Kouha Ren X Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Kouha Ren x reader ~I care (Fluff) Kouha Ren imagine

None of the characters of Magi belong to me and I do not intend to make any money with it. All credits to the owner of this fantastic anime and work, please support it!

By the way he might be a bit out of character I apologize for that y.y

Now of fun I would be really happy about some comments or votes if you like it.

If anyone is even reading this ^^''

You took a deep breath in then you were pushed on the stage. There were nobles many nobles starring at you. Their eyes were scaring you. Their greedy and disgusted eyes..they look at you like you were trash not even with the worth of an animal. Insecure you tried to pull your way too short clothes down, with were doing a poorly job in hiding your body. No wonder they were worn out so much and thin. "Hey you look up, stupid slave!" the man who was trying to sell you screamed at you, but that made you even more scared, you were terrified and did not dare to look up. Suddenly a wipe hit your body but you keep quiet even through the pain of more hits. You would not do him the favour of screaming, yes you were scared, but the only thing you got left was your pride. You had lost everything else ...even you freedom. You felt blood run down your arms, when suddenly the whipping stopped. What was going on? "You really must be an idiot, why do you suppose it would make your chances of someone buying her get higher when you hurt her?" the voice speaking was ice cold and maybe a little bit high, but definitely annoyed. " Maybe I should use this wipe to get some intelligence in your head? That would be fun, what do you say?" "My, pr-prince...I ..am sorry ..I was not thinking.." "Yes, you were clearly not." Did he just say prince?! "How much?" heh? What was going on. "Prince Kouha? You...you would like to b-buy her?" He wanted to buy you?! Now you were more than confused, you were the last slave on the stage..all the others were already sold, because they were prettier or stronger then you or maybe because they seemed to be more fun because they looked up, but you, you were never sold, not that you wanted anyway...you wanted to be free, but there was no chance to that, so you were just hoping to be bought by someone who would not treat you horribly. "Yes, I want to buy her, so stop wasting my time, how much do you want for her?" "My prince, just take her as yours, she is a gift." " Well than thank-you" you gulped still not daring to get up or look up " The show is over, they are all sold. Go back to your work, so we can be proud of our strong kingdom." You heard the people leave, some mumbling about how strange it was to see a prince outside of the palace. Suddenly there was a hand on your chin and you flinched afraid to be hurt again, but the hand just gently took hold of your chin again another hand carefully stroking your cheek. "Calm down, I will not hurt you." He made you look up and you were met with two somehow pink eyes gazing at you. The pink eyes fitted to the pink long hair but that was not what was making it hard for you to breath, it was the smile he was giving you and the way he looked at you. His eyes were warm and caring. It seemed like ages that anyone had look at you like this, smiled at you. You knew you had to say something, but you were just so confused. "You are not one for much words, heh? Do not worry, I will take care of that. I am Kouha Ren the third prince of Kou and from today on you will work for me. May you give me your name? Or should I rather choose one for you?" "(y-y/n)....my name is (y/n), my prince" "So you can talk!" he laughed and you blushed, his laugh was beautiful. "Well then, (y/n) let us go." He took hold of your arm, but not in a way that would hurt you and made you stand up with him. Just now you realised that he had kneeled for you! A prince kneeling to talk to a mere slave.... You left the stage and a few people joined you, he told you their names and you tried to remember them. "Oh, she looks cute!" you heard one of the women with him whisper and blushed professionally. "Still she looks so sad...Master Kouha will she become one of us?" "yes she will" he answered enthusiastically and to your surprise gently squeezed the arm he was holding you at lightly, as if he wanted to assure you. You were so confused...You head heard that the prince would be a maniac and you had expected that a prince would slaves not even spare a gaze, but he saved you from the man and was really nice to you and everyone seemed to like him more then like, they were looking up to him, was this the way a king should be seen? You took a deep breath, catching Kouhas attention:" I....I" he looked at you and somehow you were drowning in this eyes and losing your words, you had always been shy, and even more afraid because of what you experienced as a slave, but this young man and his eyes were too much for you. He crooked his head a bit smiling at you: " Keep going, you can do that, I know you can" He was encouraging you? " I..thank-you for making this men stop, my prince." You talk so fast, you were sure it sounded weirdly but he just chuckled lightly " See, you can do it, you just need to practice and (y/n)" he patted your head making you blush even more" You are really welcome"

