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Robby Wilson/Huntsman

Name: Robert "Robby" Wilson.
Superhero Name: Huntsman.
Age: 16.
Base of operations: New Haven, Connecticut.
Powers: proportional strength of a spider, enhanced sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight, enhanced speed and reaction time, can stick to anything, healing factor.
Robby Wilson was the big man on campus; football jock pushing people around, hanging with the popular kids and not really caring about who gets hurt in his power trip. One night, Robby and his regular crowd decided break into a storage facility for an Oscorp subsidiary for fun; after some exploring, a spider had found its way onto Robby's clothes and bit him on his neck. Robby's ensuing commotion brought several security guards to their location in the facility and the entire ensemble took off running, barely making it out of the area without getting caught.
Throughout the week afterwards, Robby noticed changes: he was getting stronger, he was hearing things he shouldn't be able to, reacting at speeds he didn't know were real, and his wounds from practice healed in a matter of hours, but Robby knew something was wrong when his history book stuck to his not-at-all-sticky hand. Remembering the spider bite, Robby took to his little brother Sam, an engineering student, for a few answers and some help.
Sam was at first skeptical at his brothers pleads, due to the fact Robby wasn't exactly an angel with Sam, but eventually gave in when he realized Robby was truly desperate. After some apologies and explaining, Sam figured out the spider must have been part of the company's rumored genetic experiments; Robby realized that if something had gone wrong, he would have been dead from the spider bite and had a moment of clarity: Robby was given this power out of chance but would use it to help people, like the Spider-Man in New York, and vowed to be a better person out of the mask.
After some redesigning and experimenting, Robby had a costume, some very thrown together web shooters, and web fluid that unfortunately did not stick, so Sam had to design some special hooks and borrow their fathers industrial 3D printer to create a miniscule hook that could latch onto any surface, but due to the short supply of material and their own funds, the webbing and hooks are used for catching crooks mainly and travel as a last resort, so Robby has to run and leap to get around town. After some practice with his web shooters, Robby took to the streets as Huntsman, the Spider-Man of New Haven.

Finally finished both sword and scythe!! Even added a little signature to fill the corner... Question is what do I make next?! Photo took earlier today, just forgot to upload it. #rwbyqrow #qrow #qrowscythe #qrowbranwen #art #illustration #rwby #paper #paperquilling #pvaglue #redwhiteandblue #signature #scythe #sword #huntsman #paperquil #papercraft
i was so brave a couple days ago. there was a baby huntsman spider in my room and i totally didn't fumble trying to catch it 3 entire times while trying to lure it in and out of a box all while screaming and going "whAT THE FUCJ WHAT" whenever it moved even a little bit. in which the reason i was trying to catch it was because it randomly appeared on a box right next to my bed and i knew if i didn't catch it i wouldn't be able to sleep. nope. totally wasn't genuinely frightened by a tiny itty bitty little guy that could literally fit in the palm of my hand 15 times. whaaaat me? scared by a tiny little spider??? psh no wayyyyy man no way
(after i did this i was slightly shaken up and extremely worried there was another much bigger one in my bed and i felt like there were bugs crawling on me until i fell asleep)
LGBTQ+ Headcanons (LMK)
Please remember that these are only headcanons, if you disagree with me then that's all chill.
MK: Trans, also bisexual. I'll admit, I don't normally headcanon characters as trans unless the narrative is trans coded, but there's a rather particular line that caused this headcanon. When the spider queen's minions would call him 'Monkey boy' he'd shot back that he's a "monkey man" which seemed odd to me as he doesn't seem to be the type to be insecure about his masculinity and with him declaring himself as the "monkey kid" he certainly isn't insecure about being seen as a kid. The only thing that made sense for why he'd do that was that he just likes to randomly declare himself as a man, which just seems like a very trans thing to do.
Pigsy: Bi, no known preference.
Tang: Gay.
Sandy: AroAce spec. He can feel both romantic and sexual attraction, but he needs to get to know them properly first.
Mei: Bi, with a preference towards men.
Monkey King: Pan.
Macaque: Pan.
Red Son: Bi, with a preference towards men.
DBK: Straight.
Princess Iron Fan: Straight.
Spider Queen: Bi, no known preference.
Syntax: Gay asexual.
Huntsman: He's honestly just into someone being able to kill him if needed, lol.
Ne Zha: AroAce.
Lady Bone Demon: AroAce.
The "mayor": I don't know what the fuck he his but he ain't straight.
Azure: Pan.
Peng: No clue, but he ain't straight.
Yellow tusk: Gay.
you've gone and done it again another amazing start to what i assume will be another amazing story. cant wait for more
*sighs in tired writer and drops this*
Needles and Thorns
Chapter 1
Huntsman is just barely making it through life. Only the bottom of the bottle to look forward to. That is until a flower shop moves into the space next to the Tattoo parlor he works at. Bringing with it a demon with striking seafoam eyes and kindness that turns his expectations of others on its head.
Is it possible to fall for a person that you think has already hurt you?

