Koseki Reina - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
I Personally Think That Wanderer's Facial Expression In His Idle Animation Is Not Evil Enough So I Decided
I Personally Think That Wanderer's Facial Expression In His Idle Animation Is Not Evil Enough So I Decided

I personally think that wanderer's facial expression in his idle animation is not evil enough so I decided to try my best to edit his expression in MMD (model: mihoyo; effect: ミーフォ茜, Moyonote, and Momo_MMD; stage: kemilia1010)

His edited expression is actually based on this:

I Personally Think That Wanderer's Facial Expression In His Idle Animation Is Not Evil Enough So I Decided

(both of them are the most "evil" playable characters which never consider something beneficial, always giving us trouble somewhere like floyd leech from twst)

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1 year ago

I've heard that syoko's VA participates in the latest precure series yesterday when I watched the first episode of it: (and the previous series featured tori's VA which made me crazy)

I've Heard That Syoko's VA Participates In The Latest Precure Series Yesterday When I Watched The First
I've Heard That Syoko's VA Participates In The Latest Precure Series Yesterday When I Watched The First

I'm sorry that I have to compress the GIFs as Tumblr doesn't allow me to post GIFs with size over 10 MB(the second one is actually superhero instead of magical girl 😅)

The new series may be like this: (together with kyoko's VA)

I've Heard That Syoko's VA Participates In The Latest Precure Series Yesterday When I Watched The First

Extras: some unrelated GIFs I made recently

I've Heard That Syoko's VA Participates In The Latest Precure Series Yesterday When I Watched The First

Everyone's yandere girlfriend

I've Heard That Syoko's VA Participates In The Latest Precure Series Yesterday When I Watched The First

A gif to describe Lilia, raiden and tetora's cooking skills

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11 months ago
I've Been So Long Since My Previous Drawing On February......I Am Really Busy In These Days But I Really

I've been so long since my previous drawing on February......I am really busy in these days but I really want to draw these girls even I don't have enough time🤦‍♀️ (and I found that my art style changed a lot compared to those drawn in December)

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9 months ago

142's recent SSRs 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😇

142's Recent SSRs
142's Recent SSRs

And I really think that reina-sama's facial expressions are all-time best ✨😈

142's Recent SSRs
142's Recent SSRs
142's Recent SSRs
142's Recent SSRs
142's Recent SSRs

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9 months ago

I'm crying now 😭😭😭😭 can't wait for adding to the game in the future since this moment

I nearly only listening to kpop and English songs nowadays but this is really one of the best solos ever (just like syoko's pandemic alone which deceived us) 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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6 months ago

I'd never expected syoko singing 9th anniversary song 😭

(I haven't read the story yet but I heard someone saying that she is carrying a hammer)

I'd Never Expected Syoko Singing 9th Anniversary Song

I got crazy and ran out of battery right now

I'd Never Expected Syoko Singing 9th Anniversary Song

And yesterday I got syoko's ticket by chance 😊

I'd Never Expected Syoko Singing 9th Anniversary Song

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5 months ago

Angel or Devil side? 😇👿

Angel Or Devil Side?

A little bit spoliers from the recent event included (conversation between 142's members can be also found but I didn't draw them)😇

And the rest are not related lol

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