Lee!Kaminari - Tumblr Posts
Tickletober Day 3- Cuddles

Requests: OPEN :)
Summary: All Jirou wanted was to spend a nice night watching movies with her boyfriend. Everything goes well until Kaminari starts to tickle her out of the blue. Now she has to teach her boyfriend a lesson.
Pairing: Ler!Jirou x Lee!Kaminari (Romantic)
"I'm not going to ask you again. Stop."
"I told you, I'm not doing anything!"
Kaminari was really getting on her last nerve. But what else did she expect from her hyperactive boyfriend when she made him sit down for an extended period of time? All she had wanted to do was to snuggle up next to her boyfriend while they binged horror movies while they both had a night to themselves. But of course it could never be that simple.
The two of them sat bundled up on Jirou's bed while flashes of light and corny screams burst from the TV. Jirou sat content in Denki's lap with his arms wrapped around her waist and they stayed like that for the better half of the film until Kaminari got the bright idea to annoy his girlfriend by prodding and pinching her stomach every few minutes.
"I know what you're doing you bastard. Now cut it oUT!-" She yelped as he poked her belly once again. She grabbed his wrists and turned to face him with a huff. Only to be met with a bright, innocent, and fake smile. The little shit.
"Do it again. See what happens." She said, still keeping her grip on his wrists.
That was all the invitation the boy needed as he quickly tried to twist his wrists out of the girls hold as they lurched towards her stomach once again. But Jirou had had enough of his antics and decided it was time to teach her boyfriend a lesson.
She had jumped out of his lap and tugged both of his wrists towards her causing the electric hero to fall face first onto the mattress. The boy let out a small yelp as he quickly tried to turn around and fight off his attacker but it was too late as the girl had already positioned herself on his lower back, effectively pinning him in place.
She watched him struggle for a few moments. Doing everything in his power to try to get free but it was no use. "Baaaabe c'mon I was just messing around! Get off, pleeeease?" He tried begging even though he knew it wouldn't help his case in the slightest.
"I tried to warn you but you just couldn't keep your hands to yourself could you? All I wanted was a nice night with my boyfriend but no. You just. Had. To keep. Poking. Me."
Every phrase uttered was emphasized with harsh pokes to the boys sides. He let out a squeak as he shot his arms down to protect himself and buried his face into the mattress.
"I'm sohohohorryyyyyy! I promise I wohohon't do it again." He pleaded as he giggled into the covers.
"Nope. Too late for that. Now you're just going to have to suffer." She said as she wormed two of her fingers under his arms. The boy let out a loud squeal as he squirmed underneath her.
"Wait! Wahahahahahahahahit! Stohohohohohohop! This isn't fair, pleahehehehehehehese!" The boy wailed as he tried to squeeze his arms to his sides but only succeeded in trapping his girlfriend's evil fingers under his arms.
She leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Uh uh. You brought this upon yourself. You wanted to play this game and lost. Now you're going to have to deal with the consequences."
"But- But I- AH! Jirou NO! No Stohohohohohohohohop ihihihihihhiht! HahahahahHAHAHAHAHA."
His laughter grew in pitch as Jirou had suddenly started fluttering her fingers all across his neck. Causing the boy to thrash below her as he brought his arms up to grab her hands hoping to escape the unbearably ticklish feeling.
He succeed and tried to pull her hands away as he tried to catch his breath only to be sent into a hysterical fit once more as the girl blew a giant raspberry on the back of his neck.
"AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA JIROU-! JI-STOHOHOHOHOP!!!" The boy wailed and lost his grip on the offending hands as he thrashed and kicked and twisted and bucked. Jirou had just used her freed hands to hold his head in place as she placed another agonizing raspberry in the exact same spot.
"Please! PLEHEHEHEHASE! NO MORE! NO MOHOHOHORE!" After a few more seconds she finally lifted her head away from her screaming boyfriend. Rubbing his back gently as she allowed him to catch his breath.
"Thahahahat- thahahat was uncalled for." The boy complained and took another shaky breath as he brought his hands up to cover his burning face.
"I honestly forgot how ticklish your neck is." She giggled. "Guess I should keep that in mind from now on, huh?" She said as she smiled down at him.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let me up." The boy said with a pout.
"Hmmmm not yet." Denki could hear the evil smile in her voice and automatically tensed up again. Jirou got up for just a moment. Pressing her hand on her boyfriend's back so he wouldn't get any ideas about escaping as she repositioned herself to face his legs.
"There's just one more thing I have to do before we're done."
Kaminari froze at her words. He already knew what was about to happen and he nervously started kicking and thrashing once more to avoid his fate.
"WAIT! WAIT- Babe. Babe Please! Please don't I'm serious! I'll stop okay? I'll do whatever you want just hold ON- AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA-"
"Damn right you will." She said with a smirk as she continued to ruthlessly scribble her nails on the backs of his knees.
Kaminari's laughter had gone silent rather quickly. He desperately thrashed and kicked around but it did him no good and he eventually resigned to pounding on the bed furiously as he lost himself in his hysterics.
Jirou finally took that as a sign to stop. She lifted herself up off of the giggly mess on her bed and laid down next to him.
Kaminari tried hiding his bright red face behind his hands once more but they were pulled away as Jirou planted a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"You okay?"
The electric boy took in a few more giggly breaths before answering. "No! Yohohou almost kihihihilled me!"
"Oh hush. I wouldn't tickle you so often if you didn't like it." The girl said, giving him a sweet smile.
The boy huffed and buried his face in the covers. "Yeah, whatever."
Jirou just rolled her eyes and gave an amused huff in return before sitting up and collecting her boyfriend in her arms.
"C'mon doofus. Let's finish this dumb movie." She said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "And no more funny business, got it?"
Denki just sighed as he snuggled into her embrace. Smiling as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Got it."