Kyoya Ootori X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Ouran Highschool Host Club_Masterlist

Rules and other masterlists
Hikaru Hitachiin
"Bi panic" (male)
Kaoru Hitachiin
"Bi panic" (male)
Kyoya Ootori
"Intriguing" (male)
Mitsukuni Haninozuka
Ritsu Kasanoda
Takashi Morinozuka
Tamaki Suoh
"Bi panic" (male)
Umehito Nekozawa
Hello ruka
Can i request Kyoya with Haruhi's older brother. So you know when all the boys go to Haruhi's house, i imagined the her brother randomly visited too. He doesn't live with them, has a own apartment and works somewhere far away, but always sends them money. For his personality I imagine him to happy but always tired since he works so much.
So he visits and when kyoya sees him it's like instant love.
I hope it makes sense and you can somehow work with this
I couldn't imagine Kyoya just looking at someone and instantly start simping, so I hope this is close enough
Also sorry, while coming up with the whole thing I forgot the 'randomly' part, so the visit was planned
And bro, no idea how to continue this rn fifkfkdk may do a part 2 - someday
Ouran Highschool Host Club Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Kyoya Ootori x male! reader

"No, you need to listen-!"
No chance, the hosts didn't listen to Haruhi as they plopped down on the floor around the low table one after another. Their comments about the apartment drowned out any attempt of Haruhi to shoo them out the front door.
She sighed out as she rubbed her temples, there were so many days in a year, why did they have to choose this particular one to barge in unannounced and clearly uninvited.
Haruhi knew there was nothing she could do about it at this point, so she hoped her dad or brother would kick them out once they arrive.
It wasn't often her brother got to visit them and she was not going to let those unruly teens ruin the reunion. She really missed her brother and was looking forward to seeing him again for weeks now.
"Oh, what's this?", Honey had escaped into the kitchen, having Mori pick him up so he could look at what was on the counter more properly, "A cake!", his eyes sparkled.
Eyes widening, Haruhi rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the cake, holding it up and away from the blonde, "No touching! It's for someone!"
The twins' heads appeared from behind the door frame, "Ooooh~ Who could that be?", they asked with cheeky grins on their faces.
"My brother! He's coming to visit today after months, that's why you have to leave now.", she put the cake on the kitchen table, turning around to motion the boys outside with her hands, but they were even more enthusiastic to stay after hearing those words.
The rest of them entered the kitchen. Tamaki wrapped his arm around the brown-haired's shoulder, "Even more reason to stay! I want to meet that brother of yours!"
Haruhi deadpanned and mumbled under her breath, "I don't want you to meet him, though...", but her comment was ignored, or simply not heard over the others agreeing to the king.
"Indeed, it might provide useful data.", Kyoya mentioned as he pushed up his glasses with his fingers, in a mischievous way.
"Don't collect data on my family!"
And then, as if summoning him, the front door opened, "Woo! Hello, my dear fami-", the male stepped in and kicked off his shoes, about to jump into the kitchen as he saw several strangers, "-ly..."
It was like time was standing still, everyone's eyes on the older Fujioka sibling. In return, the male's gaze wandered around between the strange teens before finally settling on his sister.
"Are these your friends?", (Y/N) didn't mean to be rude, so he forced a smile on his face, even though he felt a bit too tired to handle commotion at that moment.
Handsome. Despite the bags under his eyes. Though, maybe they are quite charming as well. All written down.
Tamaki, of course, didn't let the girl answer her brother, instead cutting her off and posing dramatically infront of him, "We are the host club! And Haruhi's best friends and family!", he took the (Y/HC)-haired's hand and gave it a rather gracious shake. "Uh huh?", (Y/N) sweat dropped, still smiling.
"That's right!", Honey exclaimed, jumping down from Mori's arms and latching onto (Y/N)'s torso instead. But Haruhi was quick to pry both of her schoolmates off of him, before the twins could even think of joining them.
"He's working really hard, give him space!"
A hard worker? That would explain that tired face. Noted.
(Y/N) let out a hearty laugh and pulled his sister into a hug.
Haruhi returned the hug and the male smiled fondly at her, "It's fine, it's fine. Thank you, Haruhi."
