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EXO reacting to you saying yes to being their girlfriend

A/N: I’m kind of making this request how he reacts to when you say yes to his confession and on some of them, I’m writing how he confesses. Hope this is okay. ~admin L
“Really? You’re not joking, right?” he asks.
“No, I’m serious. I really like you, and I’ve been waiting for you to ask me.”
“Well you should have said something sooner so I could have kissed you a long time ago,” he says as your cheeks begin to heat up.

“Is it because of my masculinity? Or because of my sexy physique?”
“Actually, I always thought you were adorable,” you say.
“What?! I’m not adorable! I’m manly,” he says pouting. “I can’t believe she thinks I’m not manly,” he says more to himself.

“So umm, I was wondering if umm, you would like to be my girlfriend,” Suho asks nervously, covering his face, thinking you’re going to reject him.
You remove his hands from covering his face and make him look at you. “Of course I want to be your girlfriend.”
“Oh my god, really?” he says as he hugs you, laughing at his embarrassing confession.

“So I want to tell you something,” Lay starts. He invited you out for coffee to confess to you but that didn’t really turn out as planned.
“Are you going to confess to me?” you ask casually.
“Wait, what?! You know that I like you?”
“Well I kind of assumed because I always catch you staring at me when you think I’m not looking,” you confess.
He facepalms (gif), embarrassed that he made his attraction so obvious.
“But,” you start, grabbing his attention. “I would love to be your girlfriend, if you’re asking.”
“Yes! Yes, I am asking!” he says a little too eagerly. This was easier than he thought.

Baekhyun offered to help you babysit to spend more time with you. He wanted to show you how great he is with kids. “Say ah~” he tells the child, trying to feed the child his lunch. “Look Y/N! Look at how he listens to me! I’m going to be a great dad one day.”
“You’ll make a girl really lucky, Baek,” you say sarcastically.
“I will make you happy, won’t I?” he says nonchalantly.
“Me?” you ask embarrassed.
“Yeah, for when we have kids.”
“Umm, we’re not even dating, Baekhyun.”
“Well why don’t we start,” he asks, looking at you, waiting for a response.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” you say quietly.
“Great,” he says smiling, going back to tending to the child.

Chen leans his head on your shoulder while you’re watching TV. You look at him, to see he’s already looking up at you smiling (gif).
“What?” you question.
“Nothing, it’s just that you look so beautiful.”
You turn away, blushing. “Thank you,” you mumble.
“Be my girlfriend,” he said more than asked.
You turned back to look at him quickly. “What?”
“Be my girlfriend.”
“Oh, uh, okay.”
“Good,” he says, turning back to look at the TV, head still resting on your shoulder.

“I like you, Y/N. Would you please be my girlfriend?” He’s practicing asking you out in his room, but thinks he sounds stupid, afraid you’ll reject him. “God, Chanyeol, you’re such an idiot,” he beats himself up, ruffling his hair in frustration (gif).
“Y/N, will you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend,” he practices one more time.
He looks towards the door, to see you standing there.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?”
“I was down stairs with the guys and I heard you say my name and the word idiot and I thought you were bad mouthing me so I came up here to confront you about it, but I guess I’m not the idiot you’re talking about.”
“No, I- uh, was talking about myself,” he says quietly.
“Well I don’t think you’re an idiot,” you walk over and sit next to him. “I would have said yes with however you asked me out so don’t get too aggravated about it.”
“Sorry, I just thought you wouldn’t like me back.”
“Well if you weren’t so in your head all the time, you would have noticed that I liked you too.”
He smiles and reaches to hold your hand. “I promise I won’t be too occupied in my head and will try to become the best boyfriend ever.”
You squeeze his hand in reassurance. “Good.”

You invite him over to help you move into your new apartment. After you were done settling everything, you offer him a cup of coffee. You notice he was a bit distant.
“Is something wrong, Kyungsoo?” you asked concerned. “You seem a little standoff-ish.”
“Its nothing, it’s just- I like you,” he admits. He looks down, too nervous to see your reaction (gif).
“I like you, too,” you say, getting his attention.
“Yes, now stop acting weird.” He laughs, realizing he was acting up for no reason.

You cheer on Tao at his soccer match. “Woo!! Go Tao!!”
Some of the players notice you and begin laughing. “Aww Tao, is that your girlfriend?” one of them taunts.
You look down sadly, expecting Tao to laugh at you with the rest of the players but instead he walks up to you and grabs your face, kissing you firmly on the lips for everyone to see. He backs away after a couple of seconds, putting his arm around you. “Yeah, she is my girlfriend, so what?”
All the players quiet down and mumble apologies. You look up at him to see him scolding them. “I’m your what?”
He looks down at you and smiles. “You’re my girlfriend? Okay?”
You smile back, “Sure.”

You’re out bowling with Kai and are making wagers after every shot. It was Kai’s turn to bowl. “If I hit all the pins in this shot,” he starts, “you have to be my girlfriend.”
That took you by surprise but you were sure he couldn’t make all those pins. “Sure, why not?” you say casually.
He walks up the runway and goes up to the pins getting ready to push the ball through. “Hey that’s cheating!” you exclaim.
“We didn’t make any rules,” he says getting into position. Right before he pushes the ball, the pins were blocked (gif). “Hey what the hell!” he says.
You begin laughing. “I guess I’m not going to be your girlfriend.”
“Wait no, that didn’t count,” he whines.
“It’s fine Kai, I’ll still be your girlfriend.”
“Yes, now come back here before you get hurt and we get kicked out.”

“Listen, I really like you, and I know this could be shocking but-,” he starts (gif), before you interrupt him.
“It’s not that shocking, I already know that.”
“Wait, what? How?!”
“Chanyeol told me,” you say casually taking a drink from your coffee. “He also said you were going to ask me out today.”
“Damn it Chanyeol,” Sehun grumbles.
“But it’s okay. I want to be your girlfriend.”
“Yep, now please don’t kill Chanyeol.”
He smirks, “No promises babe.”

A/N: Hope you all liked it. This is our first reaction btw. Feel free to request. ~admin L