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|kenji talking to himself cause that helps him cope with life because of shit
Kenji:bueno no, no puedo conseguir nada ni siquiera comida mujer ni siquiera comestibles,.ni siquiera conducir un maldito auto aquí ni siquiera tengo uno mujer so no, no tengo nada para. for you or me so cállate por favor nos vamos a esta muertos el la mañana aquí.
Kash:wtf is he saying Daniel.
Asshole:he’s speaking Spanish he’s just talking to him self let him be.
Kash:how the fuck dose he know ho to speak Spanish aren’t both of you guys Japanese
Daniel:he got it from his mother ok.
Kenji:papa de que estás hablando
Daniel:nothing just some work
Kash:ok so his mother is Hispanic or latin
Daniel:you don’t need to know
Ok so for me kenji is transgender so here how he came with to society
P/k=past kenji
P/k:ok just go inside tell them and get out ok I can do this
P/k:hey dad can I talk to you plz
D:p/k what do you need to talk about I’m busy here and we’re almost done with it
K:hey p/k how you doing kid
P/k:find thx for asking soo dad can I talk to you plz it’s kinda important for both of us here
D:fine but just say it here will
P/k:but dad everyone is here
P/k:I’m transgender and my name is Kenneth dad I already bought a binder and cited my hair dad
Kash:welp I should get going see you later Kenneth bye if I will get even get to see you tomorrow
D:p/k What are you saying
P/k:I said im trans im a boy
D:p/k you always be my daughter no mater what you do I will do anything to keep my daughter no matter what I don’t care what you say
P/k:im your son accept it dad plz I already cited my hair and have a binder
Pt2 maybe