Kylux - Tumblr Posts
Kylo felt himself rising from oblivion. He'd thought he'd died. He'd been at peace.
Hux was gone. The Order led by Palpatine. Nothing was left for Kylo in this life.
"Can't believe you nearly got yourself killed." That was Hux's voice. But how?
Didn't matter.
The world felt right again.

your scars wont make me love you any less
based off of a prompt @stardestroying posted way back on twit!!
Kylo sprawled on top of Hux in bed, resting his head on Hux’s stomach, his big hands holding onto Hux’s narrow hips, eyes closed in bliss as Hux idly runs his fingers through his hair with one hand, doing work with the other.
Kylo enjoys it so much he can’t complain about Hux working, and Hux doesn’t even notice Kylo has fallen asleep until Kylo drools on him, and can’t be mad about it because they’re both SO BAD about not sleeping.
He just puts his datapad away and turns off the light so he can sleep, too, because Kylo’s out, and he has the same rules as Millie- legally, he is not allowed to move when either of them fall asleep on him.
Sometimes on the Finalizer, Kylo and Hux are so busy that they don’t have time to stop and talk to each other.
Instead, when they pass on the corridor or one is disembarking a ship whilst the other is boarding, they silently take hold of each other’s hands & bump foreheads and in that moment, nothing else exists.
The galaxy falls silent for their moment. They stop, hold hands and touch, then they’re walking away from each other again.
Officers may blink and miss it but to Hux & Kylo, it means ‘I’m okay and I love you and I’ll see you soon’.

touch (verb \ˈtəch\): to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense : handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate <loved to touch the soft silk>
commission info || patreon

Millicent the Cat. Hux means sleep and safe, Kylo means fun and play? 19.3.2016.
I still have no idea where this cat came from but it has grown on me. And this is what my brother’s cat does when I’m taking care of him :)

a little kylux for the soul. inspired by the music video for runnin by naughty boy

In which Hux believes in Kylo more than he does himself.
From this, the prompt being: “I dreamt about you last night”.
Thank you for the prompt, @indigowallbreaker!
Edit: because this seems to never get into some people’s brains, please DO NOT REPOST MY ART. Regardless of the platform, do not repost it. I don’t care if you credited, do not repost it. And worse, don’t crop out my signature, and crop my art to fit your shitty website (looking at you Instagram art thieves). It’s disrespectful and demoralising to artists. I’m actually begging now, please stop.

And here is my fourth and final illustration for the Kylux Big Bang 2018 already! We all love happy endings (and Hux in a crop-top), right? : > Read the last chapter of @hastalux fic “Hearts of Kyber” here on A03, and don´t forget to leave a ❤ or a comment. Thank you for your hard work and fantastic ideas Lux, it was a pleasure to work with you : )

Just a funny little idea I came up with for a reeeaally late Valentines Day thing.
Got supper burnt out, just coming out of it. So hope this makes someone laugh!

Ok, here’s my first contribution to @kyluxpositivity pre-TFA! This was done before I got bitten by the NSFW comic bug that bloomed into a monster project, so that will get posted later today or soon but meantime enjoy this!

Huxloween 2024 - Day 13 - Apocalypse -The true end of the world - Idea by @billiam-bonkarius & inspired by @huxloween 's wonderful promptlist For all non-cat-owners: A hungry cat is as good as four apocalyptic horsemen
Tombs, Crypts, & Cemeteries
"When you die," Kylo began solemnly.
Oh kriff. He was being dramatic.
"Where do you want to be buried?"
Hux scoffed, relieved it wasn't worse. "I don't. Wrap me in two layers of durasteel and shoot me into the nearest star."
Kylo stared at him.
Hux shrugged. "It's cost efficient."
Sleeping with the enemy || Part II

Part I
Words: 2314
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex, threesome
SUMMARY: Trying to make Kylo jealous, reader is coquetting with Hux. Reader will have an opportunity to meet him more intensively. But, of course, Kylo can read her mind...
Author: Cass & Beast

