Jungkook Hybrid Smut - Tumblr Posts
Mommy Virgin

Hybrid! Alpha! Baby daddy! Bunny! Jungkook X Pregnant! Human! Chubby reader (wow, what a mouth full.)
Babydaddy au, CEO au, hybrid au, sperm banks, Jungkook has a short temper because I think it’s 🥵...😳..Anyway...Enjoy.....
“Hyung!” A Lovely Afternoon turned hectic upon the arrival of another Ceo member; he ducked and dodged, swiftly weaving through the crowd at the entrance. “ Hyung! Seokjin!”
Coming up to the security gates, He swore under his breath, realizing he had left his ID at home; luckily, He had enough momentum to hop up and over the gates. “ I'm sorry!” He apologized to security while speeding by.
“Hyung!” He pushed open his hyung's doors.
Perfect, not one but two hyungs. “ We heard you causing a ruckus downstairs, Bunny Boy-,”
“I'm a dad!” He exclaimed from the top of his lungs
A cloud of confusion filled the office, followed by stunted silence.
What an intro, huh?
Introducing Our male lead, Jeon Jungkook, An Alpha Rabbit Hybrid. Yep, An Alpha bunny- but not just any breed of bunny; a Giant Flemish Lop; a large bunny with enough strength to tear apart most hardware materials and speed to leave a car in the dust. And being an alpha only enhances his abilities.
Unfortunately, the females of his species have a deadly immune disorder causing them to die quickly from illnesses. His species has deteriorated through the past decade.
Jeon Jungkook is a part of an endangered species.
Jungkook's solution involved donating his sperm to a sperm bank; being eighteen then, He didn't think thoroughly of the representations, and now, well over a decade. He receives his punishment...with a smile?
The two hyungs observed the brittle paper. “For-fucks-sakes, Jungkook. Why the hell is your office so disgusting?” Namjoon scoffed at the scattered blankets and empty ramenyeon bowls. “Did you spend the night in here?”
“No, that's from last week.” Jungkook shrugged off the looks of disgust with a slight head tilt.
“Ewww.” Seokjin adjusted his distance.
“I was in the middle of cleaning up.” Jungkook pointed out to Jin before turning to Namjoon. “ So I started on this pile beside the fax machine..I didn't even know I had one.”
“Despite the dust on the paper, The document was dated a month ago.” Namjoon arched his brow at the snags along the sides. For those curious kittens who want to know.
Kim Namjoon (A Doggy Hybrid)
A pure bred labrador retriever minus the human DNA- Sharp as a tack, A born-leader, as handsome as they come, and melts for belly rubs.
Kim Seokjin (A Mouse Hybrid)
He’s a dormouse to be exact and He’s…Jin Shrugs
"We have to see her.” An unfamiliar sensation fueled Jungkook's curiosity and insanity from Namjoon’s Pov
Seokjin laughed, slapping Namjoon’s shoulder. “He's crazy! He-He thinks he can just find her.” Jin 's tears rolled down his rosey cheeks.
Namjoon is often empathic; I mean, he's half-dog; being therapeutic is in his blood. “Listen, Bun; I understand this is important to you, but-” He humorlessly chuckled. “ We-We are lacking in vital documentation on who this woman is or -”
Jungkook's racing heartbeat drowns Namjoon’s panic voice of reasoning, occasionally tuning back in now and again for keywords. Shit. He’s right. Drifting off his headspace for a second, too, he retrieves his answer in the form of a person.
“Or if she's still with child-.”
“Hobi Hyung.” Jungkook interrupted.
Namjoon’s blood ran cold.
“Where?!” Jin startled himself enough to take shelter behind the couch. “I thought he was in prison?!”
“He is; Hyung, Please calm down,you will alarm our co-workers ” Namjoon claimed, opening a window. “What are you bringing up his name for?” His tail curiously curved.
“ Because I might have to get my hands dirty." He smirked, " Don't follow me, Hyung " He teased, dashing out the office door.
Surprise! This was teaser/test? This is my first time trying to hop on the Hybrid AU train so if you like it please let me know and I will happily make more! Please like it 🫶🏽

Mommy Virgin
Hybrid!Alpha!Babydaddy!Ceo! JJK X Pregnant Chubby! Reader

Chapter 1
Christmas Dreams
Plant many and be fruitful
An idiotic quote your family stands by religiously-For generations, Big families run in our genes..and it always come up boys. Traditionally, Our family has a record for birthing only boys.
However, The winds of a change blew on a beautiful Saturday daybreak, welcoming a baby girl to the world. Maybe 'Welcomed' is far-fetched-
"That girl is going to be the end of our family." Our father exclaimed to your mother, already doubled over with grief-" Ever man, we set her up with her declares! My patients is suffering!" He huffed.
