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AVATAR : WAY OF WATER with a Human ! S/O who has psoriasis
Characters included : Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Ao'nung, Tsireya
Pronouns used : They / Them
Note(s) : Psoriasis is a non contagious skin condition caused by stress, hormonal changes and immune disorders. It can also be caused by genetics as it runs in family. You get flaky patches on the skin that are painful and dry.

He's worried for your health, it was bad enough you were human but now he refuses to take you anywhere remotely dangerous. He worries if they look too red or flaky, bringing you to Mo'at with no questions or confirmation on if its actually sore or not. Sometimes it can get annoying, and to be honest it's not the best way to react, but Neteyam's doing it because he knows how stubborn people can be and doesn't want you dimishing your pain, regardless on if you've ever done it or not.
Has a schedule for you and your ointments, he won't let you skip one or two even if they're looking really good one day, Netyam is very strict when it comes to your health. If they get bad again because you've been a bit careless while he's been away you're in for a lecture.
If the areas where it's bad ever split he's literally doing everything for you no exceptions, and while he doesn't want to come off as overbearing, Neteyam knows how incredibly dangerous infections are, he can't risk further injuries coming from the scabs.
Whenever it's all flaky and crusty he admits he cringes a bit, but still doesn't mind bringing you to a lake or getting something to wipe the excess off. He's very gentle and slow, trying his best to prevent making it worse.
When you get to the Metkayina any bullying or harrasment is met with aggression, he won't go out of his way to fight, and even tries to deescalate the situation if it goes too far, but he will defend you.
He has a bit more trouble bringing you to Ronal, and ends up very stiff and awkward during the interactions of your health, less so if you talk to her directly. Because of this, Neteyam usually gets Kiri to help him gather herbs he can use to help you, and because some Na'vi are judgemental of humans and it'd be easier to avoid stares or confrontation going to Ronal.
If you itch, bite, pick, whichever, he tries to help by placing something with a layer of cream or some kind of ointment over the parts that you tend to aggravate, it's his way of being not only affectionate, but helpful in preventing an infection. Neteyam isn't judgemental as I imagine most of his younger siblings done it from time to time, he probably done it as well at some point.
Given that when it splits water and just touching in general is incredibly painful, he tends to convince you with how bad it could get in the future, reminding you what could happen if you don't try to prevent it. When rubbing them onto your skin he reminds you that you can ask him to stop at any time if he notices you flinching or closing your eyes in pain.

He's mainly concerned, not overbearing, it's mainly small anxieties and asking questions that can be a little too invasive. They can get annoying sometimes even if he means well.
Wonders if because his family share DNA with humans that he could catch it, until you shut him down with the 'It isn't contagious.' which then gets him embarrassed on the fact he assumed in the first place. Ask him about it a while after, his face and even up to his ears and shoulders will go purple with a blush.
If you get made fun of, either by Na'vi or other humans, he'll defend you, as sad as the attempt is to watch, and relate to your experiences as he feels he can never truly fit with either. Even if the experiences you two have are wildly different in the simplest of terms.
Picking it usually ends in him being a little disgusted at the puss and blood that comes from it, but he wipes it away and washes the bacteria nonetheless, offering you comfort for the painful splitting. He can come off like he's disgusted at you, which he genuinely isn't, it's moreso the fact its gotten so bad and you could have an infection that ends in excruciating pain. He doesn't want you to go through that.
Lo'ak tries preventing picking and biting by telling you stories of how he nearly had to remove an arm one time because he scratched at an injury, this usually leads to you feeling anxiety or annoyed, maybe you're comforted by this and try to stop, either way he's trying to warn you of the dangers it can cause.
He takes a longer time than the rest to bring you to healers, unless you don't need convincing and go yourself, this isn't for a lack of caring, he just feels like making you go too often could make you feel babied.
Tends to ignore advice by healers, nothing major, but he brings you on exploration and hunts even after Mo'at or Ronal directly tell him not to.
He brings you to Mo'at very awkwardly, she tends to assume it's him in need of help for doing something dangerous, but whenever it's you she's sighing and asking why you didn't come sooner. Scolding him as he looks down and huffs.
Lo'ak makes sure to tell you he sees you for you, and he doesn't care that you have Psoriasis, it's apart of you, both figuratively and literally. He couldn't imagine you without it and doesn't make you feel bad for having it.