You came to the palace and you were awestricken, it was so huge and beautiful. " I see you like it, that is good. This is you new home, (y/n)." you were surprised that he was calling you by your name. All you had been called since you became a slave had been slave, woman and names. "Prince..Kouha.." you mumbled confused. The prince was still holding you by your arm. " It had been a long day everyone, get some rest oh and be so kind and tell my maids that they can take this evening of, I do not need their assistance today, have a good night everyone." "You too Master" they all answered. To your surprise Kouha still held your arm. You had expected that one of the servants would take you to a place to sleep or something like this, but he made you stay. "Come with me, oh and before you get scared or anything I am not planning on doing anything to you, at least nothing you do not want me to do" he smirked and you blushed again. "They are right, you are cute" he chuckled and took you with him. "This is my room, here sit down." He made you sit on his bed then went into a room next door and came back with a bowl of water and a cloth. "We need to get that nasty wounds of your clean. He gently began to wash your arms "My..my prince..there is no need for you to do this... I ..can do ..this ..I do not want to be a burden ..I" "Hush, now. You are not a burden, I want to take care of you. You know, they cast us out because we are different, I am lucky I have my brothers to look after me and care for me and my sisters, since you have no ne to take care of you, I will do this from now on. Keep your head up, train and practice and show everyone what you are. I take care of the people working for me got that (y/n)" you nodded and a single tear found its way down your cheek. "Now, now, do not cry." He was finished with taking care of your arms and was now slowly lifting the close at your back still you felt not bad or afraid, you somehow knew it was okay, okay since it was him. " I wish I had been a bit early at the stage to see and stop him, I am impressed you kept quiet. Your back....that must hurt quiet a lot... wait a moment I get some bandages and some medizing" With out waiting for you response he jumped up and was gone, only to be back a few minutes later. "Sorry, but you have to take your shirt of, so that I can clean and bandage your back in the right way..I will just look at your back, I promise" Was the prince blushing?! You nodded insecure and took of your shirt, keeping your arms shyly in front of your breasts. Kouha continued his work and you felt much better with every minute. " So, all finished. Wait! You cannot put on that dirty clothes again!" but you had nothing else....suddenly there were clothes, really soft and beautiful, and expensive looking clothes in your arms " Here, take these. I know they are for men and probably a bit too big, but I will get you fitting clothes by tomorrow, still keep this, they are warm and soft, keep them for nights when you get could or something, okay~" "My, prince..that is too much ...I " "It is fine, go next door and wash the rest of your body, I did not take care of and change then. " You nodded and stood up, you were really tired by now. Still you managed to bow" Thank-you so much, Master Kouha" you did as you were told and came back. " Come here" he had changed in more comfy clothes too and you realised they were like the ones you were wearing. He had giving you his clothes, that explained way they smelled so much like him . "Come, here, we both need rest, especially you. " " Master Kouha..?" Did he mean you slept in his room..? "For tonight you stay here, tomorrow I show you your chamber, but for now you stay with me. The palace is huge and must be scary for you with all the people and everything being new. People would talk if I stayed at your chamber, but you staying here is perfectly fine, so come lay down and get some rest. Tomorrow you will start your work as my personal maid. The last one is becoming quiet old, still I like the old lady, but she should not be working so much anymore she will help you learn and help out, but I do not want to overwork her, also she is always so strict with me!" He whined making you chuckle " You laughed !" he beamed and to your great surprise hugged you. You were so confused " Now, now, d not cry...you look much more beautiful when you laugh" He laid down with you still in his arms, pulling the covers over you two. You were a bit insecure because he was so close, but you felt so safe in his arms that you fell asleep to him stroking your hair. The next morning you woke up and saw that Kouha, was gazing down at you:" Good, morning (y/n), have you slept well?" "G-good morning my pri-ince, yes I..I" it was just two much, his gaze, the fact that he was this close and that you had slept in his arms. You did not know how to form a complete sentence anymore and embarrassed hid your face behind your hands. You heard Kouha chuckle lightly: " This will be sooo much fun!" He laughed and seemed really happy about it. He kind of reminded you of a young child, but you really liked that. "Come we both have to go now, before my other maids come and get jealous of you" He made you stand up "je-jelous?" He laughed than sigh over dramatic "You will learn soon enough" He took you by your hand and you two began wondering around the palace yet you met no one just a few guards walking around in the far, it was still really early. "This is your room. See there are clothes for you and all. I make sure that one of the others gets you and takes you to breakfast and gives you a tour, after that I want you to come to my room and assist me if needed, okay ?" You nodded and he again patted your head making you blush "Oh, so you like that" he stroke over your head again "You are like a cat! I like that! Does that mean I can punish you with water? But wait...water is boring. Well as long as you do not mess up there is no need for that" and with that he was off.

