Lavender - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

San Francisco Concrete Pavers Front Yard

Orange County Midcentury Landscape Ideas for a small, drought-tolerant, full-sun front yard with concrete pavers in the mid-century modern style.
A sea of lavender 💜

by Guangxi Liu
The smell of lavender 💜

~ Lavender Loveliness ~

Similar to Hippie Blue:
Light Sea Green - #3EA99F
Sea - #3C9992
Grey Teal - #5E9B8A
Celestial Blue - #4997D0
Similar to Marzipan:
Jasmine - #F8DE7E
Wild Rice - #ECE090
Grandis - #FFD38C
Golden Glow - #FDE295
Similar to Primrose:
Sahara Sand - #F1E788
Washed Out Green - #BCF5A6
Pale Goldenrod - #EEE8AA
Caper - #DCEDB4
Similar to Buttery White:
Floral White - #FFFAF0
Bianca - #FCFBF3
Hint Of Yellow - #FAFDE4
Early Dawn - #FFF9E6
Similar to Pale Mauve:
Very Light Purple - #F6CEFC
Pale Lavender - #EECFFE
Hawkes Blue - #D4E2FC
Lavender Pinocchio - #EBDDE2

Remain Calm
#469fa7 | #ffda90 | #d6ee93 | #fffbeb | #eed6ff

I love morning walks💐
Pastel Purple Lolita Dresses

The dresses of my dreams 💜

this is my child and i would die for her
"Cuαndo lleguemos αl fınαl del cαmıno, cuαndo nos toque pαrtır, NUESTRA PERMANENCIA EN EL RECUERDO DE LOS QUE SE QUEDARON serά un reflejo de lo que hıcımos ч como lo hıcımos, de los conocımıentos ч experıencıαs que les trαnsmıtımos, de lo que αprendımos ч compαrtımos, de lα cαlıdαd del tıempo que les dedıcαmos .... pero sobre todo SERÁ UN REFLEJO DEL AMOR QUE DIMOS" ... Lαurα Nάjerα

“When we reach the end of the road, when it is our turn to leave, OUR PERMANENCE IN THE MEMORY OF THOSE WHO REMAINED will be a reflection of what we did and how we did it, of the knowledge and experiences that we transmitted to From what we learned and shared, from the quality of time we dedicate to them... but above all, IT WILL BE A REFLECTION OF THE LOVE THAT WE GAVE THEM"...
Laura Nájera

Some sketches inspired in the last unicorn, also an anatomy study…

I plan to color those, and some wart and stuff but the fear of ruining it holds me back a little

But I’ve come to hear the expression “lavender menece”, and now I need to use lavender in everything so I’ll paint it!