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The Worst Possible Run of Until Dawn as Scientifically Calculated by Me
Sequel to this post aka Best Run(TM) can be found here
Many people have jokingly done “worst runs” of Until Dawn. Usually these are standard “everybody dies” runs where you kill every character as soon as possible, or you’re just trying to pick all the seemingly funny options. However, these runs are typically done without the absurd amount of game knowledge a loser like me possesses.
Armed with my awareness of Until Dawn’s intricacies, I sought something deeper than a simple all deaths run. My mission was to not only kill these characters in the most tragic way possible, but make them the worst possible versions of themselves while doing it. Fair warning, this guide will contain spoilers for the entirety of Until Dawn since it is best experienced after playing through the game at least once. You get to see a lot of dialogue exchanges that I haven’t been able to find documented anywhere on YouTube, so it’s very worth while if you are interested in that kind of thing. Here’s how I did it.
For this run we are only getting clues/interactables that are either mandatory, or give you the opportunity to lower a relationship with another character. The only exception to this is the hand you can touch as Mike in the asylum because it makes him look stupid. The characters have a tendency to discuss things they find and piece together clues, but not finding any change the cutscenes to make them look like confused and bumbling idiots completely oblivious to what’s going on.
Another thing that will make sense later is that you actually need to play some sections of the game correctly as to set up worse fates for the characters later down the line. Missing QTE’s for the most part only serves to slow the game down, but if you feel like doing so in the earlier sections of the game where the threat of danger is minimal then who am I to stop you?
Dr. Hill is kind of an odd ball and you can get kind of creative with these parts since they are mostly subjective. I personally recommend picking options that hate on animals, crowds, fearing women, etc. Pick the more selfish moral options, I recommend honesty since too much honesty can be seen as cruel. Just don’t pick charity, we hate giving to others here. When picking characters, pick Josh as your favorite since we wanna be a narcissist and Sam as your least favorite since she’s the most difficult to make a terrible person. The absolute must though is being completely unrepentant about the prank and suffering of the characters. Play it like Josh genuinely thinks they are getting what they deserve.
Anything labeled a “bonus” is something that doesn’t really effect anything, but add just that little extra flavor of awfulness. They aren’t mandatory and can be skipped if you feel they are a waste of time.
Last thing is anything marked with a * is just additional information
- Drop Hannah
Bonus: miss all QTE’s, take safe route, pick follow footprints, pick follow noise
* You have to feed the squirrel or else you can’t progress
- Snoop in Chris’s bag as Sam to lower their relationship
- Shoot the squirrel as Chris to lower his relationship with Sam
- Explain as Jessica
* This will lower her relationship with Sam slightly while raising it with Chris, (vice versa if you pick demand) but between the two options I think explain comes off as sassier
- Threaten Mike as Matt to lower their relationship
- Protest Emily’s request to go back for her bag
* Despite it seeming sweet Matt is worried about his GF, threatening Mike actually raises his relationship with Emily so protesting will immediately put it back down
- Encourage Matt to look in the telescope as Ashley
* Snowball fight is mostly irrelevant except for this next step, deck Mike to your hearts content
- Hit the bird during the snowball fight
- Shove a snowball in Mike’s face
* The ice sickle QTE afterwards doesn’t matter as Mike will save Jess if she doesn’t push them out of the way first
Bonus: mislead Matt when he initially asks to look through the telescope before conceding afterwards, this basically lets Matt know that Ashley at least momentarily tried to deceive him and then proceeded to be a complete pushover after a little prodding
- Gossip with Josh as Chris as worry raises their relationship
- Be unsettled when talking to Ashley as Chris since confident raises their relationship
- This is a bit hard to miss, but if you walk down (basically opposite of where Ashley is sitting) you can talk to Matt. Ask him how he Emily are doing. This will upset him since he looked through the telescope earlier.
