Kind Of Hazel Lavesque But Not-? - Tumblr Posts
Main character Camp Jupiter Fatal Flaws Hc/General thoughts!
!!kind of Spoilers for ToA!!
Idk how long this will take to write; but this is my wild speculation on a lot of the Camp Jupiter characters (from HoO, haven’t read ToA yet) fatal flaws! This is all my opinion (that has been shaped by my personal interpretation and totally is all just my speculation and my interpretation not based on how uncle Rick has shown us how fatal flaws -especially in the earlier series- chooses to pick fatal flaws) I’ll do a part 2 for other Camp Jupiter character when I’m not tired because right now I’m struggling through writing Hazel’s part and I’m tired because I go to sleep at like 8:30 pm like a grandma on most days,
Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano,
I’ll be honest, I don’t have very strong opinions on Reyna; I read her in BoO and she’s interesting (though much of what I remember from her chapters were just the insane moment when Hylla chucked a car at Orion)
She just doesn’t stand out to me. In the nicest way possible, I don’t care much about her; I like the whole Venus thing, and that she ends up joining the huntresses (at the beginning when I heard it I didn’t like it too much, possibly a mixture of my own dislike for this interpretation of Artemis; while I was reading tTC I don’t know why but Artemis just annoyed me a bit, along with Zoë, though I don’t fully know why I didn’t like the huntresses to begin with, I just found them a little annoying- ig? Maybe they brought up childhood embarrassment from kindergarten long story but now I’ve grown to… tolerate their Riordan interpretation; maybe this will change by the time I read ToA. Maybe it’s just a mixture of characters I find mildly annoying- I honestly don’t like canon Thalia that much either, she’s okay, but just isn’t my taste. If anyone wants to know characters I like more that give me similar vibes are Hylla, Clarisse, Annabeth, etc.)
Okay this is supposed to be about Reyna-
I just don’t think about her very much.
But her fatal flaw-
Hubris? Guilt? Could be either of those, and my argument for either will of course be very opinion-based and not very well explained or evidence backed up; as that’s not what this page does and when I would ever put evidence and an actual argument in here is if it was about why Michael Varus totally idolized ancient Heroes (this is my hc, and is meant as a comedic example. I have no idea why that needed to be clarified, but I already typed it-)
But Hubris; whenever I think of Reyna’s choices specifically, I think of the lack of opinions she gets on doing it, or when she gets those opinions- the general disregard for those opinions if they give genuine concern and it’s not fitting in with what’s she’s decided to do,
Now this may just be because she’s in a leadership role and we are meant to see her as determined and choosing what she believes is best for the legion (Which in HoO is what I really can see objectively)
I also just see her as a little stubborn; may just be my read on it.
Guilt; the second option I think of when thinking of her fatal flaw; because we don’t exactly know if heroes in PJO are just given the fatal flaw along with their destiny at birth and then left to deal with it, or if they’re developed- from what we know I’ll operate with the assumption that Demigods develop their fatal flaws some time during childhood-
So I think when we hear about Reyna having this overwhelming guilt of committing Patricide on her father; I could see a lot of her worst flaw being that guilt; making her unsure and trepidatious (is that the right word? Hopefully) about making choices, second-guessing all of her decisions to think if she’s doing the right thing, stuff like that. Much more head-cannoney, but I like it; maybe it’s just angsty and after reading the chariot race in the Iliad after Patroclus’s death I need some actual recovery from the whiplash I experienced.
