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1 year ago

How to care for iron warrior breed help he is making a machine

Great question with a simple answer!

Your darling Iron Warrior is bored! Don't worry, they're even harder to keep entertained than White Scars or Imperial Fists, so it's a common mistake to make!

There's no way to stop him tinkering, but it can be directed. Give him a goal--preferrably something interesting and make sure to keep the details vague. They're a surprisingly creative breed, so rather than say "I would like you to fix my car", tell him "I need transportation." Then, provide him with a selection of materials (like an unpleasant neighbor's truck, or the unpleasant neighbor himself) and watch your little soldier work his magic! Be prepared for a wide range of results, and have a cover story ready in case someone hears your poor neighbor's screams of agony when they open the hood of your sweet new ride.

Hope this helps!

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1 year ago

Night Lords, astonishingly, do well as solitary guards in family homes! They're strangely good with small children and will remain fairly tame as long as they get their usual Astartes exercise! They can be socialized towards adults, teenagers, and occasionally other space marines (particularly Death Guard), and your home will NEVER face a robbery! EVER!

A little info for first-time Night Lords husbandry enthusiasts, just because they are called Chaos Marines does not mean you should put them with other breeds of Chaos Marines. Many Night Lords have a strong annoyance with chaos and chaos-related objects. Not all feel this way about chaos but always check before introducing them to chaos marines.

Ave Dominus Nox

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