Jon Ossoff - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

On The Campaign Trail

Growing up in Georgia, you had felt as though your voice was unheard. Politically, all you had ever known was Republican. Your parents had always voted red, and that was the way that you were always taught to vote as well. In 2020, when the pandemic hit, and you were sent home from college, you had to return to your conservative household, far from the more accepting and understanding friends you had made at school.

Your parents didn't know that you were gay, and they never will. If you told them, you'd be disowned. You had explored a bit during the fall semester and had come to accept yourself, but you knew that your family would never understand, so you kept it quiet. You were just another conservative teen, sent to college and "indoctrinated."

One night, at family dinner, while saying grace, your mother blurted out "And thank you lord for Donald Trump. We know under his eye, those pesky queers won't know what hit 'em." You were stunned. Obviously, they didn't know you were gay, but somehow it still felt targeted. You stood up and pushed your chair back so aggressively it shook the silverware and dishes on the table. You turned to storm toward your room. "You come back here, boy" your father yelled behind you but you were already gone. Slamming your door behind you, you launched face-first into your bed.

I wish I could make a difference in Georgia.

Almost as if on cue, you felt an intense tingling coming from your feet. Lifting yourself off of your face and turning yourself toward your feet, you shuddered with a strange pleasure. Kicking off your well-worn sneakers, you felt your feet stretching within your socks. Peeling them off, you noticed black tufts of hair on the tops of your toes. Your toes stretched further along the floor, as the dark hair trickled up your legs, which lengthened and toned. Soon your legs were covered with a dark forest of black hair. Your thighs stretched next, also becoming entranced with this new hair, but disappearing under your gym shorts. The muscle in your thighs stretched outward and around to your ass, lifting you on your mattress. You felt the jungle of hair spread around your buttocks and into your genital area. The hair trickled up your midriff and swirled around your nipples, which pushed out into lean pecs. The hair snaked its way into your armpits, which became a dense forest of sweaty dark hair, peeking out from the arms of your t-shirt. Your arms were next, lengthening and becoming covered in this same hair. Only as the hair reached the tops of your hands, which began to stretch and thicken, becoming manly paws, did you realize you had become entranced with your transformation. Realizing what was happening, you began to panic until you felt your gym shorts heat up. Pleasure began to emanate from your crotch as the fabric began to thicken. Your cock stretched and thickened, rubbing against the jean fabric that your shorts were becoming. The jeans stretched down, massaging your new sinewy legs, tapering off just above your large feet, which now donned dark leather dress shoes. The heat in your crotch continued. As you moaned in pleasure, your Adam's apple swelled in your throat, deepening your voice into a sultry, yet commanding tone. Your t-shirt began to shift as well, with a red, white, and blue pattern emerging, and the sleeves stretching down your new long arms. Buttons began to push their way out of your shirt, and a collar emerged from the top, rubbing the dark stubble emerging from your neck and jawline. Finally, the pleasure in your crotch reached an apex as you orgasmed into your new jeans.

You took a moment to recompose yourself. You had never experienced such pleasure. The only thing better would be the feeling when you are finally elected to the U.S. Senate. Looking in the mirror, you styled your hair, gave an approving smile to yourself, and stepped through the house and out onto the street. Where your supporters were waiting on the street for your rally. As you saw all of their signs bearing your name, you knew that you were part of something bigger than just you. Jon Ossoff, you are about to make a difference in Georgia.

On The Campaign Trail

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