Juno Scrybe Of Shadows - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Love from the shadows (Part 2: Dance Lesson)

Part one of story can be found here: Part 1 Music theme for chapter (Merry go round of life cover by Lull and relax: can be found here: Music

The question had left Juno in shock, the taste of citrus tea burns at her throat as she nearly chokes on her drinking managing to gulp down the herbal brew before speaking out her own question of confusion and in turn Grimora only reiterates her previous statement with a friendly smile.

“How about you teach me how to Waltz today?” The question was clear and simple, a small suggestion on what they should do that evening and yet it still leaves the shadow woman baffled. Staring in disbelief Juno sets down her tea cup her gaze never leaving the corpse woman who picks up a tea cake from a nearby platter. “That is of course, alright with you isn’t it?”

“I…Grimora I’m not sure,” She quickly exclaims stifling her hesitation and bewilderment beneath her cool gaze and neutral tone. “You wish for me to teach you how to waltz? Of all things why is that what you want to do?”

“Why? Well recently I’ve been reading a few books lately; fantasy ones to be exact and in the ones I’ve read they always depict a scene of two character dancing at a ball waltzing in each other’s arms. And I couldn’t but wonder what it would be like to learn how to dance so elegantly.”

“You…You want to learn how to waltz…because of a book you read?”


“You…” It took a moment for the words to process in Juno’s mind. Wheels of thoughts and feelings turn and crank in comprehension sending forth a hearty laugh out of her lungs that makes the woman across from her smile even wider. Of course that was the reason. Grimora was always fascinated by the littlest of things at times; mainly about things she read from the books she keeps within her crypt. One time she had read a book about knitting and had learned how to knit mittens and sweaters for each one of her ghostly ghouls as well as the other scrybes. Another time she had discovered a cook book and nearly burnt down half of her crypt after attempting to make chocolate lava cake from scratch. Fortunately no one was hurt, and she eventually learned how to make the dessert properly. Thus hearing the reason as to why the scrybe of the dead wanted to learn how to wants eases a small bit of anxiety that had harbored itself in the shadow’s mind. “Very well I see why you wish to learn but why do you want me to teach you? Do none of your ghosts know how to dance?”

“Sadly no, I even asked them about it but each told me that they didn’t know how to. And of course none of the other scrybes know how to waltz; yet I recall you making mention that you did thus I ask you to teach me. If that is alright of course.”

“You know that I haven’t danced with someone in a long time Grimora.”

“And I have never danced with someone before.”

“It takes practice you know, you may not get the steps right away.”

“I am a patient learner.”

“..That is indeed true…” Another tea cake is plucked from the platter this time by Juno. Covering her mouth with one hand she brings the pastry beneath it and takes a bite out of the sugary confection. Eyes staring towards the ground the next few moments are spent in silence. What was only seconds felt like minutes of endless quietness that is only broken by the sound of crickets chirping nearby and the whistles of springs gentle breezes. And then finally after of minute of silence and stillness Juno stands up. The ink black whisp that make up the lower half of her body begin to receded towards her. Swirling curls solidified into a straight hem that rises higher and higher towards where her ankles would be. Shadows of jet black and deep gray brighten into a soft shade of pale blue fabric ; a blue that perfectly matched to that of the end of her sleeves and from beneath the skirt a bear of leather bound heeled boots stick out from beneath her skirts newly formed hem. Clapping her hands together an old gramophone covered in dust and aged with a few stains is brought forth from one of the gazebo’s shadows by a set of hands that pass off the device to her before vanishing. Setting the record player down onto the chair she had once sat on she cranks it to life with a few turns of a crank that hung off its side powering the vintage music player that sends the sound of staticy old fashion ball room music out through the air. Mentally smiling that it still worked the woman in blue crosses the gazebo her hand extending out to her fellow scrybe her voice soft and compassionate as she speaks with the faintest of chuckles.

“Well then, shall we begin our dancing lesson then?”