While they broke the hug, (Y/N) scanned the strangers' faces once more, this time remaining on Kyoya longer as he noticed the calculating eyes. Right when he finished writing down those notes.
Clearly one to care for his family, maybe he sends them money too? What a remarkable young man. Mental note taken.
In return, Kyoya pushed up his glasses, this time to regain his posture he lost for a moment by the sudden eye contact, sending the other a closed-eyed smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, mister Fujioka. My name is Kyoya Ootori, we must apologize to come here unannounced."
(Y/N) waved his hands at him with a chuckle, he didn't want to say it was okay, since it really wasn't, but he didn't want to say that to their faces either. That's why he settled on that vage response.
Not one to say no, hm?
They gathered in the livingroom once again. (Y/N) was way too exhausted to shoo them out, and way too nice as well. So he settled on waiting for his dad to come home to have a reason to kindly ask them to leave so they could have their family reunion.
A sigh of exhaustion escaped the oldest of the whole bunch, he actually had work that morning as well, so not only the trip got him all tuckered out. Kyoya was the first to comment on that, "You seem tired, mister Fujioka." Once more, (Y/N) could practically see numbers and letters flying around in the black-haired's eyes as if analysing him. Odd.
He decided not to point that out, waving his hands at Kyoya instead, "You can just call me (Y/N).", he offered a smile, "And yes, it's been a long day."
A more detailed explaination would put himself to sleep, and he'd honestly rather not talk about it twice since he knew his dad would want to hear it from him as well.
"So you said something about a host club?"
That was Tamaki's cue for a monologue about rich people having too much time on their hands and yada yada yada.
The perfect opportunity for Kyoya to take a few steps back, figuratively, and sort out his feelings. Oh, I mean new information.
What’s in it for me?
Chapter 7/?
Chapter 1 Masterlist
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines Warnings: If you were uncomfortable with the Okinawa beach episode, continue with care. Lightly implied SA/abuse in general, fainting A/N: This was again slightly inspired by the live action! Well except for the heart to heart with Tamaki, I felt like he really needs some more attention here. Next chapter will be a bit more free from the show again :) Hope you like it <3 Tag List: @radical-bunny
Link to Ao3:

You had been checked thoroughly by a very nice doctor who had told you that you’d be fine, you just should try to rest a little tonight. You had a few scratches and were mostly exhausted, but that was about it. Half an hour later she let you go into your room to change into a dry set of clothes and now you sat at dinner with the other hosts. The probably most awkward dinner of your life. Slowly you put a bit of crab in your mouth, watching Haruhi scarf down crab leg after crab leg after… She was mad at Tamaki for having yelled at her earlier apparently, while you were seeing the doctor. “I can’t believe, you behave like this”, Tamaki said, looking at her and you were actually surprised to see him noticeably angry. “You should have called us from the start, but instead you put yourself in danger.” You gulped heavily. Haruhi hadn’t told them that you had had a panic attack and you were thankful for that. But you also felt really guilty. She had just tried to help you. “I don’t think Haruhi did anything bad”, you said, but immediately regretted speaking up, as the hosts now looked at you. “Sorry”, you mumbled, returning to your crab. “I’m going to bed”, Tamaki decided, asking Kyouya to show him his room, who got up sighing and followed, leaving you and Haruhi alone with the twins and senpais. You sighed, placing down your cutlery. Suddenly Haruhi spoke up. “Maybe we should learn Karate or something.” “So that’s it, he got to you, huh?”, the twins replied in unison. “Well it wouldn’t hurt to learn martial arts or something”, Hikaru continued. “But it’s not like we are forcing you to learn it”, Kaoru ended. “… but to be honest, you should have thought it true a bit better before trying to fight them on your own. Both of you.” You bit your lip, thinking. You knew they weren’t angry and they were right it’s not like you had had any choice or say in that matter. But you had been reckless and you had failed protecting them. You gulped heavily. “I know, I just…”, you began, but didn’t really know how to end the sentence. Kaoru noticed and just continued. “Anyhow, you knowing how to protect yourself or not is not the real issue here.” He looked at you and you could see the worry in his eyes. “We know you just wanted to help and didn’t have much of a choice.” “But to be honest”, Hikaru admitted, avoiding eye contact with both of you, “we were all a little worried about how recklessly you acted.” Haruhi looked up surprised and you smiled weakly. You knew you had worried them and all the more thankful you were that they were sitting here with the both of you, admitting it so openly. As bad as you felt for giving them a reason to worry in the first place, a part of you was really happy that you could call these boys your friends. “About both of us?”, Haruhi asked. “But I mean, nothing even happened to me, he just grabbed me and …” Suddenly Honey spoke up, smiling up at Haruhi. “But you got hurt, too.” “We were worried”, Mori said, looking first at Haruhi and then at you. Haruhi nodded slowly, she really only seemed to understand now. She sighed. