Avatar Way Of Water - Tumblr Posts
From the votes, I’ll be making a awow x atsv series soon. I’m thinking of making it long so someone who know how how to make the insert link into the name of the work pls help cause I’m stupid with these.

This is how they take fruits

How most sleep

Fun fact, ghost navi will mostly try to draw their crush or mate to impress them, most common “pen” is a big stick they broke somewhere or a root tree they pick up and sand, or ash to draw

Many trip over each other’s tail cause their tail is longer and thicker than most

Their house system and most are connect to each other one way or another
I’ll be dropping soft like clouds three tomorrow and I was thinking of having both three and four to be published
Fun fact of the day till I can publish the new chap of soft like clouds. They’re nearly done, just need some checking

Ghost clan members can retract their teeth if they want to. Basically looking like they don’t have teeth until they want to push them out of their gums

They have a different way of greeting,their whole hand going from their forehead down their face to the chin them give out respect

Another way of greeting if they respect the person they’re greeting deeply

They spread their tail to express love to one another, commonly use for couples

They have a middle finger version too, but it’s their pinky they put up

Those who are in love will be more cuddly once they realize they’re in love

They can change to have matching hairstyles

They fan each other on a hot day with their tails

Another way of courting is that one of the mate will ask their lover to describes place where they would like to go. Then the other mate will proceed to find a place that fit the description and drag their mate to that place so it can be called their secret place

They have flight dates too.
Mostly in the morning since the villagers are less active.
They also don’t have gears worn on their ikran so that they can hop on each other’s ikran mid flight if they want
Soft like clouds chap III
New plan

