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🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 01 ]
N/A: Olá! Esse é o primeiro capítulo dessa estória curtinha, e ele é bem curtinho mesmo, apenas para introduzir alguns personagens, mas principalmente o Junmyeon e a Park Eui. Espero que gostem!
Novamente segunda feira, e assim que o despertador de Eui toca, ela se levanta com pouca vontade. Segundas sempre são dias difíceis, entre reuniões no trabalho, e colocar a matéria em dia, Eui ainda se comprometeu a ajudar alguns amigos no seu restaurante, já que esse dia em especial não tinha aula presencial.
Então assim que faz suas higienes matinais, e veste sua roupa para o dia, ela se prepara para tomar café da manhã, mas como sabe que não consegue comer muito de manhã, opta por apenas um copo de café e metade de um lanche simples. E então a mesma segue para seu dia na empresa SM de advocacia.
Eui já estava acostumada com a agenda de reuniões de seu chefe Lee Taeyong e portanto já sabia as horas exatas para poder arrumar as salas de acordo com os encontros e as pautas em questão. Cada cadeira tinha um nome de quem iria participar e um notebook, com os documentos e informações que seriam faladas, assim como também um copo de água. Muitas vezes nem Taeyong se recordava ao certo quando ou quais reuniões ele faria no dia, então ela sempre passava em sua sala para o relembrar.
"Não sei o que faria sem você, senhorita Eui." o moreno suspira pegando o papel de sua mão.
Os dois chegam na sala no exato momento em que Seulgi, sua colega, bate na porta com os sócios. Ela os recebe sempre com educação, e entao vai para seu canto digitar seu relatório para entregar para Taeyong depois.
"Olá, desculpe mas a senhorita pode me emprestar uma caneta?" uma voz baixa chama sua atenção ao seu lado. Você o olha e sua mente procura quem é esse.
Kim Junmyeon. Um dos sócios principais da empresa adjacente à SM. Um rapaz bonito sempre bem educado e simpático com todos. É a primeira vez que ele fala com a garota, e uma parte dela fica nervosa, afinal sua presença ali deveria ser apenas de uma sombra, mas mesmo assim ela o entrega a primeira caneta que tem nas suas coisas.
"Muito obrigado." o moreno sorri a observando por um tempo a mais, mas logo volta sua atenção para a reunião.
Mais uma reunião chega ao fim, e logo então mais um turno chega ao fim. E assim que sai do escritório, Eui corre para casa tomar se banho antes de ir para o restaurante ajudar seus amigos.
Assim que chega, ela entra pelas portas dos fundos, é recebida por Jhonny que carregava algumas caixas, mas sorri e a comprimenta calorosamente. Logo ela já estava com seu avental e encontra Minseok, que assim que a vê sorri.
"Dia difícil?" ele pergunta e a garota sorri fracamente.
"Sinceramente? Já tive piores..."
" Vai querer aquele soju quando a gente fechar?" o rapaz oferece fazendo uma dancinha boba, que a faz rir.
"Depende, ainda tem guioza?"
A mesma sorri sabendo que ao final do dia teria aquilo que mais gostava, seus amigos, guioza e soju.
[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿 Sedansogu -- Cap. 03
N/a: Mais um capítulo e para acompanhar, um novo fixado, o que acharam? Enfim, aproveitem o capítulo!
"Tá calma é muita coisa pra eu digerir a essa hora da manhã! " Minseok diz balançando a cabeça.
Eui aproveitou o dia de folga concedido por Taeyong, para ficar no restaurante de seus amigos enquanto coloca a matéria em dia, principalmente direito trabalhista, a qual tinha mais dificuldade. Ela gostava disso pois sempre se lembrava dos dias em que eles se reuniam para estudar em alguma cafeteria e até no McDonald's, para estudar.
"Um dos sócios do seu chefe pegou uma caneta emprestada, só pra ter a desculpa de falar com você e te chamar pra sair?" Kai indaga pontuando os fatos. A garota confirma com a cabeça. Ela tinha os contado o que aconteceu na noite anterior, e eles simplesmente não acreditavam. "e você disse que não?"
"Isso ae! " ela sorri, mas logo ele some do seu rosto quando Jhonny da um tapinha leve em seu braço. " Ai! O que foi?"
"Você está me dizendo que um cara lindo, rico e educado te chamou pra sair e disse não?!" o tom de voz do rapaz loiro era de indignação, e ao olhar em volta ela percebe que todos ali sentiam o mesmo.
"Olha ele é sócio do meu chefe, é quase meu sócio... é quase meu chefe!"
Eui tenta então os explicar seus motivos para recusar o convite de Junmyeon. Um lado de si gostaria de aceitar, ele sempre foi muito educado com todos, sempre foi fofo e um gentleman com certeza...mas ainda era estranho para ela, já que sempre o viu como uma figura superior e até formal de mais.
Pouco depois encerraram o assunto, e cada um foi fazer o que deveria. Os três foram organizar a cozinha enquanto os funcionários chegavam, e a garota ficou em sua mesa sem atrapalhar ninguém, lendo seus textos e fazendo algumas anotações.
O lugar era aconchegante e Eui amava o cheiro de café e de algumas coisas que eles cozinhavam, sem contar que os clientes eram sempre educados, e o máximo de barulho excessivo que tinha, era quando um grupo de jovens entrava e eles se animavam, mas ela não se importava muito.
O dia já tinha se passado e a movimentação no restaurante diminuiu consideravelmente, e logo os amigos de Eui faziam turnos, mas agora para ver como ela estava, e a distrair dos seus textos (que já estavam a estressando).
"Hora do almoço? " ela pergunta para Minseok que senta parecendo cansado. O moreno confirma brincando com uma de suas canetas. " O que vão querer hoje? Por minha conta..."
"Eui, não precisa pagar" Kai diz ao se aproximar, escutando o final da fala da amiga.
"Claro que sim, eu to aqui atrapalhando vocês, é o mínimo" a morena diz já se levantando e pegando suas coisa necessárias, como carteira e chaves. "O que vão querer?"
"O que você vai querer?" Jhonny pergunta em seu tom de flerte, elevando a sobrancelha pra garota que ri da cara do amigo. "Pode ser o que você quiser, gatinha."
"Tudo bem, então vou passar no restaurante da Sra. Tuan e pedir bibimbap, Jjajjangmyun, samgyeopsal e uma porção média de kimchi. Todos de acordo? " ela pergunta e todos balançam a cabeça confirmando. E quando Johnny ia oferecer sua ajuda para trazer as comidas, uma voz masculina chama atenção atrás da garota.
"Posso te ajudar a trazer seu pequeno pedido?" Eui fica tensionada antes de se virar. Seus três amigos observaram atentamente ela encarar o moreno alto, de calça de alfaiataria, camisa social branca e um mocassim preto nos pés. Eui quase perde o fôlego ao ver Junmyeon parado ali com um belo sorriso e seu cabelo brilhante.
"Ah, Sr... Junmyeon-ssi, o que faz aqui?" ela indaga quase engasgando em sua respiração. O rapaz olha pra trás dela ante de responder "queria falar com você um pouco...posso te acompanhar?" a garota pensa e tenta arrumar alguma desculpa mas não arruma nenhuma, então apenas concorda levemente com a cabeça e os dois saem do lugar.
Andando lado a lado, ela mostra levemente o caminho, querendo ficar quieta mas com a cabeça rodando. Ela lança olhares para o rapaz, e diferente dela, ele parecia bem calmo, e ate mantinha um sorrisinho no rosto.
"Ta, eu tenho que perguntar " a garota explode chamando atenção do rapaz, que vira a cabeça pra ela sorrindo, como se já esperava que ela falasse alguma coisa "você me seguiu até aqui?" sua feição era de incredulidade e curiosidade, o que fez Junmyeon abrir um sorriso maior.
"Não, eu fui tentar te ver na empresa, mas Taeyong me disse que te deu o dia folga, e digamos que eu tenha o convencido a me dizer onde você provavelmente estaria..." o moreno da de ombros, agora andando mais próximo da garota. A luz solar fazia sua pele brilhar, e ele parecia ainda mais bonito.
"E o que é tão importante que te fez vir até aqui falar comigo?" agora tudo o que ela sentia era pura curiosidade.
"Você." o rapaz diz de modo simplista parando a frente da garota, que precisa colocar sua cabeça pra cima para o olhar. Junmyeon não perde o rubor nas bochechas da garota, nem o modo como sua respiração parece travar e seus olhos dão uma leve arregalada, antes dela recuperar a compostura e vestir uma máscara inabalável. "Na verdade queria te mostrar que posso ser informal e ter uma vida fora da empresa como uma pessoa normal."
"Junmyeon-ssi, você não é uma pessoa 'normal' ou 'informal' " Eui responde desviando do corpo do rapaz, que sem muito esforço já está ao seu lado.
"Como pode ter tanta certeza? " ele tinha certeza que a garota estava tentando o irritar e o afastar, mas estava definitivamente causando o efeito contrário.
"Por que uma pessoa normal ou informal não usa uma calça de alfaiataria e camisa francesas tão caras quanto meu aluguel, e um sapato italiano tão caro quanto um carro popular ..." ela responde, e como se para validar seu argumento, ela aponta disfarçadamente para um homem do outro lado da rua.
A garota sinaliza para entrarem no local, uma vez que já chegaram ao seu destino. Assim que entram são recebidos por um senhor mediano, de óculos e sorriso gentil.
"Olá, pequena Eui!" ele comenta feliz ao ver a garota, ambos fazem uma reverência semi formal por ja de conhecerem, enquanto Junmyeon se vira do modo mais formal possível. "Vejo que trouxe alguém, é seu namorado?"
"Não, não, esse é Junmyeon, um..." a morena começa os apresentar, mas para procurando a palavra certa para descrever o que Junmyeon realmente é seu. E quando encontra, a palavra sai em tom de indagação "conhecido...?"
"Olá, sou Junmyeon, aparentemente sou apenas um conhecido da Eui!" o rapaz responde ao senhor, segurando firme sua mão. Apesar de suas palavras seu tom era zombateiro, e fez com que a garota quisesse o bater, mas ela apenas sorriu sem graça para o mais velho, que se divertiu com a situação.
"Prazer, eu sou Raymond Tuan, dono do restaurante, espero que goste da comida!" ele responde ainda sorrindo simpático, mas logo pede licença para poder ver alguma coisa com alguém dentro da cozinha.
"Então quer dizer que sou apenas um conhecido seu?" Junmyeon brinca com Eui, que ainda se sentia envergonhada pelo o que disse. "Poxa pensei que nossa relação tinha evoluído."
"Ya! O que queria que eu dissesse?" ela mesma pergunta, se irritando levemente com o rapaz, e mais ainda com o fato que ele parecia se divertir com ela.
"E se você começar a me apresentar como seu namorado?" Junmyeon estava sorrindo grande, e parecia realmente querer isso. Mas felizmente para Eui, o filho do dono, e seu amigo, Mark Tuan chama sua atenção, para que ela faça seu pedido.
Agradecida com o ocorrido, ela faz o pedido que sabe de cor, e que o rapaz também já esperava. Mas Junmyeon pede para dobrar o tamanho do pedido, recebendo um olhar confuso dos dois.
"O que? Eu tô com fome, e já que me trouxe aqui, por que não experimentar a comida?!"
É tudo que Junmyeon diz para levar ao rosto de Eui mais uma vez, outra feição desacreditada. Mark a lança um olhar indagando a situação, mas percebeu que nem a garota saberia explicar. Os dois esperaram sentados em uma das mesas, enquanto seu pedido era feito.
'Sem querer soar desagradável ou não agradecida, mas quando você pretende parar de me seguir pela cidade?"
"Estou te irritando, certo?" ele pergunta tentando esconder um sorrisinho, e Eui confirma violentamente com a cabeça "tudo bem, eu paro de te irritar, se concorda em fazer compras comigo amanhã." a feição do rapaz era a que ele usava sempre que propunha alguma coisa boa de mais que ninguém negaria a fechar negócio. Eui conhecia, pois Taeyong tem uma bem parecida com essa.
"Amanhã não posso, tenho que trabalhar." a morena responde como se fosse óbvio, e Junmyeon fosse louco, mas ele apenas sorri.
"Então prefere ir hoje?! Excelente!" ele diz, e o queixo da morena cai desacreditada, e Junmyeon acaba rindo de verdade.
"Tudo bem, tudo bem." ele ergue as mãos em defesa assim que percebe o olhar matador que Eui lança para ele "antes que você me mate, ou eu perca de vez toda mínima chance que tenho com você, o que acha de um trato?" ele oferece, e ela murmura contrariada "tô ouvindo" "você vem fazer compras comigo amanhã, e se minha presença for extremamente desconfortável ou irritante pra você, nós não saímos em um encontro, eu paro de insistir e lido com meu coração partido sozinho. O que acha?"
A morena escuta atentamente o que o rapaz diz, e considera suas palavras. Ela sabia que ele não ia desistir, então era a melhor chance que ela tinha.
"Promete? " parecia patético, mas ela tinha que ter essa certeza vinda dele. A morena se surpreende quando ele ergue deu dedo mindinho pra ela e diz:
"Prometo. Nem almoço com você, se quiser!"
Suspirando e olhando do dedo erguido para o rosto do rapaz, ela não tinha o que negar, e essa era sua única chance. Então ela enrosca seu dedo mindinho no dele, selando o acordo.
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[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 03]
A/N: One more chapter and to match it, a moodboard, what did you guys think? Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
"Okay, it's a lot for me to digest at this hour of the morning!" Minseok says shaking his head.
Eui took advantage of the day off granted by Taeyong, to stay at her friends' restaurant while catching up on the subject, especially labor law, which had more difficulty. She liked that because she always remembered the days when they would get together to study at some coffee shop and even at McDonald's, to study.
"One of your boss's partners borrowed a pen, just to have the excuse to talk to you and ask you out?" Kai asks punctuating the facts. The girl nods. She had told them what happened the night before, and they just couldn't believe it. "and you said no?"
"That's right!" She smiles, but soon it's gone from her face when Jhonny pats her arm. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Are you telling me a handsome, rich, educated guy asked you out and you said no ?!" The blond boy's tone was one of indignation, and when she look ed around she realized that everyone there felt the same.
"Look, he's my boss's partner, he's almost my partner... he's almost my boss!"
Eui then tries to explain to them his reasons for refusing Junmyeon's invitation. One side of him would like to accept, he was always very polite to everyone, he was always cute and a gentleman for sure...but it was still strange for her, as she always saw him as a superior figure and even more formal.
It wasn't too long when they stopped talking about that, and each one went to do what they should. The three boys went to organize the kitchen while the staff arrived, and the girl stayed at her desk without disturbing anyone, reading her texts, and taking some notes.