- Basically keep telling Josh to stop being a creep when he talks to Chris about Ashley since agreeing with him raises their relationship
* Talking with Sam doesn’t have any dialogue choices
- Fight Mike as Matt (pick warn followed by attack) this will set Matt’s relationship with every character except Emily to almost zero
Now for a section I like to call Being a Horrible Boyfriend starring Michael Munroe: Part 1
- Jessica will ask Mike about Matt, I forgot what the exact option is called but you want to downplay what happened instead of being openly mad at Matt so Jessica can call bullshit on you
- Ask Jess what she remembers about the prank to be insensitive and lower their relationship
- When Jessica falls into the mineshaft, be as unhelpful and unheroic as possible, do not willingly jump down (Mike will eventually do so on his own after Jessica complains enough) to lower their relationship
- Be grumpy about the bird to lower their relationship
Back to our regularly scheduled programming
- Be mocking about Chris and Ashley as Sam to lower her relationship with Josh
- Tell Josh that “it’s weird to be back” when he tells Sam he’s glad she came
- Pick up the baseball bat while Josh is doing Josh things
- Select humorous, this causes Sam to bring up Josh’s daddy issues and lower their relationship
- Do not high five him. This doesn’t effect stats or anything but it’s about the disrespect.
* Choosing to prank him or not does not affect their relationship
- Choose to investigate the noise together since picking heroic raises their relationship
Bonus: intentionally fuck up the selfie as Mike with Jess
- Be flippant about the spirit board as Ashley to lower her relationship with Josh
* Pick any options you want during the seance, just be sure you don’t apologize since we are unrepentant bitches
Being a Horrible Boyfriend starring Michael Munroe: Part 2
- Be angry about getting pranked
- Do not cross the bridge, instead walk down towards the camera until you discover a tree with E+M surrounded by a heart
- Interact with it, and then make Mike deny it was him and blame it on Emily in a display of toxic masculinity and lower his relationship with Jess
- Kill the deer as Mike because animal cruelty
- Go into the old shed and pick up the mask inside
- Choose scare to be an asshole (and lower their relationship)
- During the chase sequence, pick all the safe options (or let time run out prompting Jess to take the lead), and make sure not to help Jess and unlock the door instead
- Pick up the rifle near the front door and select scare to lower their relationship and be an even BIGGER asshole
- Dismiss Jessica’s insecurities, pick seduce to further ignore her emotional vulnerability, and just generally use your intuition to be an uncaring dick to lower their relationship
This ends our series of Being a Horrible Boyfriend starring Michael Munroe
- Show Ashley the letter as Chris, as being protective implies we care
- For once we wanna be a good boyfriend as Mike and save Jessica during the chase (pick all the risky options, jump instead of shimmy, and get through the QTE’s)
* This is a setup so we can give her a sadder death with Matt in the caves
- Choose to save Ashley as Chris, this lowers his relationship with Josh and makes him bitter later on
- Touch the waving hand. Let the intrusive thoughts win.
- Choose to pry free twice, before cutting off your fingers with the newly dulled blade to cause Mike more suffering
- Kick the dog :(
- Do not feed the dog :(
- Tell Emily to squeeze through the window as Matt, she will deny him since our relationship is low and choosing this lowers it further
- Disagree when Emily says to go to the radio tower to lower their relationship
- When Emily falls off the ledge you’re shimmying on, do nothing to help her (she’ll pull herself up on her own but be pissed)
- Get caught by the Psycho as Sam (literally just stand there)
- Rebuke Emily as Matt to lower their relationship
- Kill the elk as Matt, but don’t let him fall off the cliff since we need him alive for now
* You cannot miss any quick time event as he’s climbing back up or he will fall to his death so be extra careful
- Do not give the flare gun to Matt as Emily to lower their relationship
- Immediately fire the flare gun so that we guarantee Emily gets bitten later (having the unused flare gun lets you avoid this)
- Be completely un-compliant with the man on the radio and do the opposite of what he tells you
- Confront Emily about her and Mike as Matt on the tower and be generally unhelpful
- Choose jump to safety both times and by this point Emily should despise Matt
- Insist you saw the ghost as Ashley to Chris to lower their relationship
