Kazushi Yamagishi - Tumblr Posts
Do not mind me, my subjects
Just a random shower thought, didn't make anything huge outta it either
Reader is 16-17 in this
Ig milf trope, but it's an older brother instead
Makoto lowkey having a thing for reader, but nothing happens
Kazushi's hot older brother
"Get your ass over here."
The male's voice sounded out loudly, firmly through the phone, leaving Kazushi stiffen up while his friends snickered at him. The volume of the phone was high enough so the whole little friend group could hear everything, even though it is pressed against the brown-haired's ear.
"Oooooh, Gishi junior is in troubleeee~.", Makoto cooed, mockingly.
Kazushi tried to send them a glare, but he was so tensed up through his brothers tone that he couldn't manage to look more mad than intimidated at that moment.
"I heard that, Makoto.", (Y/N) sighed, turning his attention back to his little brother, "Mom told me what your english teacher said, you know what that means."
Kazushi slouched dramatically, "Study time..."
Upon hearing those words escape the brown-haired's mouth, Makoto cheered loudly, "Study tiiiimeee! I'm coming with!", he exclaimed, throwing an arm around his, not at all pleased, friend.
He knew all too well that the black-haired wasn't enthusiastic about studying, but rather about seeing the older Yamagishi brother.
"Oh, hell no-"
"I don't give a fuck, I just gotta make sure Gishi junior catches up with the rest of the class."
Kazushi, now way less scared of what awaits him at home, finally manages to send his friend a nasty glance, simply earning a teasing grin from said friend in return.
Takuya chuckled, stepping closer to the phone, "Say, (Y/N), Gishi junior mentioned you made those oreo cupcakes again...", the blonde trailed off, giving the older one a moment to catch on to what he was implying.
The question earned the attention of the other two who have been keeping themselves out of this little mess up until now. They're feet subconsciously carrying them forwards as they awaited an answer.
"Takuyaaaaa, my booooooyyy! Yeah the rest of ya can come over too, I made plenty."
The boys cheered quietly, high fiving each other. All except Kazushi who, at this point, reconsidered several life desicions regarding his friend group.
He should've never let them meet his older brother.
Now, sitting in the livingroom, munching on (Y/N)'s highly praised oreo cupcakes, Kazushi was feeling way better, only slightly annoyed about the fact his brother won't let him off the hook without studying.
"I know I said the rest of ya could come,", the eldest teen spoke up, shifting his gaze back and forth between two blonde teens he hasn't met before, "but ya at least gotta tell me when you bring someone new over."
"Sorry for coming in unannounced.", the taller blonde, Draken, apologized with a little headbow, urging the other, Mikey, to do the same with a side glance.
Mikey got the hint, kind of, "Yeah, thank you for the cupcakes! They're sooo good!"
The two of them were the reason Kazushi was feeling better. Not only because he got two of the coolest people out there in his house, but also because he was sure Makoto and the others wouldn't be all over his brother when they're around.
Akkun, Takemitchy and Takuya weren't that bad, besides siding with (Y/N) when Kazushi is being teased and using the nickname (Y/N) came up for Kazushi, they hardly do anything.
Kazushi could only think of them trying to act all sweet so they could get food he prepared as other examples.
Makoto on the other hand...
With him it was basically the "Your mom's kinda hot" trope. The only difference being that it was his brother instead of his mother.
Makoto would constantly make jokes about becoming his brother in law when the (Y/HC)-haired wasn't around.
Helping (Y/N) with any little thing and sending Kazushi a smirk in secret.
Kazushi did not like that at all.
"Haha, no prob, really. And thankies, they're my specialty.", the (Y/HC)-haired flopped down on the floor across from his little brother, "And the remark was really more directed to lil Gishi junior here."
"Yeah, that's kind of on me.", Takemichi admitted as he scratched the back of his head, "They kinda tagged along when I told them where we were headed."
(Y/N) nodded, "Just shoot me a text next time."
"Yessir!", Kazushi answered, saluting, as he smiled, making his brother coo at him. He leaned over and ruffled his hair, "You're so cute, Gishi junior~."
"Heeey! Quit it!", the brown-haired pried off (Y/N)'s hand and redid his bun.
"Hey, (Y/N)?", Mikey spoke with his mouth half full.
"Yeah?", the boy turned his attention to the shorter one.
"Why do you call him Gishi junior?"
(Y/N) laughed, "When he was born, I kept forgetting his name. So I started calling him Yamagishi junior, but that was too long, so I shortened it. I memorized his name by now, but it kinda became a thing.", he cracked his fingers, still chuckling to himself, before realizing he forgot something, "Oh shit I forgot the books in my room."
The teen groaned, "I don't wanna stand up agaaaaiiiiin..."
Makoto's face immediately lit up as he saw the oportunity, "I'll get 'em for ya."
"Oh, no, you won't!"
Kazushi raced him up the stairs, unfortunately slipping up in his hurry, giving his friend an adventage.
Akkun and Takuya had a look on their faces that could be read as "I don't know these two", while Takemichi quietly laughed to himself. He wouldn't have laughed if it weren't for the memory this situation awakened.
Mikey just kept eating his treat, as he quietly watched the scenario happening. Draken and (Y/N) stared at the stairs for a few seconds before locking eyes, a questioning look in Draken's eyes, "Yeah, Makoto's kinda simping for me or something.", (Y/N) said causally.
Tokyo Revengers X Gakuen Babysitters!!!

Art Credit: Choyuchi Art (Facebook)
Note: I've already asked the artist for permission before reposting their art. If anyone wants to repost their art, pls pls pls ask for their permission first!!!
"This is one of my most favorite voice actors. Who can voice Kimi perfectly in Creationverse. I would like to thanks to my bff's for this idea. Decided to do this to give Johnathan Leon a spotlight again. He's been a hero to me like John Goodman. Ever since Heavenly Delusion came out years ago. He's also a voice of Kazushi Yamiagishi in Tokyo Revenge and Tomoichi (Teen) in Inu-Oh." UwU