Law Of Affirmation - Tumblr Posts
Needed this so bad
you don‘t have to feel.
a misconception of "feeling is the secret" is that "feeling" gets mistaken for "emotionally feeling" something. "feeling" — in this case — stands representative for "knowing". meaning, you don’t actually have to "feel" it real but rather "know" it real.
do not force an emotion.
you don‘t have to force yourself to feel the emotions you would have if you had your desire in your physical world. feelings don’t manifest. it all depends on your beliefs aka the assumptions you are having. that’s why it’s called the "law of assumption". you can feel AWFUL and manifest your desire. why? because you know you have it. it’s a belief that you have established. an assumption that is accepted without the need of physical proof. it’s an assumption because you believe in it without having to rely on your senses to perceive it.
when you return to your imagination, when you are confronted with your desires and assume that you have them, you don’t have to necessarily feel immensely excited. the way you feel about your desires tells you nothing about your firmly established assumptions that actually matter when manifesting. in fact, that feeling (here: emotion) can be misleading as it only lasts for a moment and you find yourself returning to feeling neutral.
"recreating the feeling of the wish fulfilled"
trying to "recreate the feeling of the wish fulfilled" can be helpful. it helps to practice actually knowing that you own your desire as you are allowed to recreate scenarios in your head that make you feel excited. but it’s not necessary! especially if you are someone who finds it difficult to get yourself to actually feel it, you might beat yourself up for something that isn’t even required to do.
sometimes we don’t know how to really feel about having our desires. if you are someone who has been poor your whole life, it may be even harder to imagine a life where you do not carry the burden of money problems — therefore, it can be difficult to know how that would make you feel. but that shouldn’t stop you from getting that bag! it’s your job to get what you want even if you aren’t used to that emotion. it truly doesn’t matter how you feel. just concentrate on your assumptions and you will get whatever it is that you want.
declare your desire as yours, accept it as yours, know it is yours, repeat! and don’t forget to persist in that assumption!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀inspired by my beautiful friend @saintlysacred
heyy so ive been asking around about this but i feel like the hardest thing for me to manifest is a certain face / appearance changes — not because it’s hard to manifest in itself but i can never decide on a df or desired features.. how’d you choose yours, if you don’t mind me asking ?
* I'm really hapy to answer this, because I could never choose a DF too! I saw Taylor Hill for the first time few months ago, and I just FELT - like in my heart - that i want to look just like her. Every time i wanted to change my DF, it was just for a small period of time (like when I watched Leon The Professional and wanted to look like Natalie Portman for one evening, but didnt do anything to actually look like her). My eyes, nose and face shape is naturally similiar to Taylor's, and I always felt insecure about these features of mine.
* When I saw Taylors face card absolutely EATING UPP these features i became more confident about my eyes, nose and face shape. I always wanted to have eyes like for example Adriana Lima or Megam Fox even though they're literally the opposite of mine, and after i tried manifesting their face I just looked weird, so when I saw Taylor I just FELT it. I was sure, even though for some time I didnt want to look like her cuz I wanted to (for example) have Brooke Shields eyes, but then I just went with what my heart wants🩷 She really 'fits' my face and i look way much better now!
* If you still struggle with choosing your DF, then make an image where every single DF (past and present) of yours is in it and choose whoever looks more like you and just FEELS right ! Good luck angel 🩷🪽
* PS. If you choose the DF that feels right and then suddenly want to change it, just stop trying to manifest looking like anyone for a while so you give yourself time if you actually want to look like that person you suddenly felt the need to do so, or if you wanna look like someone you choose before 🌺
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« Me with my sister and cousin 🪽 »

« Me on the beach🦩🌺»

„Affirm, believe, persist.”