Kinktober 2020 - Tumblr Posts

✨HP Kinktober 2020 ✨
Hello everyone, it’s @triggerlil! I was looking around for a Kinktober list that could be used with my favourite Harry Potter ships when I realised… why not just make my own HP themed list!
With the help of some friends I present to you Harry Potter Kinktober 2020!
For all you magical devils who plan on using this list, I’ve created an AO3 collection: here!
Whether you’re going to write a drabble for each day, make some art, or choose just your favourite prompt, I encourage you to submit to the collection, and if you tag me in your posts on tumblr, I’ll make sure to reblog and rave so everyone can see!
The collection is open and unmoderated, so viewer discretion is advised, and please tag your works as accurately as possible. Every ship is welcome!

We recently surpassed 50 works on the HP Kinktober 2020 collection, and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has participated thus! Both in writing, arting, and commenting, whether it be on AO3 or Tumblr, you’re all amazing. 🔥As for all the submissions on AO3 we have:
45 Draco/Harry
2 Pansy/Ginny
Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley
Dudley Dursley/Gregory Goyle!
So if any of those ships fit your fancy, head on over to the collection: here!
Kinktober 19: Breeding (The Descendant)

Day 19: Breeding Title: The Descendant Pairing: All for One x Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Noncon, incest, forced breeding, cumflation, kidnapping, daddy kink, manipulation, bondage, yandere Notes: Here are the other drabbles and the fic that I’ve done for All for One! All of the ones there are connected, plus an absurd amount of thirst posts that may or may not be connected. @ichor-and-symbiosis, here is the actual breeding 👀
Kinktober Masterlist

“Where are you taking me?” You ask the villain leading you away from the destruction of Kamino Ward. The entire city looks like a warzone, the bodies of dead civilians and heroes everywhere along with raging fires and the rubble of destroyed buildings. A major battle between heroes and the League of Villains had struck the city.
And the heroes had lost. All for One, the mastermind of the attack and the one kidnapping you, had unleashed a powerful, unknown attack against All Might in a devastating battle.
The number one hero and Symbol of Peace was now dead.
“I’m taking you home, my pet.”
“But why me?” You whisper to him.
He pauses for a second to glance at you, and your blood freezes in your veins. His aura is immense, and even though he means you no harm for the moment, you still fight the urge to flee like a deer running from a predator.
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Kinktober Day 11: ABO (Conflagration)

Day 11: A/B/O Title: Conflagration Pairing: Alpha Barbarian Bakugou x Omega F!Reader Word Count: 3k Warnings: Fantasy AU. Dubcon, a/b/o dynamics, knotting, public sex, exhibitionism, biting/marking, yandere Note: Hope you guys enjoy, sorry it’s a bit late! I used all my brain power for the night to finish this.
Kinktober Masterlist

When you saw the fires begin at the far edge of the village, you already knew that the wolf clan of Bakugou Katsuki had come to pillage your home.
The clan was vicious, almost rabid. They would loot whatever valuables they could find along with basic food and other supplies and burn whatever they didn’t need. As for the people, most would be slaughtered where they stood. But every so often, a young man or woman would be taken by the clan, always omegas. There were many theories of what would happen to them. Some said that they would be eaten, and others said they would become mates.
What the truth was, nobody truly knew, because the ones taken were never seen again.
And now here the wolf clan is, practically at your doorstep. There was no warning given, and nobody had prepared for an attack. You glance around to see only chaos everywhere you look. People grabbing whatever they can and running away from the devastation.
But if the tales of the clan are true, then running will do no good. They work efficiently, surrounding a village from all sides and killing whoever tries to leave. The people may well be running into a trap. But it’s still better than doing nothing.
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Kinktober Day 20: Free Use (Rising Star)

Day 20: Free Use Title: Rising Star Pairing: Bakugou, Kirishima, Shouto, Deku x Reader Word Count: 5k Warnings: Villain AU. Noncon, free use, cumflation, belly bulges, knifeplay, branding/burning, degradation, humiliation, forced filming, forced orgasms, kidnapping, drugging, bondage, yandere Note: Ooh boy, this one is very very intense and very very long. I have been working on it all day, so hopefully you guys like it!
Kinktober Masterlist

“I think she’s starting to wake up,” a man’s cold and distant voice speaks up.
“About fuckin’ time,” another angrier voice growls.
“Oh come on, do we really want to scare her from the very beginning?”
“I know I do,” someone says with a dark giggle.
You try to move a bit, only to hear the loud clanking of chains. Someone’s hand runs up your bare thigh, and you tremble as you try to open your eyes.
“Still so sleepy. Maybe we drugged her a bit too heavily.”
“I’m tired of fucking waiting,” you hear heavy footsteps walking towards you, and then a defeanening roar at your ear. You startle awake instantly, eyes flying open to see an annoyed looking face. His hair is blonde and spiky, and his eyes are a furious red. You notice explosions crackling along his palms and realize that must have been the noise you heard.
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Kinktober Day 25: Among Us AU (The Skeld)

Day 25: Among Us AU Title: The Skeld Pairing: Dabi x F!Reader x Hawks Word Count: 5.5k Warnings: Among Us AU. Noncon, alien sex, belly bulges, predator/prey, biting/marking, bloodplay, a bit of gore, murder, yandere Notes: So this one was NOT intended to be this long, but here it is. Really fun to write though (although I may or may not have checked the wikia once or twenty times). Inspired by this request here. Hope you guys enjoy.
Kinktober Masterlist