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.” “Me neither”, you whispered. “Please don’t be mad at Haruhi. I was just … I panicked and she helped me and…” You felt Mori’s hand on your shoulder and he smiled down at you. Instantly you felt better, and allowed yourself to smile back. “Thank you”, you whispered, but it was loud enough that everyone could hear you. “You should apologise to Tamaki, though, Haru-chan”, Honey chimed in and she nodded. “He was not really mad, he was just angry, because you didn’t see how worried he was.” He was right and you knew it and so did Haruhi as it seemed. Tamaki had not reacted this sharply to you, although you did apologise earlier, but you had an idea why he was feeling more strongly about your friend. “You’re right", she finally said, “I should do that… Will you be alright?” You nodded. “Goodnight, Haruhi!” “Goodnight”, she smiled back and made her way up the stairs, leaving you with the rest of the hosts. “I am also sorry”, you said, bowing your head a little, but then you felt Mori’s hand ruffle over your hair. “We are just glad you’re okay”, Honey smiled and you smiled back. You took a deep breath, suddenly you felt a lot better.
Lost in thoughts, you wandered through the hallways, looking for your room in which you technically already had been once, when suddenly you collided with something, or rather someone. You felt two hands grab your wrists, to keep you from falling and looked up into the face of none other than Kyouya. “Ah, sorry”, you mumbled, remembering how mad he had seemed when he had pulled you to the doctor. You felt weirdly embarrassed about the situation and tried to free your wrist from his grip, but he didn’t let go. Surprised you looked up at him and only now you realized that he was in fact not wearing a shirt. Immediately, you started blushing. This was absolutely not helping the situation. Kyouya stared at you for a few seconds, and you tried to figure out what he was thinking, but you could not read his expression at all. All of a sudden he moved in a swift motion, pressing you against the wall, pinning both of your arms up above your head with his right hand, stabilizing himself with his other hand next to your head. He closed the distance between your faces until the tip of his nose almost touched yours. Confused you looked straight into his dark eyes, and you noticed your heart beating faster. You thought back to last week, when he was trying to convince you to teach Kaoru, but this time his whole energy had changed, especially compared to the rest of the day. He was so different from how he had behaved earlier. He had been cold, almost rejecting after what happened. The entire dinner he had practically ignored you. Now you could feel the warmth radiating from his bare chest, his eyes focused on you, and you were unable to look away, the touch of his hands and the closeness of his body making you almost dizzy. His closeness was intense and it made a shiver run down your spine. “Kyouya”, you muttered, and felt your heart beat quicken in your chest, but he interrupted you, before you could say anything else. “You thought you could fight those guys, why aren’t you fighting me.” His voice was husky and made the hair on your neck stand up. He was right. You were in the same position as earlier, but it was different – this time you didn’t panic. It didn’t smell like alcohol and most importantly you didn’t feel like you were in danger. His grip on your wrists was not painful, it was warm, the closeness of his face didn’t feel threatening. To your shame you had to admit that you enjoyed it a little. For a millisecond you felt the need to press your lips against his, but fought it. He was right. But you couldn’t help but feel safe with him. “Cause you’re my friend”, you simply answered, not moving an inch. “And you won’t hurt me.” Kyouya scoffed. “How can you be so sure?” He reduced the distance between your faces even more, his cheek stroke yours as he was whispering in your ear, much like he had done a few days before. “I am a man. You are a woman. You gave us all a big scare, don’t you think you owe me? Tell me, why should I stop this?” Your head went a bit dizzy at the closeness, his voice in your ear made your breath hitch. You closed your eyes to try to calm yourself, but there was no way denying how much you enjoyed his closeness, his scent, his warmth. A part of you wanted