Johnny Depp Is A Survivor - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Johnny Depp and The Tragedy Of Male Abuse Victims
If our culture is impervious to the idea of male abuse victims, then that culture needs to change.

"Female abusers are not “imperfect victims”. Evidence has revealed that Heard abused Depp, her former wife and her sister. When will we cease heralding serial abusers masquerading as abuse victims? This trial mustn’t be seen as the “downfall” for the #METOO. Instead it should now pave the way for the movement to open up to male victims. If our culture is impervious to the idea of male abuse victims, then that culture needs to change."

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2 years ago

For those of you who don’t know, Incredibly Average is live streaming the first part of Ambuser’s full 7 hour 2016 deposition rn 👀🍵

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2 years ago

I legit almost puked when Gayle King’s stupid ass said she has a lot of ppl backing her and doesn’t deserve to be “vilified” 🙄 but when the REAL victim was the one getting slaughtered online and losing movie roles based on unproven accusations the MSM was mute. Funny how that works.

No, I don’t feel bad about AH’s targeted harassment because Johnny has been targeted harassed for 6 years based on lies.

She’s getting what she deserves.

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2 years ago

The only thing that’s “turning” are the gears in the MSM and 💩 stans heads trying to come up with ways to fool the general public into thinking Johnny’s the one slowly sinking into the abyss and not Ambuser 🤡 all this fake reporting about ppl “quietly unliking/retracting their support” in the wake of the unsealed documents (which they must’ve read in some alternate universe to think they’re more damning to Johnny than to Ambuser) is so transparent it’s laughable. I haven’t seen a single person citing the “bombshell revelations” in the pre trial documents who actually includes Johnny’s responses to anything. They just report whatever bs Ambuser/Elame said in the docs as if it somehow constitutes proven facts.

If the “tides are turning” in Amber Heard’s favor, then why hadn’t Warner Bros. publicly released a statement saying restored all her scenes in Aquaman 2? No to mention, that further slashed her scenes from the reported 10 minutes to now an abysmal 2 minutes? Not to also mention, she personally said she was fired (and rehired to finish the movie with no further contract, so she’s fired) from the film. 

Why hadn’t we seen anything from L’Oreal? She still has a contract with them and she’s still in the hot market, so if the “tides were turning” then why we haven’t see any marketing with her in it?

If celebrities and influencers are “distancing” themselves from their support of Johnny, then why hasn’t it transferred to Amber Heard? Also, if more people are “supporting” her, then why has follower count on IG has gone down since the unsealing?

These are the questions y’all should be asking.

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2 years ago

Johnny Depp stood up for himself and also for every victim, every survivor of domestic violence. He’s healing, happy and glowing and I am so beyond proud of him.

My strength and my hero ♡

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2 years ago

in this house we love Johnny Depp

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2 years ago

John C. Depp II in Savage x Fenty Vol. 4 Promo Video via Johnny Depp (@.johnnydepp IG)

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2 years ago

also if you support Amber Heard fucking block me because I can’t actually believe people support her like did we WATCH the same trial for FUCKS sake

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1 year ago

Another braindead radfem JD hater for the block list. He was the victim and his FEMALE partner was the abuser, hence why he won. Build a bridge and get over it 🥱

Radfems are more obsessed with breasts than they think men are.

Radfems are weirdly obsessed femininity and women that’s honestly borders on predatorial.

It’s actually very uncomfortable to witness, and this is coming from someone who eat pussy like their last meal.

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1 year ago

I Can Only Imagine The Utter Relief Johnny Must Have Felt In This Very Moment. Thank You Josh Richman (Iambobbylondon) For Sharing This Beautiful Moment 🥺🤍

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1 year ago

More support for victims of Abuse by Amber Heard supporters! But in all seriousness, you don't have to be a good person to be a victim of abuse. Sure, having a pattern of lying/abusing others disseminates your credibility. One of the main arguments used by people who support Heard is that perfect victims don't exist (which I completely agree with actually). But yet, when the time comes to show support to a victim who was a literal child. His abuser/ a celebrity sensually harrased and used her influence to silence and torment him. You do the same thing that you claim was done to Amber. I have never supported Amber, but not once have I mocked her or believed her to be deserving of inhuman treatment and mocking. You can not claim to care about victims of abuse and then abuse and belittle others. While I don't agree with what said and there were certainly better ways to support Johhny. (Adding to the hate towards her when we should simply focus on the facts and case). This doesn't take away from the fact he was abused and taken advantage of as a literal child. Not to mention the harassment and juvenile behavior from Amber heard supporters shown yet again.

More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To
More Support For Victims Of Abuse By Amber Heard Supporters! But In All Seriousness, You Don't Have To

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1 year ago

Amber Turd stans can no longer spread lies about Johnny because of X's community notes that will immediately flag it as fake 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Amber Turd Stans Can No Longer Spread Lies About Johnny Because Of X's Community Notes That Will Immediately

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