- Look at the catalogue of lightbulbs in the basement to have Ashley pick up the scissors
- Have Ashley be dismissive towards the prank when talking to Chris to lower their relationship
- Be reluctant at continuing on because we hate our friends
- Enter the door which I believe is in the room with the hitlist, you’ll find a projector inside. Be sure to interact with it
- Be unrepentant about the prank when Chris comments on it to Ashley to lower their relationship
- Don’t follow Chris because splitting up is stupid and thus you want to do it
- Stab the psycho as Ashley, this makes Chris punch Josh later
- Aim the gun at Ashley first to distress her cause we’re evil
- Shoot her as Chris to lower their relationship to 0
- Do not show concern for Mike or Jessica as Sam after getting rescued as this will raise her relationship with them, focus on factual choices like asking how he got there and such
- Play through Emily’s section normally, just be sure to continue not getting unnecessary clues
- Dismiss Josh as Chris to lower their relationship
- Be angry with Josh as Chris to lower their relationship
* Because we chose to save Ashley over Josh, he will antagonize Chris here and further lower their relationship
- Hit Josh and Chris with the plywood to lower his relationship with Josh and lose Mike’s respect
- Survive the encounter with the wendigo as Emily so we can give her a more tragic death later on (just don’t fail too many QTE’s)
- Be confused as Chris when talking to Emily and do not show any concern for her or Matt
- As Chris, demand to have the pistol from Mike, he will deny you because you hit Josh earlier in the shed
- Survive the encounter with the wendigo as Chris all the way through, Ashley will refuse to let him in once he makes it to the house, letting the wendigo kill him
- Shoot Emily as Mike in the basement which puts his relationship with every character present at 0
- Hide the truth as Ashley from Sam since Sam will immediately figure out she is lying and their relationship will drop to zero
- Once the action sequence as Mike starts, put your controller down and enjoy some relaxation as him (and the doggy :( ) get pummeled
- Investigate voice as Ashley
- Open the thumping trap door to get Ashley killed as you won’t have the opportunity to do so later
- Let Matt get smacked by Jessica because funny
- Do not ask Jessica if she is alright as Matt since we do not want to show empathy
- Choose hide during the chase scene, make sure to catch Jessica before she falls
- Afterwards, choose abandon Jessica
* Running ahead could be seen as accidental where as abandoning Jessica implies Matt is knowingly leaving her to die which is much worse
- Fail to close the door in time to get Matt killed
- “Come on shake your body, baby, do the conga!“ AKA fail all the don’t moves
You did it! You made all these characters into the worst versions of themselves they could possibly be.
The Best Possible Run of Until Dawn as Scientifically Calculated by Me
This is a sequel to my Worst Run(TM) guide which can be found here
Last time, we turned every character into the most awful version of themselves they could possibly be. Now, we’re gonna do the opposite. Not only is it an everybody lives run, but we’re gonna make it so every character finishes the game on as good of terms as possible. Here is what I consider to be a golden run of Until Dawn.
SPOILER WARNING: this guide assumes you have played through the game at least once
Unlike last time where we only interacted with/picked up clues that were mandatory or affected relationships, this time we are going to be collecting every clue in the game as to make the characters GIGA BRAIN and get all of that juicy clue dialogue.
Because I don’t want to painstakingly describe the location of every clue in the game, I’m going to link a video that does it for me. You can find it here
There are time stamps provided in the description so that you can hop around to specific items. Note that totems aren’t necessary for this play-through since they are never acknowledged by the characters. You are still free to do so for that sweet sweet 100% if you’re a completionist like I am. If there are still questions about the clues/totems, feel free to message me in the replies about them and I will do my best to help you.
Dr. Hill segments won’t be listed since they are mostly subjective. However, the absolute must is to make Josh feel guilt and take responsibility for his actions. We’re giving the lad a redemption arc, basically.
One last thing before we begin. Anything marked with a * is just additional information that I thought would be helpful to know.
