John Kayano - Tumblr Posts
my twitter has no reach but i need the world to see this. Okay. so mikotos 7th interrogation question, i noticed some odd details about the handwriting and was like "hey did john write this". but that was quickly disproved with questions 8 and 9 releasing

because johns handwriting is Vastly different from mikotos. however i still see enough details in question 7 to say it might not be mikoto

q7 handwriting looks sloppy and rushed, even compared to the recent decline in mikotos handwriting, especially in the dakuten marks. they look jabbed into the paper while mikotos are always deliberate lines even when hes struggling
mikotos handwriting slants more to the left while q7 has a right slant
mikoto refers to himself with boku in kanji but as far as ive been made aware other alters dont
so if john didnt write this and its possible mikoto didnt either. midokoto appearance question mark?

Day 212 - Guilt.

『milgram』 0909.
mikoto and his buddy john.
artist notes:
when john is fronting, his eyes are a lot warmer/red and the eyebags are more visible. his hair is also very messy in comparison to mikoto's, and the ahoge is brushed aside.

Day 175 - Happy Hanukkah from the Kayanos!!

"if i had stayed a monster… maybe that would be better. right?"
a fine november evening. numb dissociation
【Short Theory】 The Kayano System and Es are more connected than we think.
This is sorta in the same situation as the Jackalope one. I'm sorta stuck, so this is just food for thought. Not a serious theory. I was planning on uploading the hallucination stuff, but I just moved out of my dorm and my computer is still in it's box. So I'll so that some time this week.
I took some of this from one of the FOOL's MATE slides that are before the introduction of Mikoto's alters, so sorry if the wording seems strange.
They have a lot of strange similarities and John is the only “prisoner” that can physically effect Es in any way.
Both have a form of amnesia.
They both are based on the foundation of “Authority”.
They both use multiple pronouns but their main pronouns are 僕/Boku. Es’ secondary pronoun is 僕たち/Bokutachi (we) and John's is 俺/Ore.
They are both multiple people in different ways. I don't know how to word this any better.
Hard, dedicated workers
They look similar but different enough that they could be related.