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1 year ago

If you could, Lackadaisy headcanons for a teen reader who wants to be part of the Lackadaisy Speakeasy. Maybe the reader likes the thrill

Pronouns used : None, no gendered terms.

Note(s) : When you say teen, I'm assuming young teen since 16-17 is not too far from Freckle and Ivy's age. Characterisation may not be accurate and criticism on how I portray them is very much appreciated.

Roark 'Rocky' Rickaby

If You Could, Lackadaisy Headcanons For A Teen Reader Who Wants To Be Part Of The Lackadaisy Speakeasy.

Likes your spirit! Jokingly calls you the better cousin he never had which earns an eye roll from Freckle. I don't imagine you get out on missions much + it probably took ages to get in because you're fairly young, but when you do, it's chaos. If you get along with Rocky and even encourage his habits, then either the missions will fail or succeed but with broken limbs, at least three blown up buildings and a lot awkward explaining.

If you're not confident enough to say no and on the opposite spectrum, are sometimes the voice of reason, he calls you a mini Freckle and teases you about it constantly. I imagine he'd sort of becomes an elder brother figure regardless of what kind of a person you are, begging for Mitzi to let you stay even if you mess up often. You accept him for who he is, you're his friend, he wants you to still like him and he sees himself in you.

Rocky also gives you some sneaky sips of alcohol they get, hey, it isn't anything too much, and he compares it to church giving out wine which makes Freckle tremble in fear as his mother senses she needs to throw someone out a window. Besides, he worked hard to get it! Even if he was the one to screw the run around up, it's sharing and caring, friendship is very important.

Mitzi May

If You Could, Lackadaisy Headcanons For A Teen Reader Who Wants To Be Part Of The Lackadaisy Speakeasy.

Has apprehensions about letting you join, it'd take convincing and by then she probably doesn't want to bring you on too many dangerous missions. Given how she is around Rocky, I don't think she'd be uncaring if you're similar to him. High spirits and an urge to please her, similar to the man in question, to her, you're a kid. She has trouble telling you no in a way that isn't tip toeing around the subject.

Even if you can also be useful and your begging is temptation straight from the snake, Mitzi will always tell others you're a kid and treat you like one, no matter if it's important or not in that situation. She feels horrible that you may not make it to the next day, but they're understaffed and need to get business up and running, Mitzi comes to think of you like her own after a while. Although, she wishes you weren't so eager to put your life on the life.

Ivy Pepper

If You Could, Lackadaisy Headcanons For A Teen Reader Who Wants To Be Part Of The Lackadaisy Speakeasy.

I imagine she also loves your spirit, finds you adorable and will have the urge to become your friend, asking Mitzi to let you join and vouching for you. Ivy is also the only one to treat you on equal ground, even Rocky will just view you as a child in the end, but she tries viewing you as a friend first. This can he bad or good depending, but she doesn't want to pretend you're frail, this doesn't mean she won't crack down on you and be strict like an older sister.

Doesn't matter if you have two left feet and stumble, she will teach you to dance, you won't get out of it, and trust me when I tell you she's determined. The lessons consist of you stepping on her toes and laughing so hard you just fall on the ground.

Since she's fairly new to doing heavy jobs as well, only joining in as they are understaffed, she understands if you mess up sometimes and don't fully get what to do. Ivy was born into this life and teaches you the ropes that you wouldn't understand.

Calvin 'Freckle' McMurray

If You Could, Lackadaisy Headcanons For A Teen Reader Who Wants To Be Part Of The Lackadaisy Speakeasy.

Uncomfortable to the max, he genuinely can't even look you in the eye for the longest time. He already had worries in joining himself, Ivy has been working in Lackadaisy for a long time, Rocky is... Uh, Rocky. But you? You're a literal teen who just likes the thrill of it, Freckle tries to be a good influence on your life and tells you not to join. Which he understands is incredibly hypocritical, but at the same time, he can't find it in himself to care about his hypocrisy too much.

Hopes to convince Mitzi to not put too much pressure on you, he is very attentive and any limp or struggle is met with a lecture that makes Rocky get flashbacks to Freckle's mother. Gets incredibly apologetic if you see him with guns and how insane he can be, regardless on how you feel, he's guilty that he may be influencing you badly.

Viktor Vasko

If You Could, Lackadaisy Headcanons For A Teen Reader Who Wants To Be Part Of The Lackadaisy Speakeasy.

At first you thought he wanted you to die, an intense stare placed on you at all times with a smashed glass from his seemingly violent thoughts. But all he sees is a dumb kid, someone who needs to get out before this business kills you. He won't exactly be caring about it either, simply telling you that if you continue being reckless with your life, you will die. If you aren't careful? Maybe others you love.

It's worse if you end up bonding with him, even a little, he gets even angrier with those around you. He will not let you out of his sight if he can help it. Essentially? He's a very tough love guy, Viktor comes off as though he doesn't like you, which may be true on the surface, but deeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeeep down, he likes you a little. Maybe. Sometimes. Not often.

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1 year ago
Trying To Draw (ALMOST) Every Single Lackadaisy Character..
Trying To Draw (ALMOST) Every Single Lackadaisy Character..

trying to draw (ALMOST) Every single lackadaisy character..

ivy doesnt look so good because I rushed her.. Was to excited to get to Mordecai

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9 months ago

Totally accurate Lackadaisy quotes

Mordecai: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.

Viktor: Snow got me feeling some type of way. Mordecai: That's hypothermia. Viktor: Sprostý, the paramedics told me it was the magic of Christmas.

Viktor: Did you have to stab dem? Mordecai: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me. Viktor: Vhat did dey say? Mordecai: "What are you going to do, stab me?" Viktor: Dat’s fair.

