Just Text - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

People you’d like to get to know better:

thanks a million for the tag @fieldoffae

last song: virgo's groove - beyonce

favorite color(s): black & any jewel or moody toned palette

currently watching: naruto shippuden

last movie: home alone

currently reading: an edited life

Sweet/Spicy/Savory: sweet

last thing I googled: sims 4 weather template (if anyone the link to cute location/weather overlay i'd love you forever)

current obsession: working on my townies + a potential save for another go at rotational gameplay because of how obsessed I am with @bunnithechubs posts right now

currently working on: in my actual life editing one of my closest friends engagement photos, but for sims windenburg sims + renovating builds for them

I tag @bunnithechubs @thebramblewood @tipsycowplant @simmer-rhi (of cours only if you want)

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1 year ago

simblr’s new year resolutions (2024)

thanks so much for the tag @alientown

what’s your resolution for your simblr?

finally get around to establishing the blog aesthetic with potentially a little rebrand coming very soon but shhhh & get back to posting townie makeovers + I think maybe some build interiors.

get better at tagging on the finds blog and get a little navigation post on

be more present in the community & hopefully make friends with more of my mutuals despite how painfully shy I am on here.

what do you want from the sims franchise?

for them to stop servicing the sims 4 lol

more realistically I want more unique worlds - definitely African + South American based first but also more Asian + European inspired, but I'd even just take one more true urban feeling city like I'm begging

bands, hobbies, & anything that isn't for the young adult stage

bug fixes and the updates to neighborhood stories, sentiments, etc that were promised but of course not delivered - but please no more townie refreshes

any other new year’s resolutions?

be kinder to myself & release my perfectionist tendencies

spend more time in nature + just enjoy existing

simplify all aspects of my life as much as possible

I tag you - yes, you

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1 year ago

hiii!!! i was wondering what reshade, gshade, you are using is so so pretty to me!!!!!

Hi nonny, thank you! I’ve changed presets a bunch so not sure which posts you’re referring to, but if you send a message or another ask I’d be happy to share 🖤

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1 year ago

added all the links to my finds blog navigation - it's generally organized if you aren't going back super far. I don't think I'll be going back to tag things, but it everything new is tagged into it's proper category.

Main Blog

main blog



custom content




worlds - willow creek | oasis springs | newcrest | magnolia promenade | windenburg | granite falls | san myshuno | forgotten hollow | brindleton bay | selvadorada | del sol valley | strangerville | sulani | glimmerbrook | britechester | evergreen harbor | mt. komorebi | henford-on-bagley | tartosa | moonwood mill | copperdale | san sequoia | chestnut ridge | tomarang

simspo | save files | resources

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10 months ago

Do you have a save file or way to download your townie makeovers? They are so lovely!!!

Do You Have A Save File Or Way To Download Your Townie Makeovers? They Are So Lovely!!!

Thank you 🖤

Currently I don't, simply because none of them are actually finished yet. Right now I'm working on completing all the 'base looks' for each sim by world. Once that is done, I plan to go through again posting a lookbook for each sim and then putting households up for download. The ultimate goal is to then move on to builds and eventually end up with my own personal save file. It will likely be quite a long time before the save file materializes as I work at a notoriously slow pace.

All that to say - not yet but stay tuned 🫣

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8 months ago

been back in my townie save file - willow creek wips post coming tomorrow hopefully

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7 months ago

for anyone who wants to see my whimsy stories legacy up until where i left it off, excited to try and get it gameplay ready soon after quite the hiatus!

For Anyone Who Wants To See My Whimsy Stories Legacy Up Until Where I Left It Off, Excited To Try And

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5 months ago

mod folder clean out status:

starting point - 60GB

fem frame tops done! - 58.2GB

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5 months ago

can you batch edit the display number on all categories by the same creator or does it have to be separated by category for it to work properly?