to say that there was no reason for him to stop, that he could do to you whatever he wanted, but you knew that this was definitely not an option. So instead, you tried to act calm and shrugged. If you were certain of one thing, than that he wouldn’t hurt you. “I trust you”, you said, surprised about your own words. But you weren’t lying. You knew Kyouya always acted like he would kill if it would just benefit him enough, but in reality that wasn’t the truth. You realized that although the closeness to him got your heart beating, at the same time you felt absolutely safe. It wouldn’t be much like him to take advantage of you like that, and as that thought crossed your mind you finally realized what he was trying to do. “You are not going to hurt me”, you said again, this time fully convinced and able to access your brain again. You remembered how he had pulled you to the medic earlier, how he had shivered for a second, not being able to look at you. “You always act like you don’t care, but I think you do.” “Do I?”, he asked and his warm breath made you shiver again. You nodded. “Yes, back then with Tamaki. And today with Haruhi. And that you insisted I see a doctor. Also…” and admitting this part made your chest ache a little, but you knew it was the truth, “there is nothing in it for you … doing this to me.” It was silent for a few seconds, when Kyouya all of a sudden began to chuckle slightly, he was close enough to you that you could feel the vibrations in his chest, and you had to take a deep breath as you heard it this close to your ear to pull yourself together again. “Isn’t there? I am a guy after all.” He backed off a little, his lips wandering from your ear back to your lips, again, close enough that you would have only had to move a little to kiss him. You knew you should be scared, but that dark chuckle did something to you and all of a sudden, a part of you hoped he wouldn’t just let you go. “You tell me”, you replied, staring straight back into his eyes. He stared back. You felt his breath on your face, and you tried your best to keep a straight face. The tension was strong and for a second you could have sworn he moved even closer, but you were sure you had imagined that, for in the next second he pulled away from you rather quickly. Your arms fell lifelessly to your side and you looked up at him. You immediately missed his warmth, but what happened next fully made up for it. His gaze softened a bit and for the first time you saw him laugh. Not just smile, or smirk, or chuckle, but really laugh. And your heart felt like it was bursting. If you had thought he was handsome before, you had to admit that his laugh was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Your heart beat faster as you realized that he was laughing at you, but you didn’t mind. You wanted him to laugh like this again, you wanted to be the reason for it. And while you watched him laugh, almost mesmerized, Haruhi’s words forced their way back into your mind. Could it be… that you like Kyouya? Goddamnit. You had thought it was just a crush. Just physical attraction. But in this moment, seeing him like this, feeling the warm fuzzy feeling his laughter gave you, you realized that you had fallen head over heels for Kyouya Ootori. That was probably not good. He calmed down again, shaking his head at you. “You really are something”, he whispered, leaving your question unanswered, before putting on his shirt and only now did you realize something. You would have felt worse for not noticing before, but let’s be fair, he ignored you for half the evening and in the last few minutes your mind had been occupied otherwise. “What happened to your glasses?”, you asked, and Kyouya, who had been about to turn around stopped in his tracks. “I lost them”, he simply said, lifting his hand as he walked away from you, leaving you standing in the hallway. “I’m going to show the others their rooms. Goodnight, (y/n).” “Goodnight”, you whispered as you turned around, the lack of his warmth making you shiver slightly. Your wrists felt cold without his touch, and his laughter was still ringing in your ears. Sighing you decided to turn around as well to look for your room and to think about what you had just come to realize.
As Kyouya walked away, he, too, took a deep breath and stopped, right before he reached the top of the stairs. He turned around to watch her vanish behind the corner to the hallway where your room was located. He had acted coolly as always, but the truth was, that his heart was beating a little bit stronger than normally, and adrenaline had filled him as he had pushed her against the wall. He thought about her flushed cheeks, the feeling of her body against his. The way he had noticed her breath hitch in her throat, and the feeling of control. In this moment she had been at his will and he had liked it a little more than he wanted to admit. What happened to your glasses? Scoffing, he moved his hand into the pocket of his trousers, pulling out his broken glasses.