The place was cozy and Eui loved the smell of coffee and some things they cooked, not to mention that the customers were always polite, and the most excessive noise there was, was when a group of young people came in and they cheered up, but she didn't care too much.
The day had already passed and the movement in the restaurant slowed down considerably, and soon Eui's friends were taking turns, but now to see how she was doing, and to distract her from her texts (which were already stressing her).
"Lunchtime?" she asks Minseok who sits looking tired. The brunette confirms playing with one of his pens. "What will you want today? It is on me..."
"Of course, I need to! Look I'm here, disturbing you guys, it's the least I could do!" the brunette says already getting up and getting her necessary things, like wallet and keys. "What do you guys want it?"
"What will you want?" Jhonny asks in his flirtatious tone, raising an eyebrow at the girl who laughs at her friend's face. "It can be whatever you want, kitten."
"Okay, so I'll stop by Mrs. Tuan's restaurant and order bibimbap, Jjajjangmyun, samgyeopsal, and a medium serving of kimchi. All in agreement?" she asks and everyone nods. And when Johnny is about to offer his help to bring the food, a male voice calls attention behind the girl.
"Can I help you with your... little order?" Eui tenses before turning around. Her three friends watched intently as she stared at the tall brunette, in tailored pants, a white dress shirt, and a black moccasin on his feet. Eui almost loses his breath when he sees Junmyeon standing there with a beautiful smile and his shiny hair.
"Ah, Mr... Junmyeon-ssi, what are you doing here?" she asks, almost choking on her breath. The boy looks behind her before answering "I wanted to talk to you a little...may I accompany you?" the girl thinks and tries to come up with some excuse but doesn't come up with any, so she just nods slightly and the two leave.
Walking side by side, she lightly leads the way, wanting to be quiet but her head spinning. She casts looks at the boy, and unlike her, he seemed very calm and even kept a little smile on his face.
"Okay, I have to ask" the girl explodes, drawing the boy's attention, who turns his head to her smiling as if he expected her to say something — did you follow me here? His face was one of disbelief and curiosity, which made Junmyeon smile wider.
"No, I went to try to see you at the company, but Taeyong told me he gave you the day off, and let's say I convinced him to tell me where you would probably be..." The brunette shrugs, now walking closer to the girl. The sunlight made his skin glow, and he looked even more beautiful.
"And what is so important that you came here to talk to me?" now all she felt was pure curiosity.
"You" the boy simply says, stopping in front of the girl, who needs to put her head up to look at him. Junmyeon doesn't lose the blush on the girl's cheeks, nor the way her breathing seems to catch and her eyes give a slight widening before she regains her composure and dons an unshakable mask. "I wanted to show you that I can be informal and have a life outside the company like a normal person."
"Junmyeon-ssi, you're not a "normal" or "informal" person" Eui replies, dodging the boy's body, which without much effort is at his side.
"How can you be so sure?" He was sure the girl was trying to piss him off and push him away, but it was having the opposite effect.
"Because a normal or casual person doesn't wear French tailored pants and shirt as expensive as my rent, and an Italian shoe as expensive as a popular car…" she replies, and as if to validate her argument, she points covertly to a man across the street.
The girl signals them to enter the place, once they have arrived at their destination. As soon as they enter, they are greeted by an average man with glasses and a gentle smile.
"Hello, little Eui!" he comments happy when he sees the girl, both make a semi-formal bow for they already know, while Junmyeon turns in the most formal way possible. "I see you brought someone, is it your boyfriend?"
"No, no, this is Junmyeon, um..." the brunette starts to introduce them but stops looking for the right word to describe what Junmyeon is hers. And when it does, the word comes out in a tone of inquiry "someone known...?"
"Hello, I'm Junmyeon I'm just someone Eui knows!" the young man answers the gentleman, holding his hand firmly. Despite his words, his tone was mocking and made the girl want to hit him, but she just smiled sheepishly at the older, who was amused by the situation.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Raymond Tuan, owner of the restaurant, I hope you like the food!" He answers, still smiling pleasantly, but soon excuses himself so he can see something with someone in the kitchen.
"So you mean I'm just someone you know?! " Junmyeon jokes with Eui, who still felt embarrassed by what he said. "Damn, I thought our relationship had evolved."
"Ya! What did you want me to say?" she asks herself, getting slightly irritated with the boy, and even more with the fact that he seemed to have fun with her.
"What if you start introducing me as your boyfriend?" Junmyeon was smiling big and seemed to want it. But luckily for Eui, the owner's son, and her friend Mark Tuan draw her attention to her order.
Grateful for what happened, she order the food that she already knew by heart, and that the boy had already been expecting. But Junmyeon asks to double the size of the order, receiving a confused look from both of them.
"What? I'm hungry, and since you brought me here, why not try the food?!"
It's all Junmyeon says to bring to Eui's face once more, another discredited feature. Mark gives her a questioning look but realizes that not even the girl can explain. The two of them waited, seated at one of the tables, while their order was placed.
"Not want to sound rude or ungrateful, but when are you going to stop following me around town?"
"I'm pissing you off, right?" he asks, trying to hide a little smile, and Eui nods violently, "okay, I'll stop annoying you if you agree to go shopping with me tomorrow." the boy's face was the one he used whenever he proposed something too good that no one would deny closing a deal. She knew it because Taeyong has a very similar one.
"Tomorrow I can't, I have to work." the brunette replies as if it's obvious, and Junmyeon is crazy, but he just smiles.
"So would you rather go today?! Great!" he says, and the brunette's jaw drops in disbelief, and Junmyeon ends up laughing for real. "Okay, okay." he raises his hands in defense as soon as he notices the killing look Eui gives him "before you kill me, or I completely lose every single chance I have with you, how about a deal?" he offers, and she mutters annoyed "I'm listening"
"You come shopping with me tomorrow, and if my presence is extremely uncomfortable or irritating to you, we don't go out on a date, I stop insisting and deal with my broken heart alone. What do you think?"
The brunette listens carefully to what the boy says and considers his words. She knew he wasn't going to give up, so it was the best chance she had.
"Promise?" It sounded pathetic, but she need to have that certainty coming from him. The brunette is surprised when he lifts and gives her a little finger and says:
"Promise. I won't even lunch with you if you like it like that!" Sighing and looking from the raised finger to the boy's face, she had nothing to deny, and this was her only chance. Then she hooks her little finger around his, sealing the deal.
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[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [EXO Masterlist]
🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 01 ]
N/A: Olá! Esse é o primeiro capítulo dessa estória curtinha, e ele é bem curtinho mesmo, apenas para introduzir alguns personagens, mas principalmente o Junmyeon e a Park Eui. Espero que gostem!
Novamente segunda feira, e assim que o despertador de Eui toca, ela se levanta com pouca vontade. Segundas sempre são dias difíceis, entre reuniões no trabalho, e colocar a matéria em dia, Eui ainda se comprometeu a ajudar alguns amigos no seu restaurante, já que esse dia em especial não tinha aula presencial.
Então assim que faz suas higienes matinais, e veste sua roupa para o dia, ela se prepara para tomar café da manhã, mas como sabe que não consegue comer muito de manhã, opta por apenas um copo de café e metade de um lanche simples. E então a mesma segue para seu dia na empresa SM de advocacia.
Eui já estava acostumada com a agenda de reuniões de seu chefe Lee Taeyong e portanto já sabia as horas exatas para poder arrumar as salas de acordo com os encontros e as pautas em questão. Cada cadeira tinha um nome de quem iria participar e um notebook, com os documentos e informações que seriam faladas, assim como também um copo de água. Muitas vezes nem Taeyong se recordava ao certo quando ou quais reuniões ele faria no dia, então ela sempre passava em sua sala para o relembrar.
"Não sei o que faria sem você, senhorita Eui." o moreno suspira pegando o papel de sua mão.
Os dois chegam na sala no exato momento em que Seulgi, sua colega, bate na porta com os sócios. Ela os recebe sempre com educação, e entao vai para seu canto digitar seu relatório para entregar para Taeyong depois.
"Olá, desculpe mas a senhorita pode me emprestar uma caneta?" uma voz baixa chama sua atenção ao seu lado. Você o olha e sua mente procura quem é esse.
Kim Junmyeon. Um dos sócios principais da empresa adjacente à SM. Um rapaz bonito sempre bem educado e simpático com todos. É a primeira vez que ele fala com a garota, e uma parte dela fica nervosa, afinal sua presença ali deveria ser apenas de uma sombra, mas mesmo assim ela o entrega a primeira caneta que tem nas suas coisas.
"Muito obrigado." o moreno sorri a observando por um tempo a mais, mas logo volta sua atenção para a reunião.
Mais uma reunião chega ao fim, e logo então mais um turno chega ao fim. E assim que sai do escritório, Eui corre para casa tomar se banho antes de ir para o restaurante ajudar seus amigos.
Assim que chega, ela entra pelas portas dos fundos, é recebida por Jhonny que carregava algumas caixas, mas sorri e a comprimenta calorosamente. Logo ela já estava com seu avental e encontra Minseok, que assim que a vê sorri.
"Dia difícil?" ele pergunta e a garota sorri fracamente.
"Sinceramente? Já tive piores..."
" Vai querer aquele soju quando a gente fechar?" o rapaz oferece fazendo uma dancinha boba, que a faz rir.
"Depende, ainda tem guioza?"
A mesma sorri sabendo que ao final do dia teria aquilo que mais gostava, seus amigos, guioza e soju.
[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 03]
N/a: Mais um capítulo e para acompanhar, um novo fixado, o que acharam? Enfim, aproveitem o capítulo!
"Tá calma é muita coisa pra eu digerir a essa hora da manhã! " Minseok diz balançando a cabeça.
Eui aproveitou o dia de folga concedido por Taeyong, para ficar no restaurante de seus amigos enquanto coloca a matéria em dia, principalmente direito trabalhista, a qual tinha mais dificuldade. Ela gostava disso pois sempre se lembrava dos dias em que eles se reuniam para estudar em alguma cafeteria e até no McDonald's, para estudar.
"Um dos sócios do seu chefe pegou uma caneta emprestada, só pra ter a desculpa de falar com você e te chamar pra sair?" Kai indaga pontuando os fatos. A garota confirma com a cabeça. Ela tinha os contado o que aconteceu na noite anterior, e eles simplesmente não acreditavam. "e você disse que não?"
"Isso ae! " ela sorri, mas logo ele some do seu rosto quando Jhonny da um tapinha leve em seu braço. " Ai! O que foi?"
"Você está me dizendo que um cara lindo, rico e educado te chamou pra sair e disse não?!" o tom de voz do rapaz loiro era de indignação, e ao olhar em volta ela percebe que todos ali sentiam o mesmo.
"Olha ele é sócio do meu chefe, é quase meu sócio... é quase meu chefe!"
Eui tenta então os explicar seus motivos para recusar o convite de Junmyeon. Um lado de si gostaria de aceitar, ele sempre foi muito educado com todos, sempre foi fofo e um gentleman com certeza...mas ainda era estranho para ela, já que sempre o viu como uma figura superior e até formal de mais.
Pouco depois encerraram o assunto, e cada um foi fazer o que deveria. Os três foram organizar a cozinha enquanto os funcionários chegavam, e a garota ficou em sua mesa sem atrapalhar ninguém, lendo seus textos e fazendo algumas anotações.
O lugar era aconchegante e Eui amava o cheiro de café e de algumas coisas que eles cozinhavam, sem contar que os clientes eram sempre educados, e o máximo de barulho excessivo que tinha, era quando um grupo de jovens entrava e eles se animavam, mas ela não se importava muito.
O dia já tinha se passado e a movimentação no restaurante diminuiu consideravelmente, e logo os amigos de Eui faziam turnos, mas agora para ver como ela estava, e a distrair dos seus textos (que já estavam a estressando).
"Hora do almoço? " ela pergunta para Minseok que senta parecendo cansado. O moreno confirma brincando com uma de suas canetas. " O que vão querer hoje? Por minha conta..."
"Eui, não precisa pagar" Kai diz ao se aproximar, escutando o final da fala da amiga.
"Claro que sim, eu to aqui atrapalhando vocês, é o mínimo" a morena diz já se levantando e pegando suas coisa necessárias, como carteira e chaves. "O que vão querer?"
"O que você vai querer?" Jhonny pergunta em seu tom de flerte, elevando a sobrancelha pra garota que ri da cara do amigo. "Pode ser o que você quiser, gatinha."
"Tudo bem, então vou passar no restaurante da Sra. Tuan e pedir bibimbap, Jjajjangmyun, samgyeopsal e uma porção média de kimchi. Todos de acordo? " ela pergunta e todos balançam a cabeça confirmando. E quando Johnny ia oferecer sua ajuda para trazer as comidas, uma voz masculina chama atenção atrás da garota.
"Posso te ajudar a trazer seu pequeno pedido?" Eui fica tensionada antes de se virar. Seus três amigos observaram atentamente ela encarar o moreno alto, de calça de alfaiataria, camisa social branca e um mocassim preto nos pés. Eui quase perde o fôlego ao ver Junmyeon parado ali com um belo sorriso e seu cabelo brilhante.
"Ah, Sr... Junmyeon-ssi, o que faz aqui?" ela indaga quase engasgando em sua respiração. O rapaz olha pra trás dela ante de responder "queria falar com você um pouco...posso te acompanhar?" a garota pensa e tenta arrumar alguma desculpa mas não arruma nenhuma, então apenas concorda levemente com a cabeça e os dois saem do lugar.
Andando lado a lado, ela mostra levemente o caminho, querendo ficar quieta mas com a cabeça rodando. Ela lança olhares para o rapaz, e diferente dela, ele parecia bem calmo, e ate mantinha um sorrisinho no rosto.
"Ta, eu tenho que perguntar " a garota explode chamando atenção do rapaz, que vira a cabeça pra ela sorrindo, como se já esperava que ela falasse alguma coisa "você me seguiu até aqui?" sua feição era de incredulidade e curiosidade, o que fez Junmyeon abrir um sorriso maior.
"Não, eu fui tentar te ver na empresa, mas Taeyong me disse que te deu o dia folga, e digamos que eu tenha o convencido a me dizer onde você provavelmente estaria..." o moreno da de ombros, agora andando mais próximo da garota. A luz solar fazia sua pele brilhar, e ele parecia ainda mais bonito.
"E o que é tão importante que te fez vir até aqui falar comigo?" agora tudo o que ela sentia era pura curiosidade.
"Você." o rapaz diz de modo simplista parando a frente da garota, que precisa colocar sua cabeça pra cima para o olhar. Junmyeon não perde o rubor nas bochechas da garota, nem o modo como sua respiração parece travar e seus olhos dão uma leve arregalada, antes dela recuperar a compostura e vestir uma máscara inabalável. "Na verdade queria te mostrar que posso ser informal e ter uma vida fora da empresa como uma pessoa normal."