- Let go/do nothing as Beth
- Close the bag as Sam so that Chris is happy to see her
- Do not shoot the squirrel as Chris as doing so lowers his relationship with Sam and guarantees she cannot escape the psycho later on
* It doesn’t matter what you do as Jessica, just note that explain raises her relationship with Chris and lowers it with Sam, while demand does the inverse
- Do not threaten Mike as Matt to raise their relationship
- Comply with Emily’s request to continue on as Matt to raise their relationship
- Encourage Matt to look through the telescope as Ashley because we wanna be an honest homie
- Snowball fight doesn’t matter, just don’t hit the bird
- Kiss Mike as Jess
- Worry about Josh as Chris to raise their relationship
- Be confident with Ashley as Chris to raise their relationship
- Go down towards the camera (opposite of Ashley on the stairs) to talk with Matt
- Ask Matt how he’s doing as Chris to raise their relationship
- Agree with all of Josh’s statements about Ashley as Chris to raise him and Josh’s relationship
* Talking to Sam does not affect stats as there are no answer choices in the conversation
- When Matt confronts Mike about Emily, de-escalate the situation (challenge and then apologize)
- As Matt, make sure when Jess and Emily start fighting, that you side with Emily first, and then side with Jess at the second prompt
* Siding with Emily first makes her less pissy at you later, and siding with Jess afterwards minimizes losing too much relationship with either
- Take a selfie with the bae as Mike
- Agree with Jess about Emily being a bitch as Mike to raise their relationship
- Be respectful as Mike when him and Jess examine the police tape to raise their relationship
- Pick heroic as Mike when Jess falls in the mineshaft to raise their relationship
- Choose flirtatious as Mike about the bird to raise him and Jess’s relationship
- Select flattering as Sam when Josh mentions Chris and Ashley as being mocking lowers their relationship
- Reassure Josh as Sam to be a good friend :)
- When picking up the baseball bat as Sam, pick serious to raise her relationship with Josh
- High five Josh as Sam so you don’t leave the homie hanging (spam triangle)
* Choosing to prank Josh or not doesn’t effect anything
- Be heroic as Sam about the noise to raise her relationship with Josh
- Take a seance seriously as Ashley as to not upset Josh (more than you’re going to anyway)
- Be apologetic about the prank as Ashley to raise her relationship with Chris
- Respond flirtatiously to Jessica’s prank as Mike to raise their relationship
- Instead of crossing the bridge, walk down towards the camera until you find a tree with E+M surrounded by a heart carved into it
- Confess to Jess about being a sap as Mike when she inquires about the tree to raise their relationship
- Show the mask to Jess as Mike since picking scare lowers their relationship
- Comfort the deer as Mike because we love animals in this house
* PSA: do not approach wild animals IRL even if injured unless you are a professional or are fairly certain you won’t get mauled
- Choose whatever route you want in the chase scene, just make sure you actually pick options as indecision will annoy Jessica
- Help up Jess as Mike instead of unlocking the door to raise their relationship
- The rifle is not a clue, but if you decide to pick it up make sure not to pick scare as that lowers Mike and Jess’s relationship
- By this point, your relationship with Jess should be maxed and she will strip down to her underwear since she’s super downbad
- Show Ashley the letter as Chris since lying is bad
- To save Jessica, make sure to pick all of the risky, unsafe paths as Mike and jump instead of shimmy
* You can not fail more than 4 times with each missed QTE being 1 fail, picking a safe path accumulates 3 fails so be extra careful
* If Jessica’s jaw is still intact when you find her then she is still alive for now
- Choose to save Josh as Chris to raise their relationship
* Ashley’s relationship with Chris is not affected either way oddly enough, but Josh’s relationship with Chris lowers if you choose to save Ashley
- Do not punch doggy
- Feed doggy bone :)
- Pet doggy :)
- Do not touch the waving hand. Seriously. It’s not a clue. You can walk right past it and lose nothing. Do not let the intrusive thoughts win.
