Kaeya Whump - Tumblr Posts
“A Night Without You”
Content: Kaeya x Gn! Reader. Written with fem reader in mind. The only gendered term used is “princess”.
Genre(s): Hurt/comfort, Angst(?), Kaeya whump.
Warning(s): Nightmares, (probably) panic attacks, Trouble breathing, etc. First attempt at writing a Kaeya whump. If any of the warnings above trigger you, please don’t read. Proceed with caution.
Summary: Kaeya wakes up in the middle of the night after a nightmare without you for the first time in years.
Words: 1.2k w.
Enjoy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧.

Nightmares weren't new to Kaeya. He was used to dealing with them by himself ever since that particular night. Waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, feeling his heart beating in his throat, his stomach churning with nausea, with panic welling in his chest.
He normally would nurse a glass of cold water into the early hours of the morning to try to calm himself, his mind spiraling, never at ease, not being able to bring himself to go back to sleep. Barely functioning during the day from what little sleep he did get, which wasn't much at all.
But ever since you came into his life, broke down the walls he worked so hard to build around his heart, loved and cared for him with all your being, he realized that the nightmares didn't bother him as much as they did before. Every single time he would get startled out of his sleep in the middle of the night, you would always cradle his face in your palms, dry his tears, stroke his hair with his head on your chest, and whisper sweet nothings into his ear until his heart calmed enough for him to fall back into the deep clutches of slumber.
Kaeya sighed for the nth time that evening as he made his way home. Feeling exhausted from all the extra paperwork Jean forced upon him that afternoon. He couldn't wait to get back home, and fall into your arms as you told him all about your day, the annoying people you had to deal with on an almost daily basis from the adventurers guild, or the pretty calla lilies you would randomly bring back with you because you said they reminded you of him.
Finally arriving in front of his door step, fumbling around with his keys for a bit before he eventually unlocked his door. Kaeya sighed as he entered his home. Closing the door and leaning his back on it as he closed his eyes, and took a deep breath at coming home at last. Opening his eyes, he looked around for any sign of you, but then he remembered, you weren't going to be home tonight because of something that came up with the guild. Right, they're not home, he thought as he kicked off his boots before stepping in, looking at the clock in his living room before sighing again at how late it was, 10:36, the clock read. He was walking towards his bedroom before he glanced at the kitchen for a bit, even though he hadn't had lunch that afternoon, he didn't have an appetite. The thought of food alone was making him nauseous.
He glanced away and continued his way to his bedroom, changing into a more comfortable set of clothes, he took off his eye patch as he made his way to bed. He remembered how you would always gently caress his eye before he would sleep, finding the golden hue of his eye to be the most dazzling shade of gold you've ever seen. Realizing how he was missing you greatly, he clutched your pillow to his chest, shoving his face in it to find comfort in your scent during your absence. This is fine, he thought to himself. I've slept alone before they came along, he closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. How hard can it be, he exhaled the air in his lungs as his eye lids came to a close, your scent lulling him into a deep sleep.
It wasn't until a few hours later that he started to stir in his sleep, hands twitching, breath hitching, sweat layered his forehead, brows furrowed as tears started falling down his cheeks. He jolted out of his sleep with a sob, quickly sitting up as he clutched the part of his shirt where his heart is. Tears were running down his cheeks, eyes wide in a panic as he clawed at his shirt, too tight, he thought with panic coursing through him, too hot, can't breathe! He couldn't find you, you weren't asleep next to him, you weren't present to comfort him, you just weren't there.
Did you leave him? Did you get tired of him and decided to leave without saying goodbye? He couldn't think, he could barely breathe, gasping for air while curling in on himself, he felt like he was going to throw up, not quite possible considering there's nothing in his stomach, he hadn't had dinner, or lunch for that matter. He started to sob, calling out your name as he tried to get his breathing in control, now tightly gripping your pillow to his chest, maybe your scent would calm him down as he sobbed into your pillow.
A few minutes passed as he calmed down a bit, breathing now slightly stable. He recalled his dream, you left. You didn't think he was good enough. Calling him a liar, and a waste of time before packing your bags and leaving, never looking back.
He could barely think about anything, that scene playing on repeat in his head. He wasn't sure if you really left or not. Couldn't tell dream from reality.
As he was questioning basically everything in his life, he spots something in the peripheral of his vision. It was your plushie, the one you would usually cuddle when he wasn't there with you. You left it on the nightstand, claiming that it will watch over him in your place until you got back from your trip. That's right, he released the pillow he was so tightly holding on to in favor of grabbing your blue cat plush. They're just away for a bit, he thought. He remembered when he first saw you with it, you said you'd bought it because it reminded you of him, you even bought a little eyepatch for it to match his. He smiled as he remembered how happy you were when you showed it to him. He remembered how you always greeted him with a smile whenever you caught sight of him during your commissions. He remembered how you'd always hug him tightly and kiss his cheek in greeting every time you'd come across him during the day. He remembered how you would always make sure he had the most warm delicious dinner whenever you made it home before him.
He closed his eyes and remembered every little thing you did for him out of love, without expecting anything in return, like it's second nature for you to just perform acts of service just because. It's just the way you showed your love, doing everything in your power to just make his life even if a little bit easier.
He's so grateful for all you've done for him. Carefully embracing the cat plushie close to his chest, he found solace in the fact that even in your absence, you cared enough about him to make sure that he had something of yours to keep him company.
It never occurred to him before, but after reminiscing about all the time he had with you, he found that he had never loved anyone in his life as much as he loved you. You were the best thing that happened to him. He didn't know what he'd do if you decided to leave. So for now, he would treasure every little moment, whether big or small.
Lying back down, he closed his eyes, hugging the plush, and fell back to sleep to the thought of you. He slept peacefully for the rest of the night. He might be a knight, but you're his princess in dazzling armor.
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