Mha Kaminari - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Shinsou: i’ve been dead inside since 1998

Kaminari: but you were born in 2003

Shinsou: i know

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5 years ago

Sero: you’re morosexual dude

Shinsou: no i’m not

Kaminari: do you ever wonder if trees get lonely?

Shinsou: ...

Shinsou: nvm

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5 years ago

Kaminari: i know i may be stupid.

Sero: ...but?

Kaminari: no that’s it

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5 years ago

Kaminari: [walks in on Bakugou and Kirishima]

Kaminari: not to be political but what the fuck

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5 years ago

Sero: dude you need to exercise more

Kaminari: actually i just walked up and down the stairs, TWICE

Shinsou: he was getting a cookie

Kaminari: i thought you loved me

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5 years ago

Kaminari: happy new years guys !! what are your messages?

Shinsou: mean resolutions?

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5 years ago

Kaminari: you know that feeling when you’re eating cookies and your stomach hurts but the cookies are delicious and you don’t want to stop eating them so even though it hurts you pick up another cookie and eat it but then you eat another cookie and then you finish the pack?

Shinsou: literally i don’t

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5 years ago

Kaminari: one time i went to see a movie and before the movie played there was an ad that had a cat in it and this dude and i gasped at the same time and that’s how i met my boyfriend

Shinsou: [slurps boba] yup.

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5 years ago

Kaminari: sometimes when people compliment me i pretend i don’t hear them at first bc people don’t usually compliment me and i like hearing it

Shinsou, without missing a beat: i like your hair it’s really fluffy and i think your quirk is amazing and your eyes are beautiful i mean all of you is beautiful but your eyes are like beautiful x2 and i love it when you wear hoodies bc you look so comfy-

Kaminari: *blushing too hard to say anything*

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5 years ago

Kaminari: my new years resolution is to find peace-

Ashido: nice

Kaminari: through chipotle

Ashido: NICE

Kaminari: with shinsou

Ashido, sobbing: NI C E

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5 years ago

[Kirishima seeing Bakugou for the first time]

Kirishima: omg he’s so hot but idk if he’s into guys :((

Kaminari: look at him

Kaminari: he’s wearing cuffed jeans and flannel

Kaminari: he’s definetly gay

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4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part two)

do ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, and sato sing in the shower bath?

part one - aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, uraraka

part two - you are here!

part three - shouji, jirou, sero, tokoyami, todoroki

part four - hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, yaoyorozu


ojiro mashirao: yes

he plays around with his vocals a lot

has a really nice mid-range

the acoustics make his singing sound really nice

will spend an hour in there

but doesn’t sing outside the bathroom

he will remain normal to the outside world


kaminari denki: no

he sang the pokemon theme song in the dorm baths

...but forgot all the lyrics

ended up doing some freestyle

it wasn’t even about pokemon

when he came out of the baths

sero was not impressed

tape guy was literally waiting outside

“you are a disgrace to the fandom.”

“i know...”

will never sing again

kirishima eijirou: yes

sings the manliest of manly tunes

which is all  c o u n t r y

thinks that it’s very manly

the most manly

does not care if anyone hears him

tokoyami once heard a “yeehaw” coming from the bathroom

he was terrified

koda koji: yes

has the nicest voice ever

not even kidding

i guess that’s what happens when you’re friends with the animals

snow white in the house

catches himself vocalizing bird calls

it’s very cute

sato rikido: no

he likes coming up with recipes instead

just thinks about deserts in the bath

“maybe i should make cheesecake later.”

and then he hypes himself up

after the bath

he’ll proceed to whip up the greatest cheesecake of all time

class 1-a thanks the bath for its service

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3 years ago

Kaminari: That awkward moment when you're scrolling through someone's old Instagram posts and you accidentally comment the entire Declaration of Independence.

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2 years ago

Denki, playing a VR game: You see, that’s the thing. It PROBABLY is fine. It’s PROBABLY 100% okay. There are PROBABLY no spiders in this headset. Denki: BUT- as you may be able to relate to- If you find a spider in your headset, and then have to put that headset on to play video games... Denki: YoU jUsT dOnT gEt ToO cOMfOrTaBlE.

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10 months ago

Electric Future

Denki x Reader

Mentions: Virgin reader, Nsfw, angst, fluff

reblogs are appreciated <3

As a Pro Hero you always considered eventually settling down by 24. You thought it's a good age. You want to do it with someone you’re in love with and someone who loves you just as much in return. The man you’re with is Denki. He’s your partner in crime. You’re best friend and someone you love unconditionally. 

The pair of you worked so hard to become Pro Heroes. You both sacrificed so much. When you go on dates you’ve caught yourself looking at couples with babies or toddlers having fun. You’re 25 and ready, to be married, have a warm and beautiful home, and become a mother, however, you don’t want to ruin things with Denki if he disagrees. You’ve been dying to tell him, but you’re not even engaged. He never mentioned getting married let alone be a dad. You’ve been with him since the 2nd year of high school. 7yrs. 

