Jon Snow X Y/n - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.
Chapter 16:
“Have you seen him?” I shake my head. Gris was seated on the patio of the balcony. Millions of things are floating in my head unable to take their place. Gris doesn’t want the crown. Father is unable to hold the crown. The people wouldn’t want him or trust him in that position again. The guards are mostly on our side but they still need a ruler. I can’t force Gris to stay here. I need to figure out the correct person to take charge. I need to figure out what to do with my father. I need to go back and get Stella, Gemma and the baby. Where is Stella going to stay? I flinch feeling an arm around my shoulders. “Everything will fall into place, don’t stress your head too much” He pulls away with a smile. “It's already big enough, we don’t want it to explode” I push him off further away.
“Okay. Lets see if you are right” I walked out not even knowing where my legs were taking me. But I can tell you with each step I took breathing was harder. The stone hallways were cold and dark no matter the torches. I came to an end and turned left. A hold in my steps. “What piece of the puzzle are you supposed to fill?” No matter if I was about to break down to my knees, seeing those eyes did give me some hope. “Isn’t it too hot for you here?” I reach to him and kneel down to wrap him up in my arms.
“Ghost!” Gris stops with his hands in the air as Ghost takes a protective stand. “He's okay” I slid my hand against his fur. He scoffs at my brother before turning to back up.
“What is it doing all the way here?” I am asking myself the same question. There is no way Jon is here.
“I don’t know how but I know what I need to do” I continue my walk to the main floor. “Iter” The Dothraki turns around to face me. The rest of the dothraki that stayed were on his orders. “We need to talk” I led him to the map room. “I know our actions weren’t pleasant-” he stood up holding out his hand to stop talking. I don’t take it as a disrespectful gesture as most dothraki don’t eithier.
“I will respect the treaty that has held us together for years. You freed us, as long as we don’t attack eachother there is no need for a war to continue” I smile.
“Very well. You are free to go”
“May life continue Princess” The guard opened the door and closed it behind him.
“I see you got comfortable” I laugh seeing Ghost with silk covering his fur. The warm weather would have killed him if he stayed any longer with protection. “Let's go take care of the rest before anyone gets more ideas” He lazly ets up following me out.
“Your grace” a guard comes up. “People have packed up outside the gates” His eyes were filled with worry.
“Let them in” He seemed unsure but he continued his orders. I walk up to the balcony and see the gates open. Loud with chatter they come up filling the main floor. “I know you all have questions!” I scream but they continue on speaking. “SILENCE!” The hold on the rail became stronger. “I know you all have questions and I will not be able to answer every single one!” I could hear groans. “The King will not take the throne. The Dothraki are to always be welcome. I can’t not bring the injustice to nothing but I will do everything and continue to try to make it right to everyone in the city. I know it's not much but with my actions I hope to become the leader you need and want.” The crowd was silent. Many looking at eachother for answers and others not moving their eyes away from my stand.
“MAY LIFE CONTINUE!” Once one started the rest followed. “MAY LIFE CONTINUE!” They Chatted “MAY LIFE CONTINUE OUR QUEEN!” I felt a sting in my heart but a smile on my face. “OUR QUEEN!” This is the right thing to do. I step away from their eyes.
“Get a ship ready for a month long trip” The guard nods.
“Yes your grace” He bows and leaves.
“Sister!” I stopped abruptly infront of the door as it was pulled open. “I heard congratulations are in order” I shake my head and continue to walk.
“No. Since you are up and walking just fine I need you to sail” I look over to the guards following. “Tell all the council a meeting will be held immediately in the round room”
“Yes your grace”
“Going to dismiss all of them” I roll my eyes at his comment. It is true and not well hidden that I hate the council but politically speaking they have kept Omnis running smoothly until father gave them the impression of power is everything.
“If it comes to it, I will” I move into the stables and see horses being prepared. “Father has truly strong ideas but not the right ones. If they still stand with him I will have no choice but to see them out”
“Can’t they wait until I see what things you do to them?” He takes hold of the reins.
“I need you to bring them home. If they lost the fight, Winterfell is not safe for them.”
“I know you have responsibilities now but don’t you think you need to be there too?” I shake my head.
“This is what I need to do now. It breaks me to not go or not being there to see the result but I know my place now and its here. I feel like if I don’t finish this first I will never know what is next”
“I think you have always known what is next. You know deep down what you want but you have so many things holding you back, you just don’t want to disappoint anyone” He climbed onto his horse.
“I am a very patient person brother”
“Life doesn’t wait for anyone sister” I laugh nodding my head but not in agreement.
“I am not asking life to wait” I bid him goodbyes and safe travels and see him off. Riders behind him I walk back into the castle.