You’re working on fueling the engines when the alarm begins to blare, almost deafening you with how loud they are. It takes you a long second to place the sound before realizing that it’s the emergency alarm for an electrical failure, something that strikes you as weird. The captain had only just ordered a ship wide inspection just a week ago, and everything had come up clear.
You quickly begin to make your way to the door while you can still see, fully intending to go and help fix whatever issue there is. But you run into Keigo Takami right at the doorway, a fellow crewmate who joined the crew months ago along with his mysterious friend simply known as Dabi. They had taken a liking to you instantly, helping you with your tasks and simply chatting to you for hours about your life and interests. Despite pushing them to reveal more about themselves, they never did, choosing to simply redirect the conversation back to you.
Keigo smiles at you and grabs your arm, leading you out the door and away from the hallway to Electrical.
“Wait, don’t we need to fix that?” You ask in confusion, looking at Keigo for an answer.
“Nah, I saw Blue walking that way to fix it. Nothing to be worried about, little bird.” He begins taking you down several corridors, passing other crew members in various states of confusion.
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Kinktober Day 17: Twincest (Mirror Image)

Day 17: Twincest Title: Mirror Image Pairing: Twin Brother Shouto x Twin Sister Reader Word Count: 3.7k Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, incest, breeding, slight somnophilia, jealousy, virgin reader, possessiveness, yandere Note: Read the warnings, they’re there for a reason. This idea is from an older request that you can find here, and is also a follow up to a thirst post I did here. Not required to read the thirst post, it’s just Shouto’s thoughts of something that happens in this fic (while masturbating.)
Kinktober Masterlist

Something strange was going on with your twin brother.
You don’t know exactly why it was happening, but you believe it started around the time that you first mentioned going on a date.
Shouto had stiffened up instantly, staring at you with such an intense expression that you almost took a step back. “A date?” His voice was quiet, but you could sense the underlying threat behind the words. It scares you a bit, a feeling that you weren’t used to from your twin.
“Um, yeah,” you say hesitantly, “a date. I think it’s about time for me to start getting out of the house. You guys are all grown now, and I don’t need to worry so much anymore.” A darker, more secret reason whispers in the back of your head, telling you that the relationship you and your twin have isn’t healthy. Insisting that if you don’t free yourself now, then you never will.
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Kinktober Day 22: Zombie (Voracious)

Day 22: Zombie Title: Voracious Word Count: 2.6k Warnings: Noncon, necrophilia (cause zombie), predator/prey, biting, marking, blood play, yandere Note: Thank you so much to @thewheezingwyvern who is always down to help me without batting an eye when I go “so, zombie plague…what are some good symptoms? And yes, the zombie is going to fuck you.” Also, for the love of everything that is unholy, please mind the warnings. Do not read the fic and come to me to tell me how disgusting it was. Trust me, I know. :)
Kinktober Masterlist

The country of Japan is dead. Or at least close enough that the distinction doesn’t matter.
Several months ago, an aggressive virus leaked from a quirk research facility and spread through the population like wildfire. Nobody was informed about what was going on, and nobody was warned when the virus first began to hit the cities. Officials kept it as quiet as possible, hoping to contain the spread before it got out of control. And before anyone knew how big of a mistake they had made.
But it was far too late for any sort of containment. The virus already spread fast in a lab environment, and it was even faster as it tore through an unprepared population.
The first sign of contracting the virus is tiredness and body aches. The infected simply thought they caught a minor illness, and they continued their business as usual, expecting it to go away on its own. But as the virus continues to spread through their body, the tissues start to die and they develop intense fevers and headaches. By the time the infection makes its way to the brain, confusion and outright delirium has begun to occur.
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Kinktober Day 15: Come Inflate (Black Coffee)

Day 15: Cumflation Title: Black Coffee Pairing: Sugar Daddy Gang Orca x F!Reader Word Count: 3.2k Warnings: Dubcon, cumflation, size difference, breeding, daddy kink, toys, manipulation, coercion, yandere Note: First of all, kink is “come inflate” in title because tumblr is stupid and I wasn’t sure I would show up in tags if I did that. Second of all, this got longer than I intended but I really like how it turned out. Hope you enjoy!
Kinktober Masterlist

“Hello, and welcome to the cafe, what can I - “
As you turn around, you see one of the top pro heroes, Gang Orca, standing and waiting to be served. You’ve seen pictures and heard stories about him, but you have never seen the man in person and you can’t help but admire him. He is huge, easily towering above your small form, with defined muscles that you can see even through the well tailored suit he wears. His eyes are red and gazing at you as if he expects you to recoil from his appearance.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare,” you smile genuinely, “what can I get for you today?”
He seems slightly surprised by your quick recovery and politeness, and his face relaxes a bit. “Just a simple black coffee for me, thank you.”
You give a nod and turn as you begin to prepare his coffee, humming slightly to yourself as you work.
“I was surprised to find this cafe still open at this hour. Are you the only one working tonight?”
You sigh as you turn to glance back at him. “Yeah, I am. My coworker bailed on me.”
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