Neteyam x ghostclan!f!reader
Summary: the RDA is now on to something to lure the sullies out.
Warning: violence, explosions, angst?(not really idk) arson, mentioned of force breeding but there’s no scene describing, leaving home
Note: I’m sorry I said I’ll post like a month ago but when I recheck it it sucked so I tried fixing everything by reading everything through again and by god am I grateful i didn’t post it that day. I’m sorry again for not posting for long, I’ll try to keep up though.
Taglist: @ladylovegood-69 @bigdikzaddy @cleverzonkwombatsludge @myh3artttt @isabel-ffl-xoxo
“Jake Sully” Tonowari said jogging to the Sullies marui
“Tonowari” Jake said, nodding his head greeting him.
“We had the guards look around the area you reported to see the uh white navi you said” He said, panting a bit as neytiri look up, listening carefully
Neteyam was first to get his ears poking up, working for more news on you, he needed to find out who you were, how you got there and what happened. He stopped sharpening his knife as he turned his full attention to the conversation
“To their report one of the guards accidentally stepped on a thing?- that caused him to have a seizure before standing up and well I don’t know how to put it m” he explained
“Normally, they would follow my orders, but just mine, by rules too of course but then this-“ he paused can’t think of a word
“Best you come see for yourself JakeSully” he sighed, leading the way to the scene
Jake nodded following as he looks back, reassuring neytiri before he leaves
“Go after him, neteyam” Neytiri said, urging him to go
“Yes mother” he soon follows
The scene was definitely unexpected
Guards stabbing trying to pry open a giant seashell looking device that is trapping other guards inside
Replaced the hard shell with hard thick ropes that has the guards struggling to balance inside
“What the..” Jake mumbled as he gets close to the device, brushing off some sand and moss
“The RDA logo… Tonowari, the other device”
He asked as the guard gives him what seems like a big self injected needle with a bit of drug left inside with a bloodly needle head , brushing off some sand, it reveals the same logo
“She was a trap…” he mumbled
“The white navi? We have never encountered her before, she must’ve been made by those demons” Ronal hissed
Stood from afar, everything was muffled, he couldn’t hear anything that was said between his father and Tonowari, coming in closer as he saw the RDA logo then realizing what’s wrong
“Wait no- humans can’t create a navi! She had 4 fingers! Just like us!”
“Son I understand your frustration, but she was different, so different from us-“
“Dad please she was like us, 4 fingers, stripes, tails, maybe 4 ears, odd tail but-“
“Son listen-“
“But she could’ve been another kind of navi maybe-“
“With much navi we have lost from the kidnapping rampage these days do you think they can’t make one from force mating?” Jake snapped
“Dad but if she was made from force then why did she hissed at us? There must be multiple navis they have kidnapped and looked like us! demons that had tortured and made her a child from no love? The navis that were kidnapped and left there must be the only ones that comforts her-“
“No no more, we’ll talk about this later” Jake waved him off as he breaks the trapping device, letting the guards out before turning back
“Tonowari I need your help, I will study the device, then I’ll gather the information to sums up, tell the villagers if they see a white navi do not come near and remain hidden from a vast spot” Jake said before taking off with the device, returning to the marui, ignoring his son’s pleas behind him
“Dad please listen it doesn’t make sense! Then why did she warn me to- Dad please-“
Neteyam follows as he tries to fasten up keeping up with Jake
“Do you love her?” Jake spat as he turned around tired, he was supposed to be done with war and yet the demons never gives up
Neteyam’s cheeks turn pink and he couldn’t keep his serious composure as he search for sword
“Goddamnit Neteyam you just saw her twice, first time wasn’t even clear”
“Love at first sight?-“
“All you saw was her eyes-then she couldn’t even get your name right in the second meeting- a proper meeting”
“I don’t mind being called Netijam i mean it’s pretty cute-“ he mumbles as he barely fight back, looking down at his fingers twisting against each other
Looking like an awkward boy having a crush for the first time
“Neteyam as the oldest I expect you to be more mature than this over a girl, you’ve just met” Jake grunts, part of him still trying to hold back a laugh seeing his son being a grown ass warrior being this soft for a girl he met 2 times
“And now our village is being hunted down, the whole village can be trapped in one night if we do not fight back” Jake groaned, he said as he suddenly realizes
“The village…Shit” he says as he turn back speeding up to get back to the marui
Jake didnt sleep, he was staying up, studying the device in another marui as his family was sound to sleep
“Well Sully” a dark voice came from the corner of Jake’s marui
He turned back surprise knowing the voice he grabs the knife as he defends himself
“Look Jake, let’s just not make this harder on the both of us-“
“You were supposed to be dead” Jake spat
