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4 years ago

Kapapumma kina-ipe, kopogeye-ipe, kemipe, hemge oya makan easkay ne. Cepipe kapapumma kay ishu.

(Bat ponies can be herbivorous, omnivorous, sanguinivorous/haemovorous, or other kinds. Piscivorous bat ponies exist too [also].)

@stormmodblog​ replied: ‘centuries of persecution’ huh? Nice propoganda there from Moonie

Oh that part wasn’t propoganda. Bat ponies were around long before Nightmare Moon, but were never considered one of the pony tribes because they were these “terrifying undead creatures of darkness that gobbled up innocent little ponies”. Bat ponies have slit eyes and sharp teeth: the trademarks of many predators, so it was easy for old pony tales to turn bats into evil vampires or murderers. Because of fear and paranoia, bat ponies were actively hunted and killed. Many bat pony colonies fled to the mountains and forests to avoid the pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies, and life just kinda continued like that for a while. After Nightmare Moon took over, bat ponies were integrated into society, and now the rumors surrounding them have mostly been dispelled. Interbreeding over the years has lead to it being relatively common for a pony to have some drop of bat blood in their veins which is why many Equestrians have the ribbed ears, fangs, or naturally slit eyes.

Some more bat headcanon info: (I forgot that I shared this in my discord server but not on here)


In this universe, there are three different types of bat ponies: herbivores, omnivores, and sanguinivores (the rarest of the three). Herbivores were the most readily accepted since they can only consume fruit and vegetables; they get sick if they consume meat of any kind. Herbivores have the best overall vision at night and can see farther than most other bats. They heightened senses of smell and also powerful jaws for breaking through roots and cracking shells.

Omnivores were a bit more controversial in the lands of Equus as the idea of eating meat in a world inhabited by primarily sentient animals turned quite a few stomachs during the initial integration period. They along with other meat eating species in Equestria get their food from farms that raise pigs, chickens, and fish since they are non-sentient. They are the only ones able to use echolocation to get a handle on their surroundings.

Sanguinivores have a severe iron deficiency and are adapted to specifically extract iron from blood. They have the same diet as an omnivore bat, but need to consume a meal of blood every couple of days to stay healthy. Blood feeders consume sheep or pig blood since it’s easy to purchase from the market (and it’s civilized). The act of drinking blood out of a sentient creature is outlawed. Sanguinivores have sharp incisors for shearing hair and flesh and their saliva contains an anesthetic and anticoagulant (keeps blood from clotting). They have infrared vision and are able to find warm-blooded creatures in the dark but their regular night vision is worse than that of omnivores.

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