Ivy: Are you ready to commit? Mordecai: Like a crime or a relationship?

Ivy: I did it! I memorized everything! I'm gonna ace this test! Viktor: I give you one more question before you go. Vhat ended in 1918? Ivy: 1917. Viktor: …You're ready.

The random quote generator is a gift that keeps on giving! You should try it!

I do this with every piece of fiction.

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1 year ago

Here's Ivy's dream:

Here's Ivy's Dream:

Sorry it's in low quality.

Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy pilot

Someone a couple of years ago pointed out on here that Rocky collects death flags like ants at a picnic, and that he had a lot of drowning and being washed away by a river and river symbolism in general and let me tell you, when I saw that opening

Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot

And the first thing we see is Rocky over a FLOWING river, I got literal chills and his poem he recited while walking along the tracks (yeah freaking suspended train tracks over a giant river) made it so eerie and a little haunting I LOVE IT!! But I was also like “uuuummmm”

But the being washed away by a river symbolism shows up in the pilot too!

Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot
Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot

And I am just like “UUUUMMMMMMM!!!!”

Something I also noticed in the comics, during Ivy’s symbolic dream, (I can’t find the art) dream Ivy comes across Rocky and Calvin/Freckle getting booze out of a fake grave, Rocky is inside the grave clamoring over the booze and Freckle is just outside it with a shovel in his hand. Since it’s a symbolic dream to me that symbolizes that this dream is a warning, that Rocky is already in his grave and Freckle is gonna be right behind him if he isn’t careful because he is digging his own grave by fallowing Rocky, the grave digging symbolism for freckle makes an appearance as well

Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot

Now he is not already in his grave like Rocky was, he is just digging it and Ivy has Freckles position that he did in Ivy’s dream. Their fate is vary up in the air but who knows

Freckle and Ivy actually seem already pretty close knit and always together, but I can tell he hasn’t known Ivy long, not just because of the comics. Watching the pilot you know that Rocky and freckle share a few…quirks

Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot
Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot

Rocky appears to either not care or is not self aware enough to hide this from people but freckle definitely try’s to keep it under wraps, the contrast with showing Ivy these quirks is note worthy. Like how Rocky starts to let his freak off the leash by laughing manically with no explanation before running off to commit several crimes

Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot

And Ivy’s literal response was to nonchalantly ask “oh, is it playtime now?”

Like if you tear through the door, laughing maniacally, because you’re thinking about all the cunt your about to serve, giving no explanation. And your friend doesn’t respond with “oh, is it time to pop off?” Are you really even friends?

Ivy is used to Rocky but not Freckle, poor guy even try’s to explain what he is feeling when he goes trigger happy

Something I Noticed In The Lackadaisy Pilot

But once he makes direct eye contact with her he chickens out. He isn’t used to talking about this with people but is trusting Ivy at a rapid rate, just not quite there yet. And I get why that is, she seems like the type of person that even if she doesn’t understand you, you can be yourself around her

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5 months ago
Quick Ivy Drawing From Last Night

Quick Ivy drawing from last night

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1 year ago
A digital drawing of Ivy Pepper and Calvin McMurray on a dance floor, surrounded by colorful lights. Ivy is holding his hands, smiling excitedly at him as they dance, and Calvin is watching his feet, unsure of what he’s doing.

I started working on this when I watched the Lackadaisy pilot a few days ago, and since then, I have read fifteen years’ worth of Lackadaisy comics these past few nights. I am… running behind in class.

also, I would appreciate any comments that anyone has on this background, constructive or not, I have really got to practice them.

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9 months ago
Here Is A WIP Of The Birthday Girl Spending Her Birthday With The Cool Gangsters. My Process Is Insanely

Here is a WIP of the birthday girl spending her birthday with the cool gangsters. My process is insanely messy, what the hell. I have so much to fix lmao

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8 months ago
I Like How When Atlas Turns His View Towards Ivy, Mordecai Notices And Dusts Himself Off. It Really Shows

I like how when Atlas turns his view towards Ivy, Mordecai notices and dusts himself off. It really shows how much Mordecai respects and looks up to him

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8 months ago
princess-zinnia - Untitled
princess-zinnia - Untitled
princess-zinnia - Untitled
princess-zinnia - Untitled
princess-zinnia - Untitled
princess-zinnia - Untitled

He just...could not do it

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8 months ago
Pixelart Of Ivy From Lackadaisy !

Pixelart of Ivy from Lackadaisy !

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1 year ago

Freckle: I have a bad feeling about this...

Rocky: What do you mean?

Freckle: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?

Rocky: No?

Ivy: That actually explains so much.

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1 year ago

Rocky: If you put ‘violently’ in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier

Rocky: Violently sleeps

Ivy: Violently studies

Wick: Violently practices

Nico: Violently boxes

Serafine: Violently murders people

Freckle: Violently worries about the previous statement

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1 year ago

Freckle: Problem, I can’t tell if this food is oversauced or undercooked

Ivy: Solution, just pop it back in the oven for another 10 minutes. There’s at least a 50% chance that’ll fix it, right?

Freckle: Result? Food has somehow become unpleasantly soggy and unpleasantly crunchy at the exact same time

Rocky: No better time than this to pull out my favorite word! Slunchy!

Ivy: …put it away

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1 year ago

Little lady seems agitated about something, I wonder what?

Things Are Very Busy Right Now In Lackadaisy Land, But Here's A Little Ivy Animation For Something We

Things are very busy right now in Lackadaisy Land, but here's a Little Ivy animation for something we have brewing! Rough animation by Sam Kessler. Happy Indie Animation Day!


See more exclusive animation previews and art on the Lackadaisy Patreon!

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