She was certain that Grimora had lied about never dancing before, that or she was a faster learner than she had anticipated. Steps that had started out heavy and uncertain had quickly become swift and feather like in their design. Turns that nearly resulted in a step or two on her feet transformed into elegant glides within mere minutes, and hands that were once hesitant to hold hers gained a sudden steadiness to them that catches Juno by surprise. In a way she was slightly jealous at how easily the necromancer took to her instructions and guidance; and yet she also could not help but commend her for her swift learning of the dance. Counting the steps appeared to have help as every so often she could her humming the pattern of them beneath her breath.

“One two three, one two three, one two three,” It was like a mantra being chanted over and over again in whisper so faint one could almost not hear them if they were no paying attention. But she was; mainly to ensure that she herself would accidentally step on her feet, or skirt or stumble over a rock as they danced along the circular cobblestone path that surrounded the gazebo. Neither spoke a word beyond her brief directions on what the next step was and the gentle humming and yet words did not have to be said. Even though a few clung onto her non existent lips.

Despite her cool touch Grimora’s arms felt warm around her waist as they stepped into another turn their once rigid postures having relaxed over time the longer they danced. Warmth radiated from the woman like that of a freshly dried blanket that practically engulf her due to how close they stood to each other. The scent of white gardenias and wilted roses fills her nose though she was uncertain if the smell came from her or the gardens that currently surround them but all that she could focus on was her face. Twisted with arching brows furrowed in concentration and lips perused in a flat line that was a mix between a smile and an focused frown the Scrybe of the dead was so focus on ensuring each step was perfect that she did not even notice her staring as her own gaze continuously glances at the ground. As if she couldn’t have looked more adorable already.

Bathed in the moons pale blue light it almost felt as if they themselves were the dancing figures depicted in the books Grimora had mentioned not to long ago. Although they both looked more like the antagonist rather than the heroes and princess of those tales and yet that did not matter; not to them. Juno’s heart was racing now, though her face never showed it thankfully. This moment it felt so perfect, dancing together, held close in each other’s arms without much care for what went on in the world beyond what was happening in that moment. Oh how she wished it could have last forever, however she knew that sooner or later it would come to an end, the faded and scratching notes of the gramophone she had summoned earlier was proof of that. And yet that was when a thought managed to sneak its way into her mind. It was always during scenes such as this where the heroine or hero would pronounce their love right? Well that or after they defeated the villain of the story..so if she wanted..if she could muster up the courage-

“Grimora?” The worlds fell from her lips faster than her mind could process. She didn’t mean to speak aloud and yet it occurred with little thought as the action not only gains the corpse woman’s attention but also makes Juno halt herself in her own tracks as she met her quizzical gaze with her own wavering golden stare.

“There’s no going back now,” is what her mind whispered to her. “It’s now or never..”

“There’s…something..that I want to tell you.”

To be concluded in part 3

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3 years ago

Hello!! May I have favorite music types for your Scrybe and her mini bosses?? I love music and really enjoy seeing what types of music my friends enjoy and relate to!!


Juno: "Favorite music?..For me I suppose it would have to be classical preferably something with piano or violin in it. Although I do enjoy whatever music Magnificus plays in his tower as well. "

Berard: "I quite enjoy folk music, it reminds me of the songs I use to sing with fellow knights n taverns when we weren't on shift. That or the occasional shanty from time to time."

Alder: "Does ambience count as music? I quite prefer listening to the sounds of nature than music, however I do enjoy folk or even celtic music from time to time"

Eira: "..Hmmm.."

Juno: "Something wrong Eira?"

Eira: "No my lady just thinking...I suppose for me I enjoy ambience music like Mr Alder, however classical or orchestral pieces suit me just fine to. So long as it is something I can hum to and isn't too noisy I will give it a listen."