"Junmyeon-ssi, você não é uma pessoa 'normal' ou 'informal' " Eui responde desviando do corpo do rapaz, que sem muito esforço já está ao seu lado.
"Como pode ter tanta certeza? " ele tinha certeza que a garota estava tentando o irritar e o afastar, mas estava definitivamente causando o efeito contrário.
"Por que uma pessoa normal ou informal não usa uma calça de alfaiataria e camisa francesas tão caras quanto meu aluguel, e um sapato italiano tão caro quanto um carro popular ..." ela responde, e como se para validar seu argumento, ela aponta disfarçadamente para um homem do outro lado da rua.
A garota sinaliza para entrarem no local, uma vez que já chegaram ao seu destino. Assim que entram são recebidos por um senhor mediano, de óculos e sorriso gentil.
"Olá, pequena Eui!" ele comenta feliz ao ver a garota, ambos fazem uma reverência semi formal por ja de conhecerem, enquanto Junmyeon se vira do modo mais formal possível. "Vejo que trouxe alguém, é seu namorado?"
"Não, não, esse é Junmyeon, um..." a morena começa os apresentar, mas para procurando a palavra certa para descrever o que Junmyeon realmente é seu. E quando encontra, a palavra sai em tom de indagação "conhecido...?"
"Olá, sou Junmyeon, aparentemente sou apenas um conhecido da Eui!" o rapaz responde ao senhor, segurando firme sua mão. Apesar de suas palavras seu tom era zombateiro, e fez com que a garota quisesse o bater, mas ela apenas sorriu sem graça para o mais velho, que se divertiu com a situação.
"Prazer, eu sou Raymond Tuan, dono do restaurante, espero que goste da comida!" ele responde ainda sorrindo simpático, mas logo pede licença para poder ver alguma coisa com alguém dentro da cozinha.
"Então quer dizer que sou apenas um conhecido seu?" Junmyeon brinca com Eui, que ainda se sentia envergonhada pelo o que disse. "Poxa pensei que nossa relação tinha evoluído."
"Ya! O que queria que eu dissesse?" ela mesma pergunta, se irritando levemente com o rapaz, e mais ainda com o fato que ele parecia se divertir com ela.
"E se você começar a me apresentar como seu namorado?" Junmyeon estava sorrindo grande, e parecia realmente querer isso. Mas felizmente para Eui, o filho do dono, e seu amigo, Mark Tuan chama sua atenção, para que ela faça seu pedido.
Agradecida com o ocorrido, ela faz o pedido que sabe de cor, e que o rapaz também já esperava. Mas Junmyeon pede para dobrar o tamanho do pedido, recebendo um olhar confuso dos dois.
"O que? Eu tô com fome, e já que me trouxe aqui, por que não experimentar a comida?!"
É tudo que Junmyeon diz para levar ao rosto de Eui mais uma vez, outra feição desacreditada. Mark a lança um olhar indagando a situação, mas percebeu que nem a garota saberia explicar. Os dois esperaram sentados em uma das mesas, enquanto seu pedido era feito.
'Sem querer soar desagradável ou não agradecida, mas quando você pretende parar de me seguir pela cidade?"
"Estou te irritando, certo?" ele pergunta tentando esconder um sorrisinho, e Eui confirma violentamente com a cabeça "tudo bem, eu paro de te irritar, se concorda em fazer compras comigo amanhã." a feição do rapaz era a que ele usava sempre que propunha alguma coisa boa de mais que ninguém negaria a fechar negócio. Eui conhecia, pois Taeyong tem uma bem parecida com essa.
"Amanhã não posso, tenho que trabalhar." a morena responde como se fosse óbvio, e Junmyeon fosse louco, mas ele apenas sorri.
"Então prefere ir hoje?! Excelente!" ele diz, e o queixo da morena cai desacreditada, e Junmyeon acaba rindo de verdade.
"Tudo bem, tudo bem." ele ergue as mãos em defesa assim que percebe o olhar matador que Eui lança para ele "antes que você me mate, ou eu perca de vez toda mínima chance que tenho com você, o que acha de um trato?" ele oferece, e ela murmura contrariada "tô ouvindo" "você vem fazer compras comigo amanhã, e se minha presença for extremamente desconfortável ou irritante pra você, nós não saímos em um encontro, eu paro de insistir e lido com meu coração partido sozinho. O que acha?"
A morena escuta atentamente o que o rapaz diz, e considera suas palavras. Ela sabia que ele não ia desistir, então era a melhor chance que ela tinha.
"Promete? " parecia patético, mas ela tinha que ter essa certeza vinda dele. A morena se surpreende quando ele ergue deu dedo mindinho pra ela e diz:
"Prometo. Nem almoço com você, se quiser!"
Suspirando e olhando do dedo erguido para o rosto do rapaz, ela não tinha o que negar, e essa era sua única chance. Então ela enrosca seu dedo mindinho no dele, selando o acordo.
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🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 03]
A/N: One more chapter and to match it, a moodboard, what did you guys think? Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
"Okay, it's a lot for me to digest at this hour of the morning!" Minseok says shaking his head.
Eui took advantage of the day off granted by Taeyong, to stay at her friends' restaurant while catching up on the subject, especially labor law, which had more difficulty. She liked that because she always remembered the days when they would get together to study at some coffee shop and even at McDonald's, to study.
"One of your boss's partners borrowed a pen, just to have the excuse to talk to you and ask you out?" Kai asks punctuating the facts. The girl nods. She had told them what happened the night before, and they just couldn't believe it. "and you said no?"
"That's right!" She smiles, but soon it's gone from her face when Jhonny pats her arm. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Are you telling me a handsome, rich, educated guy asked you out and you said no ?!" The blond boy's tone was one of indignation, and when she look ed around she realized that everyone there felt the same.
"Look, he's my boss's partner, he's almost my partner... he's almost my boss!"
Eui then tries to explain to them his reasons for refusing Junmyeon's invitation. One side of him would like to accept, he was always very polite to everyone, he was always cute and a gentleman for sure...but it was still strange for her, as she always saw him as a superior figure and even more formal.
It wasn't too long when they stopped talking about that, and each one went to do what they should. The three boys went to organize the kitchen while the staff arrived, and the girl stayed at her desk without disturbing anyone, reading her texts, and taking some notes.
The place was cozy and Eui loved the smell of coffee and some things they cooked, not to mention that the customers were always polite, and the most excessive noise there was, was when a group of young people came in and they cheered up, but she didn't care too much.
The day had already passed and the movement in the restaurant slowed down considerably, and soon Eui's friends were taking turns, but now to see how she was doing, and to distract her from her texts (which were already stressing her).
"Lunchtime?" she asks Minseok who sits looking tired. The brunette confirms playing with one of his pens. "What will you want today? It is on me..."
"Of course, I need to! Look I'm here, disturbing you guys, it's the least I could do!" the brunette says already getting up and getting her necessary things, like wallet and keys. "What do you guys want it?"
"What will you want?" Jhonny asks in his flirtatious tone, raising an eyebrow at the girl who laughs at her friend's face. "It can be whatever you want, kitten."
"Okay, so I'll stop by Mrs. Tuan's restaurant and order bibimbap, Jjajjangmyun, samgyeopsal, and a medium serving of kimchi. All in agreement?" she asks and everyone nods. And when Johnny is about to offer his help to bring the food, a male voice calls attention behind the girl.
"Can I help you with your... little order?" Eui tenses before turning around. Her three friends watched intently as she stared at the tall brunette, in tailored pants, a white dress shirt, and a black moccasin on his feet. Eui almost loses his breath when he sees Junmyeon standing there with a beautiful smile and his shiny hair.
"Ah, Mr... Junmyeon-ssi, what are you doing here?" she asks, almost choking on her breath. The boy looks behind her before answering "I wanted to talk to you a little...may I accompany you?" the girl thinks and tries to come up with some excuse but doesn't come up with any, so she just nods slightly and the two leave.
Walking side by side, she lightly leads the way, wanting to be quiet but her head spinning. She casts looks at the boy, and unlike her, he seemed very calm and even kept a little smile on his face.
"Okay, I have to ask" the girl explodes, drawing the boy's attention, who turns his head to her smiling as if he expected her to say something — did you follow me here? His face was one of disbelief and curiosity, which made Junmyeon smile wider.
"No, I went to try to see you at the company, but Taeyong told me he gave you the day off, and let's say I convinced him to tell me where you would probably be..." The brunette shrugs, now walking closer to the girl. The sunlight made his skin glow, and he looked even more beautiful.
"And what is so important that you came here to talk to me?" now all she felt was pure curiosity.
"You" the boy simply says, stopping in front of the girl, who needs to put her head up to look at him. Junmyeon doesn't lose the blush on the girl's cheeks, nor the way her breathing seems to catch and her eyes give a slight widening before she regains her composure and dons an unshakable mask. "I wanted to show you that I can be informal and have a life outside the company like a normal person."
"Junmyeon-ssi, you're not a "normal" or "informal" person" Eui replies, dodging the boy's body, which without much effort is at his side.
"How can you be so sure?" He was sure the girl was trying to piss him off and push him away, but it was having the opposite effect.
"Because a normal or casual person doesn't wear French tailored pants and shirt as expensive as my rent, and an Italian shoe as expensive as a popular car…" she replies, and as if to validate her argument, she points covertly to a man across the street.
The girl signals them to enter the place, once they have arrived at their destination. As soon as they enter, they are greeted by an average man with glasses and a gentle smile.
"Hello, little Eui!" he comments happy when he sees the girl, both make a semi-formal bow for they already know, while Junmyeon turns in the most formal way possible. "I see you brought someone, is it your boyfriend?"
"No, no, this is Junmyeon, um..." the brunette starts to introduce them but stops looking for the right word to describe what Junmyeon is hers. And when it does, the word comes out in a tone of inquiry "someone known...?"
"Hello, I'm Junmyeon I'm just someone Eui knows!" the young man answers the gentleman, holding his hand firmly. Despite his words, his tone was mocking and made the girl want to hit him, but she just smiled sheepishly at the older, who was amused by the situation.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Raymond Tuan, owner of the restaurant, I hope you like the food!" He answers, still smiling pleasantly, but soon excuses himself so he can see something with someone in the kitchen.
"So you mean I'm just someone you know?! " Junmyeon jokes with Eui, who still felt embarrassed by what he said. "Damn, I thought our relationship had evolved."
"Ya! What did you want me to say?" she asks herself, getting slightly irritated with the boy, and even more with the fact that he seemed to have fun with her.
"What if you start introducing me as your boyfriend?" Junmyeon was smiling big and seemed to want it. But luckily for Eui, the owner's son, and her friend Mark Tuan draw her attention to her order.
Grateful for what happened, she order the food that she already knew by heart, and that the boy had already been expecting. But Junmyeon asks to double the size of the order, receiving a confused look from both of them.
"What? I'm hungry, and since you brought me here, why not try the food?!"
It's all Junmyeon says to bring to Eui's face once more, another discredited feature. Mark gives her a questioning look but realizes that not even the girl can explain. The two of them waited, seated at one of the tables, while their order was placed.
"Not want to sound rude or ungrateful, but when are you going to stop following me around town?"
"I'm pissing you off, right?" he asks, trying to hide a little smile, and Eui nods violently, "okay, I'll stop annoying you if you agree to go shopping with me tomorrow." the boy's face was the one he used whenever he proposed something too good that no one would deny closing a deal. She knew it because Taeyong has a very similar one.
"Tomorrow I can't, I have to work." the brunette replies as if it's obvious, and Junmyeon is crazy, but he just smiles.
"So would you rather go today?! Great!" he says, and the brunette's jaw drops in disbelief, and Junmyeon ends up laughing for real. "Okay, okay." he raises his hands in defense as soon as he notices the killing look Eui gives him "before you kill me, or I completely lose every single chance I have with you, how about a deal?" he offers, and she mutters annoyed "I'm listening"
"You come shopping with me tomorrow, and if my presence is extremely uncomfortable or irritating to you, we don't go out on a date, I stop insisting and deal with my broken heart alone. What do you think?"
The brunette listens carefully to what the boy says and considers his words. She knew he wasn't going to give up, so it was the best chance she had.
"Promise?" It sounded pathetic, but she need to have that certainty coming from him. The brunette is surprised when he lifts and gives her a little finger and says:
"Promise. I won't even lunch with you if you like it like that!" Sighing and looking from the raised finger to the boy's face, she had nothing to deny, and this was her only chance. Then she hooks her little finger around his, sealing the deal.
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🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 01 ]
N/A: Olá! Esse é o primeiro capítulo dessa estória curtinha, e ele é bem curtinho mesmo, apenas para introduzir alguns personagens, mas principalmente o Junmyeon e a Park Eui. Espero que gostem!
Novamente segunda feira, e assim que o despertador de Eui toca, ela se levanta com pouca vontade. Segundas sempre são dias difíceis, entre reuniões no trabalho, e colocar a matéria em dia, Eui ainda se comprometeu a ajudar alguns amigos no seu restaurante, já que esse dia em especial não tinha aula presencial.
Então assim que faz suas higienes matinais, e veste sua roupa para o dia, ela se prepara para tomar café da manhã, mas como sabe que não consegue comer muito de manhã, opta por apenas um copo de café e metade de um lanche simples. E então a mesma segue para seu dia na empresa SM de advocacia.
Eui já estava acostumada com a agenda de reuniões de seu chefe Lee Taeyong e portanto já sabia as horas exatas para poder arrumar as salas de acordo com os encontros e as pautas em questão. Cada cadeira tinha um nome de quem iria participar e um notebook, com os documentos e informações que seriam faladas, assim como também um copo de água. Muitas vezes nem Taeyong se recordava ao certo quando ou quais reuniões ele faria no dia, então ela sempre passava em sua sala para o relembrar.
"Não sei o que faria sem você, senhorita Eui." o moreno suspira pegando o papel de sua mão.
Os dois chegam na sala no exato momento em que Seulgi, sua colega, bate na porta com os sócios. Ela os recebe sempre com educação, e entao vai para seu canto digitar seu relatório para entregar para Taeyong depois.
"Olá, desculpe mas a senhorita pode me emprestar uma caneta?" uma voz baixa chama sua atenção ao seu lado. Você o olha e sua mente procura quem é esse.
Kim Junmyeon. Um dos sócios principais da empresa adjacente à SM. Um rapaz bonito sempre bem educado e simpático com todos. É a primeira vez que ele fala com a garota, e uma parte dela fica nervosa, afinal sua presença ali deveria ser apenas de uma sombra, mas mesmo assim ela o entrega a primeira caneta que tem nas suas coisas.
"Muito obrigado." o moreno sorri a observando por um tempo a mais, mas logo volta sua atenção para a reunião.
