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Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 13

Summary: you shouldn't enter random portals

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Tw: injuries, being trapped in the middle of nowhere, vague death mention

The sun was dead.

That was the first thing Jesse noticed. The second was Meredith staring into the empty space in front of them. She was sitting about six feet away from her.

They were thrown in the middle of a grassland, except without the grass, which was burned a long time ago.

They were surrounded by some trees, in a weird, circle-like formation. Almost like Blair Witch. The trees were withered, some branches barely attached to the trunk and hanging loosely.

Sometimes, when the wind was strong enough, they were moving, as if trying to grab you. It was accompanied by the sound of eerie rustling, which made chills run down one's spine.

"Meri?" Jesse asked, shifting in Meredith's direction in discomfort. Every move was filled with agony, but there was no source she could pinpoint it to. It felt as if she had just run a marathon without any preparation.

The other girl was still staring into space, quivering slightly.

Jesse gently placed her hand on her shoulder, getting her out of the trance-like state.

Meredith shook her head, as if to clear it, and glanced around. She looked scared, but her face changed as soon as her eyes focused on Jesse.

"Are you okay?" the latter asked, helping Meredith to her feet

"Weird" she murmured, still seemingly far away

She looked strange, her hair messy and way shorter than before. There were sticks sticking out of it, covering her wide eyes, that were weirdly pale. She had smeared ash and little cuts covering her dirty face.

To make it brief, she looked like she had just tumbled down a hill.

"Ziemia do Meredith" Jesse said, waving a hand in front of her face

"Right!" the other said "Yeah, we better get going"


As they kept wandering through the grass-less grassland, Jesse started to notice her companion starting to limp.

It was very subtle, and at first she hadn't paid much attention to it. But with every minute, every step, Meredith was struggling more and more.

"Hey, uh," she started after a few more minutes "I think— I have to stop"

She limped to the tree closest to her, and slid down its trunk.

She pulled her pant leg and winced.

"Dammit!" she swore, glancing at her painful looking, bruised ankle. "I think it's sprained"

"You okay to walk?" asked Jesse

She mumbled something incomprehensible and looked back at the bruise. It was purple, an ordinary color, really. Well, 'ordinary' if you were fully human.

"Wait, why—"

"It's not black, I know" Meredith said, as if reading her mind. She pushed herself up, grunting.

She stumbled a bit, but managed to steady herself quickly.

She glanced at Jesse in silent celebration and took a few shaky steps. Her brows were furrowed, both in concentration and pain.

Jesse followed after her, letting her lean on her when needed. They had a long way to go.


Jesse groaned, propping herself on a big rock. They've been walking for what felt like ages, and they still hadn't found any civilization, or at least a source of food.

No matter how much she assured her friend, Meredith was definitely not fine. Sweat beaded her forehead, and she was pale and shaking.

Jesse helped her sit down.

It wasn't hot, and yet they felt as if the air was suffocating them, which meant a storm was on its way to make their situation far more worse.

They've been wandering for the past five hours, with occasional stops to rest, but since they had no water—nor food, for that matter—they were thirsty, hungry and absolutely exhausted.

That's why they decided to stop there, propped against that rock.

"Where exactly are we going?" asked Jesse, glancing at her companion who looked to be half-asleep.

Meredith didn't reply, so she gently shook her by the shoulder.

"I'm not asleep! " she jumped, startled

Jesse took her hand back, as if she had just placed it on a hot stove "Calm down" she reached out again, slowly. The former didn't protest.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" she asked

"I asked what's our plan"

"Oh, yeah, about that—"

Jesse sighed "Lemme guess; you have no plan"

"Well, I thought we'd just walk to the civilization, but this" Meredith pointed at her leg "surely complicates things

"It's not that bad. It coulda been raining" She put her hand up, palm upwards, as if to signal it was not raining. Except it was.

She glanced upwards "Well, it could've been worse. It could've been stormy—"

And as if to completely contradict what she just said, lightning lit up their quickly darkening surroundings. She jumped back, surprised.

"Don't you dare say another word"


After twenty minutes filled with cursing and trying to find shelter from the sudden cloudburst, they finally managed to get themselves into a cave.

The entrance was small, but the inside served a perfect hideout from both the sinister weather and creatures that could've been lurking in this realm (which was apparently called The Land Of Dead Sun).

Jesse was curled up in the tiny entrance, her hands folded into a boat-like shape. She waited for the rainwater to fill it, and took a sip.

The liquid was cold and tasteless, but with a note of something weird.

"Hey, Meri" Jesse started "want something to drink?"

The other girl didn't reply, just kept staring off into space. Just like when they first entered the realm.

Jesse sat by her side "What's wrong?" she asked, this time knowing better than to touch her

"Hey" she repeated, making Meredith jump

"Sorry, I was just thinking" she said, shifting uncomfortably in her place "I'm pretty sure once we entered this dimension we were put in the bodies of us from here"

"What do you mean?"

"That you're technically dead"



"Ziemia do Meredith" - "Earth to Meredith"

Hey, guess who's bored & writing again (Me)

Anyway, sorry for the long break after the previous post. I either post few times a week or once in a month, there's no in-between.


Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here

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