Kpop Got7 - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

He Catches You Singing His Song - Got7



JB was in the other room when heard the melody of his song, Sunrise. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, following the sound. When he saw you singing while washing the dishes, he was so surprised. He knew you didn’t speak very much Korean, but when he heard you singing his song, word for word, he felt so proud. He watched while you sang and cleaned.



You and Mark were be hanging out when you started doing an impression of him. You started to goofily sing OMW. You even imitated his voice, beginning to strut around like he would. Mark just laughed, denying that he sounds or walks like that. But you’d keep on.



You and Bambam were joking around with each other. He mocked you playfully, so you jumped on the couch and started singing his song, Party, in a silly voice. You danced around as he cringed at the degradation of his song but soon joined in, laughing along.



Jinyoung was laying down with you, just relaxing. You started humming a tune familiar to him. It was his song, My Youth. You started to sing softly as he smiled at you. He joined in and you both harmonized with each other. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve you, but he knew he could never let you go. You were too perfect.



Youngjae was fast asleep, yet it was past noon. You’d decided it was time to wake him up. You went up to his sleeping form and began singing Nobody Knows. He stirred at the soft singing and cracked his eyes open to look at you. He smiled, pulling you close to cuddle as he started to fall back asleep. You saw this and rolled your eyes, deciding to let him sleep a little longer.



Jackson was just coming home from work. When he walked through the door, you jumped up and smirked at him. He smirked back the exact same way. You both soon break out singing. You shout the words to his song, Papillon. We dance around goofily, singing loudly.

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5 years ago
Can Someone Help Me Find These Guys?

Can someone help me find these guys?

I got a magazine like 3 years ago and I found this poster thingy in. It says it's supposed to be got7 but I'm sure it's not them. Can anyone help me?

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5 years ago

“Excuse me, I’m her boyfriend”


Jealous Jackson x reader



(g/f/n)= guy friend name

Word count: 417

Summary: Dating Jackson can be... wild. Sometimes he's quick to act impulsively but, like he says, at least he looks good with his shirt off.

A/N: I can actually see this happening


“Holy shit, (y/n) is that you?” A voice was heard from behind me.  “Oh my god, (g/f/n)?” I was so shocked to see my childhood best friend at the mall.

“How have you been? Wow, you’re so pretty but you lost some weight, are you healthy? Are you working somewhere? Have you met anyone special? Wow your hair is great, how are you always so pretty.” He said. “You’re like an angel.” He added and I giggled, being used to his comments, but there was someone who wasn’t really used to them. Jackson.

Jackson creeped up behind me, staring at my friend, who shot him a confused look.

“Hi, may we help you?” He asked kindly. “Ah, this is my boyfriend Jackson. Baby, this is my childhood friend, (g/f/n)” I introduced the two, completely oblivious to Jackson’s jealousy.

“It’s nice to meet you. Anyways (y/n), how about I take you out to eat sometime, huh?” My friend winked and I swear I heard Jackson whine behind me.

“Um excuse me, I’m her boyfriend!” He whined, waving his hands in front of my friends face.

“Yes, honey I got that, but you’re kinda interrupting me here. Sweetheart, what do you think?” (g/f/n) completely dismissed Jackson.

“Um what? (Y/n), tell him, I’m your boyfriend, I’m right here!” Jackson whined.

“Yes, baby, he’s not stupid he got that.” I said and turned to my friend. “Of course, are you free tomorrow?” I asked and Jackson was shocked for some reason.

“What? Hello! I’m Jackson, your boyfriend, her boyfriend, you can’t just ignore me, you can’t call her angel and sweetheart, she’s mine, you can’t go out together, not tomorrow!” He whined, turning his head to look at both of us and we where so confused.

“Jackson, what is going on, why are you acting like this?” I asked.

“Excuse me, guys, who are you?” A man appeared from behind us.

“Ah, love, this is my childhood friend (y/n) and her boyfriend and right now he’s throwing a tantrum like a baby, aren’t they cute?” my friend said to, who I assumed was his boyfriend.

“Aw, nice to meet you, honey, he talks about you quite a lot. I’m Kwangsoo.” (yes, the same name from Stay away from Jungkook and Forbidden love)

“We should probably go, darling, we don’t have much time.” Kwangsoo said and (g/f/n) gave me his number so we could meet tomorrow.

“Um, Jackson care to explain your behavior?” I asked, now knowing fully well what was going on with him.