Mais uma reunião chega ao fim, e logo então mais um turno chega ao fim. E assim que sai do escritório, Eui corre para casa tomar se banho antes de ir para o restaurante ajudar seus amigos.
Assim que chega, ela entra pelas portas dos fundos, é recebida por Jhonny que carregava algumas caixas, mas sorri e a comprimenta calorosamente. Logo ela já estava com seu avental e encontra Minseok, que assim que a vê sorri.
"Dia difícil?" ele pergunta e a garota sorri fracamente.
"Sinceramente? Já tive piores..."
" Vai querer aquele soju quando a gente fechar?" o rapaz oferece fazendo uma dancinha boba, que a faz rir.
"Depende, ainda tem guioza?"
A mesma sorri sabendo que ao final do dia teria aquilo que mais gostava, seus amigos, guioza e soju.
[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 03]
N/a: Mais um capítulo e para acompanhar, um novo fixado, o que acharam? Enfim, aproveitem o capítulo!
"Tá calma é muita coisa pra eu digerir a essa hora da manhã! " Minseok diz balançando a cabeça.
Eui aproveitou o dia de folga concedido por Taeyong, para ficar no restaurante de seus amigos enquanto coloca a matéria em dia, principalmente direito trabalhista, a qual tinha mais dificuldade. Ela gostava disso pois sempre se lembrava dos dias em que eles se reuniam para estudar em alguma cafeteria e até no McDonald's, para estudar.
"Um dos sócios do seu chefe pegou uma caneta emprestada, só pra ter a desculpa de falar com você e te chamar pra sair?" Kai indaga pontuando os fatos. A garota confirma com a cabeça. Ela tinha os contado o que aconteceu na noite anterior, e eles simplesmente não acreditavam. "e você disse que não?"
"Isso ae! " ela sorri, mas logo ele some do seu rosto quando Jhonny da um tapinha leve em seu braço. " Ai! O que foi?"
"Você está me dizendo que um cara lindo, rico e educado te chamou pra sair e disse não?!" o tom de voz do rapaz loiro era de indignação, e ao olhar em volta ela percebe que todos ali sentiam o mesmo.
"Olha ele é sócio do meu chefe, é quase meu sócio... é quase meu chefe!"
Eui tenta então os explicar seus motivos para recusar o convite de Junmyeon. Um lado de si gostaria de aceitar, ele sempre foi muito educado com todos, sempre foi fofo e um gentleman com certeza...mas ainda era estranho para ela, já que sempre o viu como uma figura superior e até formal de mais.
Pouco depois encerraram o assunto, e cada um foi fazer o que deveria. Os três foram organizar a cozinha enquanto os funcionários chegavam, e a garota ficou em sua mesa sem atrapalhar ninguém, lendo seus textos e fazendo algumas anotações.
O lugar era aconchegante e Eui amava o cheiro de café e de algumas coisas que eles cozinhavam, sem contar que os clientes eram sempre educados, e o máximo de barulho excessivo que tinha, era quando um grupo de jovens entrava e eles se animavam, mas ela não se importava muito.
O dia já tinha se passado e a movimentação no restaurante diminuiu consideravelmente, e logo os amigos de Eui faziam turnos, mas agora para ver como ela estava, e a distrair dos seus textos (que já estavam a estressando).
"Hora do almoço? " ela pergunta para Minseok que senta parecendo cansado. O moreno confirma brincando com uma de suas canetas. " O que vão querer hoje? Por minha conta..."
"Eui, não precisa pagar" Kai diz ao se aproximar, escutando o final da fala da amiga.
"Claro que sim, eu to aqui atrapalhando vocês, é o mínimo" a morena diz já se levantando e pegando suas coisa necessárias, como carteira e chaves. "O que vão querer?"
"O que você vai querer?" Jhonny pergunta em seu tom de flerte, elevando a sobrancelha pra garota que ri da cara do amigo. "Pode ser o que você quiser, gatinha."
"Tudo bem, então vou passar no restaurante da Sra. Tuan e pedir bibimbap, Jjajjangmyun, samgyeopsal e uma porção média de kimchi. Todos de acordo? " ela pergunta e todos balançam a cabeça confirmando. E quando Johnny ia oferecer sua ajuda para trazer as comidas, uma voz masculina chama atenção atrás da garota.
"Posso te ajudar a trazer seu pequeno pedido?" Eui fica tensionada antes de se virar. Seus três amigos observaram atentamente ela encarar o moreno alto, de calça de alfaiataria, camisa social branca e um mocassim preto nos pés. Eui quase perde o fôlego ao ver Junmyeon parado ali com um belo sorriso e seu cabelo brilhante.
"Ah, Sr... Junmyeon-ssi, o que faz aqui?" ela indaga quase engasgando em sua respiração. O rapaz olha pra trás dela ante de responder "queria falar com você um pouco...posso te acompanhar?" a garota pensa e tenta arrumar alguma desculpa mas não arruma nenhuma, então apenas concorda levemente com a cabeça e os dois saem do lugar.
Andando lado a lado, ela mostra levemente o caminho, querendo ficar quieta mas com a cabeça rodando. Ela lança olhares para o rapaz, e diferente dela, ele parecia bem calmo, e ate mantinha um sorrisinho no rosto.
"Ta, eu tenho que perguntar " a garota explode chamando atenção do rapaz, que vira a cabeça pra ela sorrindo, como se já esperava que ela falasse alguma coisa "você me seguiu até aqui?" sua feição era de incredulidade e curiosidade, o que fez Junmyeon abrir um sorriso maior.
"Não, eu fui tentar te ver na empresa, mas Taeyong me disse que te deu o dia folga, e digamos que eu tenha o convencido a me dizer onde você provavelmente estaria..." o moreno da de ombros, agora andando mais próximo da garota. A luz solar fazia sua pele brilhar, e ele parecia ainda mais bonito.
"E o que é tão importante que te fez vir até aqui falar comigo?" agora tudo o que ela sentia era pura curiosidade.
"Você." o rapaz diz de modo simplista parando a frente da garota, que precisa colocar sua cabeça pra cima para o olhar. Junmyeon não perde o rubor nas bochechas da garota, nem o modo como sua respiração parece travar e seus olhos dão uma leve arregalada, antes dela recuperar a compostura e vestir uma máscara inabalável. "Na verdade queria te mostrar que posso ser informal e ter uma vida fora da empresa como uma pessoa normal."
"Junmyeon-ssi, você não é uma pessoa 'normal' ou 'informal' " Eui responde desviando do corpo do rapaz, que sem muito esforço já está ao seu lado.
"Como pode ter tanta certeza? " ele tinha certeza que a garota estava tentando o irritar e o afastar, mas estava definitivamente causando o efeito contrário.
"Por que uma pessoa normal ou informal não usa uma calça de alfaiataria e camisa francesas tão caras quanto meu aluguel, e um sapato italiano tão caro quanto um carro popular ..." ela responde, e como se para validar seu argumento, ela aponta disfarçadamente para um homem do outro lado da rua.
A garota sinaliza para entrarem no local, uma vez que já chegaram ao seu destino. Assim que entram são recebidos por um senhor mediano, de óculos e sorriso gentil.
"Olá, pequena Eui!" ele comenta feliz ao ver a garota, ambos fazem uma reverência semi formal por ja de conhecerem, enquanto Junmyeon se vira do modo mais formal possível. "Vejo que trouxe alguém, é seu namorado?"
"Não, não, esse é Junmyeon, um..." a morena começa os apresentar, mas para procurando a palavra certa para descrever o que Junmyeon realmente é seu. E quando encontra, a palavra sai em tom de indagação "conhecido...?"
"Olá, sou Junmyeon, aparentemente sou apenas um conhecido da Eui!" o rapaz responde ao senhor, segurando firme sua mão. Apesar de suas palavras seu tom era zombateiro, e fez com que a garota quisesse o bater, mas ela apenas sorriu sem graça para o mais velho, que se divertiu com a situação.
"Prazer, eu sou Raymond Tuan, dono do restaurante, espero que goste da comida!" ele responde ainda sorrindo simpático, mas logo pede licença para poder ver alguma coisa com alguém dentro da cozinha.
"Então quer dizer que sou apenas um conhecido seu?" Junmyeon brinca com Eui, que ainda se sentia envergonhada pelo o que disse. "Poxa pensei que nossa relação tinha evoluído."
"Ya! O que queria que eu dissesse?" ela mesma pergunta, se irritando levemente com o rapaz, e mais ainda com o fato que ele parecia se divertir com ela.
"E se você começar a me apresentar como seu namorado?" Junmyeon estava sorrindo grande, e parecia realmente querer isso. Mas felizmente para Eui, o filho do dono, e seu amigo, Mark Tuan chama sua atenção, para que ela faça seu pedido.
Agradecida com o ocorrido, ela faz o pedido que sabe de cor, e que o rapaz também já esperava. Mas Junmyeon pede para dobrar o tamanho do pedido, recebendo um olhar confuso dos dois.
"O que? Eu tô com fome, e já que me trouxe aqui, por que não experimentar a comida?!"
É tudo que Junmyeon diz para levar ao rosto de Eui mais uma vez, outra feição desacreditada. Mark a lança um olhar indagando a situação, mas percebeu que nem a garota saberia explicar. Os dois esperaram sentados em uma das mesas, enquanto seu pedido era feito.
'Sem querer soar desagradável ou não agradecida, mas quando você pretende parar de me seguir pela cidade?"
"Estou te irritando, certo?" ele pergunta tentando esconder um sorrisinho, e Eui confirma violentamente com a cabeça "tudo bem, eu paro de te irritar, se concorda em fazer compras comigo amanhã." a feição do rapaz era a que ele usava sempre que propunha alguma coisa boa de mais que ninguém negaria a fechar negócio. Eui conhecia, pois Taeyong tem uma bem parecida com essa.
"Amanhã não posso, tenho que trabalhar." a morena responde como se fosse óbvio, e Junmyeon fosse louco, mas ele apenas sorri.
"Então prefere ir hoje?! Excelente!" ele diz, e o queixo da morena cai desacreditada, e Junmyeon acaba rindo de verdade.
"Tudo bem, tudo bem." ele ergue as mãos em defesa assim que percebe o olhar matador que Eui lança para ele "antes que você me mate, ou eu perca de vez toda mínima chance que tenho com você, o que acha de um trato?" ele oferece, e ela murmura contrariada "tô ouvindo" "você vem fazer compras comigo amanhã, e se minha presença for extremamente desconfortável ou irritante pra você, nós não saímos em um encontro, eu paro de insistir e lido com meu coração partido sozinho. O que acha?"
A morena escuta atentamente o que o rapaz diz, e considera suas palavras. Ela sabia que ele não ia desistir, então era a melhor chance que ela tinha.
"Promete? " parecia patético, mas ela tinha que ter essa certeza vinda dele. A morena se surpreende quando ele ergue deu dedo mindinho pra ela e diz:
"Prometo. Nem almoço com você, se quiser!"
Suspirando e olhando do dedo erguido para o rosto do rapaz, ela não tinha o que negar, e essa era sua única chance. Então ela enrosca seu dedo mindinho no dele, selando o acordo.
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[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Chap. 03]
A/N: One more chapter and to match it, a moodboard, what did you guys think? Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
"Okay, it's a lot for me to digest at this hour of the morning!" Minseok says shaking his head.
Eui took advantage of the day off granted by Taeyong, to stay at her friends' restaurant while catching up on the subject, especially labor law, which had more difficulty. She liked that because she always remembered the days when they would get together to study at some coffee shop and even at McDonald's, to study.
"One of your boss's partners borrowed a pen, just to have the excuse to talk to you and ask you out?" Kai asks punctuating the facts. The girl nods. She had told them what happened the night before, and they just couldn't believe it. "and you said no?"
"That's right!" She smiles, but soon it's gone from her face when Jhonny pats her arm. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Are you telling me a handsome, rich, educated guy asked you out and you said no ?!" The blond boy's tone was one of indignation, and when she look ed around she realized that everyone there felt the same.
"Look, he's my boss's partner, he's almost my partner... he's almost my boss!"
Eui then tries to explain to them his reasons for refusing Junmyeon's invitation. One side of him would like to accept, he was always very polite to everyone, he was always cute and a gentleman for sure...but it was still strange for her, as she always saw him as a superior figure and even more formal.
It wasn't too long when they stopped talking about that, and each one went to do what they should. The three boys went to organize the kitchen while the staff arrived, and the girl stayed at her desk without disturbing anyone, reading her texts, and taking some notes.
The place was cozy and Eui loved the smell of coffee and some things they cooked, not to mention that the customers were always polite, and the most excessive noise there was, was when a group of young people came in and they cheered up, but she didn't care too much.
The day had already passed and the movement in the restaurant slowed down considerably, and soon Eui's friends were taking turns, but now to see how she was doing, and to distract her from her texts (which were already stressing her).
"Lunchtime?" she asks Minseok who sits looking tired. The brunette confirms playing with one of his pens. "What will you want today? It is on me..."
"Of course, I need to! Look I'm here, disturbing you guys, it's the least I could do!" the brunette says already getting up and getting her necessary things, like wallet and keys. "What do you guys want it?"
"What will you want?" Jhonny asks in his flirtatious tone, raising an eyebrow at the girl who laughs at her friend's face. "It can be whatever you want, kitten."
"Okay, so I'll stop by Mrs. Tuan's restaurant and order bibimbap, Jjajjangmyun, samgyeopsal, and a medium serving of kimchi. All in agreement?" she asks and everyone nods. And when Johnny is about to offer his help to bring the food, a male voice calls attention behind the girl.
"Can I help you with your... little order?" Eui tenses before turning around. Her three friends watched intently as she stared at the tall brunette, in tailored pants, a white dress shirt, and a black moccasin on his feet. Eui almost loses his breath when he sees Junmyeon standing there with a beautiful smile and his shiny hair.
"Ah, Mr... Junmyeon-ssi, what are you doing here?" she asks, almost choking on her breath. The boy looks behind her before answering "I wanted to talk to you a little...may I accompany you?" the girl thinks and tries to come up with some excuse but doesn't come up with any, so she just nods slightly and the two leave.
Walking side by side, she lightly leads the way, wanting to be quiet but her head spinning. She casts looks at the boy, and unlike her, he seemed very calm and even kept a little smile on his face.
"Okay, I have to ask" the girl explodes, drawing the boy's attention, who turns his head to her smiling as if he expected her to say something — did you follow me here? His face was one of disbelief and curiosity, which made Junmyeon smile wider.
"No, I went to try to see you at the company, but Taeyong told me he gave you the day off, and let's say I convinced him to tell me where you would probably be..." The brunette shrugs, now walking closer to the girl. The sunlight made his skin glow, and he looked even more beautiful.