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5 years ago

Bean smiled reassuringly. "Please don't apologize for worrying me. That's simply what friends do." Bean looked over to his arms. "If you're comfortable with it, I'd like to know what's wrong?"

"Hello." Bean walked over. "I just wanted to see if you were doing ok, as you seemed a bit stressed."

“Bean... I’m not feeling the greatest at the moment.” He winces and hugs his own arms. “I apologize for worrying you.”

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There seemed to him to be something tragic in a friendship so coloured by romance.

Oscar Wilde, from ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’

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6 years ago

first post: an obligatory introduction

Hello there! I don't yet know why or how you've ended up reading this post, but, since we're probably not acquainted, I thought it might be a good idea to introduce myself first.

So, hi. I am a long-time silent Simmer who made a little detour in TS3-land when the game first appeared, but eventually got tired of the game's bugginess, returned to what I knew I liked and started really exploring the (as I then felt, surprisingly vibrant) Sims 2 community soon after. What made me start this Simblr now is that I have never really dared interact with other simmers internationally despite having enjoyed others' contributions enormously over the years. However, always sitting back foes get old, and I finally decided that offline awkwardness is quite enough; I am finally ready to at least make my presence known as something more than another anonymous like on SFS or MTS. I hope there's room among you for one more person who never found a better thing than a game published 14 years ago now... Also, a place to keep track of my never-ending Project Clean-Your-Folders and in-game happenings would be nice even if I completely fail at leaving proper comments or contributing to discussions.

Enough rambling. Here's where I am now in my game and plan to do next:

Use current, corrupted 'hood to test some new-to-me mods and figure out what sort of play I want in my next, hopefully more ambitious, in-game projects (which will be what I plan on posting here about).

Starting a new (and actually my first) semi-integrated Megahood. I intend to write down the premades' histories, as well as chronicle their lives here once I am not spending all my game time unzipping and trashing files.

A long-time dream: planning and then executing a new little village. Expect gay sim girls. And domesticated aliens. And a lot of distorted faces, because sim genes are interesting and I like it.

Hopefully lear new things about the game and perhaps have something to contribute to the community in the not-too-distant future.

I have always liked sprawly family trees and passed-down traditions in the Sims games, so I will probably start with Veronaville. It's been over a year since I last played more than a few minutes and I am pretty excited about that, too.

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1 year ago

I'm going to skip day 8 because I don't have any ideas for it.

Maybe I'll draw it before the Pizzatober is over, but for now I'll just continue with the next day.

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1 year ago

I had a strong desire to buy a new deck of cards and send it to suit my style! (Change suits and images of queens, kings, jacks and, of course, aces)

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1 year ago

That feeling when you want to play Cuphead RP(With original oc) with your friends and they respond like this: "What or who is 'Cuphead'?"

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1 year ago
Hi Hi!

Hi Hi!

My first account was unbanned so I will post there and this blog will be like a backup 😅

My main blog: @the-cosmic-cowbo-y

Hi Hi!

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8 months ago
I Think It's Already Out?????? I've Seen A Couple Of Library? Bookstore? Websites Selling It

I think it's already out?????? I've seen a couple of Library? Bookstore? Websites selling it

I remember one called "Dark horse" or something with digital comics at 1.99, maybe the Cuphead comic is there too.

Don't loose hope.

Oh, the problem is that I'm not sure that the comic will be translated into my language and will even be sold in my country

(if they translate it and try it in my country, I will be in a pleasant shock)

Lately I'm not sure about everything

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7 months ago

I think...

My oc Cosmic splurges on books on astronomy and renovating his house/observatory

Question for your oc #1 (can be any oc that’s your favorite. Fandom oc or not.)

What is your oc’s weekly splurge? If they don’t have one, what would it be?

I’ll go first: my oc vessel splurges on bath-bombs and whisky.

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6 months ago

Such a question...

Should I try making a blog about Cuphead and Magman's parents Astra and Zach?

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