“(Y/N)!”, Kyouya shouted, running up the hill and without hesitation, taking off his glasses, throwing them to the ground. He was just about to jump in after her, as Mori overtook him, diving in seamlessly. He stopped, breathing heavily and looking down at where they both had just vanished. Fuck, he cursed, looking for any sign of the two of the two. He knew Mori was more trained than him, so he let it go, sure that the other host would get her out the water safely. His hands were balled to fists and he shivered, jaw clenched, as he looked after them both for another second, when he saw Mori’s head pop-up. He was holding her safely and Kyouya took a deep breath, before turning around again to look for his glasses. He found them on the rocky ground, only a few steps away and noticed that they had broken. He exhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down, and turned around to see Hikaru and Kaoru throw fists at the guys who had did this to her and he didn’t stop them. He would make sure that they never did something like this again. He sent a last glance at Haruhi and Tamaki, who were kneeling a few metres away, Tamaki worrying about Haruhi who had gotten shoved by the second man, making sure everything was taken care of, before he turned away and took off, running down the cliff. At the same time he already took out his phone, and immediately called the family doctor. Once he had reached the bottom of the cliff, he watched Mori gently carry the girl out of the water and in this moment he could feel a strong disliking for the taller host, holding her in his arms like this, but he quickly pushed that feeling away. As he got closer he noticed that she was unconscious and all thoughts he had had before were overshadowed. Kyouya ran towards them, his mind clouded, a single thought repeating in his head over and over again, the only thing that mattered right now was (y/n). Please wake up. Her unconscious form made his chest ache as he watched Mori place her down in the sand carefully, and without knowing what actually had come over him, Kyouya immediately dropped to his knees next to her, taking her in his arms, carefully shaking her. He only saw her, the only thought in his head was that she had to open her eyes, he had to see those (e/c) eyes look at him again, but she didn’t react and fear began to fill his chest. He didn’t notice the other hosts surrounding and watching him, unsure of what to do. Haruhi had followed, too, and he noticed her kneeling down next to him, but he didn’t pay any more attention to her. The fear was consuming his usually so controlled mind. She had to wake up, what had she been thinking. Kyouya took her face in his hands, again shaking her carefully, trying to wake her up. “Hey, wake up!”, he shouted, his voice breaking slightly, but he didn’t care. “Hey! (Y/n)!” He stroke her cheek, slapping it lightly. He had promised to protect her. “Hey!” Finally she coughed and a wave of relieve washed over him. He noticed he had been holding his breath and exhaled, suddenly being very aware of the situation he was in. Carefully he let go of her, watching her wake up. He blinked a few times, trying to realise what just happened and getting his mind back in order. She was breathing that was all that mattered right now. Quickly he got up, pulling away from her as if her touch was burning him. He was embarrassed for losing control like this, angry at the men who had done this to her, glad she seemed to be alright, and he was suddenly too aware of the other hosts watching him. Quickly, he stepped out of the circle, positioning himself behind the other hosts, trying to get back his cool again and they let him. Silently he appreciated it. He watched, as she opened her eyes, her gaze falling on Haruhi and Mori.

He chuckled, looking at his glasses. “Nothing in it for me, huh”, he murmured, thinking about the feeling of your skin against his. “Maybe I am the strange one. Even if there’s nothing in it for me.” He put the glasses back into his pockets and walked down the stairs to show his friends to their rooms.
You sighed, tossing and turning in your bed. Haruhi was sleeping soundly beside you. Earlier the evening you had found her blindfolded in a room with Tamaki and although you did have to laugh about the comments of the other hosts, seeing her with him made you feel irrationally happy. Seems like Kyouya had been right. Tamaki had won the game. And he won it in the best way possible. Afterwards you had offered Haruhi to sleep in your room at least for as long as the thunderstorm was still going and she had gladly accepted. The two of you had slept in the same bed often enough, so you knew that she would feel safer with you than on her own. Once it had died down, she had fallen asleep almost immediately. You smiled to yourself. You knew how exhausting fear was. Even more frustrated were you that you just could not fall asleep. Still, so much had happened today and you just couldn’t stop your mind from racing. From falling off the cliff to Mori-Senpai saving you to Kyouya pulling you to the doctor … To what happened earlier in the hallway. Your heart began racing again and you pressed your face into your pillow. God damnit, Haruhi, did you really always have to be right about everything? Latest after this incident you couldn’t deny it anymore. You had a major crush on the raven-haired host and you didn’t know what to do about it. It was out of the question that he liked you, too, not Kyouya. And even if he would, then he still was a rich company heir and you were, well… you. But there was no way he actually liked you. He treated you way too coldly for that. You sighed and with a last glance at Haruhi you decided to get up and walk around for a bit.