“Oh that’s another story, my son… he pulled me up” Quaritch smirk
“Spider..” “Incorrect, it’s Miles Soccoro”
“I’m not looking for a fight right now, guessing by that device, your son, has met our female?” He asked
“What about it, she’s no more a danger, once we see her again we’ll just have to kill her” He spat angrily
“Woah calm your horses Jake, really gotta kill a navi just cause we have her and your son loves her? Damn Sully, you are more of a savage than I thought”
“She is no navi, made by your hands”
“Think what you think, if she dies then there’s no more mating for your son”
“What the fuck is this what kind of tinder app are you turning this into?”
“Look, we want peace-“
“Let me finish my sentence Sully”
“She was not made by us, was captured but not made, I can make that clear, it’s like a princess marry a prince then both kingdom happy blah blah all that cheesy shit, and then peace-“
“Like I said Bull.Shit” Jake huffed out, his nostrils flared angrily
“Alright Sully, you wanted it the other way, we could’ve done this so differently..” He said swinging a hard punch to Jake’s head while knocking the fire lamp on to the marui floor, setting it on fire as he backs off into the hot mist “set em on fire you have my command” he said to device “till we meet again Sully” he said as he disappears into the smoke
“Dammit!” Jake groaned getting up to see the whole village set on fire, many navi that they tried flee from the human, burning their village down like nothing.
Their eyes wild, animal like, equipped with devices and fire guns, their necks choked by a tube collar filled with drugs
The villagers screams, some fight back and some fleeing from the horrendous scenes
Tonowari and his family, the guards helping others as many ran away, cannot bare to hurt their friend or loved ones.
Jake’s ran to his family marui, huffing heavily, the smoke making it hard to breath, peaking in his home as there was no one there, he caught a glimpse of them helping villagers out, neteyam helping an old villager run away from the heating fire, Kiri and Tuk took the kids and ran while Loak, Ao’nung and Tsireya escorted the rest of the children as Roxto bring the babies out, running
It was a mess. They all ran, gathering in the community house where is hidden and only used for emergency
“Everyone calm down! Please!” The sullies tries to calm the villagers down, cries and groans were everywhere, complaints and scared faces were clear, many was injured, burnt and cut, bruises and messed up faces
“Māwey ma nāvi!” Tonowari loudly yelled as the room goes silent
“We must go somewhere, hide find a place to survive!” He said, spitting out each words in disgust
“As much power we hold, we cannot face them like this, we must find another place”
“They have our family, loved ones, other navis against us! Those that hadn’t been rescued were turned into mindless puppets for the demons to use!”
“But we have never ran away from our enemies” “But more then half of our marui has been burnt down to ashes as we speak, our crops are burnt, weapons gone, herbs, everything we had have been burnt to the ground” He said desperate
“The enemies know where we are” Jake said
“They will come back and kill us if we do not hide, our children, our loved ones, they will all die if we do not move away, a place that is hidden” he explained
“This device, hold the drugs that makes you do what the demons say, what the demons order, and you have no strength against it as long as it is injected into you, that’s why you see your loved one burning their villages down, the ones that had been kidnapped”
Tonowari sighed “Tomorrow, we shall set off to find a hidden land, a hidden place” he announced it off, closing the night as the people held each other for comfort
“Jakesully, we-“ Tonowari paused, sighing
“We have fought to this day, let’s continue together brother, do not loose faith” Jake said reassuring Tonowari
“Thank you”
“Warn the other clans, do not let the demons take more” Tonowari said, telling his guard as they soon take off, following his orders
“Come on! Come on!”
“Get on”
“Got everything?””yep”
“Hey come here”
The villagers surrounds the near shore as each leaves home, riding on ilus and tsurak as they prepare for a new journey
Many cries and complaints were clear
The sullies hop on to their ikran, preparing to go
“Dad do we really have to?” Lo’ak asked, complaining as he sighed moody
“For the sake of the village and us yes we do” Jake said sternly “now go help your mother with the things, we’ll be going soon”
The sullies prepare as the chatter of the clan continues
“My people..” Tonowari gathered
“The time has come, we must be on our way” he sighed, comforting Ronal as he ride his tsurak, leading the people
One by one they follows, each looking back at their burnt down village, where they once called home
“You guys ready?” Jake asked
The answer was silent, soon they took off, finding a new place to hide
I’m sorry I could release this chapter as I said I will, I’m still learning to write faster and better. Pls if there’s anything cringy I’m sorry, I’m still trying to write, if there’s any grammar mistakes, I’m also sorry, English isn’t my mother tongue, I write to try and improve it. Anyways thank you for the wait
I made a way to the Ghost clan’s hidden place just so it’s easier to imagine 