"And what is so important that you came here to talk to me?" now all she felt was pure curiosity.
"You" the boy simply says, stopping in front of the girl, who needs to put her head up to look at him. Junmyeon doesn't lose the blush on the girl's cheeks, nor the way her breathing seems to catch and her eyes give a slight widening before she regains her composure and dons an unshakable mask. "I wanted to show you that I can be informal and have a life outside the company like a normal person."
"Junmyeon-ssi, you're not a "normal" or "informal" person" Eui replies, dodging the boy's body, which without much effort is at his side.
"How can you be so sure?" He was sure the girl was trying to piss him off and push him away, but it was having the opposite effect.
"Because a normal or casual person doesn't wear French tailored pants and shirt as expensive as my rent, and an Italian shoe as expensive as a popular car…" she replies, and as if to validate her argument, she points covertly to a man across the street.
The girl signals them to enter the place, once they have arrived at their destination. As soon as they enter, they are greeted by an average man with glasses and a gentle smile.
"Hello, little Eui!" he comments happy when he sees the girl, both make a semi-formal bow for they already know, while Junmyeon turns in the most formal way possible. "I see you brought someone, is it your boyfriend?"
"No, no, this is Junmyeon, um..." the brunette starts to introduce them but stops looking for the right word to describe what Junmyeon is hers. And when it does, the word comes out in a tone of inquiry "someone known...?"
"Hello, I'm Junmyeon I'm just someone Eui knows!" the young man answers the gentleman, holding his hand firmly. Despite his words, his tone was mocking and made the girl want to hit him, but she just smiled sheepishly at the older, who was amused by the situation.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Raymond Tuan, owner of the restaurant, I hope you like the food!" He answers, still smiling pleasantly, but soon excuses himself so he can see something with someone in the kitchen.
"So you mean I'm just someone you know?! " Junmyeon jokes with Eui, who still felt embarrassed by what he said. "Damn, I thought our relationship had evolved."
"Ya! What did you want me to say?" she asks herself, getting slightly irritated with the boy, and even more with the fact that he seemed to have fun with her.
"What if you start introducing me as your boyfriend?" Junmyeon was smiling big and seemed to want it. But luckily for Eui, the owner's son, and her friend Mark Tuan draw her attention to her order.
Grateful for what happened, she order the food that she already knew by heart, and that the boy had already been expecting. But Junmyeon asks to double the size of the order, receiving a confused look from both of them.
"What? I'm hungry, and since you brought me here, why not try the food?!"
It's all Junmyeon says to bring to Eui's face once more, another discredited feature. Mark gives her a questioning look but realizes that not even the girl can explain. The two of them waited, seated at one of the tables, while their order was placed.
"Not want to sound rude or ungrateful, but when are you going to stop following me around town?"
"I'm pissing you off, right?" he asks, trying to hide a little smile, and Eui nods violently, "okay, I'll stop annoying you if you agree to go shopping with me tomorrow." the boy's face was the one he used whenever he proposed something too good that no one would deny closing a deal. She knew it because Taeyong has a very similar one.
"Tomorrow I can't, I have to work." the brunette replies as if it's obvious, and Junmyeon is crazy, but he just smiles.
"So would you rather go today?! Great!" he says, and the brunette's jaw drops in disbelief, and Junmyeon ends up laughing for real. "Okay, okay." he raises his hands in defense as soon as he notices the killing look Eui gives him "before you kill me, or I completely lose every single chance I have with you, how about a deal?" he offers, and she mutters annoyed "I'm listening"
"You come shopping with me tomorrow, and if my presence is extremely uncomfortable or irritating to you, we don't go out on a date, I stop insisting and deal with my broken heart alone. What do you think?"
The brunette listens carefully to what the boy says and considers his words. She knew he wasn't going to give up, so it was the best chance she had.
"Promise?" It sounded pathetic, but she need to have that certainty coming from him. The brunette is surprised when he lifts and gives her a little finger and says:
"Promise. I won't even lunch with you if you like it like that!" Sighing and looking from the raised finger to the boy's face, she had nothing to deny, and this was her only chance. Then she hooks her little finger around his, sealing the deal.
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[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [EXO Masterlist]
🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Chap. 03]
A/N: One more chapter and to match it, a moodboard, what did you guys think? Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
"Okay, it's a lot for me to digest at this hour of the morning!" Minseok says shaking his head.
Eui took advantage of the day off granted by Taeyong, to stay at her friends' restaurant while catching up on the subject, especially labor law, which had more difficulty. She liked that because she always remembered the days when they would get together to study at some coffee shop and even at McDonald's, to study.
"One of your boss's partners borrowed a pen, just to have the excuse to talk to you and ask you out?" Kai asks punctuating the facts. The girl nods. She had told them what happened the night before, and they just couldn't believe it. "and you said no?"
"That's right!" She smiles, but soon it's gone from her face when Jhonny pats her arm. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Are you telling me a handsome, rich, educated guy asked you out and you said no ?!" The blond boy's tone was one of indignation, and when she look ed around she realized that everyone there felt the same.
"Look, he's my boss's partner, he's almost my partner... he's almost my boss!"
Eui then tries to explain to them his reasons for refusing Junmyeon's invitation. One side of him would like to accept, he was always very polite to everyone, he was always cute and a gentleman for sure...but it was still strange for her, as she always saw him as a superior figure and even more formal.
It wasn't too long when they stopped talking about that, and each one went to do what they should. The three boys went to organize the kitchen while the staff arrived, and the girl stayed at her desk without disturbing anyone, reading her texts, and taking some notes.
The place was cozy and Eui loved the smell of coffee and some things they cooked, not to mention that the customers were always polite, and the most excessive noise there was, was when a group of young people came in and they cheered up, but she didn't care too much.
The day had already passed and the movement in the restaurant slowed down considerably, and soon Eui's friends were taking turns, but now to see how she was doing, and to distract her from her texts (which were already stressing her).
"Lunchtime?" she asks Minseok who sits looking tired. The brunette confirms playing with one of his pens. "What will you want today? It is on me..."
"Of course, I need to! Look I'm here, disturbing you guys, it's the least I could do!" the brunette says already getting up and getting her necessary things, like wallet and keys. "What do you guys want it?"
"What will you want?" Jhonny asks in his flirtatious tone, raising an eyebrow at the girl who laughs at her friend's face. "It can be whatever you want, kitten."
"Okay, so I'll stop by Mrs. Tuan's restaurant and order bibimbap, Jjajjangmyun, samgyeopsal, and a medium serving of kimchi. All in agreement?" she asks and everyone nods. And when Johnny is about to offer his help to bring the food, a male voice calls attention behind the girl.
"Can I help you with your... little order?" Eui tenses before turning around. Her three friends watched intently as she stared at the tall brunette, in tailored pants, a white dress shirt, and a black moccasin on his feet. Eui almost loses his breath when he sees Junmyeon standing there with a beautiful smile and his shiny hair.
"Ah, Mr... Junmyeon-ssi, what are you doing here?" she asks, almost choking on her breath. The boy looks behind her before answering "I wanted to talk to you a little...may I accompany you?" the girl thinks and tries to come up with some excuse but doesn't come up with any, so she just nods slightly and the two leave.
Walking side by side, she lightly leads the way, wanting to be quiet but her head spinning. She casts looks at the boy, and unlike her, he seemed very calm and even kept a little smile on his face.
"Okay, I have to ask" the girl explodes, drawing the boy's attention, who turns his head to her smiling as if he expected her to say something — did you follow me here? His face was one of disbelief and curiosity, which made Junmyeon smile wider.
"No, I went to try to see you at the company, but Taeyong told me he gave you the day off, and let's say I convinced him to tell me where you would probably be..." The brunette shrugs, now walking closer to the girl. The sunlight made his skin glow, and he looked even more beautiful.
"And what is so important that you came here to talk to me?" now all she felt was pure curiosity.
"You" the boy simply says, stopping in front of the girl, who needs to put her head up to look at him. Junmyeon doesn't lose the blush on the girl's cheeks, nor the way her breathing seems to catch and her eyes give a slight widening before she regains her composure and dons an unshakable mask. "I wanted to show you that I can be informal and have a life outside the company like a normal person."
"Junmyeon-ssi, you're not a "normal" or "informal" person" Eui replies, dodging the boy's body, which without much effort is at his side.
"How can you be so sure?" He was sure the girl was trying to piss him off and push him away, but it was having the opposite effect.
"Because a normal or casual person doesn't wear French tailored pants and shirt as expensive as my rent, and an Italian shoe as expensive as a popular car…" she replies, and as if to validate her argument, she points covertly to a man across the street.
The girl signals them to enter the place, once they have arrived at their destination. As soon as they enter, they are greeted by an average man with glasses and a gentle smile.
"Hello, little Eui!" he comments happy when he sees the girl, both make a semi-formal bow for they already know, while Junmyeon turns in the most formal way possible. "I see you brought someone, is it your boyfriend?"
"No, no, this is Junmyeon, um..." the brunette starts to introduce them but stops looking for the right word to describe what Junmyeon is hers. And when it does, the word comes out in a tone of inquiry "someone known...?"
"Hello, I'm Junmyeon I'm just someone Eui knows!" the young man answers the gentleman, holding his hand firmly. Despite his words, his tone was mocking and made the girl want to hit him, but she just smiled sheepishly at the older, who was amused by the situation.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Raymond Tuan, owner of the restaurant, I hope you like the food!" He answers, still smiling pleasantly, but soon excuses himself so he can see something with someone in the kitchen.
"So you mean I'm just someone you know?! " Junmyeon jokes with Eui, who still felt embarrassed by what he said. "Damn, I thought our relationship had evolved."
"Ya! What did you want me to say?" she asks herself, getting slightly irritated with the boy, and even more with the fact that he seemed to have fun with her.
"What if you start introducing me as your boyfriend?" Junmyeon was smiling big and seemed to want it. But luckily for Eui, the owner's son, and her friend Mark Tuan draw her attention to her order.
Grateful for what happened, she order the food that she already knew by heart, and that the boy had already been expecting. But Junmyeon asks to double the size of the order, receiving a confused look from both of them.
"What? I'm hungry, and since you brought me here, why not try the food?!"
It's all Junmyeon says to bring to Eui's face once more, another discredited feature. Mark gives her a questioning look but realizes that not even the girl can explain. The two of them waited, seated at one of the tables, while their order was placed.
"Not want to sound rude or ungrateful, but when are you going to stop following me around town?"
"I'm pissing you off, right?" he asks, trying to hide a little smile, and Eui nods violently, "okay, I'll stop annoying you if you agree to go shopping with me tomorrow." the boy's face was the one he used whenever he proposed something too good that no one would deny closing a deal. She knew it because Taeyong has a very similar one.
"Tomorrow I can't, I have to work." the brunette replies as if it's obvious, and Junmyeon is crazy, but he just smiles.
"So would you rather go today?! Great!" he says, and the brunette's jaw drops in disbelief, and Junmyeon ends up laughing for real. "Okay, okay." he raises his hands in defense as soon as he notices the killing look Eui gives him "before you kill me, or I completely lose every single chance I have with you, how about a deal?" he offers, and she mutters annoyed "I'm listening"
"You come shopping with me tomorrow, and if my presence is extremely uncomfortable or irritating to you, we don't go out on a date, I stop insisting and deal with my broken heart alone. What do you think?"
The brunette listens carefully to what the boy says and considers his words. She knew he wasn't going to give up, so it was the best chance she had.
"Promise?" It sounded pathetic, but she need to have that certainty coming from him. The brunette is surprised when he lifts and gives her a little finger and says:
"Promise. I won't even lunch with you if you like it like that!" Sighing and looking from the raised finger to the boy's face, she had nothing to deny, and this was her only chance. Then she hooks her little finger around his, sealing the deal.
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🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
» Fanfic / Imagines
↬ Smut {🌹}
↬ Suggestive {🍓}
↬ Fluff {🌤ི}
↬ Angst { 🌧️۫˖}
» 🍵🌿 Sedansogu | short fic 🌤ི
↬Pairing: CEO¡Kim Junmyeon - Fem¡Reader
[Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
This is sooooo goood! I think I'm in love
Lay Zhang: “A pretty thing like you shouldn’t have a beautiful night go to waste.” // “Just one night.”
You’re walking briskly down a long, elegant hallway, your heels muffled against the clean, dark carpet beneath you. You angrily pull out your phone while turning towards the elevator area from which you had come up.
“We’re breaking up, jerk.”
You hit send, and put your phone away.
Once you approach the elevators, you start hitting against them repeatedly. Open up fast, you stupid little shit! You can feel the first couple tears run down your cheeks, but you try to ignore them.
After a couple minutes, the doors finally open. You’re covering your eyes, and walk inside, pressing the button for the lobby.
“Excuse me,” a voice echoes through the elevator. “Are you okay?”
You weren’t expecting anyone inside, so you were startled to realize that there was actually a person with you. I must’ve missed his presence, you think.
You smile regardless. “Yes, I believe I’m okay,” you say. The elevator doors close. Suddenly, not a couple seconds go by before the doors open again, and your (now ex) boyfriend is standing there wearing only his bathrobe. His arms extend on the sides of the elevator, preventing the doors from closing.
“I’m so sorry, it’s not what it seems! She’s a co-worker, we were working and I just… we started drinking, you know?” Your ex-boyfriend pleads for you, but you’re crying harder now.
“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!!” You shout, slamming on the buttons to close now. “Get out and let me go! Or I’ll call security!” You quickly dial 911, and show him your phone, extending your hand out towards him. He obeys, and steps back, shouting back at you to ‘please understand,’ until the doors finally close.
You try to control your sobs, and remember that there’s still that guy who was in the elevator with you! How embarrassing, you think. You turn towards him and start apologizing immediately.
“I’m so sorry, I-I wanted to come home to my boyfriend early so I called off work today, but I caught him w-with another wo-woman,—” you break down into terrible sobs, covering your face in complete embarrassment and disappointment.
Suddenly, the guy in the elevator hugs you calmly, and the elevator doors open again. “Let’s step out for a second, okay?” He whispers, and you step off awkwardly whilst another couple walks into the elevator behind you.
You’re now in the elevator waiting area, on the floor number who-knows-what, and you take a seat with the anonymous boy. “Do you feel like talking about it?” He wipes several tears off you, completely welcoming his aura into yours.
“I’m so sorry, this is so embarrassing.” You say, giving him your best smile despite your mess of makeup.
“You’re okay. Hey, life happens. You don’t deserve someone who doesn’t put you first, regardless of their status or title.”
You looked up through a mess of tears and smiled.
“Thank you,” you whisper. He gives you his best dimples. You can’t help but think about how stupid it was to come up to your boyfriend’s place, dressed to the nines, hoping you’d be in for a great night of surprises.