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2 years ago

The Photographer and the Shadow (Inscryption fan story pt 1)

(Part 1 of a four part story of Juno's interaction with leshy before the events of the game. Next few parts will be posted over the course of the next few days. One part per day until all four parts are posted. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you all enjoy it! With that all being said let's begin! --Misty)


Everything was quiet..too quiet..Every Isle all that was there was painstakingly silent. P03’s factory had gone completely offline, machines once powered with electrical life were powered down and left to rust. The hallowed halls of Magnificus tower lacked any magic; his students each still resided within their respective rooms but the wizard himself was no where to be found. Even the once ‘lively’ tombs of Grimora’s crypt were deathly still. Every isle was quite..all except for one. Deep, deep within the forest life continued for those who dwell in it; each one surprisingly more chipper than usual. The Angler had lost any glumness he once held. The Trapper and Trader had been excitedly whispering to each other for hours now. And the Prospector's smile was even more wider than usual. And Leshy knew why. It was the same reason why he himself had been in a far cheerier mood lately. It was the same reason that gifted him three new cards and a new eye for his game…It was the same reason that left him feeling as though the shadows were watching his every move..

“...I know you are there…” He claims to seemingly no one but himself. Raising his head from his hands, his eyes swirling with curls of orange pulsing with acknowledgment as their gaze falls onto the far corner of the room. The corner was blanketed in darkness..nothing was there beyond cobwebs and dust and yet from the depths of the shadowy corner a lone eye opens. Golden in hue and voided of any complex details, yet he could senses the discontentment and mild anger that burned within its gaze. For a moment he holds his tongue his words failing to come forth as he stares back at the yellow orb his fingers nervously tapping against his knuckles as he tries to further read the lone facial feature however as minutes ticked by he knew that his efforts were all in vain. Sucking in a deep breath of still air he exhales it quietly before beckoning for this thing..whatever it was to step closer. “Come on out now. There is no need to hide; I will not bite.”

“No..But you will fight if one comes your way..” Those words… they were mere words and yet they were able to cut through the quickly building tension in the air like a knife. What were word that in the past would have been stated kindly if not the slightest bit bluntly were now frigid and venomous… But the creature in the dark heeds his words.

The first thing to emerge is a hand. Made of inky black skin and draped in a curtain of baby blue fabric it claws at the wall adjacent to it using it as a makeshift leverage point as the rest of the creature followed suit. Seven feet in height, dressed in a blue gown a woman emerges from the dark although it was hard to tell if not for her head of midnight blue hair. She was far shorter than Leshy; at least a good two feet and yet despite it he was the one that felt small as the rest of her body is pulled from the darkened corner. Her face was expressionless. Lacking any mouth the rest of her facial features were drawn out in bright blue lines that made out the distinct details of her nose and brow line but the latter barely moves as she stares at him with a cold hearted gaze.

“...Juno, Scrybe of Shadow,” He proclaims to her solemnly

“Leshy, Scrybe of Beast,” She calmly retorts back in turn.

Silence quickly fell between them as introductions were shortly made. Tensions were rising high. Though he could not entirely tell that she was upset based off facial expressions the stiffness in her posture and the coldness in her voice were enough an indication. His finger scrapes at a scab that had formed on his knuckle, his gaze refusing too pry itself off of the other scrybe even though he desperately wanted to. He knew Juno was not a confrontational type of person. She rarely participated in fights or arguments, and anger was not something that bubbled and brewed in her blood like some of the others. Like another scrybe they both knew; she preferred to talk matters out. To find the civil solution to things without the need for fighting.

But that did not mean that she was completely pacifist; for if a confrontation did need to be made and no one else was around to do it she would be..relatively unafraid to step up to the plate. His hands twitch to grab his camera from beneath the table. Just one careful aim of it, and a click of the shutter and this situation would be over and done with in a single flash. It was that simple..however it wasn’t that simple..Juno was far faster than him. If he even tried to reach for his camera she would snatch it up before he could even reach for it. He couldn’t fight her either; she may be weaker than him in physical strength but in terms of agility he was outmatched as she could easily move through the shadows to escape his grasp; and if she manages to gather enough his own shadow all his efforts to be in vein.

“..I did not come for a fight if that’s what you’re thinking,” But fortunately he was spared the need of having to start a new conversation. “..I’ve come to…Congratulate you. It seems as though you are the victory of this round..Congratulations Scrybe of Beast. Well done.”