At the end of the endless waterfall, where mists covers most of the rest

When fall down to the thick mist, it has this place messed up with giant vines and enormous twigs, branches with sharp thorns where some white ikran lives

Then to the unknown cause I’m horrible at directions but it’s a lot of twist and turns

To the gate of the clan, heavily guarded by ikrans and some navi guards

To the “main land” of the clan, where the clan members live with ikrans, they mostly stick to the rock celling, where the ikrans hang and make nests, have their eggs and where the navi clans build house, home
Up there is called the Home World
A thick mist divides the place, making where is underneath the mist called the Under World

This place is more naturally inhabited. Navi that comes down here comes to harvest materials, food, and home of craftsman

The Olo’eykte and her Tsahik of the ghost clan

I did mention how soft the ghost navis are, but did you know they use this to sneak away? They love midnight snacks so it helps. But that only work if they’re around blue navis, shots navi clans have 4 ears, easily spotting the one trying to sneak away. They still haven’t realized it yet.

They have very long staff as torches, made out of the longest stick they can find so that it burns for long.

Here’s a size difference between human and them

Ghost navi don’t know who Toruk Makto is. They just don’t have a legend about him.
And they also did not know about human’s first invasion in pandora and they still don’t know till you got kidnapped.

If you give them a human food, give them lemons. They really enjoy it. They’ll also eat the whole thing, the peels, the inside.
This is Mākin, she’s one of the small assistants of Tsahik, and will be featured in the next chapter

Her mask and toys

She’s shy, often found hiding behind Eāna (Tsahik) or beside her
Either way, she’s always following Eāna in when she’s in need of help or emotional support

And this is Eāna, the Tsahik of the clan, who’s soft hearted and gets easily shaken up when it comes to her daughter
Others help but they share that Eāna has been going through Great Depression after not finding her daughter, crying anytime she does something that reminds her of her child

Eāna crying while doing work

More of Eāna
Eāna (the Tsahik of the clan) sounds like Lisa Margaret Hannigan
Kuä Te (the Olo’eykte of the clan) sounds like Patti LuPone
Mākin (Tsahik’s tiny assistant) sounds like Judith Eva Barsi, but a bit raspier
New character added to the list
It has been a crazy long time since I’ve posted anything. Just wanna come back with some drawings

Eāna with Makin

Küe (the Olo’eykte) had a time where she focused too much on moving the clans to hide safely, she accidentally forgot to eat and got starved. She ate again after passing out in a meeting