“ Can we talk? It’s serious. It’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.” You said sitting down with him on the couch. “ Yeah babe. What is it?” he replied, giving you his undivided attention. “ I-Ive been thinking abo- about redecorating my room!” you said. You turned into a fucking chicken. “ Babe, I'll definitely help. Don’t stress about it.” he replied, handing you a slice of pizza. It was movie night. Not a good time, then again life isn’t rainbows and  butterflies. There won’t ever be a perfect time. The following morning it was girls day. 

“You need to tell him Y/n, otherwise you’ll be wasting time.” Uraraka said drinking coffee. “ I agree with her. If you’re ready to settle down you need to let him know and see how he truly feels about it.” Mina said. “ Try to tell him again and keep in mind that no matter what happens everything will be okay.” Momo said. You love your girlfriends and they love you too. You nodded. 

A month passed and you finally put yourself together. You ate dinner with him. “ Denki…I need to tell you something important.” you spoke up. He nodded as he took a bite of his chicken. “ I love being a Pro Hero but I’ve always wanted to settle down at 25. Be engaged or married, have a home and be a mother. I’m ready to do that. Before you say if i’m sure, I am 100% sure. I’m ready to settle down.” you said to him.  You braced yourself for any type of reaction. He stood up. “ I can’t give you that Y/n. I’m not looking for that.” he replied. You gripped the ring box in your hand. “ Denki, we've been together for 8 years. What have we been doing then?” you asked, crying. “ 7years I get it. You don’t have to remind me!” he yelled. You felt sick to your stomach. “ I can’t do it. I love being a Hero. It’s always been my dream and I’ve achieved it! If I get married and have a child it will only hold me back. Being a boyfriend is what's best.” He said. “ I’d hold you back…being your girlfriend is alright though.” you said crying. “Yes. I’m sorry but if you’re ready to settle down, look for someone else but don’t forget I love you.” he said. His words hit you like bullets. You threw the box at him. He opened it and saw a great ring that it's meant for him. “ You told me we’d be together forever. Get out of my house.” You cried. He grabbed his things and left. You broke down.

It’s been 2 weeks since the breakup and you were a mess. You haven’t showered, your hair is a mess, all you ate was takeout food from Uber eats. You put your phone on DND. You went online to see if there’s any news on him. You checked his social media and even your friends to see if he was with them. You checked to see if he’d message you or called. Nothing. Your friends thought you were missing, so guess who showed up on your front door. You went to the door thinking your food was finally there. “What the hell!?” Mina yelled. “ We’re worried about you idiot!” Kirishima yelled. “ What smells?” Uraraka questioned as they entered. Yeah you had all the take out food and snacks on the ground. Not bothering to throw it away. You were rotting on that couch. “Jesus, you need help.” Momo commented ,making face masks and handing them out. Bakugou was judging you and HARD. “ I’m sorry for making you all worry and thanks for stopping by.” you said. “What happened to you?” Sero asked. “ I got dumped and rejected by Denki.” You said drinking apple juice. “ Rejected and Dumped? Denki is in love with you. He’s head over heels. He’d do anything for you.” Bakugou said. “ Well he didn’t love me enough to even say yes to my wishes. We could’ve come to an agreement.” You spoke, grabbing a bottle of wine. “ Again what the hell.” Kirishima said. “ Yeah so my wish of getting married, having a home with him and being a mom was a big no for him. If we were, I'd be holding him back.” You cried. Sero took the bottle out of your hand and set it down. “ Let’s get you cleaned up.” Momo said gently,helping you upstairs as you cried the pain away. The guys started to clean the nasty mess. 

Uraraka turned on the bathtub to make sure the water was hot. She knows you like showering with hot water. Mina struggled to brush out the knots in your hair. “ C-Chop it off.” you said sniffling. Momo made a detangling spray and creme.She added it onto your hair. Mina brushed and it worked amazingly. Hair did fall off but it wasn’t anything crazy. “Alright y/n. It's just how you like it.” Uraraka said smiling. They helped you undress and get you into the tube. They let you take your bath. The water turned into a small shade of brown. After a bath you took a full on shower making sure you were 100% clean.

“God have mercy.” Izuku spoke as he helped pick up a pizza box that was spoiled. “This idiot is dead when I go to his place.” Bakugou spoke as he washed the dishes. “ She’s going through it…I can’t believe Kaminari would turn her down.”Kirishima said, wiping down the coffee table clean. “Maybe he was scared?” Sero suggested. “No. He’s serious about y/n.” Izuku replied. About 3 hours passed. Your house is all clean. “ We’ll talk to him.” Izuku said. “No. He’ll come to me if he wants to talk to me.” You said. “ We’re having a sleepover. You guys can leave.” Momo said. The boys left. 

A year had gone by. You’re 25. During that year you balance your life as a hero and a teacher at a U.A high school. You’re still in love with Denki. You had faith and hope he’d come back, even though it didn’t seem that way. Denki was having what looked like his best life. In reality he was a mess. You never left his mind. 