Silently you opened the door and slipped out, walking down the stairs and out the main door, careful not to wake anyone up. The ocean air, cooled down by the storm, hit your face and you took a deep breath in. Carefully you closed the door behind you, when you noticed a figure sitting on the steps of the porch, looking towards the ocean. Blonde hair shimmering in the moonlight. Tamaki turned around when he heard you close the door. “Oh, (y/n), did I wake you?” His eyes went big and you could see the worry on his face. Quickly you lifted your hands. “Oh, no no, I just… couldn’t sleep. It’s been a long day.” Tamaki nodded and smiled. “It was indeed.” It was silent for a moment, before you decided to speak up again. “May I sit with you?” “But of course!” He scooched to make room for you and you sat down on the step beside him. You shivered a little. It was colder than you had anticipated. “Are you cold?” Tamaki had noticed it almost immediately and before you could protest he draped the cardigan he had been wearing until now over your shoulders. “But …”, you wanted to refuse, but he shook his head. “I am fine.” You nodded and accepted the warmth his cardigan gave you. You knew he did these things without having ulterior moves. Much different from Kyouya. You rolled your eyes internally. You had never been alone with him until now and you realized and you didn’t really know how to react or what to say. Thankfully, Tamaki was a rather chatty fellow by nature. “So, how are you feeling?”, he asked and you could see the genuine worry in his features. “I am fine”, you said, “and I am sorry again. I just froze, I…”, you started, but the big lump that had formed in your throat kept you from talking. You tried to take a deep breath, when suddenly you could feel hot tears stream down your face. You were surprised yourself, but it seemed that all the pent-up emotions were making their way out now. “Hey, it’s alright, it’s alright”, Tamaki tried to soothe you and you felt his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a tight embrace. At first you thought about pulling away, but you were simply too tired and you knew that Tamaki just wanted to help you, so you let it happen. “I… am … so … sorry”, you managed to get out in-between sobs, feeling his hand draw circles on your back to calm you down. “I thought … I was over this, but …” Heavy sobs made you stop again and Tamaki let you cry. After a while you calmed down enough to pull away from him, wiping your tears away with your hands. “I am sorry”, you whispered. “I don’t know what got into me, it’s just… the man today reminded me of someone and I … I panicked. And I got Haruhi in trouble and you all worried.” Tamaki shook his head, smiling at you kindly. “You didn’t do anything wrong”, he reassured you. And after a small pause he added: “And… I don’t know what happened to you, but whatever it is, I am entirely sure that it wasn’t your fault.” You were close to break out into tears again, which he seemed to notice so he quickly kept on talking. “I do still think you should have tried to get help, but … you were really brave up there.” You smiled back weakly. “Thank you”, you whispered, and scanned his features. Tamaki was so much more than you had thought him to be at first. He was loud and obnoxious, but you could tell he had been through quite a lot, even though you did not know yet what it was. And he was without a doubt one of the kindest people you had ever met. “Tamaki-senpai, thank you for earlier. For taking care of Haruhi.” His eyes widened in surprise, but then the smile returned to his face. “Of course”, he said, this time entirely serious. “You know”, you started, feeling his gaze on you, glad you could shift the topic a little away from yourself. “In middle school it was always just Haruhi and me. I mean not just. There were other kids we would spend time with every now and then, but ever since I met her back then … I could fully rely on her, you know?” You reminisced a little about that time. “I had just moved to the area with my aunt and I didn’t know anybody… We had to move because…” Your voice broke and Tamaki did not push you. He patiently looked at you, waiting for you to move on in your story. “Well, we had to move. I felt so alone and I was really scared on my first day, but Haruhi…” You looked at Tamaki and smiled at the memory. “Haruhi was just her usual self, you know? I had been sat next to her and she almost immediately noticed how scared I was. She introduced herself to me and offered me some of her lunch. And from then on, she was my best friend.” Tamaki smiled. “That does sound like our Haruhi.” You nodded. “She has been like family to me, you know? I never had a sister, but she is the closest thing I have. I used to stay whole summers with her and her father and we always had a great time”, you let your voice drift off and thought for a while before continuing. “So, when she went to Ouran … I must admit I was a little scared