But now you’re sitting with a stranger, crying to him about your newly found issues, and feel worse because you’re probably holding this boy back from wherever he was originally headed to.
Nevertheless, you decide to apologize and prepare to head out again. “I guess I should’ve seen it coming,” you confide in him. “Ever since his business blew up over the summer, it’s as if I’ve been dating a completely different person. He’s cockier now, even moved into this luxury apartment, and now I’m being cheated on.” You sighed and looked around this new hallway of the luxurious apartment complex, wishing the people within it were also a charm that could be just as appreciated inside and out.
“You call his apartment a luxury?” The guy smirked, looking around.
“Oh, well I think it is. It’s one of the best in the country. I assume you also live here, no?”
He laughs softly. “I suppose I do? But now I hate that I have an asshole neighbor, it seems.”
You both share a laugh, and he extends his hand out to you.
“My name is Lay Zhang, a pleasure to meet you,” he smiles.
You shake his hand with both your hands, and introduce yourself.
“I’m sorry we have to meet this way,” you laugh. “But, I do appreciate you taking the time to comfort me. I’m in for a long night,” you pout, and feel your phone vibrating relentlessly in your pocket.
You pull it out and you both look down, only to see that you now have 26 missed calls. You unlock the phone and go to his messages, finding countless text messages waiting for you as well.
“Do me a favor before you go,” says Lay, reaching his hand towards your phone. He takes it in his hand and blocks your ex boyfriend altogether, then returns it to you. “Don’t undo that.”
You look up in shock, not knowing what to say. “What if he reaches out on my socials—”
“You’re gonna repeat what I just did anywhere that he does, okay?”
You nod, and decide to put your phone back in your pocket.
“I apologize for keeping you from any plans you intended right now, Lay,” you start standing up from your seat and wipe your coat off.
“No, no. I was actually returning from work, anyway. I was going up the elevator, remember?”
“Ah, I see. I apologize for stealing time out of your evening, then.”
He cocks his head to the side. “You’re okay. I didn’t have much going on tonight, anyway. But…”
You look up, your gaze meeting his. “But?”
He shrugs. “I have to say, before you head out. You look beautiful tonight. Even with your crying, your ex missed out on so much.” He gives you his dimples again, and this time you can’t help but blush.
“Thank you, I hope to let him know that when he decides to crawl back,” you smirk.
“You don’t live here though, do you? I mean, with him?” He asks.
You sigh, remembering that you do live together.
“I’ll find a hotel room to stay at tonight, and come pick up my things from his place tomorrow with a couple friends. I guess I’ll head home to rest,” you look down, slightly upset that you spent a good dollar for the beautiful royal-purple dress you had on for him. You meant for the night to be a special one, considering it was, in fact, his birthday.
Lay lifts your chin with his finger, fixing your eyes onto his. “Well. A pretty thing like you shouldn’t have a beautiful night go to waste, then. What if I invited you to my place upstairs for dinner instead?”
Your eyes widened. “No, no, I don’t mean to bother you tonight. That would be a hassle for you—”
“Trust me when I say, my place will make him jealous.” He smirks, removing his finger from your face.
You blush, contemplating carefully on the offer. “A few pictures would make him mad,” you insist. “…of me eating at a beautiful apartment with a handsome guy like you.”
You both make way for the elevator, and you turn towards the buttons. “What floor are you?”
He laughs and takes a card, swiping it over a small scanner over the buttons. The elevator beeps, and you watch as the floors rise slowly, then quickly, one by one each floor is ascending more and more.
Then, the elevator stops.
You’re at the top floor, and the doors open only to find yourself within a massive, gorgeous penthouse.
“Wh-what is this? Do you live here?” You awe in amazement at the expensive decor and architecture surrounding you.
“I’m a man of many hats,” he says, placing his coat on a nearby hanger. “May I?” He reaches over to remove your own coat, and places it under his.
“This place is… is… it’s beautiful!”
“I’m glad you think that,” he walks over to remove his shoes, and invites you to do the same. You do so as well, and he allows you to wear his house slippers for comfort.
“I’ll have something nice catered for us tonight from one of my favorite restaurants around the area, and while we wait for it to get here, we can go around taking all the pictures you want to get back at your ex,” he says. You agree willfully, and watch in excitement as he places a call for your dinner.
Moments later, you find yourself posing at different places of his apartment and balcony, making sure to have grabbed your heels and only worn them over and over for the pictures themselves. He would laugh every time, making sure to take the best angles of you in your gorgeous well-fitted dress.
A few times, you’d even catch him staring too long at either you or the pictures he’d taken of you.
“What if,” you start suggesting, “you appeared in some of my pictures, too?”
“Oh, no, I don’t think I can do that.” He says this sternly, and starts to return your phone.
“That’s okay,” you sound defeated.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s more of a… if we did, you can’t show them. To anyone. Or anywhere.”
“Why’s that?” Your question is then interrupted by room service, and you figure your dinner is here.
You are having wonderful conversation over the delicious food Lay’s ordered, when he offers to pour more wine for you. You agree, and soon you both start becoming a little too tipsy.
“Tell me,” you say over your glass. “Why’d you freak out earlier over taking a picture?”
He frowned, taking a sip of his own wine. “Nah, it’s not that I freaked out. But I’d probably get in trouble.”
You take another sip. “What are you, some cartel guy?”
He lets out a loud laugh, but shakes his head. “Nah, nothing like that.”
“You’re a fashion designer,” you say. “You mentioned earlier that you wear ‘many hats,’ right?”
“That’s a metaphor to say I am a lot of things.”
“Ooh, fancy boy,” you say, taking a last sip before you decide you’ve had enough wine. “What do you do?”
“Singer,” he smiles. “I dance and act, too. Producer, songwriter. Businessman. And other things.”
Your eyes widened. “Hold up, what the hell!? WHO am I in the presence of!?” You suddenly feel yourself sobering up.
Lay laughs. “Lay Zhang, sweetheart.”
You marvel at the way his own name leaves his mouth, almost as if he knows the power it holds in itself once revealed.
“My ex could never!” You look at him for a second, then deciding, “What if you’re in my pictures, but not your face?”
He contemplates this question, looking up at the ceiling before shrugging in agreement. “We could try that,” he says.
The two of you lazily start taking pictures of your hands holding, your head leaning against his shoulder, and him hugging you from behind. Then, he takes your phone, and snaps a picture of himself kissing your cheek.
“Crop that as much as you can,” he whispers, and you can feel the scent of wine hit your nose. His eyes are begging for something, completely entrancing you with his stare, but you don’t know how to read them. He’s a gentleman, but there’s something else. A hunger of some sort, deep within his gaze. You look alway, completely intimidated and unable to keep up with him.
“Okay,” you agree, but you’re no longer interested in pictures. Before you can say anything more, a yawn escapes your mouth.
“Someone’s tired,” Lay whispers.
“I’ll call an Uber,” you begin. “Thank you for letting—”
“Nah, you’re not calling no Uber. Stay with me,” he whines. “Just one night.”
You sleepily look up at him and agree.
“I’ll give you some of my clothes.”
Moments later, you’re in Lay’s bathroom, wearing one of his shirts and boxers. What am I doing?
“Do you have a guest room?” You call out, looking around for him. But he’s nowhere in sight. You decide to wander around the penthouse for a bit, until you finally find him in in the living room, sitting next to one of the large floor-to-ceiling window panes. You approach him, sitting quietly next to him.
“Lay?” You whisper, and he turns to you.
“Hey,” he answers steadily.
“Do you have a guest room?” You ask, but barely catch sight of him in the dark.
“Yeah,” he answers. “But won’t you feel lonely?”
You shake your head. “Lay, it’s one night. I’ll be fine.”
He shakes his head, and turns his attention back to the city before you both.
“Do you…” you start again, carefully choosing your words. “Do you ever feel lonely up here?”
There is a long moment of silence before he finally speaks up again.
“Sometimes I do,” he whispers. “No point in having a place as great as this if I’m spending it alone.”
Silence fills the air, the distant sounds of the night life outside humming in the background.
“However,” he looks towards your silhouette in the dark. “Having you here for an evening has helped with that, even if I only just met you. You’ve been a breath of fresh air.”
You smile, though he probably can’t see in the dark. “You’ve been just as helpful to me, too.” You stand up, and stretch your arms at him. “Let’s go to sleep.”
He takes your hands, and you heave him up. “You’ll sleep with me!?” He says out in the dark excitedly.
“No, that’s not what I—”
“Oh, oh I’m sorry,” he takes back his hands from yours and rubs the back of his neck. “You, uh, have a goodnight. The guest room is here, down the hallway and to the left. Let me know when you’re awake in the morning.”
He begins to slowly walk back up the stairs, and you feel a tinge of regret.
“Yixing,” you call out. He stops before going up the stairs, and turns his attention to you.
“How do you know my name?”
“I looked it up, Yixing,” you roll your eyes, but he can’t see that. “You’re Lay Zhang, after all. You’re all over the internet.”
He giggles. “I like that, call me that more.”
As he turns to leave, you hear yourself call back, “Stay with me!”
This shocks you both, and you place a hand over your mouth.
“Are you being serious?” He asks, approaching you slowly now. His silhouette is now directly in front of you in the dark, and you can barely make out his calming eyes under the moonlight. “I’m sorry I requested it earlier, but I don’t want to force you to feel like you have to—”
Immediately, the urge and action overcomes you, and you wrap your arms around his neck, embracing him in a soft, long kiss.
What am I doing!?
Lay doesn’t flinch, doesn’t retrieve himself, doesn’t question it. He just slowly places his hands on your waist, bringing you closer to him.
After the tender moment, you pull back, and whisper to him, “I enjoy you, Yixing.”
He smiles, pulling you in for another kiss, whispering “I enjoy you, too,” in between breaths.
Say you’ll stay with me, Lay thinks to himself, so that I won’t spend anymore lonely nights up here.
Let me stay with you, you think to yourself, so that you and I can keep each other’s company.
And in that moment, he excitedly invites you upstairs to his room to finish your intimacy under his soft, warm mess of pillows, covers, and comforters.
The penthouse tonight is now not so empty, after all.
" Sedansogu" - Kim Junmyeon
Hello hello, my tumblr people!
I'm here to first of all day thank-you for all the likes at the "Desaparecer" fic I wrote for the requests! Just like I already said, it's been a while since I wrote smut, and one that I liked for real, so I'm just really happy!
Second of all, I also want to say that I'm closing the requests for some reasons:
1) i have a project in too many parts, that I plan to finish and post at least the first, so I can actually keep the rest and others...and the second reason I can't actually talk until tomorrow, because it's something personal, but I'm coming to tell you guys!
That's it, hope you have/had an amazing day! ❣️
Pessoinhas lindas de meu Tumblr!
Seguinte, tô aqui pra primeiro agradecer os likes na história do Bang Chan "Desaparecer" que fiz para o pedido de um(a) anon (por enquanto apenas em inglês), pq faz um tempinho que eu não escrevo um smut, e pelo menos um q eu realmente goste, então tô muito feliz!
E segunda, pra dizer q estou fechando os pedidos, por alguns motivos: (1) tem um projeto que eu comecei a escrever, e que tem muitas partes, mas que eu queria terminar pelo menos essa primeira pra poder postar e tals... Eeeeeee o segundo motivo na verdade eu não posso falar muito (é pessoal), pelo menos até amanhã eu acho. Então assim q eu tiver notícias venho falar aqui!
É isso, beijinhos açucarados! ❣️
Una parte de los dos
Do Kyungsoo x fem reader
Según el filósofo griego Platón, en su obra "The Symposium", hace mucho tiempo existío tres tipos de seres humanos: los hombres quienes eran descendientes del Sol, las mujeres quienes eran descendientes de la Tierra, y los andróginos (mitad hombre y mitad mujer) quienes descendían de la Luna.
Cada uno de estos seres humanos era completamente redondo. Tenían 4 brazos, 4 piernas, dos caras idénticas cada una a un lado, y con el resto de partes del cuerpo humano por duplicado. Se movían como planetas, en círculos, girando alrededor de sus 8 extremidades. Se consideraban unos seres poderosos, y aspiran con derrocar a los dioses, pues eran ingobernables.
En vista de todo esto, Zeus decidió cortarlos por la mitad y amenazó con volver a cortarlos de nuevo para que solamente pudieran caminar sobre una pierna.
Cada una de las mitades se quedó con la mitad de las partes del cuerpo, quedando dos seres iguales y complementarios sólo entre sí. Para cerrar la herida, el dios Apolo les estiró la piel y la cerró alrededor del abdomen (ombligo), dejando unas marcas que aún podemos ver, para que siempre fueran conscientes de su castigo.
Tras esto, los seres humanos partieron sin descanso en busca de su media mitad. Lo que los hacía perfectos. La unión de ambas mitades. Algunos la encontraban y se unían a ella abrazados. Esto provocaba que terminarán por morir de inanición ya que no podían preocuparse de sí mismos, sino de la otra mitad.
En vista de ello, Zeus fue condescendiente y decidió conceder los genitales a los seres andróginos, para que estos, una vez encontrarán su otra mitad pudieran también procrear.
Es por ello que cuando un hombre y una mujer se encuentran y surge el deseo sexual y la necesidad de estar el uno con el otro, es que ambos eran andróginos. De igual forma los hombres que desean hombres, y las mujeres que desean mujeres eran anteriormente hombres y mujeres respectivamente.
Es algo inevitable, contra lo que no se puede luchar. Ya que hemos encontrado la otra mitad que creíamos perdida por tanto tiempo.
Cuando Do kyungsoo fue obligado a asistir a la fiesta de fraternidad a la que pertenecía su popular amigo Byun Baekhyung, dió un sin fin de excusas sobre porque no pensaba ir, y sin importar lo que quería, sus amigos lo terminaron arrastrando de todas formas.
Odiaba las fiestas, la música alta y las luces parpadeantes que lo hacían marear. Se sentía tan en desentono, había veces en que se preguntaba cómo era que terminó siendo amigo de Baekhyung quien nació para ser el alma de la fiesta y el centro de atención a dónde sea que fuera. Baekhyung siempre tenía un imán para las miradas, era físicamente atractivo, rebosaba simpatía, siempre participaba en muchas actividades sociales, y lo más normal para alguien como Byun, era de la clase popular en la universidad, las chicas hacían fila solo para poder estar cinco minutos a su lado. En cambio Kyungsoo… Kyungsoo confiaba en que tenía salud y buenas notas.
Pero tenía que confesarlo, la verdadera razón por la que se había quedado al final cuando pudo haberse escapado en cualquier momento ante la mínima distracción de Baek y Jongin, fue porque había sentido una especie de presión en el pecho que a la vez lo estaba empujando a buscar algo, o quizás a alguien, no lo sabía. Lo que sea que fuera, hacía que su corazón latiera como loco, tenía las palmas de las manos sudorosas y las piernas le temblaban.
