Lego Movie - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Hate me if ya want, but I kinda ship em!!😝😆

They Cute Not Gonna Lie

They cute not gonna lie

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6 years ago


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5 years ago

A Fine Husband One Day

So this is a fanfic I wrote for @fuck-lampposts new paired OCs, Hedwig the Daughter Of Emmet and Lucy, And Rigger, The grandson of Metalbeard. This new pair is now one of mai OTPs and I couldn’t resist writing something for them! Go check her blog for more details of her AMAZING OCs!

Hedwig hopped out of the shower and rushed to her room for her clothes, while doing so, she heard the doorbell ring

“HEY DAD, CAN YOU GET THAT?” She yells as she Dries her hair


Emmet walks to the door to see the tall young pirate holding blue flowers

“Ah, Rigger, come in she’s almost ready!” Emmet waves opening the door more to let him in

“Thank you, Sir!” He smiles and curtly nods

“Aw Call me Emmet!” Emmet assures

“Oh okay...Emmet...” Rigger nervously replied.

“So Rigger, i wanna ask you something...” Emmet asks as he sat down on the couch, ushering Rigger to do the same on the couch across from Emmet

“Yes Sir- Emmet?”

“ and Hedwig have been together for a year and a half” he began, Rigger nodding as he said.

“And she’s turning 19 I have to ask...” Emmet says


“When will you pop the question?” Emmet asks, Rigger going wide eyed and turning red.

“I-I’m Sorry What?” Rigger stutters.

“When will you ask her to marry you?” Emmet calmly repeats

“ know that I love your daughter with all my heart” Rigger began, Emmet smiles towards the end.

“But, we still have time together...there’s much more I wanna do and know before I settle down. And we’re just kids...”

“Oh wow...not exactly the answer I expected...” Emmet says surprised

“What you mean?” Rigger raised his eyebrow.

“Normally at this age, kids are getting hitched or having shotgun weddings, I was sure you and Hedwig would be serious at this point and would want to get married”

Rigger chuckles and gave him a warm smiles.

“Oh Emmet, your daughter and I are not like other kids” he proudly states

“That’s what I like to hear!” Emmet smiles.

“Hey, I’m ready!” Hedwig calls out from down the stairs.

Rigger looks behind him to see his girlfriend with her hat wearing jeans and a sleeveless black shirt. He sighed and watched her love struck as she walked up to him with a loving smile.

“Aw, Hugo, those for me?” She points to the flowers. Rigger shakes away his gazed and hands her the flowers, which he was rewarded with a kiss.

“Didn’t take you for a romantic!” She teased as she set the flowers in a vase.

“Neither did I, till I found a great treasure with beautiful pink and blue colors” he replied with a kiss.

“Awwwww” Emmet gushes at the couple, they both looked at him with a blank look.

“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to ruin the moment!” Emmet chuckles.

“Alright, well we’re gonna head out, be back soon dad!” Hedwig says as she gave her dad a kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll have her back at 9” Rigger tells him as he opens the door for Hedwig.

“Have fun!” Emmet waves at them.

After they left, he looks over to the flowers Rigger gave Hedwig and sighed.

“He will make a fine husband for my little girl one day!” He says as he takes them to Hedwigs room

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5 years ago

Lucy: Can you please just try to take this seriously?

Rex: Fine I’ll try.

*he smirks*

Rex: Just don’t get yo taco in a twist, baby~

Lucy: Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?!

Rec: Pfff Whatever pisses you off more...

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5 years ago


For a while, she’s been getting mean feedback for the way she draws Emmet ^

And I mean c’mon ppl!!!

This is HER art style, not urs!

This is her PERSONAL decision and if you don’t like it, THEN DONT FOLLOW OR SAY ANYTHING!!

But no, instead you tell her that you hate it and that she needs to change it

Well listen here, when you tell her that, it really hurts!! She takes her time and puts all her passion and love into making these masterpieces and all you do is just throw it in the garbage or just throw it on the ground and step on it!!