Few days have passed.
Because of the way Kylo had treated you before, you were shunning him as much as you could.
Of course, few times you both passed each other. Without any word. Even without a single glance. But it made you feel comfortable somehow. You didn't have to deal with his mood swings at least.
Hux pushed you with his shoulder while you were sitting in the canteen.
"Could you be so polite and start to listen what am I saying?" He muttered looking at you with a frown. "Make yourself useful and go to Kylo. I have the important report for him, but I don't have the patience to deal with that man."
He gave you report and walked away like nothing happened, looking over his shoulder. "Better do this quick."
The folder with report was red and rather big.
You raised your head to throw Hux angry glance.
"Yea. Of course. I have to do everything in behalf of you, because you're too lazy to do a single thing."
Loud sigh left your mouth. "I'll do this."
Hux only sighed heavily. "Learn some respect, child. Just won't hurt your knees, when you will get to his chamber." He said with sarcastic tone, then left the canteen.
Kylo was sitting in his room waiting for any pieces of information.
He looked surprised when he saw you in the door
"Ah! Hux's loyal scum. How's new work?" He asked, smiling meanly.
You pretended to not hear what he has said.
"You report is ready, sir."
You put the folder on his desk, not even looking at him
"I hope those are a good news." Kylo said and got up from his seat.
He walked to you and put a finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"Not so eager anymore? I thought you enjoyed it.." He purred.
"Fuck off." You mumbled under breath took step back. "Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?"
Kylo grabbed you by hair to hold your head in place, he looked into your eyes.
"First, show me some respect. Second, stop lying to yourself. We both know what do you want. We know how it will end." He said wrapping arms tightly around you. Every visit in his chamber ended like this, no matter what, he was always acting in the same way.
His eyes were full of anger and you saw it.
You turned head aside.
"Don't flatter yourself too much, sir," you said looking at the wall and focusing yourself on muting your emotions.
"Listen... I can feel it." He had his arms wrapped around your waist.
Brunette muttered softly getting closer to your neck. "I still like your scent, you know... the scent of sweet naive girl..."
Kylo looked at you. "Your heart is pounding every time you get closer to me... and you tell me to 'fuck off'... that's rude, little one."
You resisted
"Leave me alone. You kow nothing about me."
Your hands clenched into fists.
"I know more than you know, little one. Now go back to work." Kylo released you from his grasp.
Hux was waiting at you.
"Finally! How are your knees?" Man asked with a smile. "If I can be honest. When I saw you the first time I thought you have more self-respect... You should take a real man. Not the unstable leader." He muttered.
"I don't know what are you talking about."
Walking next to him, you were focused on the corridor. But you good knew what he was talking about.
"Come on... stop pretend that you are so hard to get." He muttered rolling eyes.
Hux looked at you. "My people are celebrating because of destroying resistance base. Maybe you should relax? With me?" He asked offering his arm. "What would you say?"
The need of revenge on Kylo was too huge for you to stop, so you nodded slightly.
"Yea. Right. Well. Yes. With a pleasure."
"Pleasure by my side, Y/N."
He walked with you into the control room. "I never was a fan of it. They only get distracted." Hux winced looking at his people. "But at last I can spend some time with you." He admitted with soft smile.
"I see, Hux" you smiled a bit at him. "So. What's now?"
He shrugged. "We will wait till..." Before Hux could finish his sentence, Kylo entered the room.
He looked at everyone, frowning. "At last for once you all were usefull."
Hux rolled his eyes. "As always. He talks like he is the one that did whole job." He muttered to you.
You gave a little nod.
"Exactly. He behaves like he would be a Supreme Leader."
You patted Hux's back.
"I think you would be better than him."
"I... Thank you." Hux only nodded.
Kylo walked to two of you. "Since when YOU are celebrating... With her?" He asked looking at Hux but pointing at you.
"Since I know, how to treat a woman. Not like someone is treating us." Hux smiled sarcastically and pulled you closer.
You were glad. Seeing the grimace on Kylo's face made you strangely satisfied with yourself.
"Hux. Can you help me with reports? I have to finish them, but I am not sure how."
You grabbed him by palm.
He squeezed your hand. "Of course, with pleasure, Y/N."
Hux left room with you. You both could hear how angry Kylo was screaming at everyone. "THAT'S ENOUGH! Go back to work!"
Hux only laughed at this.
"I love to annoy him."
"After his last behavior towards me, I found this pretty funny to make him angry. He is like a blind child. In control."
You winked at him and left his hand.
"And where are you going little one?" He grabbed you by palm and pulled you closer. "You won't run away so easily." Hux smiled at you.
You bit lower lip, wrapping arms around his neck and getting on you tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
"Don't worry. I am always around."
You winked at him and walked away, to go back to work.
Hux walked to you and wrapped arms tightly around your waist. "Now you won't get rid of me." He purred softly into your ear.
You giggled and turned around to look him in the eye.
"Oh really?"
With a corner of the eye you saw how Kylo was leaving a main room. You were sure he saw you and Hux.
"Of course you won't." Hux smiled.
Kylo stopped and looked at two of you, frowning.
"Sir, do you need something?" You asked viciously looking at Ren over Hux's shoulder.
Kylo only walked away.
Hux looked behind and then back to you. "Let's go to my chamber or better no… Too many guards on our way there.."
You nodded with soft smile. “Come to visit me at evening. I will be waiting.” You said and then walked away.
In a little, softly-lit bedroom, you're on a average sized bed. You're freshly showered, nude, and just a bit softly squirmy from anticipating what will happen next. You lied there for a bit, at times rubbing yourself for a moment. It was when Hux arrived.