“..You do not sound that congratulatory..” He was right. For though Juno’s voice lacked spite; displeasure was still prominent even if she spoke in a hushed and oddly calm tone.

“..No I suppose I do not..However can you truely blame me? After all it’s rather difficult for me to congratulate someone who used such brutal tactics to get what he wanted.”

“The others have done the same in the past-”

“And yet none of them stabbed another scrybe’s eye out!”

Wait how did she-

To be continued in part 2

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2 years ago

The Photographer and the Shadow (Inscryption fan story pt 2)

(Part two of four of a four part story. Part one can be found here: Part one) ......................................................................................................................

“H-How did you..”

Leshy’s blood ran cold, or at least whatever the plant equivalent of blood did anyway. Sunken eyes widen in shock and fear as dread pounds at the heart of a formidable beast. A wooden stool is knocked over, as hooves stamp against the ground as the Scrybe of Beast quickly rose up to his full height. His mind yells at him to move, to grab his camera and play the odds hoping to end this once and for all but all he could do was stand there like a deer in headlights. Paralyzed by fear; as he watches the scrybe of shadows quietly walk towards the wall off to the right of them. Bolted down and secured to the walls wood grain was two tools that had never been there before at least not until recently..A rusted hammer that smelt of motor oil, and a aged paintbrush encrusted with moxes. Her fingers come up to graze the handle of the latter.

“You would be surprised on what you can here in the shadows,” She soon proclaims coolly; her gaze transfixed on the two tools welded to the wall. “...What you did was unnecessary Scrybe of Beast..”

“I-I did what was needed..” his voice quietly boomed. “..I did what needed to be done Ju-”

“That is highly debatable. Although; I suppose that some action was necessary but you could have gone about it a better way you know-”

“And risk losing my chance at control? Highly unlikely-"

"It is always power grabs with all of you! It's always about knocking down every obstacle just so one of you can have power over the game! How many times as this occured already? With one of you gaining sole power, poessing it for a while only for it to be ripped from your hands and start the cycle all over again? Its all become some predictable. At this point you've bested every single obstacle that has been thrown your way that I am surprised who haven't full changed the game yet!"

Her words..they rang a thousand and one truths. Someone would win, then they'd lose, then someone else wins and then it starts all over again. Most of the time one of them would gain control for a single day maybe a week at most before it all came crashing down. He himself has been in this very same spot a number of times however..

"Perhaps…although there is still one obstacle I have yet to face..” not once did she ever become an obstacle for him to face in his grabs for power.

The tension in the air was rising again although this time it was by his hand. Finally stealing his nerves the man of nature kneels down. Scooping his knocked over stool off of the floor he sets it down back into its proper place before sitting on top of it. From the darkness he summons forth a map, a deck of cards, his scale..and the always familiar candelabra that was the life line for all those were foolish enough to play a true game of cards. Two flames flicker to life filling a small fraction of the room with a warm orange glow that shimmers in the corner of the shadow’s view. Hunching over the table Leshy unrolls he map with a brush of his fingers that he extends out to her like a friend offering a helping hand, or a fool trying to beseech forgiveness. “Care to play a few rounds with me? Old friend

Juno says nothing at least not at first. In fact for the longest while she simply stood there staring absent mindedly at the wall in silence. He was unsure if it was because she was thinking over his question or not but at least now whatever anger she possibly harbored had died down a significant amount. No longer did it feel like he was being frozen to the bone or crushed by guilt like he was before. However, this does not mean that he lowers his guard. What happens next is unknown to him for now; and one wrong move could send everything into nothing but ruins.

A slight sigh is soon heard from the shadows; her shoulders slumping with the slight heave as she turns her head. Her gaze..it felt so numb now. Like it was devoid of any emotion; it was a look he had seen before in the past although he cannot remember where or even when he did. But it is a thought he does not dwell on long as he watches her finally move. Her footsteps make no sound but each one carries her closer and closer to the table till she is standing in the spot usually reserved for challengers. For a brief moment; Leshy smiles. Warm and kind like that of an old friend as he holds out a deck of cards for her to take. Her hand reaches out..