She’s been really upset and stressed over this and that really isn’t okay!! She NEVER did anything to you guys but showed you guys her art, her imagination, and all you’ve done is spit on it!

Pls stop telling her that she should change a personal decision, she just wants to have a fun time on here, just like all of us!

If ur one of her trusted allies, PLS reblog this

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5 years ago
I'm just a dweb who loves fanfics and shipping. I'm currently obssessed With The LEGO Movie 2, musicals in general, an...

So, I’ve had a BUNCH of fanfics that have been floating around on my Wattpad for a while.

I have some gud Emmetstyle stuff Ofc

And, if ur a ninjago fella and love some Greenflame, ur in luck! I’ve got an old one that’s waiting for more welcome readers.

Also, it’s been a long dream of mine for one of mai stories to have some fanart! I would be internally grateful for it!!

So pls!! Read and make some cute drawings!

I’ll reblog it, and if i think it’s fitting, I’ll put it on the cover of one of them, with permission ofc!

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5 years ago

Evil Lucy AU

I’m currently developing this idea of an AU I have where Lucy turns evil, since it’s always only Emmet as the evil guy. Though I’d make a twist.

Re-blog this If ya think it’s an interesting idea

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5 years ago

Emmet, Lucy, Benny, Unikitty, And Batman are all trapped in a really hot room.


Emmet: Yeah...thank you...CATHERINE OBVIOUS!

Everyone looks at Emmet confused

Lucy: What?

Emmet: I said “Thank you Cathrine obvious”

Benny: Did He say Catherine obvious?

Lucy: it’s Captain Obvious

Emmet confused

Emmet: Huh?

Lucy: the expression is Thank you Captain Obvious

Emmet: ...

Emmet: it’s not Catherine?

Batman: NO!

Unikitty: Who would Catherine be?

Emmet: I dunno...Catherine could be obvious!!

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5 years ago

Unikitty:You didn’t have a happy childhood?

Lucy:My favorite toy was a hammer... you finish the puzzle

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5 years ago

Lucy:Emmet What’d you just said?


Lucy:Just a second ago!

Emmet:...I said when

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5 years ago

Lucy would ALWAYS protect Emmet at all cost!

Emmet and Lucy are at the coffee Chain, and there’s a troublemaker picking on ppl. Lucy is about to do something about it, but instead Emmet insists that he try to fix it.

Emmet trying to stand up to a trouble maker.

Emmet: Look, I get the reason you act like this is because you’re insecure, but it doesn’t make it okay for ya to-

TroubleMaker just shoved him to the ground harshly, Emmet yelping as he fell.

Lucy looks at him worried

Emmet sits up and looks up at Lucy.

Emmet: Lucy

Lucy: Yeah?

Emmet: *With a serious face* rip her head off!!

Lucy puts on a game face, slams her fists on the table in determination, and faces the trouble maker.

Troublemaker: Ha! Rip my head off, I’d like to see u-

Lucy screams and launches at the trouble maker. Crashing into tables, Lucy stands her ground and beats the heck out of the Troublemaker.

They fight intensely until Lucy has her pinned to the ground.


Troublemaker: UNCLE!! UNCLE!!

Lucy lifts her up by the arm, and thrusts her out of the store.

She goes to help Emmet up and he gives her a big victory hug!

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5 years ago

I dunno why, but since Lucy’s a pop star, I’m willing to bet my life savings that she had a poster very similar to Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream one

Ya know, the one where’s she’s nude in a Cotten Candy Cloud...considering Lucy’s hairs basically Cotten Candy...

(I’m basically giving ideas to those Lucy Lover artists! Yeah you! I’m literally giving you a big suggestion!! Definitelys gonna give ya bunch of likes and re-blogs!”

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5 years ago

Every Minute of my life ever since watching the first movie

Currently thinking about Wyldstyle

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5 years ago

Yes, and because of that, she rarely takes off her hoodie and usually wears something long sleeved.