After breakfast and a long tour with an really nice maid, you hoped you would become friends you were on your way to Kouhas room but you were stopped because a guard stepped in your way: "Hello there~" He slurred. Was he drunk?! You were quite sure guards were not supposed to be drunk while on duty. "Excuse me please, I have attend to my masters wishes" you tried to get past him but he grabbed you wrist and in the next moment you were pinned against a wall "Hey little lady, not so fast, I am not done talking to you." You tried to get free but that ended just with him slapping you. Should you try to scream? But what if soldiers here were allowed to do these things..." Please... let me go..." "Oh no doll, we will have some fun." He began to let his arms wander around your body, but suddenly he was junked away from you and the next thing you saw, was how he was cut into two halfs by a Kouha who smiled like a maniac. His eyes, was that blood lust? "Haha, that fit you right for daring to touch my dear (y/n) with your filthy hands and also for coming close with that dam priests, haha!" Your knees gave up, you were in a state of shock, because of the man, because of his actions, because of his sudden death and because of Kouha still having this blood lust in his eyes...would he hurt you too because you had caused trouble. Kouha turned to look at you and to your surprise, the second he saw your state his whole behaviour changed. His smile got gently and caring, his eyes warm and soft and he put the sword away after getting rid of the blood, then he whistled and two man came and took the body away, while he took careful slow steps in your direction: "(y/n)-chan? Hey, there" he cooed softly like he was speaking to a child "Are you hurt? Did that man hurt you?" he kneeled down to your level and stroke your cheek "It is okay, he will not hurt you anymore, calm down." He hugged you and pulled you close and you realized you started to cry. You had been so scared. "Shh...hush now.."he suddenly stood up, holding you bride style and carried you to your room. He sat you down on your bed and waited for you to calm down. "your okay now?" he gently asked and as you nodded he out of nowhere slept you, not so hard that it would cause serious damage but enough to hurt: "why the hell did you not even try to scream for help?! In the palace are a lot people someone who would be able to help would have heard you! Seriously do you even realise what could have happened when I had not decided to check up on you and were searching for you!" His look was strict and reprehensive. Then he sighed:" You are quite troublesome, heh?" "I..I am sor-ry my prince" a tear rolled down your cheek, was he still angry at you? You did not want to be a burden and you were a bit scared of him, because he enjoyed killing that man. You did not realised you trembled badly until you found yourself in two strong arms. Kouhas head placed on yours and him gently stroking your hair, not saying a word just doing that. "Listen now, (y/n). You do not need to be afraid. Might I punish you with reasons, yes I might do that, but I have no intention of hurting you badly or killing you, even less cutting you in half, okay? Yes, I do enjoy fighting and yes also killing, but I only kill the people attacking me or being a danger to my people or people I like, or people who earned it because of what they have done. If it makes you feel any better, definitely earned it. We just found proof that he was working with an organisation which wants to damage Kou in great ways and he was using his power as a soldier to hurt many women even children and even killed some of them. We would have him sentence to death by the evening anyway. We just had planned to ask him a few questions now that I think about it....oh Kouen-nii will be angry at me, well I will survive, I hope " He was laughing now and you were looking at him, less scared, somehow you felt quirt save in his arms:" Thank-you, master Kouha for everything" he just patted your head then chuckled "I must say the last time you were this close to me, you were more flustered about it" just then you realised your situation and blushed madly " I...I...I am..." you tried to back away but he was not having that: " Nope, my reward for saving you yet again is that I get to cuddle with you !" he exclaimed and just hugged you tighter pulling you to his chest " You know you are really cute, I look forward to see you every day" Suddenly he kissed you forehead then began to stroke your hair "Do not worry I take care of you."

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