"Her innocence is our misery. She refuses them every time." Your mother added. "She will kill our bloodline at this rate."
Your father could do nothing but hold his weeping wife.
And where are you? On the steps, listening to every painful insult after the next. You didn't mean to be the way you are-it's just men-You couldn't finally grasp the appeal of men. Never as a teenage girl and never now.
Every 'Gentleman' your parents shove in your face always leads to the same demands. Barefooted and pregnant. In other words, not your cup of tea.
So you hatched a plan over three years, causing influential events to take place—'Influential' to your parents, An mirage to yourself.
The story goes, you met a handsome mystery man who swept you off your feet and demanded you stay in his care, getting you out of your parent's hair. In reality, You were the handsome stranger, secretly saved up and moved out.
You hated lying to your parents but detested how they treated you more.
Your scheme forced you to keep the image of this handsome stranger. Why can't we come to the wedding? Your 'fiance' values privacy, including pictures. Why can't we visit? He's a horrible germaphobe.
The list is endless.
Despite how solid your lie was, It all went to ruin following your parent's desire to be grandparents. The obsessive behavior continued for several days straight until the pressure became too much.
"I'm pregnant!" A foolish outburst you immediately regretted as it slipped past your lips. " We wanted it to be a surprise-"
The cheers blazed through your phone's speakers; your face formed a painfully cringe.
What have you done?
You've successfully given yourself a time limit for a decision of paramount importance, something that needs preparation and stable funds.
But yet Your shoes imprinted the carpet in the waiting area office, A sperm bank. You were given a catalog of...donaters; you shivered at the creeper gentleman pictures- you flipped through page after page by no one suited you.
Your heels clicked as your arrived at the front desk, waiting patiently for service before another catalog on the shelf caught your eye.
Trading this for that, You sat back down and explored the new faces. The book revolves around the Eastern hemisphere showing you the prettiest men to grace this green earth.
Chu Buyeon, A long haired military man.
His medical health is fantastic, and his face-he's gorgeous. Maybe him? Yes, his perfect. Somewhat satisfied, You stood to quickly- Shoot!
The thick catalog's binger finally gave way after decades of service, scattering the papers about the ghostly waiting room.
You weren't pleased until every paper was accounted for- Now that, that nightmare is over...
Oops, You missed one.
The paper limped in poor condition thanks to your carelessness. "Shoot!..Excuse me I- step on one of ..the..Jeon Jungkook."
You froze mid-confession to seize the moment to read his information. This? Mr. Jeon was the picture of health as well as looks to boot. Saying any gentleman in this book is just handsome should be seen as a federal offense..
"This is hard." You exhaled.
"You can take the book home-" An uninvited voice startled you off your feet, yet she continued unphased. " The most important decisions take time."
I bet she got that out of a fortune cookie. Ember, The one of the head nurses. Remember her; She actually plays a big role in this story.
Despite the generic quote, You took the odd nurse's offer.
They're both amazing.
You've been at this for hours on end; your eyes swapped between two pictures until you felt a headache.
Why is this so hard? I can't believe how difficult this is… He has cute eyes but his nose is adorable.
What the poor heroine fails to realize is the work of crafting a baby, especially without meeting the daddies men. In all honesty, both men were way out of your league; you couldn't physically imagine having a relationship, let alone bearing one's child.
Perhaps it's time for bed. You unwhined for bed, taking a small cup of hot chocolate to your room, not before getting distracted by your darling Christmas tree; this is your first Christmas on your own, and honesty, you loved it.
Despite your current problem, You watched the snow tuck outside in a soft white blanket-You loved the view so much you settled in the living room in a handmade fort with hours of kdramas for entertainment.
Thirty minutes in, Your blinks began lengthier each time until they closed.
A chilly breeze brushed through your clothes. You could have sworn you closed that window instead of your warm living. Your eyes fell on dry grass.
"Huh!?" Now, On your toes. I mean, high heels? You were in business attire...breath! Inhale and exhale...
Where am I? A field...looks like. Okay okay..What do you see? Grass..River...Man? Man! He can help me.
"Hi?...Hey..Hello..I seemed to be lost-"
"Yah!" A gentleman from behind you roared. "What are you doing !? You're in the dead zone! Run towards me!" The man was bolting straight ahead towards clueless you.
Deadzone? And I Haven't run since middle school.
A loud bam from the right knocked you off your feet. Your so-called Savior fired at you and is re-aiming to a clean shot.
The next thing you know, your nose is shoved against sweaty yet sweet-smelling skin. No longer on your own two feet, you were cradled like a newborn, gripping your actual savior's ivory shirt.