“They are all ready, your grace” The guard opens the door and I see the 3 counselors
standing up as I walk around the table.
“Please sit. Counselor Ols, Counselor Green, and Counselor Crone thank you all for coming in a sharp matter of time”
“Well when a princess calls you must come at command” I gave Ols a gentle laugh although his comment was unnecessary. Yes I have not been crowned and I don’t demand a change of name but I know the only reason he does not refer to me as queen is because he never liked the idea of me. Women to him are just property. He has been longer on my fathers side. He is a character but his advice is one of the most that has pushed us forward.
“You must have important things at hand, let's not prolong this meeting” Although his words cut Ols off and his death stare towards me was trying to be hidden by a weak smile I know he was the one who least hated me and what I did. He was a reasonable man. A man who rolled with the flow.
“Yes. I am quite curious as to why this meeting is being held is such quick notice” Crone was the least miserable of the three. He reminded me so much of my father. Hiding his sadness behind all that fake happiness. Yet I know although the outside world wasn’t aware his life was full of disappointments, we knew the truth.
“Yes of course. Questions will be answered at their given time. Let's make this quick. You all know what my father's plans were. I tried to be reasonable to a man who was in pain but he took no look at my reasons. I am not condoning or agreeing but I understand why he did what he did.” I sit down on what used to be my fathers chair. “Point being, my father will not continue on the throne. I have addressed the people of Omnis and upon their approval I will rule. Dothraki and the set agreement is still in place.”
“They will-” I cut counselor Crone off
“There is no but in that statement. I thank your years of counseling but this will be the way of things until I ask for your opinion. I dare no disrespect but if you choose to leave that is up to you.” Crone sits down. “Questions?” They look between eachother before setting on Green.
“What will happen to your father?”
“He is to stay under watchfull eyes until told otherwise. If you choose an audience that will kindly be provided.”
“Your plan is to stay on the throne but what about the people who vote on pureblood?” he stood his ground. But I knew his tension wasn’t about hatred towards me but truly towards what could happen in the following weeks.
“I will make it clear that I am not here to stay. Never was my aim. At this time Grisill is traveling to return Stella to Omnis. She will shadow me as I did father. She is the true heir to the throne and once she is ready I will step back.”
“What happens if she isn’t voted?” Ols adds.
“We will do what has been done before father. Place the crown on the one who has. Counselor Green.” I turned back to him. “Make arrangements to have me presented on each end. I must visit each land to make sure my words get across with understanding”
“A coronation has always been enough”
“There will be no coronation. The title doesn’t belong to me, I am merely stepping in the short term.”
“Very well” Green stands and so does the other two. “I will stop by once everything is organized.Can I add something to this?” I look up at him and nod. “I spoke to your mother about this once. She always hoped you would sit on the throne and be crowned infront of Omnis. You came up, very young and stood your ground. Said you only wanted to be happy” I don’t remember. “The only way you could be happy is with them. She asked if you cared about her happiness and proceeded to say that she would be the happiest if one day you were crowned queen.” Green turned his whole body over to me and walked closer. “Something died in you that day. At the age of 6 and with a smile on your face you turned around and walked away. Following your father since that day I always knew that little girl would never come back. You were a mold.” My eyes started to sting but I knew I could never show it. He stood up straight and with a sigh he said, “I guess I was wrong. That little girl kept fighting, maybe that's what your father saw in you, even when you plead that you will never be ready. He taught you the best of him and you inherited what he loved in your mother.” I stood up as the guard opened up the doors and they walked out, but there was no time to stop and think my legs ran out as soon as I heard a howl. I look around following the noise. Grabbed the closet horse and rode towards the wood. I could distigusih Ghost fur through the browns, greens and all the summer colors around us.
“Ghost” In the middle of everything he stops. I mount off and run towards him.

Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.
Chapter 17:
Ghost lays down probably over the whole situation. While my hands were shaking and my head spinning I tried to open my mouth. “My Queen, you need us to arrest this man?” I look back and there were 2 guardsmen there.
“No. Leave us, go back to the castle”
“Yes your grace” My gaze fell to the ground. I took a deep breath breaking down in my minute what I needed to get out before anything else happened.
“Queen?” I turn to him and give him a small shrug.
“Not officially. Just filling in until Stella is old enough.” I walk closer to him. He was close enough that I could feel the warmth radiating from him even in the summer weather. He had gotten rid of his fur but the leather armour is still on. “Or maybe if someone kills me” I let out a chuckle which only covered the tears that were threatening to come out. “Some people will fight it” How can anxiety fill me up so quickly? “ I know for a fact one of the council members will” That's when I feel his hand on my chin and he lifts it up so we are looking eye to eye. “I don’t want any of this and I don’t know what I am trying to prove anymore” Looking into his brown eyes only made me feel vulnerable in his presence. I look away but am pulled back to him.