Overall; Reyna, don’t love her, don’t hate her. Love her dogs though, would let Aurum and Argentum eat me <3
Jason Grace
I’m talking about my boy!! Or, my other boy :]
He might be my 3rd favorite pjo character, though I’m not sure if that’s just because I need to somewhat redeem myself by not having 3 villains in a row be my favorites (if anyone would know, Caligula, Commodus, Lityerses, Clarisse, or Beckendorf could also easily steal 3rd place. But Luke and Octavian still sit ever revolving around 1st and 2nd place)
His chapters may be the hardest things to read through; only possibly beaten by the Iliad’s battle scene number 2748 where we talk about the 3rd dude whose head is bashed in with a rock, and listing of every Achaean. I still think he’s fun
Easily one of my favorites out of the seven (Frank, Hazel, Percy, and Annabeth all make it to my ‘I have a very positive opinion of them’. Love Leo and Piper; but Piper’s chapters were more of a slog to get through and I feel very neutral to negative about her, and Leo is fun but I don’t care about him too much- sorry guys, but Frank is cooler B])
Albino Afro-Latino Jason is my headcanon and I stand on my hill to die on it
He has sharp wolf teeth because I said so too-
Chews on things
Burnt out special kid for my heart-
I feel like his fatal flaw (which I mind everyone cannonically is ‘temptation to deliberate’ or as the wiki describes it because I don’t feel my interpretation as ‘indecisive and not wanting to make a choice that stands with one particular group,)

But my headcanon is his fatal flaw being Loyalty^^
This man drops everything for Piper; gives up his life in Camp Jupiter (which to be fair; he didn’t remember very well)
Takes the way worse choice of having to stay in the creepy Zeus cabin to be with her
And from what I heard he continues this record in ToA!
Even more traits of extreme to detrimental loyalty than Percy tbh-
So I think his thing is loyalty. The first few chapters of BoO is Jason coming to another near-death experience by the hands of a Roman and the ravaged soul of his mother while he outright rejects his Roman life for the Greeks- I think, BoO feels a little like a feverdream in my head so I don’t remember all of the specifics or my thoughts about it at the time I read it.
But I love this silly little skrunkle wolf kid. He also had piercings, and in my heart he didn’t die- what are you talking about?
Overall; love him, don’t know how much I like him in proportion to every other character I also like (Disco Darrin forever guys😎)
Frank Zhang
You guys see that I’m trying to get the Mc’s out of the way to then get to the things I like (talking about random side characters)
But Frank; he is so cute, I love him, he gets a nice hug.
Uhhhh, I don’t have much things about him
He tried playing hockey. That’s my goopy half-formed idea, I’ll probably have more of a story to that once I like actually can get one finger out of the side character train of thought to actually give Main characters some attention
I didn’t think of his fatal flaw going into this so this is my first draft of what I think Frank’s Fatal Flaw is,
The canon is low self-esteem, which may I say, after MoA is just like- dropped in HoO; I don’t remember many times where he was unsure of himself and that directly caused a detriment to the group (might be wrong because I finished SoN in a day and did that on like June 2nd this year so I’m rusty guys-)
But I feel bold, so I’m gonna say- not wrath, but some form of anger-related Fatal flaw,
Now; in SoN, self-esteem probably fits. But through MoA and beyond I remember notable moments in my brain of Frank and a very quick potent release of anger, or things related to anger and that emotional profile (is that right? Or uh, what I mean is like Anger being the umbrella term for all of the subcategories that we use to describe types of anger)
So I think that being Frank’s fatal flaw; having to go in a back and forth between not letting his anger bubble up and thinking that’s bad and watching as it comes up in fiery bursts feels fitting. Though I’m a little tired so it’s not my finest explanation
Hazel Levesque
I don’t have much ideas or opinions on the fandoms horse girl
I like her though, she’s rad
But uh
No thoughts on her
Hazel’s fatal flaw cannonically is her past. Which I kind of get; but Fatal flaws like originally were at least meant to be like actual flaws in the Og myths if I remember (Odysseus had Hubris; also his lying thing which was probably an offshoot of Hubris, but I just find that so funny for no reason-)
Hazel; honestly I don’t feel like I know her well enough to say for sure a fatal flaw for her based on her actions.
I would say impulsivity or recklessness but something in my brain is saying that might not be fully correct and I’m sure there’s plenty of options where she is not shown as reckless or impulsive
It is something that is to do with both her Gaea uprising #1 block, and saving her mother from the fields of punishment.
I’ll get back to you guys on a separate post
I’m tired so goodnight everyone^^ I’ll get back to my musings tomorrow, or another date