Ansiedad, adrenalina, exaltación. Era un cóctel de sentimientos a los que siempre huía, lo más interesante que había hecho en los últimos dos años, había sido dejar su cabello un poco más largo de lo habitual y comer un dulce antes del almuerzo. Pero ahí estaba, por primera vez en mucho tiempo entregándose a la necesidad de algo más, solo sabía que tenía que seguir caminando hasta la cocina de ese edificio, que ahí había lo que estaba buscando para calmar la sed insoportable que experimentaban sus gruesos labios rosados.
Kyungsoo ignoró todo a su alrededor, la música alta, las molestas luces parpadeantes y el hedor a alcohol por todas partes, solo podía pensar en un suave perfume cítrico que asomaba entre la multitud estorbando el camino. Estaba tan desesperado sentir ese calor anticipado y no soltarlo jamás.
Entonces fue ahí, a dos pasos de llegar a su destino, divisó una chica hermosa que lucía como la respuesta a todas y cada una de sus preguntas, una hermosa chica que al igual que él, corrió a su encuentro, mirándolo a los ojos como si tuviera un universo en ellos. Era tan perfecta que se notaba hecha a su medida, como si su sola existencia pudiera complementar la suya y encajar a su cuerpo como una pieza de puzzle.
Por primera vez en mucho tiempo no lo dudo, Kyungsoo no pregunto su nombre ni la razón de porque se notaba que ella probablemente se sentía igual, solo colocó sus manos en la cintura de la chica y la beso con tanto anhelo que el molesto ruido blanco en su cabeza se convirtió en una sonata tranquila al ritmo de sus latidos.
Simplemente había encontrado aquella otra mitad de la que todo el mundo hablaba sin parar, la media naranja que todos estaban condenados a buscar para ser felices y vencer la adversidad caprichosa impuesta por los dioses quienes jamás sabrían lo que se sentiría estar conectados con una persona así...
— ☕️ⸯⸯ : unintentional﹙dks﹚
warnings: implied smut, profanity, fingering, and masturbation
genre & trope: suggestive and neighbors!AU
pairing: do kyungsoo x f!reader
word count: 3.03k (edited)
synopsis. your first impression of your neighbor didn't end well for you, but it was the opposite for him. after eavesdropping his conversation about you next door and him singing a song of romantic interest for you—lyrics filled with undressing you off in your Versace dress, you gain the same pining for him and end up following every lyrics of his song.
Surely, this state will be enough to cause a hangover once you wake up tomorrow. You thought to yourself, palm on your forehead, wishing for the elevator to reach the current floor you're staying temporarily.
Oddly, the air in the hallways felt warm, so you removed your coat, revealing a body-hugging Versace chainmail dress your generous friend who offered you to wear tonight for clubbing.
Earlier morning, you had a petty argument with her. When she would give you her Versace things, it would always consist of you not accepting them since they were very expensive, to passive-aggressive threats you'd receive from her, then to her gleefully seeing you in Versace, your bag heavy with her gifts. You didn't have to buy clothes at all. You had a supplier of your things for free.
You were on a business trip for this month, consisting of attending board meetings, reviewing proposals, and sharing a drink and good conversation with special sponsors. Since everyone was given a week of rest, the same friend insisted on taking you out clubbing tonight and also invited your other friends. It took you a minute to contemplate if you should take today to only sleep, but you loved a good drink and company, so you eventually agreed. Leading you to this bad state of headache from alcohol.
As you safely reach your room and input your pin on the door lock, you feel a figure on your right, and you take a look only to see the dreaded person you didn't want to meet during your stay in this hotel—your neighbor.
You're staying in a good small three-star hotel, and all of the services were fair quality, so you hadn't thought of any disruption when staying here, except for one. Your neighbor, a great singer, truly, is a nuisance just by singing karaoke in the dead of the night. The walls of the hotel rooms were thick enough not to hear conversations, so it meant that your neighbor was just that loud.
Imagine going back to your bed only to hear your neighbor disrupting it with their hobby of singing karaoke heartily before going to sleep. Honestly, you also guessed that you would be sleeping at the same time as him, ruining your sleeping schedule. Even some point on those nights, instead of being irritated when you were already prepared for a good night's sleep, you would wonder if they just recently had a breaking point like a heartbreak with those sad ballads. He was singing his heart out to Bruno Mars, but you needed your goddamn sleep.
You thought of some options to stop this, and it only led you to the solution of switching rooms. But it would be far-fetched since the only available ones were far from your budget.
And there you were, waiting for a good chance to complain about the noise, but the noise your neighbor has been making isn't that loud for the other neighbors to complain. You also didn't have any proper decorum at night to complain to your neighbor, and you were always busy during the day, so you had to shelve all of your ill temper inside you.
Still not noticing your presence, you take in all the information of him. Average in height and an all-black comfy outfit of hoodie and sweatpants. Understandable for someone who would sing the blues in the middle of the night. Yet, your senses start to tingle. Your knack for recognizing attractive people could detect that he was more attractive underneath this cover-up, even if we were from a bird's eye away.
Strong hands and fingers with years of experience as a musician swiftly type down his door pin, and his hand forms firm fists, his knuckles prominent as he holds down his door handles. He's about to enter his space when he notices your presence. And finally, you know the face of your nuisance of a neighbor, which might turn quite a turn starting this moment.
The neighbor was a new face of attractiveness you'd never seen before. Dark and formed eyebrows beneath the straight black fringe, drawing you down to his large moon-shaped eyes with full black irises that sparkle from the light reflected off your dress. You trace your eyes down from his nose to the most striking aspect of his face; his heart-shaped pink lips parted like cushions of velvet when caressed.
He realizes a bit late of your stares, making him bow, a gush of warmth rushing up to his ears as he greets a good evening.
Snapping back to reality, you also bow, struggling to straighten yourself from the alcohol in your system.
"Good evening," you greeted back as you stood straight up, and he smiled idly, reciprocating the greeting.
"Kyungsoo? Is that you?" a man from his apartment called out.
"Yeah," he replied back, quickly bowed at you again, mumbling a goodbye, then entered his room hurriedly.
Too bad, you thought. A part of you wished you could observe him more to satisfy the curiosity that the 'once' dreaded neighbor was actually a sight to behold, but the remaining half just wanted to take a good hot bath and bury yourself on the soft mattress of your bed.
You shrugged it off, deciding to surrender to the latter choice, and entered your apartment, dropping your purse on the couch and your body followed.
As you looked around your space, you feel a bit empty just from the difference of the fun energy from clubbing and this bare hotel room. Nothing was in your room to feel like you were home, and you were feeling like you were living in a blank space these past few days.
Empty tables and countertops greeting you every morning is starting to suck off the energy you regained *barely* from sleep. Missing the familiarness and coziness of your home, and most importantly—"Fuck. All this clubbing makes me wanna get laid so badly."
I mean, how could you blame yourself? Lewd scenes in the club of people getting drunk and making out on the dance floor, and then when you're fed up with that scene and decide to take a tinkle, you go to the restroom only to see another cluster of people getting drunk and making out. The worst is hearing grunts and skins slapping in the women's bathroom.
Just how are you supposed to compose yourself? Being surrounded by horny people made you horny too. You're human.
Ding. Notifications from your phone on the couch pop up, and you check out what's happening. They were pictures sent by your friends in the group chat, all of you just having fun drinking in the VIP section, along with texts if everybody got home safely, and you noticed yourself in those pictures.
The long deliberation of wearing this iconic Versace chainmail dress your friend told you to wear and ending up wearing it was worth it. This dress attracted many lookers on you tonight, and your friends teased how you were practically glowing with the dress.
You can't help but take advantage of the remaining glamor you feel with yourself and also the desire to please yourself tonight. So you dim the lights of your room, and you hear the noise of an electric guitar chord tuning from your beloved neighbor.
You groaned in frustration and punched the air toward your neighbor's place. "You may have attracted me on our first encounter, but you're still good at being an ass." But this action alone of trying to argue with your neighbor's walls is helpless, so you slumped on the couch again and stared off into space.
"The guitar solo on this song is so good, I swear. It's good that you picked this song for a starter in your plans to be a musician." The muffled noise turned clear, hearing them from an unmistakable sound of speakers. They were using fucking microphones.
"Yeah, hopefully this would be a good song for my audition. I've been practicing my vocals for a while now, so I might as well pursue it." You almost calmed down hearing the neighbor's deep calm voice, followed by the melody of a familiar intro of a song on a synth piano.
The sound of romantic and dreamy enter your senses, and you place your ear on the wall to listen more closely. You can't pinpoint what this song's title was, but you know that it is pretty famous.
The other voice that wasn't your neighbor interrupted, "Let’s start filming the practice? I think we’re ready to record." Then the synth stopped, a pout on your lips formed unconsciously, and you strayed away from the wall in defeat.
"Sure, but before we start recording, I saw my neighbor by the door earlier…."
Me? you thought, eyebrows furrowed with curiosity.
Silence and a deep sigh engulfed it. The neighbor continued, "I think it was her first time to see me and her dress tonight…it looked so perfect on her, like it was tailored for her only. It also looked expensive like all of the past clothes she wore, and there is always the familiar scent of—"
"Versace?" The friend finished.
"Yes. Exactly."
"That's why you picked this song. So then, what did you do?" The friend continued, full of expectations.
"I bowed, greeted a good evening, and immediately went inside since you called out for me."
"You're an idiot."
"Pfft—" you snorted, glad that you held yourself back by covering your mouth.
"What do you mean?" Kyungsoo asked innocently, clearly showing no signs of remorse for his actions. You never knew your neighbor was so naive, especially when his songs, besides the ballads, were always passionate soul and R&B music.
"What do you mean? Are you serious—You're hopeless, Do Kyungsoo" and silence. The friend was too stunned to speak, even to inform Kyungsoo what he had just lost.
"Would you like to practice before we record?" Kyungsoo blurted out.
"Yes, please."
The dreamy tune of the synth goes again, and a specific key of the synth feels like Kyungsoo was about to start singing until you hear the first stanza. You're frozen, silenced. This is Bruno Mars' song, but neither is it about the blues nor the music of a broken-hearted man.
So this was it, the reason why this melody was so familiar. It’s Versace on the Floor. The dim lights of your room, the smooth and sensual synth piano, and his voice, like the color of the finest silks of green, set the caress atmosphere. You've always heard him singing passionately, but this vibration and temperature of emotion were much unlike his past way of singing.
As you struggle to catch your breath, a growing sensation builds, the feeling of weight getting heavier as you struggle to dedicate yourself to listening to his serenades alone. Thoughts of him on your first meeting start to swarm up every corridor of your mind, and you lean your back to the wall. Eyes closed and hands to your chest, grasping the hem of your dress to fully immerse yourself with the walls that seem to be the only separation of your longing and lust for pleasure.
Realization of reality opens your eyes to the current situation. Was this just a coincidence? Versace, the conversation about you, and this song. Wait—is this song actually for you?
A fit of laughter of disbelief escapes from your lips, the tip of your tongue poking your inner cheek. The alcohol must have reached your rationality, though this doesn't stop you from entertaining the thought of just hearing his intentions to undress the sight of you in your Versace dress, tingling you with excitement.
But this isn't right. You convinced yourself. This is uncalled for. How can you lust on a man you just met?
The headache from the alcohol disperses and a new sensation replaces it. Your legs and arms go weak, and you slowly fall on your carpet as the chorus ends and another verse comes.
There was nothing to stop you, yet still you worried if this song was supposed to be dedicated to you. You groaned in frustration, and gave up, following his explicit instructions, unzipping the zipper from your back, the sound of a smooth zipper gliding down along the lines of your spine. In a trice, the nipple covers on your breasts are long gone, and you shiver from the nakedness of your chest; the tip of the nipples achingly hardens from the coldness of visibility.
Kyungsoo's voice still reverberates clearly despite the thick walls and sensual lyrics of the following verse of the song filling the air as he sings about tender intimacy. You lick your fingers and imagine him kissing you bold, tracing down from the curvature of your neck to the enticing slopes of your shoulders. It didn’t matter how graphic and lewd he’d sing about the curves of your body, the assurance of your unquestioned beauty heard sincerely.
To him, you were his muse. He reveres and divines your every composition, turning you into hymns of his desperation to touch you. You were a spec of his imagination in his eyes, the belladonna of what he can’t even grasp his dreams to be with. The sultriness of his voice chants of kissing you naked, undressing in your dress, and you hum in contentment, brushing your agitated nipple, igniting a symphony of pleasure within you from the light contact.
Every inch of you quivers, delicious temptations of touching yourself, hypnotizing your sanity, and the morals you've put yourself to protect crumble down. A great requirement of satisfaction has been set upon you, earning for you to yearn more, itching to caress the warm existence between your legs.
You wanted to feel his emotions. No, instead, you needed him to look at you with those large radiant eyes to look straight into yours without any hint of hesitance behind them and touch you with those carefully carved hands on every part of you. And with that voice, that heavenly blessed voice, if he was here with you, you'd fawn over him as he barely touches his velvet lips on your ears, whispering sweet praises slowly leading to merely sweet nothings of your existing beauty.
Amidst the yearning for him, do you hear the sweet guitar solo you've forgotten existed in the song, the long tolerance of your refusal of self-satisfaction vanishing. You readied, your hand busy teasing your erected breast and the other pulling down the remaining dress that covered the rest of you. You shut your eyes closed, feeling your hesitant cold hands go near between your thighs, landing to touch your clit, and a hiss comes out of your mouth from the touch.
Hallucinations of Kyungsoo in front of you, observing you just like how you imagined him to be, with anticipation, with eagerness. You spread your legs wide and leniently stroked your clit, capturing you with an airy moan, a rush of ecstasy from your cunt to your arms. Shortly, your patience goes dry, gaining more momentum and force to your strokes, knees buckling, and your legs surging from high.
You feel it coming close, and you stop yourself from the pleasure as he sings the song's ending chorus. Quickly you grab the nearest pillow from the couch and sit on it, legs on either side of the pillow and start humping. The interrupted orgasm recovers, and you think of how erotic and ludicrous you are, pleasuring yourself just by the voice of a neighbor you once hated, which turned out to be the man of your ideals.
Kyungsoo belts out the song's last note, and you whimper, nearing your orgasm. You stifle out a noticeable mewl as you orgasm, and you immediately cover your mouth, hoping that it wasn't heard, especially by your neighbor.
"Fuck, no, no, no," you mumbled repeatedly and lay dead on the carpet, body weak from bliss.
"That was amazing! I think you're good to go for the audition already, Kyungsoo. Would you like another go? Just to make sure," The friend complimented Kyungsoo, but Kyungsoo remained quiet, and you felt every nerve of your body growing cold.