at first.” You had said these words out loud for the first time and only now you realized how true they were. Tamaki’s eyes widened. “Scared?” “Yes”, you admitted, a little surprised yourself. “I was scared she would find other friends or a boyfriend and completely forget about me. I know it’s stupid”, you added quickly. “Haruhi would never do that. But you know, worry isn’t rational. And that’s why I am so happy that she found you.” You looked back at Tamaki and could see the faintest blush build on his face. “(Y/n)…”, Tamaki whispered and you nudged him. “Speechless?” “Honoured.” Your smile dropped, because now it was on you to look surprised. He spoke on. “Thank you for telling me all this. And I am very happy you joined our club, too. And I am certain everybody thinks the same. We are happy to welcome both of you in our family.” You smiled at the older boy. “Thank you, Tamaki.” You had never talked with him in private, but the more you got to know him the more you realized what a great person he was. You couldn’t wish for anyone else to be in Haruhi’s life. “Well then”, he said and got up, “I think, we should try to get some sleep.” He offered you his hand and you took it, allowing him to help you up. You wiggled out of his cardigan and gave it back to him, while you both stepped back into the house. “Goodnight, Tamaki-senpai. And… again, thank you.” “Anytime, princess. Now sleep well.”
Kyouya lay back down on his bed, arms crossed and thinking about what he had just heard. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, initially he had just wanted to tell Tamaki off and tell him to be quiet, but when he walked over to the window, he couldn’t help but overhear her voice. His blood had frozen a little as he had realized she was crying, and he had felt the sudden urge to run downstairs to see what was going, but he had been aware that he could not just barge into their conversation like this. He had no right to do that. He had wanted to move away, go to bed, telling himself she was alright, she was not alone, but he couldn’t help himself, he could not just leave, knowing she was upset. He had cursed himself, but there was nothing else he could have done, so he had just stood there, at the window, waiting for her to stop crying. Rarely had he felt as useless as in this moment. He tried to convince himself of how stupid this thought was, she was taken care of, he could just go to sleep. But still he needed to make sure himself, that she was alright, before he could go to bed. Haruhi’s voice echoed inside his mind, but he shook his head, pushing that thought away again. While he leaned against the window frame, waiting for her to calm down, he thought about earlier. About how he had lost control once today already, when she had fallen down that cliff. How his thoughts kept circling back to her, even if he tried to actively think about anything else. Slowly she had seemed to calm down again and began to speak. Kyouya still hadn’t move. What did she mean, when she said they “had to move”. Could this be the reason she lived with her aunt? He knew he could find out, but he had felt from the start like this was something she needed to tell him herself. Intruding into her private background this much felt wrong. After all and despite everything he was not just some stalker, so he hadn’t done more than a simple background check on her like he did with everybody and he planned on keeping it that way. He never dug deeper than he had to, unless the situation required it. Yet, he had to say he was utterly curious about her past. Curious and at the same time nervous to find out more. He sighed, staring at the ceiling. He noticed his heart rate quicken as most times when he began to think too much about her and he felt a warmth in his core, thinking about the feeling of her skin against his. He just couldn’t get this girl out of his mind. This commoner girl that he just couldn’t fully figure out. He scoffed at himself and finally slipped under the blanket, turning on his side to turn the lights off. This feeling was new to him, so he didn’t really know where to place it yet, but he was really sure about one thing. Based on all the signs and symptoms he had noticed, he seemed to have developed a crush on her. Not that that really had to mean anything. A crush was just a crush, nothing more. It could vanish as quickly as it had appeared, he knew so much, and there was nothing wrong in exploring this feeling a little more. The only thing that worried him, was how much it could throw him off track in the matter of a second. When she had been in danger earlier today he had dropped everything, just to make sure she was alright. Kyouya wasn’t quite sure yet how he felt about that aspect of it. He thought about the blush on her face one last time, looking up at him with her (e/c) eyes, before he rested his head on his pillow and closed his eyes.
(I couldn‘t decide for a gif so have this second one)

Chapter 8