Josh Yard - Tumblr Posts
Henry (Josh Yard) giving MacReady "No one trusts each other any more, and we're all very tired" vibes on The Feed
Of all of us, Josh is really the one making the most of the fact this series is video, not pure audio like we're all used to - the laundry basket video, and now the visual storytelling of the wrist support. When I'm prepping for my instalments I'm mostly thinking about how to marry the prompts into something that makes sense for the character, and the visual thinking is mostly about framing or how I sit in the chair. Josh keeps me upping my game!
Henry's take on THAT fight
A physical fight! On Big Brother! On national television! But who threw the first plate? Henry's got his theories but he's still smarting from his best mate Heidi getting evicted. Can't wait to hear the other housemates' takes on this!