Headcanon that Lucy is covered in scars from battle

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5 years ago
Lucy If Shed Enter A Pageant

Lucy if she’d enter a pageant

And Emmet would clap and be like “she does she loves chicken!”

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5 years ago

Emmet: I usually got ‘A’s in school, how does someone go from an ‘A’ to a ‘D’?

Lucy: Happened to me in 8th grade


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5 years ago
Heres Mai MerMay Post! Its Lucy OFC With Her Pretty Hair And Her Mermaid Self, I Didnt Have The Experience

Here’s Mai MerMay Post! It’s Lucy OFC with her pretty hair and her mermaid self, I didn’t have the experience and guts to finish both hands😅

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5 years ago

Baby Blues

“Sun goes down and we are here together fireflies glow like a thousand charms...”

Emmet’s eyes slowly opened as the soft voice awakens him from his slumber. He groans and sits up on the bed, both elbows supporting him up. The construction worker looks over to the right side of the bed to see the covers thrown to the side and empty.

“It’s magic when you’re here beside me...close your eyes and let me hold you tight...”

Emmet looks over to the door and sees it opened and light coming from the room across.

“Everything that I could ever need is right here in my arms...tonight...”

Emmet lifts the covers to the side and walks over to the room across, the room belonging to him and Lucy’s month old daughter, Livy, short for Luna Olivia Brickowski

It had been a month since they’ve brought home their bundle of joy to their home.

And it has been the most challenging thing they’ve had since the Wedding between Queen Whaterva Wannabi and Batman.

Every night, they would be woken up by their crying daughter who seemed to demand for all their attention 27-7, 365, and they gave it their all. They were always showering their daughter with kisses and hugs and soft lullabies. Emmet’s favorite was when they would all lie together on the couch. Lucy would be curled up against him with their infant asleep with them. They would all just cuddle close, Emmet embracing Lucy as she embraced their baby.

It’s Lucy’s favorite too.

“It’s magic when you’re here beside me, close your eyes, and let me hold you...tight....”

Speaking of her, as the pajamas clothed father walked down the dimly illuminated hall, he saw her in front of the baby’s crib. She was standing, her back turned to the door, and holding the month old child.

“Everything that I could ever need is right here in my arms...tonight...”

Emmet leaned his back against the doorway as he gazed at his wife singing softly to Livy. The infant was placed on her mother’s chest, her chin and tiny hand resting on Lucy’s freckled, tan, and bare shoulders.

Her eyes were peacefully shut, her expression completely content as her mother kept humming, completely unaware of her daughters slumber.

“Sounds Of day...fade away...stars begin to climb...melodies....fill the breeze...sweeter all...the time...”

Lucy seemed to be in a trance as she kept subconsciously singing to Livy. Emmet notices and walks over to her and places his hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, think she’s already asleep” he says in a hushed volume.

Lucy wakes from her trance and looks carefully at her daughters content state.

“Oh, heh...didn’t even realize she quieted down...” she lightly chuckles and carefully placed Livy in her crib, not before kissing her tiny forehead.

“Did she wake you? I think I would’ve heard and had gotten her instead,” Emmet says as Lucy laid a blanket on the sleeping baby.

“Oh no, I just...woke up...and went to check on her...” Lucy trails as she kept her eyes on Livy.

“Oh...why did you wake up? Did you have...another nightmare?” Emmet worriedly asks as he walks up next to her and placed his hand on hers resting on the crib bar.

“N-no not a nightmare it’s just...”

Lucy sniffed and rested her chin on her hand, the elbow on the edge of the crib.

“I never had a good example of a mother...” she brought up. Emmet stood beside her, arm wrapped around her waist in comfort as he patiently listened.

“My mom...wasn’t the type to shower you with hugs and kisses and cookies and that kind of stuff...and my dad wasn’t around often...all they did was give me a roof over my head, food on the table, and money in my pocket. We never had close bonding moments...”