“I might act childish sometimes, but at least, I look good with my shirt off.”

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5 years ago



Jackson x reader au

Warning: none

Genre: Angst, but happy ending

Summary: Jackson is in love with a mermaid and is quick to even put himself in danger in order to be with her again

A/N: This is some Barbie Mermaidia Jackson Ariel Momoa shit, obviously a big au but it’s nice

Word count: 1k (1096)


Jackson was beyond confused. A few days ago everything seemed to be going great. (Y/n) and him were happily meeting at night near some rocks, enjoying each other’s company and expressing their love for each other.

(Y/n) is a mermaid, Jackson met her one night on the same rocks they always meet for their dates. He was crying and (y/n) supported him, offered him advice and helped him calm down.

Since their first meeting, it was a silent agreement to meet there, so they could be each other’s shoulder to cry on, when times were rough. Eventually they started sharing their news and using the different topics to express their opinions on, also coming to realize they mostly agreed on those matters. That was how they bonded and it didn’t take them long to realize they were both head over heels for each other.

They knew a relationship between a human and a mermaid would be near impossible, but they were very optimistic and willing to make it last.

But lately, (y/n) had been having trouble coming to the surface to meet Jackson, even for an hour. Jackson didn’t want to pressure her, knowing that she would eventually tell him her worries. Though, that wasn’t exactly how it went.

Jackson was waiting for her on the rocks every night, but (y/n) was, then, nowhere to be seen.

One night, she came up, immediately tearing up at the sight of her boyfriend patiently waiting for her.

Jackson’s face was glowing from happiness and a look of relief was spread on his face, his worried expression disappearing.

“Jackson, honey, I have to tell you something…” (y/n) trailed off,but Jackson failed to understand her tone.

“This can’t work anymore. We have to break up.” She let out, holding back her sobs and avoiding his gaze.

Jackson’s smile faded to a kicked puppy’s expression, (y/n) couldn’t bear seeing the pain that was written on his face, the feeling being mutual.

“But, why? We’ve been together for so long, we are so close, what do you mean?” Jackson panicked and tried to hold (y/n)’s hand, but she stayed away from him.

“I’m sorry, Jackson, I love you.” She whispered and turned her back to the heartbroken man. “I love you.” She repeated and dove into the water, avoiding seeing his expression.

Jackson cried hard that night. But (y/n) wasn’t there to comfort him anymore.

He still waited for her every night there, crying all alone.

One night, a strange man saw him crying and slowly approached him.

“Did you fall for a mermaid, too?” He asked and Jackson quickly raised his head to look at the unknown man.

“It’s okay, you aren’t the only one. I remember around your age, I did too. It didn’t end well for me though. But that doesn’t mean it won’t end nicely for you.” The man quickly said, not wanting to worry the young boy further.

“She left me without a reason,” Jackson whined, wiping some tears from his eyes.

“I’m sure there is a reason. If her family found out, then, it’s probably over, if she’s worried about them finding out, then you still have time. You have to find her to talk. To at least get an explanation from her.” The man said and Jackson looked at him confused.

“How can I find her?” He asked the man and he got closer to him.

“There’s this seaweed, if you eat it, you can breathe underwater for a whole day. You even have a tail. But! It’s a day exactly. Not more, not less.” The man said and Jackson’s eyes widened.

“How do I find this?” He asked again and the man smirked.

Jackson may have paid way more money than he ever imagined, but he had a chance to find (y/n) now. But he wasn’t informed on the dangers of the ocean.

Jackson didn’t waste a second, not even giving it a second thought, before eating the seaweed and jumping into the water.

He kept swimming and searching for (y/n). Hours kept passing, but there was no sight of her. It was like she disappeared.

Jackson never lost hope until, he realized he had less than an hour left. He continued searching but was now already discouraged.

He finally stopped when he realized he only had ten minutes left. He was ready to swim back to be close to the surface, but he realized something has wrapped around his tail and pulled him lower, deeper into the sea.

Jackson gasped, as the green roots of a big plant kept pulling him deeper.

Next thing he knew, the roots were surrounding him and his time was almost over.

Suddenly, a melodic voice was heard from above him.

“Jackson? Is that you?” It was (y/n). Her eyes widened at the scene in front of her.

She placed her palm over the locket on her neck and a blinding burning light shone from it, making the big plant shrink, freeing the gasping Jackson.