You squeezed his bulky shoulders. "There's two now!"
"Fuck! I forgot my gun at camp." Another bam blasted from behind him. This time grazing his side your realize he did it on purpose...It would have hit you.
" Are you okay?!!" You got a groan as a answer, but his strong arms stayed stable until you reached the other side. The gunshots creased after crossing a certain point.
Sticky strains of his hair stuck to his forehead. Your breathing heavier than he is - "You must be cold? Yeah." His breath puffed in the mind-numbing air. "Excuse me." You were shortly forced into his arms for security. "I don't want to drop you." He explained. Yet you didn't find it necessary to be squished against his hard body.
Count to 10-Wait, why?! I don't know anything to take your mind off his...rippling abs.. that I can feel through his shirt..and biceps the size of my skull, not to mention he hasn't put me down since he saved me-Ahem...
You silently agreed and remained silent until "My name is Chu Buyeon, by the way." He chuckled at your shocked expression. "Wa?..Why that face? You're cute."
Your cheeks warmed at his compliment. 5!
"Chu Buyeeeeon! Chuuuuu Buyeonnnnn!" Worried voices erupted through the base set.
"Shit. Im screwed!" He whispered, finally putting you down for the first time. " Stay out of sight," Buyeon commanded, tying back his long black hair in a bun. " I will be right back and-"He's leaving me here-oh, my good god, His back muscles. 4! No, wait, I passed four, right?
"You're bleeding!" Your cute squeak made him grin.
"It's a scrape. I will be fine; I've been shot several times." He threw your worries over his shoulder. "As I said, Stay out of sight, Kitten."
10! 10! He's-I can't
And like that, he disappeared into the camp to return several minutes later with a thick blanket.
"I was worried-!" You gasped, being off the ground once again. Do I even weigh anything?
Buyeon wrapped the blanket around your body before lifting you into his arms. "They saw me. Their right behind me. You got to hide." He exclaimed in short breaths.
You pulled the blanket to at least cover his arms. "What about you?"
"I'm fine. I've trained in worse temperatures." Buyeon stressed, tugging the blanket to cover any revealing skin on you. "You, on the other hand, is a different story entirely." He chuckled.
" Chu Buyeon! Your out past curfew. If you were smart, you would get your ass here, now! " The sergeant, out of all people to get busted by Buyeon, can't catch a break tonight. "Private!Chu! Buyeon! Have you gone berserk, Son?!" His heavy boots demolished the twigs and dirt as he stomped closer. "What's your malfunction !"
Buyeon dips his lips beside your ear. "Play dead." feeling your body instantly go limp, He stands, cradling your body. "An Unconscious civilian was found in the dead zone, Sir! "
"Where's your clothes?" The sergeant's voice changed to that of an anxious father. " It's four degrees out here..Give me her and put on actual clothes." You were snatched away to be tossed over the sergeant's shoulder.
Why haven't I woken up yet?
"Why were you out!?"
"I couldn't sleep, so I went for a jog, sir!"
"A jog, Huh? And coincidentally, you were there in the nick o f time..Why were you so close to the dead zone anyway? By Yourself, I may add!" The sergeant delivered a clean swipe upside Buyeon's head. "I only have one son!"
"Ais-" He soothed the sore spot. "She could have died if I didn't help her." Buyeon maneuvered around his father's fearful hands to seek refuge by your side.
He let out a sigh in response. "Just be more careful..at least carry your gun for fucksakes!" His father gazes at another problem, You. "You can wake up, missy. You're not fooling anyone. "
You immediately opened your eyes and sat up, bowing your head. "Im sorry for causing so much trouble."
"I'm happy you're alive to apologize. It's a pleasure meeting you, but round call is in -" He flashed his old wristwatch. "3 hours and 15 minutes...so we all should hit the hay." His father kissed your hand, something Buyeon cringed at. "You will sleep in my office-I will have everything set up."
He also added. "I hope you don't mind me saying, but you are gorgeous...I see why my son can't keep his hands to himself." He took note of Buyeon's arms that managed to snake their way around your body to keep near him.
He was busted for the second time tonight. Buyeon fought for his father to believe the only reason he was keeping you close was to share his body heat.
Despite, The blanket is already solving your cold issue.
Chu Buyeon🥰

Navy Blue Ch.3
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Hybrid AU
Warnings: Eventual smut. Angst. Mentions of abuse (physical and sexual).
Summary: You live in a world where having a hybrid is normal. Your best friend Taehyung has his own cat hybrid named Yoongi, and while the pair may seem like total opposites, their bond is obvious. You begin to consider getting one to have as a companion to come home to. You could never anticipate just how important he will become to you.
Other Chapters: One, Two
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