“You don’t need to have all the answers, just a goal.”
“But what goal is that? Place Stella in the throne? Give Omnis the ruler they deserve? Give into every request to make them happy? You know they want to sentence my father to death?! I can’t do that. I can’t stand infront of everyone especially Gris and Stella and pretend I know what I am doing because I don’t!” My heart was speeding up.
“You are a natural leader. I know it can be sufficating but you have to remember who you are doing this for.” Then it hit me. His words and what Bran told me the day I left. I hadn’t gotten the chance to stop and think about it but the signs were there. It has been a month and nothing. “If anyone can deal under pressure is you” I took a second to just look at him. He was here. How was he here? Well I have an idea on how but, how? And why? What happened at Kings Landing? “Can you get out of that little head of yours?” I playfully hit his chest.
“Shut up. I didn’t know what I want to know first” One hand drops down and wraps around me to pull us closer.
“You know what I want to know?” The other hand moves my hair away and pulls my face closer. “Did you miss me?” I stare blankly at his grin. Of course I missed him. I thought about him all night and day. Whether he had survived Cersei. I know for a fact he would have told Daenerys about his true heritage and she probably didn’t take it lightly. I wished and prayed for him to be saafe and in no harm's way. Hoped for the day I will see him again. Hold him again “Am just going to kiss you already” And what a kiss it was. My arms finally wrapped around him. A part of me was scared that if I touched him he might not have been real. Maybe a part of my imagination. But he was truly here. His lips moved in sync with mine. I tangled my hands in his hair. “So you did miss me?” I roll my eyes pulling backwards towards the trees.
“Can you just kiss me again?” I didn’t wait for an answer and pulled him in. My back hits the tree and a moan leaves my mouth. His lips move over my jaw and down my neck. “It's hot. I think you should get rid of all this leather”
“I agree, it's hot even for this silk” I looked down and my knees buckled seeing the sight of his hand wrapping my clothing in his fist pulling on it.
“I agree.” He pulls me up straight as I gain the strength back on my legs. I pull the clips out and his armour falls. The cotten white undershirt caused another issue for me. I caress his chest slowly untying it. I felt his quicken heart and my movement stopped. “Jon” he picks up his head to look at me. His smile dropped at my whisper tone. “Its no you and I anymore”
“What?” A smile appeared on my face. It was probably a bad time to bring it up but I needed him to know. What if he has other feelings about it? I want to be able to walk away with nothing but his loving memory in Westoros. I wouldn’t bear losing him after I lose myself with him again.
“I’m pregnant” I looked into his eyes for any sign of life but no emotion was there. I realize he wasn’t looking at me but a haze was probably blocking his eyes. I ignored every question and doubt to fill my thoughts. I needed to give him some time to think. I ball my hand and move it away.
“No” He catches my wrist. Pulling my hand gently so it finds his shoulder just like the other and as soon as he lets go he pulls me closer into a hug. “Bran told me to come find you” I hear him whisper. “I wanted to give you time and let time bring us together. Daenerys attacked King's Landing. She did the thing she said she wouldn’t become.” He pulls away, grabbing my cheeks with both hands. “I knew if she was still here she wouldn’t stop fighting for the throne” I gasped. Daenerys is dead?. “I accepted whatever came after my actions. Bran became the protector of the six kingdoms. Sansa, Queen of Winterfell. For my action they exile me to the wall, per the request of the unsullied. Arya brought me over to begin her travels”
“Hey” It was my turn to get his attention. “I know your actions had their reasons. I know it wasn’t something you wanted on your hands”
“I gave my word” His eyes moved down to my stomach. “I must travel to the wall. I know I can wait for you but now,” He looks up to me again “I love you and now Its not longer you and I”
“Everything is going to be okay. We don’t need to have all the answers right now” I smile taking a hold of his hands. “Let's go and get some food for you and figure everything out. It's still you and I, this little person is just going to have to step aside for a bit” He chuckles.
“Hey” He pulls me back holding on to my hand. “Don’t get lost in that mind of yours. This is nothing to think about with this. It's still us” He places both hands on my stomach. “This is us. You and I”
Chapter 17 is the last part of the story. I will be making cut ends on the stories here and there. You are more than welcome to send me ideas on what you want to see from these characters. Its not my best work but hopefully it will get better as I start writing more.
Thank you to all the people who have enjoyed it and I hope you continue to read my writing.