Kittylove - Tumblr Posts

Loupiot à travers le verre.

I have missed these fluffballs! Look at them snuggling up together!😭❤️❤️❤️ . . . . #cat #cats #cats_of_instagram #catsofinstagram #kitty #kittycat #pet #love #petlove #catlove #kittylove #precious #ragdoll #ragdolls #ragdollstagram
Dream with fairy cats for my mental health❤️🩹🫠

Rory loves all the animals. ☺️🐱❤ #kittylove #shewassotolerant #imsopleased
This is the cutest shit I’ve ever fucking seen. I can’t breathe. 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 #cat #catsofinstagram #catlife #catlover #catlovers #kitty #kittycat #kittylove #kittykitty #kittycuddles #animal #animals #animallovers #cuddle #cuddleswithbae #cuddlebuddy #cuddles #cuddleseason #cute #cuteanimals #adorable #adorableanimals #video #catvideos #usingtags #usingtagstogetnoticed #imusingrandomtagsbecauseicanandifyoudontlikeityoucanleave
Cats turning 3. Happy cat day fellers.

Our little princess, resting after a busy morning of napping.
I guess I should start with the origin story, even though we don't know the details. Our little princess had a life before she came to us. We don't know all of the details, but she was damaged somehow. Friends found her using their garage as a refuge. She had obviously been through something terrible. Her fur was so matted they had to have her shaved. Once that was done, numerous scars were revealed. We have no idea of how they happened; abused? hit by a car? ripped up by a dog? She is afraid of dogs barking, but that isn't necessarily proof. What we do know is the she has multiple broken bones that did not heal properly. Pelvis, ribs, scapula, and more are malformed, causing numerous health issues. Despite all of this, she has immense capacity for love! She has become a central part of our house. Her other siblings aren't especially thrilled with having her in the house, and she isn't exactly a fan of cats, but she definitely loves us!! #ShirleyBean