Just Like The Sea - Tumblr Posts
just like the sea
just like the sea, I drown in your eyes
your eyes of blue, green, and gold
your fluid grace as you come near then pull back
and all of your secrets untold
my blood is burning, rivers of poison,
my heart a great tree you so swiftly felled
down I fell, cradled in your arms
yet so gently I was held
just like the sea, your temper was slow
yet I was caught in your storm
tossed aside and half-drowned
until I crawled back home
just like the sea, crashing against stone
the stone of the walls of my mind
cracking, crumbling, tumbling down
as our fingers intertwined
yet just like the sea, I couldn’t see
the true depth of your heart
beyond the surface of those waters
so deep I sank as I fell apart
so just like the sea, I chased the horizon
chasing after your heart
yet as sun set and darkness came
no stars guided me out
just like the sea, you are wild
uncontrollable by people like me
and perhaps that’s why I fell so hard
for those eyes just like the sea