“...If I was not in such a terrible mood I would have laughed…I would have been delighted to play a few rounds of cards with you…” and moves past the deck. Raising itself high into the air her hand reaches out towards the candelabra and with just two pinches of the candles’ wicks..the flames had gone out.

"However, I am not in the mood..It would all be pointless in the end regardless..”

“So are going to let me inscrybe you? Just like that? No struggle? No fight?”

“Yes, but in exchange..” She claims softly. Bowing her head the scrybe of shadows takes her place in the chair that had been offered to her. Her posture is stiff as she settles her hands in her lap but her voice lacks any malice or regret. “There are however, one or two questions I would like to ask if I am permitted to do so.”

“....Very well…What is it you would like to ask?”

To be continued in part 3

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2 years ago

Juno's reign Headcanon part 1

(Hello everyone! Hope you've been doing well! Recently I've been thinking about what would happen if Juno tried to take control of the game just like Leshy and p03 did. As well as why she would do it, and what each scrybe's card would be. So I decided to write it out and now share it here for all of y'all! Breaking this up into two parts cause it is a lot of info. Part 2 will be posted in the near future though! Now with that all said let's begin! --Misty) ........................................................................................................................

Juno was heavily reluctant to do it, to cease control. Every time a chunk of the data washed up onto the shores she would always throw it back as hard as she could. She had seen the truth of the data and wanted nothing to do with it and yet just like the mycologist and the woodcarver she was made into one of the keepers of its secret and every day it was getting harder to keep the data secret. With her fellows Scrybes constant riviarly to find chunks of it first for power…that robots plans for a great transcendenc..the necromancers secret tomb for the bone lord..the beast tamer’s wood carving minion...the wizard’s visions..every day it was getting harder to keep it from surfacing.And the longer it went on the more paranoid Juno became and willing she was to do anything to keep it secret. She already took her own eye to keep others from knowing her awareness of it..so why not go that extra mile?

The data was surprisingly easy to obtain because, all she had to do was wait for it to wash back up on the shore in her island as it always did the minute s new cycle began. What was hard was figuring out how she would dethrone her fellow scrybes. She had never taken over the game before so she didn't exactly know where to start, and it took several days of planning but over time she decided to deal with P03 first

For P03 all she had to do was have Eira break his charger/energy supplies by freezing it. In doing so it cut off the power supply long enough for him to shut down and have her time to collect his shadow and turn it into a card. 

Magnificus was second and the quickest to deal with. She used an item of hers called "petrified shadows", a flash bomb sort of item when the jar is broken. A few thrown into his tower was enough to incapacitate him, bounding his eyes in shadows and leaving him dazed just enough to capture his shadow. 

Leshy was third and took the longest. The confrontation they had was oddly peaceful though rather time consuming. Before he went, leshy asked for Juno to play a game of cards with him. If she were to beat him he'd go peacefully, if not he'd fight her tooth and nail to avoid his fate. But even with all his tricks, the special mechanics, the grizzly trap she somehow one, granted it took a lot to do so. The game they had went on for roughly three days straight and by the end Juno was disheveled, tired and ready to beat leshy's head with the candelabra but thankfully he kept to his promise and went without a fight.

And lastly..Grimora..she was..the hardest to deal with..not because of the any fighting no grimora was very kind and went willingly..the hard part was for Juno to get over her own emotions as out of all the scrybes Grimora was the one she had grown the most attached to and one knows why. Like leshy grimora asked for a small favor in exchange for her compliance. She asked Juno to take her on a date. Just one day of them being by each other side, together before the inevitable. Of course Juno agreed as she could never say no to her. They spent the whole day playing cards, reading and cuddling, with the last thing they did was taking a long walk to a secret star gazing place they found on leshy's island..and it was there where they danced to the sound of an old radio they found a long time back, and shared their final kiss before Juno took her shadow and turned her into a card..needles to say she had some regrets after doing so.

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