I like to think Huntsman eventually comes around to the idea of a nest.

Just a doodle dump of my Spider demon OC officially named Zhiruo (he/they)
Excuse me while I collect myself 😍
So cute ADORABLE 🥰🥰🥰
he can't say mad for long and sandy Savin the gift huntsman gave him so sweet
Huntsman trying to stay mad at Sandy who probably did something dumb and is trying to apologize with kisses-
yo I know this wasn't a request but I found this too adorable to pass up writing. hope you enjoy this short thing <3
Still Mad...(maybe)
Rating : G
Silktea shipping
"Huntsy pleasee~" Sandy whimpers
"Shut. Up." Huntsman growls out tightening the bandage across the blue demon's forearm perhaps a touch too tight judging by the wince he exhibits.
"I'm still mad at you for that stunt you pulled. And I'm gonna be mad for at least two hours" Huntsman scolds with a hiss. Referring to earlier this morning when Sandy pulled a feat that involved using his body as a physical shield against a falling wooden crate that almost crushed the potted plant on the deck of his ship.
Hunstman looks over the man's injured form. His entire back was banged up and was now covered in white gauze. his arm was scraped as well a d was sporting three-inch splinters from the impact
Huntsman's fist tightened at his side. all this damage for a potted. plant.
"I'm fine." Sandy tries again and Huntsman only growls in response. He huffs and starts to gather up the supplies and stuffs them into the white box with a huff. He tossed it off the bed they were sitting on to glare the water demon in the eye
"I know that that fern was a gift from me. But your well-being is more important. Idiot." The spider snaps and Sandy to his credit at least look regretful.
"I'm sorry love." He reaches forward and cups the spider's face tenderly and pulls them forward enough to kiss their face.
Sandy pulls away to a still sour expression from his spider partner. Although a little redder.
"I'm not going to fall for you sap. I'm gonna be mad at you for at least an hour." the spider states and Sandy's mouth quirks up in a small smile.
"Before it was two hours. So I must be doing something right." He leans forward and peppers each cheek with a small kiss and then pulls away again with a twinkle in his eye.
"How long are you going to be mad now?" He prods cheekily, watching Huntsman's shoulder sag under the touch.
The spider jerks his head away with a huff as if remembering why he was mad again.
"Still an hour." He protests but his face is still beat red.
"Then I just have to try harder~'' Sandy purs out cupping Huntsman's face with both hands and bringing him close enough to press kisses all over him. His pinched brow, his frowning lips, and when the eyelids flutter shut the eyelids get small kisses tenderly placed there.
Huntsman, despite digging in his metaphorical heels, finds himself losing more and more of his footing.
Till he finds himself laying back in the plush nest they shared and purring under the lavished attention.
Kiss after kiss is placed on his face like a mark on his soul while those big warm hands cradle the back of his limp neck. He feels like he's floating in clouds as each butterfly kiss that is planted on his face, forehead and brow pushes his conscious deeper and deeper into the satisfying bliss.
Soon Sandy moved down further than his face and was peppering soft kisses to his neck and shoulder that positively has him vibrating in pleasure. He even let out a few satisfied chirps letting his mate know how pleased he was.
"How am I doing now? Still mad?~" the river demon purs directly into the Huntsman's ear so close to the shell he can feel the hairs to his mustache brush against it causing him to shiver.
"How much time do I have left of you being mad?" He asked with a sultry nip to the shell of their ear making Huntsman positively shudder in the sheets of their nest.
The spider bites his lips and throws his arms around the demon's neck with a satisfying chirp, a hitch in his breath, and fire in his veins.
"Why don't you keep going while I try and remember why I'm mad at you." Huntsman challenges with a blushing frown and a bite on his lips.
There is a returning chirp from Sandy, something much deeper but declares his pleasure just as boldly as Huntsman's chirps. Given consent, he dives back in with vigor, making the spider chuckle under the attention laved upon him like worship.
He couldn't even remember why he was mad in the first place.
Silk tea head cannon…. Huntsman can’t swim and is taught by Sandy….
I might be drawing silktea
Beach episode
Silk tea head cannon…. Huntsman can’t swim and is taught by Sandy….
I might be drawing silktea
My man sandy would build his own custom board
Silk tea head cannon…. Huntsman can’t swim and is taught by Sandy….
I might be drawing silktea