"Yeah. Can we record in your studio instead? I wanna hear my voice clearer."
"Sure. I'll just meet you on the ground floor since I'll be starting up the car."
"Okay." The sound of a door swinging open next door is the last sound you hear.
It was just the two of you left, and it felt awkward even though you were technically in different rooms, but it felt like you were in the same space, feeling the tension and being the only ones aware of it. You pursed your lips and exhaled to relieve your nerves, neglecting your eavesdropping.
Better take a bath, sleep in the comfort of your bed, just like you planned, and pretend nothing happened. Yes, that's good for now.
Knock knock. That sound definitely didn't come from your phone, nor was it an alarm clock you hopefully set by this hour for no reason. It was from the door. Your door specifically.
You hastened in wearing your nipple covers and wore your dress again, wearing a cardigan from the hanger near the door. You braced yourself from what you might see from the door viewer, and you tiptoed, seeing from the small hole the neighbor, in the same clothes earlier, his chin rested anxiously on his hand.
Shit, you cursed under your breath and tried to fix your hair and cover the skin showing on your chest with your cardigan. You slowly opened the door, and the neighbor didn't expect you'd even open the door.
"Uhm, can I help you?" You asked, and he opened his mouth, but nothing came out, and he attempted again.
"I…" Your eyes grow larger as you expect his response, looking straight to his eyes that wander around, trying to find answers from everywhere until he meets your eyes, and something bursts.
The both of you crash into each other's lips simultaneously as if knowing each other's pursuits of lust, rashed and rough, inhaling only the oxygen that suffices from one another.
Kyungsoo grabs hold of your waist and pulls it near, an indecent sigh coming out from the kiss.
"Kyungsoo." he breathes deeply, out of breath. "Call me Kyungsoo."
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— ☕️ⸯⸯ : the way back home﹙bbh﹚
warning: mentions of alcohol (but it's just wholesome fluff)
genre & trope: fluff and established relationship
pairing: byun baekhyun x gn!reader
word count: 0.97k (edited)
synopsis. "if i were a sleepy sea otter and you were also a sleepy sea otter, would you hold my hand so that we won't float away from each other?"
Baekhyun wasn't the greatest soldier alive when it came to alcohol tolerance; he himself had great self-awareness of it. This resulted in him never drinking furthermore in your presence once he knew he was tipsy. At first, you didn't mind this at all, although, after receiving the first-ever emergency call from one of his friends, this changed your mind.
The call consisted of the first few seconds of a proper conversation with the said friend, and then a minute later to Baekhyun stealing the phone, who was then drunkenly flirting with you. Clearly losing the battle between alcohol and his sobriety.
Baekhyun's friend that called you, who seemingly was the only person sober, got his phone back and pleaded you to get him ASAP before he lost his marbles dealing with a bunch of lousy drinkers.
You obliged, mindlessly arriving at the destination a lot quicker than you thought, almost snickering at the thought of a crimson-cheeked boyfriend just smiling like a fool at you. Junmyeon, the caller, his face of weariness turned into a relieved one as he greeted you at the front door, booming noises of drunken men singing karaoke inside and the strong smell of assorted liquor exuding from him.
"Hi, Y/N! Here to pick up Baekhyun, right?" he questioned, which honestly sounded more like it had only one valid answer.
"Yes, though it looks like I'll be spoiling his fun if I pick him up while all of you are having so much fun." You politely replied just for formality.
Junmyeon chuckled and firmly added, dead in the eyes, begging, "I promise you that you aren't. Please come inside, Y/N. Please?"
"Y/N? Is that Y/N? Y/N!" A familiar bright, boyish voice slurred in excitement from the inside. You looked at Junmyeon for assurance, and he nodded, encouraging you to enter the living room. You gulped in nervousness, thinking of how to deal with the new kind of Baekhyun you'd never met before. It was like helplessly walking on a field of tall grass full of wild Pokemons.
Before leaving your shared home with Baekhyun, you've researched the effects of alcohol, and one struck you: repressed emotions and thoughts will be set free in a drunken state. You weren't sure if that was true since no reliable sources proved this fact, but you still wondered, almost in a way of contemplation. Doubtful if you can even deal with a wasted Baekhyun.
"It's me, Baek—Oh my god."
There he was. And you were right about one thing: his cheeks would go red when he was drunk but based from the research about repressed feelings when in a drunken state, you can tell that this Baekhyun will be a handful.
"Y/N~" The last syllable of your name dragged on as he attempted to wiggle up from his seat. "I missed you so much, Y/N." You quickly ran up to support him from standing, relieved that you caught him on time.
"But we were together like… four hours ago, baby." He nodded in reply.
"Exactly." Oh, well.
After bidding goodbye to the rest of his friends, who were thrilled to see you, you got help from Junmyeon to put Baekhyun on the passenger seat, bidding him farewell and good luck as you set off to go back home.
Surprisingly, the first couple of minutes of the drive were quiet, and your boyfriend was just sleeping peacefully, thankfully, not causing a ruckus silently. You didn't try to pry him from his peace and just continued driving, waiting for him to mumble anything you could tease him about once he woke up. You admired this very moment of comfortable silence, wondering of the antics that would happen by the next morning and planning to prepare ahead a good hangover soup to lighten the weight of your lover.
"Baby?" He's awoken.
"Can I hold your hand? It's quite cold," he requested groggily.
"I can't, baby. I'm driving us back home."
"Oh...then, can I borrow your jacket?" Baekhyun tested again, opting for a different consolation.
"Yes, of course. It's on the backseat, Baek."
He struggles to look for it in the back seat, carefully but clumsily putting his arms inside the armholes of the jacket when he does.
A few minutes pass, and he complains again, "...I still wanna hold your hand, Y/N."
"Let's hold hands when we're under a stop light, okay?" You turned the car to the highway, and coincidentally, the red light from the traffic light stopped you. In reaction, Baekhyun reached out for your hand and interlocked his cold fingers with yours.
"Y/N?" he called out again.
"Your hand is very warm. I love holding your hand."
You beamed with a snicker, looking down at your entwined hands. His hands that easily get cold and would always seek refuge for yours that were always cozy and warm. These hands that would always cup your cheeks and kiss you plushly in the wake of the morning. You noticed the difference of temperature of his and your hand, and you grasp slightly harder, attempting to warm his faster.
"I love holding your hand too, Baek."
The traffic lights turned green, and you gently removed your tightly held hand from him, leaving his hand to reach out to yours with dismay.
"Y/N?" Baekhyun asks for you again from just a few miles.
"Mhm?" You hummed softly, never troubled by his constant wants to hear your voice and attention even if he asks for the vainest demands.
"I need you to answer a question."
"If I was a sleepy sea otter," he yawned, the sign of the need to sleep displaying, "And you were also a sleepy sea otter…."
"Will you hold my hand so we'll not drift away from each other when we're sleeping?"
"Baek?" It was your turn to ask, "You do know that we always snuggle when we sleep, right?"
"...Oh. Then, can I hold you all night when we're finally home?" There were remotely a small number of cars driving, so you turned the car, almost near your home and took the opportunity, interlocking the hand that rested on his thigh with yours, holding it near your lips, and kissed lovingly the back of his hand.
"When it involves loving you, then it's always a yes."
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— ☕️ⸯⸯ : g-docs chatroom﹙bbh﹚
warning: profanity
genres & trope: fluff, crack, and university!AU
pairing: byun baekhyun x gn!reader
word count: 0.89k (edited)
synopsis. an anonymous chinchilla has accessed the document.
An Anonymous Chinchilla has accessed the document.
"Who the actual fuck is with me in Google docs 3 in the morning?" You spat out loud, hair put up in a messy bun, and your wrists feeling like it would joint out of its socket any minute now. Being in the last years of high school wasn't lax like what you think it would be. Pressure of choosing the right course for college, financial plans for the future, you were in between the joys of high school and the dreaded phase of adulthood.
Currently, you were doing final editing and proofreading of the research paper of your assigned group, a work done by the group leader. Your group was a bit decent based on participation and team dynamic compared to others in the class, so there were times you suffered and times that you were a-okay, but they were never like you in terms of work ethic. You were active at night, you loved that everyone was asleep in the house, everything was quiet, and you could do anything without being spoken to in the middle of the night so who is this anonymous chinchilla in your document?
You brush your hands from the crumbs of your midnight snack and type on your keyboard on the chat room in the document.
Y/N: Who are you?
Anonymous Chinchilla: hi group leader! ( ≧∀≦)ノ
Their message and yours are sent at the same time and you flick an eyebrow up in curiosity. Emoticons? Who uses emoticons these days? Was it the assistant group leader? Or the one who hasn't finalized their part yet? No, that's too unlikely.
Anonymous Chinchilla: oh right, i'm baekhyun hehe. sorry, i didn't use my university acc to open this document (・_・; i'm currently outside so i'm only using my phone (^人^)
Oh, it's Byun Baekhyun. That class clown, that noisy guy from the back rows of the classroom. He was, thankfully, a decent guy in your research group. Had a lot of questions, participative, consulted for your thoughts on his works, and would do their parts before their assigned deadline. Basically, the dream groupmate, but he never struck you as someone who was a night-owl. Although the more curious part of this is why would he be outside? Like outside of your house stalker scenario or outside of his house?
Y/N: …Why are you outside at 3 in the morning?
Anonymous Chinchilla: buying and eating midnight snacks hehe. i typically do this like 3x a week? but i'm currently frequenting the convenience store nowadays bcuz of research (|| ̄^ ̄||)
He's the oversharer type. How cute.
Y/N: Oh, I understand.
Anonymous Chinchilla: u're so stiff when you talk group leader just like irl ㅋㅋㅋ
Y/N: Sorry, I like my spelling and grammar right.
He takes a while to answer, and the three dots of him typing finally appear.
Anonymous Chinchilla: r u attacking me rn group leader? (;´д`)
Y/N: No, please, I didn't mean it to insult you. It's just my habit when writing.
Anonymous Chinchilla: huhu, that's good. i thought u didn't like me or sumn but you can still understand my slangs right? i want to talk to u properly (ノ∀≦。)ノ
You snicker, a bit of your fatigue disappearing from your new entertainment. He's a fun guy, at least, and a good groupmate too. You haven't had a real conversation with him, nor anyone in your group too, so this was really fun and new for you.
Y/N: Your choices of emoticons are funny|
You take a while to send your message, contemplating if you should add emoticons just like what he does, just because. You decide to pick an emoticon that you can still remember.
Y/N: Your choices of emoticons are funny. XD
Anonymous Chinchilla: what is that…
Anonymous Chinchilla: is that the ancient laughing emoticon?
Anonymous Chinchilla: you're using boomer emoticons group leader HAHAHAHAH LMAO
How dare he. You were trying your best to make him feel included and he compares you to a boomer.
Anonymous Chinchilla: sorry, that was rlly cute. (≧∀≦*) i just had to.
Y/N: Yeah, right.
Anonymous Chinchilla: OH NO.
Anonymous Chinchilla: PLS I'M SORRY GROUP LEADER
Anonymous Chinchilla: (*´Д`*)!! (⊃ Д)⊃≡゚ ゚(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)゙?
"Pfft—" You let out a laugh, no signs that you'd even be done any minute now. You hold your stomach as it starts to ache to the point your body warns you of the lack of oxygen and too much air coming out of your lungs, your hand smacking anything it lands on and claps enthusiastically like a happy trained seal. "Seriously, his choice of emoticons are hilarious. It's almost like I can hear and see him talking," While you were laughing your ass out loud and trying (yet failing) to calm yourself down, Baekhyun spams the chatroom anxiously.
Anonymous Chinchilla: group leader :"<<< im sorry pls forgive me. i just wanted to talk to you for once since you were always so occupied when i see you (/o\)(/´△`\) ○| ̄|_○| ̄|_ o(;д;o)
Anonymous Chinchilla: group leader?
Anonymous Chinchilla: group leaderrrr????
Anonymous Chinchilla: y/n??? (T0T)
You wipe tears of joy from your eyes and cheeks, exhaling out a sigh as a finale for your fit of laughter, and finally put your fingers on the keyboard, typing—
Y/N: I'm sorry for not replying. I had a hard time typing because you're so easy to tease HAHAH
Y/N: Thank you for making my night though =) You're very funny, Baekhyun.
And he takes a bit longer to reply after your message. What's wrong? Was he already on his way home? Was there no service in his area already? But he's still in an active status in the document.
Anonymous Chinchilla: what…what was that group leader… stop it, you're making my heart flutter (*/□\*)
"This guy, really." You chuckle and take a bite of your bowl of chips beside the keyboard. You wondered why you haven't tried to have a real interaction with him before? You weren't aware that you didn't act approachable as a person, but you knew you were very hands-on as a leader.
Anonymous Chinchilla: oh! i have to get home now, group leader! are there any things you would like me to work on the research today? im willing to sleep late tonight even if we have classes later
Anonymous Chinchilla: (*・・)σo(゚▽^)ノ
Y/N: Nothing at the moment. We have a peer evaluation later with other groups from other classes in the afternoon so…
Why not be friends with him?
Anonymous Chinchilla: sooo????
Y/N: Are you fine if you can tag along with me later?
Anonymous Chinchilla: oh. my. god.
Anonymous Chinchilla: YES OFC
Anonymous Chinchilla: PLS LET ME ACCOMPANY U \( ´∀`)/~~
Anonymous Chinchilla: I WILL DO MY BEST GROUP LEADER (^–^)\
He's very likable, you thought. Very easy to read and also expressive, for what you've seen. There are some cases where online and real-life people have different personas, but this didn't mind you. Unlike you, who has the same personality both online and in real life, you don't know if you'll be encountering the same Baekhyun you chatted right now. Even so, this conversation was enough for you to have the courage to approach him and befriend him later. You sincerely hoped you could be good friends with him.
Y/N: Okay. Have a good night, Baekhyun. Go back home safe =)
Anonymous Chinchilla: you too, group leader! good night ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆ wishing you a good sleep hehe
Anonymous Chinchilla: see you later in class! (^o^)/~~
The Anonymous Chinchilla has left the document.
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F!Reader x EXO
Genre: Angels/Demons AU
Warning: Lies, Manipulation, Chocking, Burning, Broken Bones, Fire, EXO OT12
Words: 2.4K
One | Two | Three | Four (Coming Soon)
Prompt: You grew up in a happy home despite being abandoned as a child. Or at least it was happy until one revelation starts shinning a light on all the questionable things that surrounded your family. That is if they ever had your best interest at heart.
“They’re not your parents.”
You knew that, and a lot more, although you made no comment. You didn’t know why you had been called into the principal’s office to talk about this, let alone with two other strangers in the room. Regardless they seemed to be expecting some kind of response and you could only think of one.
“Yeah, I’m adopted.”
“Well, yes, but the papers are fake.”
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