Lee!miles Morales - Tumblr Posts

still just a joke to you, but now a slightly funnier one
luv it (灬♥ω♥灬)
All in the name of Friendship
Disclaimer: I want you to know that the tags that I put on here are going to be related to the second movie, but this fic is highly based on the first one! If you read my introduction post, and which fandom's I right for, then you'll know what I mean with this disclaimer!
Thank you for reading, and enjoy!

I'm so glad I finally had the motivation to write this because I can't get enough of the first movie!!
I'm still waiting to see the second one that came out!
About this fic you need to know;
This is a tickle fiction story. If you are not comfortable with that sort of thing, then this fanfic is not for you.
A good amount of swearing, but not too much that it's overboard.
Lee: Miles Morales
Ler: Gwen Stacy
Later ler: Peter B. Parker
All in the Name of Friendship

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. The sun had just begun to set, giving the sky a beautiful ray of comfortable orange and yellow colors for the two spidey friends to look at. There weren't any crime today, which Miles and Gwen quietly thanked to themselves. The two decided to spend that peaceful day together with nothing but good laughs and just wanting to talk about whatever comes to mind.
They were currently sitting ontop of Miles' roof, enjoying the sunset while it lasts. They had 'lofi beat' music softly playing in the background to empathize the peace that flowed around them and their city.
They would be lying if this day wasn't the most perfect day of all.
"You know, I never would have thought we would have a day just to ourselves." Gwen softly spoke, trying not to scare Miles with the sudden break of silence.
"Yeah, I could say the same. It almost feels.. Unnatural." Miles responded back, almost saying that last part like it was a question.
"Out of place, maybe? Either way, the day feeling this calm and collected brings back those days where it was always like this!" Gwen said. She looked at Miles, and then back at the sunset disappearing more and more the longer they sit there. Gwen picks up the conversation more.
"No villains to be stopped, no radioactive spider to turn a human into something that seems so unnatural.. Sometimes I think back too much and realize that.. I kind of miss those days. Those days where I feel like me, and not somebody who needs to save the world from these big bad guys who are also unnatural, and are probably dying to go back to where they were before they turned into these villains.." Gwen finished with a long sigh before turning to Miles once more.
"You put a LOT of thought into the past, don't you Gwen?" Miles said finally. He didn't know what to say, he was surprised that she thought back so far that she even started to think of all the villains she encountered may wanted their life back as a civilian before tragic got the worse out of them.
"That's it? No.. 'Yeh, I feel the same,' or 'I think back to those days too'. Nothing?" Gwen sounded irritated almost. Like she wanted someone to feel the same way as she does.
"No! I mean, I think the same way too, but.. Gwen, do you really think that far out?"
"Yes, I do! I've lost people doing this job and I didn't ask for it! All I ever wanted was for the people I care for to come back so then we all can be happy again. No need to worry about bad guys desperately trying to kill the heroes for their selfish acts.." Gwen cried out all of a sudden.
"I- Gwen.." Miles put his hand on her shoulder as a way to comfort her the best that he can. "This job is a really hard job, and there's no perfection to it.. Being a hero has no application to fill- no direction to what we do next.. You got bit for a reason.. Same way that I got bit too. And though it seems like a coincidence that we so happily gotten bit by some spider, it doesn't mean that it bit the wrong people. I mean, we could've used this power to be the next big villains! But look at us, look at you! You're a hero, Gwen. And though you've lost people because of this responsibility, you know that you didn't loose them on purpose. You fight for the ones you lost.. And I am sure as hell you fought your damn hardest to save them the best that you possibly could."
Woah, was that a lot to take in. Gwen was astonished.
"That.. Take that back right now, you don't mean that!" Gwen suddenly said.
"What?! How can I NOT mean that?" Surprised at what Gwen said, he took his hand off her shoulder, giving her a confused look.
"I-It was too much, you had pity in your voice when saying all of what you said!" Gwen softly striked Miles on the side, earning a chuckle and a flinch from the boy.
"I-Ihihm serious! I didn't just say all of that-which all came from the heart, may I add-just to pity you!" Miles had covered where Gwen had striked him with one of his arms.