"General Hux, I was sure you'll come." Your voice was soft like never before.
He entered without knocking, being sure of himself. He got undressed and quickly joined you on the bed. Without a word, Hux lied down beside you on your left and gently caressed you, starting at knees and gradually tracing your whole body, increasing your delighted squirming.
A few kisses later he pulled you toward himself with firm strength and determination, yet always gently. Mostly on his back but somewhat leaning toward you, Hux directed your hips onto his so that your left buttocks covered his crotch entirely. With his left hand he pulled your left leg around his left leg, then pushed your right leg sideways to be flat against the bed. He continued to pull a bit here and push there, bringing your hips a bit more up on his, his right hand cupping your right buttocks at times, rubbing your crotch.
"Y/N, you're fucking beautiful," Hux whispered.
He rubbed you a bit more between the legs, wiggled his fingers wherever they might be, shifted a bit now and then for effect, to find just the right spot for himself to settle in, then he caressed your torso, breasts and face with his left hand. He kissed your face then paused.
Kylo walked in the room.
Ren walked around the bed, leant across it and kissed you, first on the neck, then the right nipple, gently sucking it into his mouth and rolling it with his teeth for a moment. Then fully on your lips, tasting and inhaling you.
He leant back, put his right middle finger on your lips, you wanted to suck it into you, but Kylo quickly slipped it out, and traced a line down your center - chin, to neck, to sternum, to belly, between your lips. He slided it into you while whispering softly. "Be still, Y/N." He knew this was a challenge for you, but one that you willingly accepted.
Kylo held it inside you, not moving, and instructed you to demonstrate your muscles. As you did, his initial response was firm. "That is not enough. I know that you can do better ... I've felt it." You closed your eyes and squeezed tighter, imaging his cock instead of his finger.
You were eager for more. The novelty of the situation, the posture of your hips pushed up yet supported, the attentions and arousal of Kylo and Hux gave you new levels of excitement. With Hux beside and below you, and with Kylo so tantalizingly near and above, you looked Kylo in the eye and quietly begged. "Please."
Kylo sent a questioning look to Hux who nodded. Hux pushed his hand deeper under you. He also firmly pushed your legs farther apart, almost uncomfortably. With his left hand keeping you legs apart, Hux used his right hand to tease into readiness wherever he could reach.
Kylo, enjoying watching you try to stay still while you were beginning to uncontrollably squirm and moan, reached down and petted you body, keeping intentionally away from where Hux was touching.
Kylo bent down and gave you a few long, full-tongue licks along all of your pussy that sent you into a delicious, creamy, thrilling orgasm. One more quick lick followed by a little slap on your heated, ready pussy, then Kylo looked into your eyes. "You're incredibly tasty, Y/N. I needed that."
Hux continued to hold your legs apart and pushed you up a bit further. Kylo positioned himself in front of your spread legs, got himself ready and in a strong stance, then leant forward to enter you.
Kylo entered you in one, agonizingly slow, deep, powerful motion.
Hux shifted his hips slightly. You gasped and shuddered as Hux pushed into your ass. His hands on your sides, fingers curved around to hold your nipples. Lips on the back of your neck. Kylo reminded you to be still, to enjoy all of the sensations, the hardness within you. The strong men below and above you. The pinching nipples. Hux's teeth on your shoulders and the back of neck. Kylo's lips and breath dancing with hers.
"Oh God.." You could only mumble quietly enjoying the pleasure.
Kylo started to move his hips. Slowly withdrawing until just the tip remained. Your eyes were closed as you absorbed the feelings. The smell. The sound of moist bodies moving with each other.
While Ren held himself just barely inside of your quivering pussy, Hux slowly pulled out until he too had only the tip of his cock inside. They both felt your muscles contract as you tried to pull, to will them both back into you.
You whimpered just a bit.
Suddenly you imploded as you felt both men thrusted deeply, filling you beyond fulfilling. They were simultaneous in their plunge and withdraw. Plunged and withdrawed. You lost sense of time. Of connection with gravity as you were suspended between the two.
A whisper from Kylo brought you back for just a moment until you realized that it was a signal for Hux, and in an instant the rhythm had shifted, with one sliding inside you deeply as the other pulled back.
"Fuck! Fuck, it's so good! Fuck me harder!" You grunted loudly rubbing your clitoris.
And you were off again. Nearly floating above yourself as you orgasmed over and over. Your body moving in sync with theirs. Breathing as one, thrusting as one.
It didn't take long before Kylo and Hux reached their peaks, too.
Kylo was first, cumming deep inside of your clenching pussy.
"Fuck!" Ren leant down to suck on your pulse point, riding his orgasm off.
Hux was second, but before he came, he slipped out of your ass and pumped over his length, rolling you a bit. Seconds later, he erupted his load on your belly.
Hux kissed your nape as you panted deeply trying to catch a breath.
You weren't expecting something like this to happen. You knew subconsciously, that Kylo will join you since he could read your mind. But it was way too much from what were you expecting.
When Kylo slipped out, too, you rolled on the bed, covering tour figure with quilt.
"How did you like it, Y/N?" Kylo asked, dressing his boxers on.
You took deep breath and were about to answer, but were cut by Hux's kiss.
"Great." You managed to whimper.
It didn't take long for three of you to fall asleep. Your head rested on Hux's chest while Kylo had his arm wrapped around your waist, spooning you.
Sleep came fast, and the last thing you remembered was Kylo's whisper.
"I think I fell for you, Y/N."

Gif: by Cass
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