The day finally came. You were watering your plants. “ Excuse me… Y/n.” he spoke, trying to keep his voice from being shaky. You turned to him, setting down the watering can. “Hello Denki Kaminari.” You replied. He grabbed your hands. You missed his touch.“What are you doing here?” you asked. “I’ve never stopped loving you y/n. I need and want you. I can’t let you go. I’m sorry. I want eternity with you.” he said, begging god to give him a second chance of making the love of his life happy. “ That’s all I’ve been wanting, Denki.” you replied. He held you close. He had a tight grip and you didn’t mind it knowing you were holding him just as tight. “ I have something for you,if you want it.” You said walking inside with him. Your home was redecorated just like you’ve been wanting it to. You went into your closet and grabbed the special box. His eyes lit up as you showed him the ring. “ Sparky ma-” he cut you off. “Hell Yes!!!! Fuck Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.” He said aloud. You put the ring on his finger. He carried you and kissed you. Your heart melted. He was so happy and excited he released a spark shocking you.“Sorry about that.” he apologized. You smiled and kissed him. You didn’t mind  it. In fact you love it. If let you know that he’s actually there with you. “ Y/n…are you still ready to settle down?” he asked, setting you down. He held your hand. “Yes I am.” you replied smiling. He placed the other hand on your cheek looking at your beautiful face. The face he wants to wake up to for the rest of his life. “ I’m in love with you y/n.” he confessed. “I’m in love with you, sparky.” you replied. You held onto each other like never before. 

The wedding happened 5 months later. It was crazy how fast the wedding happened, especially since there's so many things involved. The honeymoon was so romantic and fun. Believe it or not you saved your 1st for when you’re married. Denki only had sex like 4 times during his 1st year of highschool. He was a perv. During the time you dated you guys did a few naughty things but never had your 1st time. 

“Gentle please.” you pleaded. Denki pressed a peck on your forehead. “ I’ll try my best.” he replied as he rubbed your clit. You let out a breathy moan. He smirked. When he got down your cunt he spread your folds. “ s’pretty.” he said. You blushed up. You gripped the sheets as he sucked on your clit. He held your thighs sending a small shock wave. You yelped, enjoying the shock. He was devouring you. When you released all over his mouth,he licked you clean. He hovered over you. You looked at him shyly. “ I’ll wait for you to adjust. Okay my love.” he said as he penetrated you. It was a bit painful for you. He noticed your facial expressions and to distract you from the pain he rubbed you pretty clit. You moaned out. Denki started off slowly then gradually sped up. “ Feel s’good!” you yelped, scratching his back. He groaned, thrusting deeper. “ You're so tight, baby.” he grunted. He loved hearing your moans and whimpers. He loved the pain he felt when you scratched his back. “ more pl-ease.” you pleaded but it sounded more like an order. Denki decided to snap and made sure you’d cum so many times. He made sure to pump you full of his thick white cum. He made sure to fill you up very well so that you can eventually come to him with amazing news of you being pregnant later on in the future. That 1st night of your honeymoon was a crazy ride. You and Denki were at it until both of you passed out together. 

You and Denki had agreed to things before getting married. You’d stay working as a U.A teacher and stay at home to which you agreed with. He’d still be a hero however he won’t take any night shifts and have weekends off. Let's be realistic, Denki will always make time for you. He’ll work faster to get home earlier than his normal time before getting engaged to you. If you guys did get pregnant he wants your pregnancy leave once you’re 5 months and he’ll take the leave from work with you. You guys came to an agreement. You talked things through. 

Finally being married to Denki was a wish come true. You did get pregnant and you both must have overdone it during the honeymoon. The surprise was definitely huge. Twins. A boy and girl. 

“ Double the fun, don't ya think?” Denki asked as he set up the cribs. You didn’t answer. He turned to look at you. He stood up and walked over to you. “Hey. It will be hard the 1st few months but we have each other. Better together, remember.” he said, pecking your forehead. You nodded, giving him a smile. You felt reassured. Your husband is wonderful. “ Better together.” you said rubbing your bump. “ Hopefully they like their nursery,” he said, finishing with the cribs. “They will after all their daddy decorated the nursery and built  the furniture.” you said smiling. “ I’m a total badass.” he said. “ Hey, I was thinking we should name our baby girl, Hikari. You know, light like lightning..electric.” he said hoping you’d like it. “ Yes it's cute. I love it sparky. For our baby boy I want Kousuke.” you replied, whimpering as the twins kicked. He placed his hand on your bump feeling their kicks. “They like their names. Hey little ones be nice to mommy. That makes her uncomfy.” he said, speaking to them. They kicked hard one final time and then stopped. 

You and Denki are so happy. This is all you’ve ever wanted and all Denki wished to have when he regretted leaving you.

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11 months ago

I don't post a lot due to Hyper-fixation limbo from stress, but my mind finally settled and I tried drawing something from an old idea since My Hero Academia has settled at the front of my fixation pool recently.

I Don't Post A Lot Due To Hyper-fixation Limbo From Stress, But My Mind Finally Settled And I Tried Drawing

Denki Kaminari (26) and his son, Rai Kaminari (6)!

I didn't know how to physically age Kaminari (I'm still figuring out techniques).

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