Kim Hongjoong Oneshot - Tumblr Posts

A/n: so i know i have like 10001 other fics i have to write but this is just a fun little thing i wanted to try and its semi more lowkey than what i usually do plus there are zero hongjoong smaus (Also thank you Luna for helping me with the header <3)
Tag List: @woodiegochile @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @jeonqqin @geminirules @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00 @cotccotc @kodzu-ken @konenichi @yangs-jeongin @binniebutter @orangegyu
Summary: Y/n and Hongjoong were only acquaintances in college. They were on the same dance team but never crossed paths until one day both took notice of the other. One magical night after a party resulted in Y/n leaving with a guilty and angry conscious and surprisingly a blue stick. Three years later, Hongjoong is a hit producer and Y/n is a successful single mom. What happens when their paths cross yet again?
Genre: fluff, comedy, angst, social media!au, single mom!au, non-idol au, series

✒: Written Chapter
Profiles Part 1
Profiles Part 2
We Don’t Stan
Boo, Responsibility!
The Mexican Standoff (✒)
How to Start WWIII
Council of Elders
Messaging a Mother
Existential Crisis
Peace Talks
Piglet ( ✒)
The Rules
1994 Johnny Depp
Loopholes (✒)
Y’all Bout to be Pissed
Mr. Giggles
Purple Dress and Album Parties
Sissy Fight (✒)
Hangover Catch Up
Didn’t Say No
Produce Section
San’s Bubble Bath
Mingi Finally Lost It
“Kill Hongjoong” Brigade
Buttercup and Honeybun (✒)
Moving Day
The Domestic Life
Get Psyched Asshole!
Expensive Bitch
Let’s Talk…
Mingi Do Something! (✒)
Uncle vs “Godfather”
No More Drama?
I’m Just Kidding (✒)
Everything Is Gonna Be Fine (Finale)