Lucy began to tear up again as she brought around her thoughts.

“I wanna to be better...I don’t want my daughter to grow up...thinking she had to change her name a gazillion times to get the attention she already deserves...but how...I feel like I’m not going to be a good enough mother...” her voice cracks as she buried her weary face in her hands and sobbed.

Emmet sadly looks at his mothering wife crying and brings her into a warm embrace against his chest, his chin resting on her head as hers buries itself in the crook of his neck. He can feel wet melancholic drops leaking from her eyes on his neck.

“Lucy...” he began as he started to gently pat her back in comfort.

“You’re an awesome mommy...” he says in a lighter tone, wanting to keep his positive aroma that he’s always had with her. It always helped when she was feeling blue and needed to smile that smile he’s loved and saw as one of the most amazing things he’s ever seen.

“You’re always to careful and loving towards Livy...the other day, you were out on the double decker porch swing and you were just talking to her and making cute babble noises just to get her to laugh and was a side of you I rarely’re normally only this loving and bubbly with you bring it for our want the best and more for her...and you’re giving it your all. To me, that’s more than worthy of the ‘good enough mom’ title.

Lucy slowly smiles as Emmet trails, her arms now embracing emmet back in a mutual loving hug.

“And just woke up and went to see if she was just alright...and sang to her...and let me just say this, you sang so sweetly and a voice I’ve never was like a guardian’re her guardian angel, Lucy...I know you’re always gonna be there for her, you’ve always tried your best for things you love with all your heart...your the best mom any awesome girl like Livy could ever ask for...” Emmet trails and looks down to Lucy’s grateful and loving smile to him. He smiles back and places his hand on her cheek and wipes away the few tears on her now proud and thankful face.

“Thank you, Emmet...but you know what?” She takes her hands from where they were placed on his back and holds them in Emmet’s warm and soft hands.

Emmet had unusually soft hands lately. He’d been using a lot of Livy’s baby lotion, eventually turning his once rough and gruffly hands from construction to soft ones that felt like soft moist cheeks.

“You help bring this side of me out...Your always so sweet and caring and loving...guess it rubbed off me and I’m like this with Livy...” Lucy looks over to the peaceful sleeping baby with a smile.

“You both mean the world to make me wanna be better...I never want to be that dark and brooding goth I once was with you...the girl who hit you with a cactus over a misunderstanding lie...” she sighed as her once warm smiles turned to her previous sorrow frown.

“ much as I love this warm and loving side of you” Emmet holds her face to look at him.

“That side of you, the You that’s so sassy, tough, mature and cool is what I also love about you. I love laughing over ur adorable sour puss ways and kissing you to try and soften them, even if you try not to blush or let them work. And I know Livy would also like to see that side of you. And who knows, maybe she’ll inherit that from you”

Lucy smiles again, her blue eyes gazing at her special and amazing husband she glad she vowed to be committed to the rest of her life and to start a family with.

“Gosh, How can I ever love anyone as much as I love you, Ems?” She sighs and leans in for a soft kiss. She felt him return it just as soft and small.

“And Livy...” he whispers as he pulls away and turns to look down at his sleeping daughter.

“And Livy...” Lucy repeats as she felt Emmets arm snake back on her waist. They both stood side by side as they momentarily watched their beautiful creation in content slumber.

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5 years ago
Some Wonderful Fan Art For Mai Recent Fanfic! Made By The Wonderful @ghostarwarrior !! Check Out This
Some Wonderful Fan Art For Mai Recent Fanfic! Made By The Wonderful @ghostarwarrior !! Check Out This
Some Wonderful Fan Art For Mai Recent Fanfic! Made By The Wonderful @ghostarwarrior !! Check Out This

Some wonderful fan art for mai recent fanfic! Made by the wonderful @ghostarwarrior !! Check out this awesome artists work!!😋

Also go check out mai fanfic!

It’s called Baby Blues and I guarantee you, you’ll cry soft mellow tears😜

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