- Agree to smash the door for Emily as Matt to raise their relationship
- Make sure to catch Emily when she almost falls off the ledge you’re shimmying on to earn her appreciation
- Agree with Emily about the fire tower as Matt to raise their relationship
- Escape the psycho as Sam, I’ve seen variations on how to successfully do this, but here’s what I’ve found works
1. Run
2. Jump over the bed
3. Run
4. Pull down the cabinet
5. You HAVE to hide once closing the door behind you (be sure to turn your flashlight off when prompted with triangle and succeed in the short don’t move)
- Calm down Emily as Matt to increase their relationship
- Do not attack the deer or Matt will be knocked off a cliff, plus we love animals here
- Keep the flare gun as Emily and do not fire it
*This slightly lowers her relationship with Matt, but allows us to avoid being bitten by the wendigo. Plus the relationship loss is so minor that it doesn’t affect anything.
- Comply with the park ranger over the radio as Emily
- Be supportive of Emily as Matt to raise their relationship
- Show concern towards Emily as Matt to raise their relationship
- During the first prompt, try to save Emily as Matt to raise their relationship
- During the second prompt, jump to safety as Matt so that he avoids death
- Do not insist upon seeing a ghost to Chris as Ashley since doing so lowers their relationship
- When discussing the prank with Chris, choose to be sympathetic as Ashley to raise their relationship
-Be courageous when Ashley expresses hesitation at going to find Sam because we are bad bitches in this household
- In the room with the hitlist, enter the closed door to find a projector and watch the video
- Choose apologetic as Ashley when prompted to raise her relationship with Chris
- Don’t split off from Chris as Ashley since splitting up is dumb
- Do not stab the psycho as Ashley to spare her a black eye, and so that Chris won’t punch Josh in retaliation later
- As Chris, aim the gun at yourself first as to not scare Ashley
- Shoot either yourself, or do nothing to maximize your relationship with Ashley
* Do not shoot Ashley as this will guarantee Chris’s death later
* Be sure to turn around immediately when given control of Sam as to not miss the clue since it’s very sneaky
- Show concern towards Mike and inquire about Jessica as Sam to raise her relationship with both of them
* Emily’s section here doesn’t matter, just continue getting all the clues since there are a lot of them
- Scold Josh as Chris, and then be skeptical to raise their relationship
- Be defensive towards Josh as Chris since being aggressive lowers their relationship
- Do nothing when prompted to disarm Mike or hit Josh as both choices have negative consequences on relationships
- During the chase as Emily, succeed in QTE’s to guarantee Emily’s survival, and make sure to hop of the conveyor belt when prompted. Because we have a useable flare gun, you will be prompted to shoot the wendigo. It’s crucial to hit this shot so Emily avoids being bitten.
- Show concern towards Emily and Matt as Chris when she returns to the lodge to be a good friend
- Survive the chase as Chris, there’s no choices just don’t miss the QTEs
* There will be no choices in the basement since Emily did not get bitten
- Survive the chase as Mike by succeeding in the QTEs and don’t moves. To save the dog, barricade the door with a locker when prompted.
* If you miss to many QTEs Mike will live, but the puppy will die :(
- Reassure Chris as Ashley to raise their relationship
- If you are collecting all the totems, choose follow voice to collect the totem down the path but DO NOT open the trap door as this will kill Ashley
- Otherwise, ignore the voice and continue on
* Since we’re getting all the clues, Josh will be guaranteed to live since we need to pick up Hannah’s journal
- Show concern for Jessica as Matt to be a good friend
- Survive the encounter with Jess as Matt by following these steps
1. Hide (you will be prompted with a don’t move, do not let Jessica fall over)
2. Break through wall (or whatever the opposite of abandon Jessica is I don’t remember)
3. Hide together (don’t move)
- Survive the final battle as Sam by
1. Locking door or running doesn’t matter
2. Succeed the don’t move
3. Save Mike
4. Succeed the don’t move
5. Keep picking hide and succeeding the don’t moves so that all the other have time to leave the house
Eventually Sam will run to the switch automatically once everyone has made it out of the house.
Congratulations! You did it! You’ve gotten the scientifically best run of Until Dawn. Pat yourself on the back you’ve earned it.
Playing the remaster and I genuinely CANNOT find the first death totem (if it even is there considering I know totems were moved). Does anyone know where it is? I wanna get all the totems if possible 😔💔

Me watching Berleey getting characters killed in Detroit Become Human, just like Until Dawn.

Me in 2038 if I don’t see Connor.