Kiri feels really bad for you if you get bullied for it, she tries to relate to you given she gets made fun of for her being a 'freak', although her attempts come off slightly pushy, it comes from a place of love and wanting to understand you.
Her strong connection with Eywa allows her to help you, she's able to find the materials needed in order to soothe your pain without fully understanding where everything is.
She's been training to be a healer for as long as she could think, and is more capable than most in this list beside Tsireya, so she knows what to do on the physical spectrum of helping you. Emotionally, she's also really good! When you're feeling really down Kiri asks you questions, and if you prefer to listen, she's also amazing at speaking about things she's interested in.
When you pick and bite she tries telling you it won't help at all, explaining the dangers in detail, this can either distract you from it or convince you to try and be more aware of your actions, although you obviously won't always be able to stop if you don't realise. But if you react negatively for whatever reason she tries to be near you more often, gently removing your hands from the parts that you're going to pick or bite almost on instinct.
She will bring you to Mo'at or Ronal when she doesn't know how to help, listening intently so she doesn't have to. It's not that she hates the outside or anything, but in the Metkayinas she prefers to stay away from others from fear of bullying, both for you and her.

Ao'nung made fun of you because of your 'strange skin', along with the Sully's for being 'demons'. After the whole Lo'ak incident he stops being extreme about his remarks but will still tease and mention it sometimes. However, if you genuinely have a problem with it and ask one of the Sully's, given the only way you'd be allowed with the Metkyina's is with the Sully's, to have him stop then he probably will.
I imagine he'd probably believe humans just looked like that, I don't think he's ever actually been 1 on 1 with a human before or up close. That's probably until he meets Spider, and you have to explain what Psoriasis is.
If it gets really painful he has no idea what to do, he then proceeds to be the embodiment of crying for his mother when he has an issue. He sounds fairly unbothered and even annoyed at you, but Ronal knows how he is, and she is side eyeing you both.
Will stand there and constantly ask questions while Ronal checks you over, she kicks him out after a while and remarks how childish he's being.
Given they usually only get painful if dry, though sometimes they're just annoying, Ronal suggested swimming more often, and so you joined in on the lessons the Sully's got. The lessons would most likely be longer with you because you tend to slow them down, at least you don't need to worry about breathing with the oxygen mask.
He'll try bringing you hunting every once and a while, mainly to help exercise you and help you be more useful so you can be more healthy. If you struggle and can't exercise more often, Ao'nung doesn't know what to do that could assist you beside help with ointments.
If you pick and scratch he gets kinda angry, it doesn't mean he'll yell or harm you, he just doesn't want you to be in pain. Ao'nung will hold your hands or cover the parts you can reach when he's around, but when he's gone it's easy to fall back into that habit. After a while of scolding you and telling you to stop doesn't work, he begs Tsireya for help.

She constantly asks her mother for help whenever it gets too painful or dry, Ronal tells her she can't help besides ointments on the skin regularly and Tsireya is dissapointed every time, wanting to help ease your pain.
Even though Ronal disapproves of you, being fearful of a betrayal given human nature, she will still be willing to help for her daughters sake and to remain in good spirits with the Sully family.
Tsireya tries ways to improve your mental health once you explain that things like stress can cause it, she takes you swimming in shallow water to try relax you and clean out any dirt that could be in the patches. She's gentle when guiding you and never presses hard against areas where it appears for you, sometimes she forgets how tall she is though and leads you too deep.
She's never judged or been rude to you, and when her brother or other people are she isn't kind with them. Heck, when she had first met you she had simply believed all humans had it.
Tsireya was really accepting when you told her what it was, she even held your hand and gently brushed a hand over some sore parts to prove she wasn't disgusted. Sometimes kissing them when it wasn't all crusty and all split.
Whenever or if ever you feel insecure, Tsireya to the rescue! She will separate the lessons with the Sully's and with you if you feel ashamed, only when you feel better about yourself will she bring you back. Building confidence is key and forcing you to the deep end, literally, will only shatter your self image.
Constantly reminds you to put the ointments over your skin and frets over you, loving to show you how much she adores you and doesn't mind your skin condition at all. Applying them herself if you forget.
She is still Ronal's daughter, and will be strict when it comes to medical issues, especially when they split given how painful it is and how it can become infected easier.
Again on the splitting or if you pick, she's hesitant to bring you back into the water, it hurts when wounds go into water and she's nervous you'll be in more pain. However, she does understand it can clean wounds and it's either this or wait until its healed to swim. Which she's fine if you prefer the second one.
If you pick and scratch she's probably the best one to have, she asks Ronal to bring her bandages so she can wrap them up after washing the dirt out and put ointments on, she helps change them and makes sure the bandages are thick so you can't scratch through them. Tsireya won't repremand you too much or get angry, she understands it can't be helped sometimes and besides some light scolds she treats you gently.