Lackadaisy Calvin - Tumblr Posts
Here's Ivy's dream:

Sorry it's in low quality.
Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy pilot
Someone a couple of years ago pointed out on here that Rocky collects death flags like ants at a picnic, and that he had a lot of drowning and being washed away by a river and river symbolism in general and let me tell you, when I saw that opening

And the first thing we see is Rocky over a FLOWING river, I got literal chills and his poem he recited while walking along the tracks (yeah freaking suspended train tracks over a giant river) made it so eerie and a little haunting I LOVE IT!! But I was also like “uuuummmm”
But the being washed away by a river symbolism shows up in the pilot too!

And I am just like “UUUUMMMMMMM!!!!”
Something I also noticed in the comics, during Ivy’s symbolic dream, (I can’t find the art) dream Ivy comes across Rocky and Calvin/Freckle getting booze out of a fake grave, Rocky is inside the grave clamoring over the booze and Freckle is just outside it with a shovel in his hand. Since it’s a symbolic dream to me that symbolizes that this dream is a warning, that Rocky is already in his grave and Freckle is gonna be right behind him if he isn’t careful because he is digging his own grave by fallowing Rocky, the grave digging symbolism for freckle makes an appearance as well

Now he is not already in his grave like Rocky was, he is just digging it and Ivy has Freckles position that he did in Ivy’s dream. Their fate is vary up in the air but who knows
Freckle and Ivy actually seem already pretty close knit and always together, but I can tell he hasn’t known Ivy long, not just because of the comics. Watching the pilot you know that Rocky and freckle share a few…quirks

Rocky appears to either not care or is not self aware enough to hide this from people but freckle definitely try’s to keep it under wraps, the contrast with showing Ivy these quirks is note worthy. Like how Rocky starts to let his freak off the leash by laughing manically with no explanation before running off to commit several crimes

And Ivy’s literal response was to nonchalantly ask “oh, is it playtime now?”
Like if you tear through the door, laughing maniacally, because you’re thinking about all the cunt your about to serve, giving no explanation. And your friend doesn’t respond with “oh, is it time to pop off?” Are you really even friends?
Ivy is used to Rocky but not Freckle, poor guy even try’s to explain what he is feeling when he goes trigger happy

But once he makes direct eye contact with her he chickens out. He isn’t used to talking about this with people but is trusting Ivy at a rapid rate, just not quite there yet. And I get why that is, she seems like the type of person that even if she doesn’t understand you, you can be yourself around her