Eāna and Küe close up face

Fast little doodles of Eāna and Küe, mostly crying Eāna

Also a baby

Look at this costume concept art for Aonung 😍 The face tattoo??? 😩 In love

RCOM Quaritch has been on this shelf for like 2 months at this point. Nobody likes him 😂 And I mean I hope he gets redeemed and all that but like, fair
A star in the ocean ch 1
Summary: after the fight in Awa’atlu spider becomes a drift a sea while trying to get back to the sully’s, talking it as a sign that he made it so far you take him with you back to your clan
Author's note: Any hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted, i'll be posting this to my wattpad, AO3, and quotev (alot I know). anyway I swear something possessed me to write this so i hope you enjoy and on with the story.
Warnings: nothin that i know of, typical canon violence
word key:
Tsahìk=high priestess/interpreter of Eywa
sempul= father
tsmuke= sister
Cold and exhausted, that's what he felt, in the water after swimming for Eywa knows how long, he knew the fighting had stopped with the lack of shouting and guns firing, but he didn't know how far he was from the island or the ship that was sinking last he saw it, he was sure that he wanted to rest even if it was only for a minute he had been swimming for what felt like hours trying to get back to the sully’s, so he just stayed in the water floating on his back, too tired to move much or be too aware of his surroundings.
“I found someone!”
There were small black dots clouding his vision as he felt someone pick him up out of the water and set him in front of them moving so that he was leaning onto them “don't worry you are safe now i'll take you to the Tsahìk, you'll be fine” said the voice they sounded a bit far and muffled to spider dew to the exhaustion that raked his body. But he felt like he could trust the mysteries voice for now, they sounded calming, and leaned into them, despite being in the water they were much warmer than he was, so not having much other choice he finally let himself rest, at least for a bit. ~~~~~~~~~
Spider felt warmer than he was before and alot more comfortable. He wanted to lay there for a while longer before any of the recoms came to bother him. He moved to get more comfortable than paused and thought for a moment, then he realized, wasn't he just on in open water in the middle of a fight with the RDA and an ocean clan? Spider quickly sat up a bit and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, trying to wake up more to survey his surroundings.
After a minute he glanced around, he realized he was in what looked to be a healer's hut, it was a bit small but there were a two other mats a few feet away from him, there were also some different herbs and plants tied in neat bundles that hung from the ceiling that looked to be drying out, a few short stands with bowls, cups, and other containers on top as well as a few different sized cloths that were stored on a shelf beneath them and finally a small fire pit that sat a bit into the ground closer to the wall with what looked to be a pot hanging above it,with something cooking inside, it sat opposite to what he Assumed was the entryway.
He could hear others walking around outside and talking but couldn't make out any specific words. He sat there for a few minutes trying to remember how he got here, and where exactly ‘here’ was, though he didn't have to wait as long as he thought because before long he could hear two sets of feet making their way closer to him. They were talking and as they got closer he was able to make out what they were saying.
“Is what sa’nu said true?!” The first voice sounded young and full of curiosity, they remind him a bit tuk but he could tell it wasn't, the second voice sighed “yes, but your not supposed to be here, sa’nok said she wanted you to stay in the kelku sooo go back” they drew out there words a bit, but unlike the first voice this one sound older and a bit annoyed. By now they had stopped a few meters from the hut he was in, their silhouettes barely visible with the flap closed “why! i want to see what he looks like'' the shorter one wined “because he needs to heal, besides you'll probably see him when sa’nok and sempul come to speak with him” “maybe but that means i have to wait and that's boring”
The older one chuckled, “then i guess you'll just have be bored then, now go i have to see if–” “i'll just take a peek really quick” “wha- hey!” the older one called after her but it fell on deaf ears and with that spider could hear the younger one rapidly approach the hut, before he could do anything else the flap was pulled back a bit and a small na’vi girl made herself know, she looked surprised to see that he was awake “it is true!” she gasped Before he could say anything she stepped back outside, letting the flap fall close behind her and started talking to who he assumed to be the other girl “Y/n, Y/n! Hurry up, come see!” the other person- Y/n he assumed- rushed to the little girl huffing a bit “zo’ile what did i tell you, i'll get in trouble if you go in there by yourself” she sounded annoyed but not to surprised.
“But Y/n look, he's awake!” she exclaimed excitedly, opening the flap with one hand while pulling the older girl inside the hut with the other “see!” she exclaimed, spider moved to sit up properly and looked towards the pair. The younger of the two was now hanging off of the latters arm leaning forward a bit to get a better look at him as if he was further from them than he actually was and was all but jumping in place with excitement now that she finally got to see him, the older girl didn't respond and seemed to be more surprised to see that he was awake and moving, she studied him a bit, seeing as when she found him she had to rush him to land due to the broken mask he had on.
when their eyes finally met it felt like something had knocked all the air from their lungs, it was like time had stopped. They were both stuck staring at each other as if when one of them blinked the other world disappear without a trace, spider noticed her eyes first, they were a striking blueish green with specks of E/C in them, they were calming yet striking to him like he’d know her his whole life despite having never met, the next thing he noticed was her skin, aside from the fact that they weren't anywhere near, it was obvious she wasn't a forest na’vi with her teal skin and fluid but distinct markings that framed her face and trailed down her body, her hair was H/C and say for a few strands that fell into curls, was pulled back into a braid that seemed to continue into her queue, the last thing he noted was how her arms were wider like fins and that her tail was much flatter than that of the Na’vi or avatars he'd seen. Overall he was in awe.
Despite it properly being a minute or two, It felt like hours before a quit giggling interrupted their little staring contest, both jumping slightly turning toward the sound, clearing her throat Y/n turned to look and the younger na’vi “zo’ile go-go get sa’nok, let her know he's awake” she said lightly pushing her toward the entryway, still giggling she agreed and left,Y/n turned back toward spider finding him to have sat up properly and already looking back at her. Shifting a bit under his gaze she asks “you- you can understand me right?” spider nodded his head not quite trusting his words yet, the na’vi noticeably brightening at this “oh good, here you must be hungry” she said a sigh of relief escaping her as she moved toward the pot, poking at the fire under it a bit before fixing him a bowl “here” she handed him the bowl Before sitting down, and ensuring she was sitting a reasonable distance in front of him without overwhelming him.
Spider mumbled a quick thanks and downed its contents, he set the bowl down and went to wipe his mouth. That's when he noticed it, his mask,it was gone. His eyes went wide as he started to look around him, he stopped when he heard quite chuckle he turned looked at the na’vi in front of him “sorry” her ears when down a bit “it just-are you alright you look confused” she looked at him expectantly her head tilted a bit “uh no- no i'm fine its just my mask-” he cut himself off and sat back with a dumbfounded look on his face running hand through his dreads “it gone”. The girl paused then remembered “oh you mean-” she was cut off when they heard someone approaching the hut.
“Excuse me,” you quickly got up and stepped outside. Letting the flap close as you left, taking swift steps you met your mother halfway greeting her “mother, I see you” she returned the greeting before saying “your tsmuke tells me the boy is awake”
“He is, his wounds were light and seem to be healing already” you explained. She smiled at you “that's good i take it he's asking questions then?” “a few” “i see, well there's no use standing here the sooner i see him the better, your father wishes to speak with him” with that you both walked back to the tent.