thirteenth Doctor, Series 11 finale

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