Leave Them The Fuck Alone - Tumblr Posts
A lot of the writers that I follow have been getting a lot of anonymous hate today... Probably from one very sad and shitty bug of a person. Whomever this person is, congratulations, you ruined my day! And I don't even write fanfiction but I enjoy reading it! These poor authors! They do not get paid to create their works and you come in to attack not only that but also their friendships? Really!? Tumblr is a place to enjoy the things you like. They do Tumblr for fun! Not to satisfy your absolutely Karen-like demands. If you don't like a fic quit reading it! You don't say anything about it and you move on. The author did not ask for criticism, not even constructive criticism. Which, by the way, your criticism is anything but constructive. I truly believe you are jealous of the wonderful talent of these individuals and their amazing friendships. Get off Tumblr and leave people alone! I don't know your life and why you feel the need to bring people down. Just know that karma will catch up to you.