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1 year ago

Kyutaro Kugi as Your Lover ❣


Genre: Headcanons | Fluff + Smut Word Count: 1.6k Content Warning(s): sexual themes in nsfw section, light bdsm Author’s Note: Big thanks to this anon for getting me to write this <3 Update: added a nsfw section as per request

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Tbh after watching buddy daddies finale i think it wouldve been hilarious if rei's dad turned out to be extremely supportive of kazurei family.

And this is somewhere near episode 9 and Rei is getting pressured to come back and gramps is like "tf is holding him back" so he goes to investigate and finds out why. And just one day we see grandpa suwa coming in to their house and everyones on edge, Rei especially being threatning and growling whenever he looks at Miri. Kazuki is trying to be polite but equally threatning too (also Kyu is there for some reason i guess babysitting?) and gramps is like "so... i have ice cream. I bought all flavours cause idk what kids like?" And everyone is confused.

Like yknow how asian grandads are? You hear from stories that they were absolute beasts meanwhile they treat you like a prince/ss.

And i can imagine the reasoning being like "oh she isnt my blood heir so no point in wasting my time abusing training her" or like he just wants a granddaughter to spoil.

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