Kalls Writing Is Always Amazing - Tumblr Posts
Excuse me while I collect myself 😍
So cute ADORABLE 🥰🥰🥰
he can't say mad for long and sandy Savin the gift huntsman gave him so sweet
Huntsman trying to stay mad at Sandy who probably did something dumb and is trying to apologize with kisses-
yo I know this wasn't a request but I found this too adorable to pass up writing. hope you enjoy this short thing <3
Still Mad...(maybe)
Rating : G
Silktea shipping
"Huntsy pleasee~" Sandy whimpers
"Shut. Up." Huntsman growls out tightening the bandage across the blue demon's forearm perhaps a touch too tight judging by the wince he exhibits.
"I'm still mad at you for that stunt you pulled. And I'm gonna be mad for at least two hours" Huntsman scolds with a hiss. Referring to earlier this morning when Sandy pulled a feat that involved using his body as a physical shield against a falling wooden crate that almost crushed the potted plant on the deck of his ship.
Hunstman looks over the man's injured form. His entire back was banged up and was now covered in white gauze. his arm was scraped as well a d was sporting three-inch splinters from the impact
Huntsman's fist tightened at his side. all this damage for a potted. plant.
"I'm fine." Sandy tries again and Huntsman only growls in response. He huffs and starts to gather up the supplies and stuffs them into the white box with a huff. He tossed it off the bed they were sitting on to glare the water demon in the eye
"I know that that fern was a gift from me. But your well-being is more important. Idiot." The spider snaps and Sandy to his credit at least look regretful.
"I'm sorry love." He reaches forward and cups the spider's face tenderly and pulls them forward enough to kiss their face.
Sandy pulls away to a still sour expression from his spider partner. Although a little redder.
"I'm not going to fall for you sap. I'm gonna be mad at you for at least an hour." the spider states and Sandy's mouth quirks up in a small smile.
"Before it was two hours. So I must be doing something right." He leans forward and peppers each cheek with a small kiss and then pulls away again with a twinkle in his eye.
"How long are you going to be mad now?" He prods cheekily, watching Huntsman's shoulder sag under the touch.
The spider jerks his head away with a huff as if remembering why he was mad again.
"Still an hour." He protests but his face is still beat red.
"Then I just have to try harder~'' Sandy purs out cupping Huntsman's face with both hands and bringing him close enough to press kisses all over him. His pinched brow, his frowning lips, and when the eyelids flutter shut the eyelids get small kisses tenderly placed there.
Huntsman, despite digging in his metaphorical heels, finds himself losing more and more of his footing.
Till he finds himself laying back in the plush nest they shared and purring under the lavished attention.
Kiss after kiss is placed on his face like a mark on his soul while those big warm hands cradle the back of his limp neck. He feels like he's floating in clouds as each butterfly kiss that is planted on his face, forehead and brow pushes his conscious deeper and deeper into the satisfying bliss.
Soon Sandy moved down further than his face and was peppering soft kisses to his neck and shoulder that positively has him vibrating in pleasure. He even let out a few satisfied chirps letting his mate know how pleased he was.
"How am I doing now? Still mad?~" the river demon purs directly into the Huntsman's ear so close to the shell he can feel the hairs to his mustache brush against it causing him to shiver.
"How much time do I have left of you being mad?" He asked with a sultry nip to the shell of their ear making Huntsman positively shudder in the sheets of their nest.
The spider bites his lips and throws his arms around the demon's neck with a satisfying chirp, a hitch in his breath, and fire in his veins.
"Why don't you keep going while I try and remember why I'm mad at you." Huntsman challenges with a blushing frown and a bite on his lips.
There is a returning chirp from Sandy, something much deeper but declares his pleasure just as boldly as Huntsman's chirps. Given consent, he dives back in with vigor, making the spider chuckle under the attention laved upon him like worship.
He couldn't even remember why he was mad in the first place.