"See?! You chuckled. I can't believe you Miles!" Gwen sarcastically said, crossing her arms.
"What?! I-? No, that was only because you striked me in the side! Not because I was lying to you." Miles is going to regret saying that..
"OH?, now you want to say that you "weren't lying to me" when, if I remember correctly, said nothing about you lying to me. Ohoh, Miles you are a dead man!"
Miles put his hands up as a way to defend himself for what's about to happen next.
"W-wait! I'm sorry! I knew you didn't say that I was lying, I-I was just saying that-"
"No need to apologize Miles! You're only apologizing because I'm about to tickle the absolute shit out of you!" Gwen went for his sides until her hands got caught by Miles' hands.
"W-WAHAIT! C-can we talk about this? Ihihi don't think this is necessary.." Miles said, nervously.
"Oh really? And talk about what? About you wanting to deny that what you said earlier was not in any way you pitying me for overthinking the past?" Gwen somewhat asked seriously, but also still wanting to play around.
"YeheEs! What I said earlier was the truth, I swehear on it! I overthink about it too, but not to the point where I dread my future!"
"So now you think I dread my future?! Miles, you've got some imagination if you think that I, Gwen Stacy, The almighty Ghost Spider, dread the future!"
Miles just about shrunk himself the best that he could at her statement, still holding on to her wrists.
"Now you're gonna get it, Miles!" Gwen pulled both of her hands from Miles' grip, only to free one of her hands, but that didn't stop her from digging into his side like she had planned to earlier.
"AAahaha! WaAihit! Ihih-Eeahaha, I'm sohohoryy!" Miles spassed out when Gwen was able to get to his side.
"Sorry doesn't cut it, spidey!" Gwen moved up from his side and to his ribs. You could say his ribs are a sweet spot.
"AAH-! GwEhehen, pleheheahase! I-hihi promise! I wahahasn't pihihitying you!" Miles desperately tried to get a hold of Gwen's free hand, but that only led Gwen to grab his defending hand, and move it to his other.
"Gwehen, please! Ihi-"
"Is someone laughing up a storm out here?" Someone said behind the two.
"Peter! Hey, come help me will ya? Miles was pitying my thoughts by saying this big 'ole "heartfelt" message all because I was moping the past." Gwen said.
"I was beheing serious! Peheter please! I need help with getting her to know that Ihi wasn't saying it to pihity her feelings!" Miles cried out.
"Woah woah, hold on now.. Let me get this straight. Gwen was telling you about her thoughts about the past, and you give her a heartfelt message to look up to so she doesn't overthink about the past?" Peter explained.
"YeE-ehes!" Miles all of a sudden felt his side being tasered.
Peter gave a blank stare to Miles.
"Ehe, alright.. His worst spot is his stomach, Gwen." Peter spat out, walking towards the two.
"PehEHETER! W-WAHAIT!! GWEHEHEN! DOhOHN'T" Miles fell on his back, desperately trying to cover his stomach.
With Peter now closer to Miles and Gwen, he squat down to grab both of Miles' wrists and pulled them up to rest on his head.
"You did this to yourself Miles. You shouldn't have felt bad for Gwen's feelings to the point where you thought you had to give her a meaningful message!" Peter argued sarcastically.
"Serious as we have ever been Miles." Gwen said, not going so hard on his stomach now that he is getting to the point where he needs a break.
"Face it Miles, you knew this was gonna happen when you gave Gwen pity." Peter decided to join in and used one of his hands to lightly scribble his underarm.
"IHIH-Eehahaha!- Ihi'mhm sOrhorry! Plehehase, Hahave mhm- MEHERCY!-" Miles couldn't take it anymore. I mean, come on now. Getting tickled at your stomach AND your armpits?! That's villain behavior!
When Gwen saw that Miles was at his breaking point, she stopped going for his stomach and gave Peter the que to stop as well.
With both friends stopping their playful attack, Miles could finally take deep rewarding breathes all the while still laying on the roof.
"You good Miles? You look like you're about to pass out!" Peter asked.
"Yeh-yeheah.. J-juhust give mehe a minute." Miles breathed out.
"Just let him be for a minute, he'll be alright." Gwen said, fixing her posture to sit up right.
"Yohou guys still think I was pitying your feelings, Gwen?" Miles said, lookin up at the both of them with a smile.
Both Peter and Gwen looked at each other, and then back at Miles.
"Yes." they both said in unison.
"You guys are the wohorst!" Miles cried out.
"It's all in the name of friendship!" Gwen poked at Miles stomach, startling the poor dude.

I really hope you guys liked it!
It's my first fiction, so I'm hoping it's not too bad..
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, and have a wonderful day/night!