(Y/n) quickly grabbed him and pulled him to the surface, Jackson gasping for air. She placed him on a rock that was there, getting ready to move him towards the shore.

A booming voice was heard behind her. It was the ruler of the sea, the king of all mermen and mermaids.

“I happened to witness something unacceptable. Not only did a human with the use of a seaweed intrude the ocean, but a mermaid helped him, instead of letting him get punished.” He said and (y/n)’s eyes widened.

“You also damaged this plant, which is part of our protection system. You will have to face punishment for your behavior.” He said and (y/n) gulped.

Suddenly the man raised his scepter towards her and her eyes widened.

“You will never be forgiven and your punishment is to lose your tail. You are no longer welcome in the ocean, you are no longer a mermaid. You shall become a worthless being, a human.” He ordered and a flashing light hit her, immediately turning her tail to human legs.

The man left satisfied, swimming deep into the ocean and (y/n) turned to look at Jackson.

“Do you know what that means?” Jackson asked her being really excited and she nodded.

They could finally spend their life together. They are free to love each other without worrying about anything else.

“I love you so much. Don’t ever leave me.” Jackson said and pulled her closer to him.

“I won’t and I love you too.” She said and they shared their first kiss as, now both, humans.

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5 years ago

“Do you even like me?”


(kinda fuckboy!)Bambam x reader 

Genre: angst? idek it’s not that sad but it’s not fluff

Warnings: curses here and there? but not something too much

Summary: But, why does it feel as if Bambam doesn't even have actual feelings for you, even if you're dating?

Word count: 678


"Can you at least pretend to have some feelings for me?" You snapped at Bambam and he turned to look at you with a confused expression.

"Where does this come from all of a sudden?" He asked you while placing his phone on the coffee table giving you his undivided attention. You sighed and sat on the couch, Bambam turning his body towards you.

"Why are you so emotionless?" You spoke up and your boyfriend looked taken aback." What do you mean emotionless?" He asked, clearly confused at your sudden outburst.

"Do you even like me?" You asked and Bambam scoffed. “Are you serious? If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be dating."

"I know but you seem to only..."

"To only, what? Say what you wanna say." His slight irritation made you wince.

"Do you like like me? I know I don’t have the body of a goddess, but you clearly seem to only be with me because you wanna fuck someone and I seem to do the work good enough for you." You finally said, staring right into his eyes expecting an explanation or him showing his feelings finally, but you didn’t get what you expected as a reaction.

"What? This is ridiculous. I'm not having this conversation." He stated, throwing his hands in the air and then reached for his phone and unlocked it.

"Stop being stubborn and talk about it!" You raised your voice wanting to grab his attention again and he raised an eyebrow your way. "You're being childish" he said, his attention still on his phone as he typed something.

"I'm really serious about this. In every other relationship I was, we both knew, that in order for it to work, we had to talk about our feelings and whatever is bothering us." You let out and that set him off. Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned your previous relationships.

"Previous relationships? That clearly didn't seem to work, or you would be married now or whatever. Are you fucking serious?" He stood up letting his phone fall on the couch and unlucky for him he had left it unlocked. You momentarily glanced at it, he had been texting someone with heart emojis. He followed your gaze and quickly reached for his phone to lock it and stared at you with wide eyes.

"It obviously seems like this won’t work either." You let out and also stood up. "I'll be going then." You said and reached for your jacket.

"You're breaking up with me?" He asked watching you collect your things. "It seems like I am." You coldy replied and he nodded walking towards the door along with you. He leaned against it watching you put your jacket on and pulling out your phone and your earphones.

"It was nice while it lasted" he quietly let out, looking away and you sighed. "Until all this, yes, it was." You replied. "I like you, just so you know, but I guess it would be hard for us to work this through and we better stop before this gets too deep and we get hurt." He said and you nodded.

"I want us to keep contact with each other" you carefully let out and it was your turn to look away and his turn to sigh.

Without thinking, he softly placed his hands on your cheeks connecting your lips for one last kiss. Your lips moved against each other's as you placed your hands on his chest and his one hand wrapped around your middle. If all this hadn't happened, his hand would be on your ass, exactly the reason why you had started to think he is dating you because he only wants to fuck with you.

You separated and he sighed once again, his hand still on your cheek, his thumb stroking it. "Let's be friends. I don’t want us to not speak again." He said and you nodded, giving him one last peck and his palm fell from your face. You opened the door, leaving the house, his eyes following you until you were gone.

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