Mikoposting - Tumblr Posts
saw someone post a stitch together of a pan in one of the MVs and remembered I did a lot but forgot to post them so here they are

Note how some images have editing and stuff or weird cut off lines due to changes in lighting or the background moving differently or whatever but I tried to beat to make it smooth
edit: thought people may wonder, you’re free to use these they’re just simple edits
i envy ppl who can provide deep analysis about their favorite media and/or characters b/c whenever i like something a lot it looks like:

the prophesied Assorted Doodle Post

I made more Mikoto Danganronpa sprites + 1 Fuuta. Some people suggested Ultimate Graphic Designer for Mikoto, which seems more appropriate for him (he literally has a graphic on his shirt). Since Ultimates are at the top of their field, Mikoto must have been so proud of himself (he probably has that independent company he dreamed of). It's so sad that he's in the killing game prison now.
I saw candyckirby's post suggesting what Ultimates everyone would have, and I think they're all interesting choices. I think Fuuta would specifically be the Ultimate Gaming Influencer, and the rest of the Dark Triad would be the other influencers he makes content with. He still does his cyberbullying on the side.
I feel like if Mikoto were to become blackened, his situation would probably be that someone plotted to kill him and John killed them to protect him. I just have this image in my head of John being so distressed when he gets exposed because Mikoto is going to die. He's not concerned about himself, only Mikoto, and he desperately pleads with everyone that it shouldn't count because Mikoto himself didn't do the murder. Jackalope isn't convinced, so he gets executed anyway.
my twitter has no reach but i need the world to see this. Okay. so mikotos 7th interrogation question, i noticed some odd details about the handwriting and was like "hey did john write this". but that was quickly disproved with questions 8 and 9 releasing

because johns handwriting is Vastly different from mikotos. however i still see enough details in question 7 to say it might not be mikoto

q7 handwriting looks sloppy and rushed, even compared to the recent decline in mikotos handwriting, especially in the dakuten marks. they look jabbed into the paper while mikotos are always deliberate lines even when hes struggling
mikotos handwriting slants more to the left while q7 has a right slant
mikoto refers to himself with boku in kanji but as far as ive been made aware other alters dont
so if john didnt write this and its possible mikoto didnt either. midokoto appearance question mark?
Trial 1 Song of the Prisoners

I was studying older milgram videos cuz of something and I found the transition here interesting. “Ojisan won’t go violent/outta control now” but emphasizes “ojisan is” and “VIOLENT VIOLENT VIOLENT”

“You’d understand, if you’re a human” Aka anyone who disagrees w/ her is not a human to her. Her shape is labeled “to humans”

Mahiru is "Might DIE.... DEATH" If she’s a menhera I could imagine that’s what she says to her bfs if they don’t give her love or attention (Sui Baiting)

Futa's one of my favorites since his line roughly translates to "I found a bad/evil person" but the "bad/evil" label is on his character silhouette.

Shidou is both genius and hilarious. "I am hopeful..." -> "For a death sentence" x 3. Bro wants it so bad.

Baby Amane deserves better. “I think you are the one in the wrong” but the “wrong” is labeled on her! She also has jail bars imagery.

Muu is just saying "You are mean."

Mikoto is, "What did I?", "What Crime?"
He's saying "I really don't know what sins I've committed." But they're making use of words to reveal things about the character by putting them in char silhouettes or around them, etc.
The phrase 僕は一体 in isolation means unity/one body. It technically means "I am." From a philosophical standpoint "I think therefore I am" and the meaning of "I am." Repeating it multiple times adds foreshadowing to his DID.

“It felt so warm” “warm warm warm”
Someone give Yuno a heater.

"I'm sorry, I'm a baka" Baka on his character silhouette.
OK new game. Use this website to see how common your first name is, and then put that number in the tags.
EDIT: This isn’t my website, so I can’t say how accurate it is. It’s just a fun tool to play around with. Sorry if your name doesn’t show up! :[

happy 4 years of not posting sylvix
(least embarrassing 4 years ago sylvix)

!! if you like !! : !! try this !! :

thoughts on futa's door and the tunnel in backdraft

boy we have got to talk about this boy
To elaborate more on what this could mean, i think it could have something to do with the fact that futa felt himself part of his friendgroup (the team) because of all the things he did with them together (playing for the team) but they never really saw him as one of them nor did they care (he was barely substitute). It makes sense even looking at his outfit, soccer /players/ don't really dress like that on the field. The substitutes on the bench do

Backdraft constantly plays into his lack of belonging, even though all of his actions come from his own sense of belonging to the group. It wasn't reciprocated
Him entering a soccer stadium in substitute-like clothing but ending up in a dangerous, dark, neverending underground tunnel just further showcases how much he was NOT meant to reach the field with the rest of the team.

milgram but every time any of them say why you hear mikoto saying nande in the background as well
Stitch togethers from MVs which apparently took me forever to post

Ok soooo apparently the last stitch togethers I posted were back in November and by the way I had made these months ago and for whatever reason I never posted them???? I still have more so ok here’s the edits I never posted
Original stitch togethers under the cut in case you haven’t seen them

thoughts on futa's door and the tunnel in backdraft

boy we have got to talk about this boy
To elaborate more on what this could mean, i think it could have something to do with the fact that futa felt himself part of his friendgroup (the team) because of all the things he did with them together (playing for the team) but they never really saw him as one of them nor did they care (he was barely substitute). It makes sense even looking at his outfit, soccer /players/ don't really dress like that on the field. The substitutes on the bench do

Backdraft constantly plays into his lack of belonging, even though all of his actions come from his own sense of belonging to the group. It wasn't reciprocated
Him entering a soccer stadium in substitute-like clothing but ending up in a dangerous, dark, neverending underground tunnel just further showcases how much he was NOT meant to reach the field with the rest of the team.