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My Top 5 Favorite Blood of Youth Relationships
1. Jade Deity and Jin Yan

The loyalty and love between these clashing personalities is such a joy to watch. Jade Deity has lost so much and Jin Yan has no one left except him. A delightful dish of determination and desperation.
2. Emperor Mingde and Jin Xuan

Jin Xuan has been by Mingde’s side his entire life, so the lack of control over what comes next once Mingde has finally waned must be devastating to him. Powerful as he is, how can he fight against the fate written for him? Who will he hurt on his path? Angsty old man yaoi with tender touches and treasonous troubles.
3. Jin Xuan and Jin Yan

I’m dying to know how Jin Xuan got Jin Yan so fully wrapped around his finger. Probably his finger.
4. Jin Wei and Lei Wujie

This one has a similar appeal to Lei Wujie/Xiao Se . These two make a good team, and if anyone could make Jin Wei smile, it’s the fire puppy.
5. Marquis Lanyue and Prince Chi

I don’t know what’s going on between these two, but it’s entertainingly tense and chilling.
The Blood of Youth x Pokémon Ideas

Sikong Qianluo: unintentionally leans towards using bug types and flying types, but really just cares about how stabby they are. Beedrill, Escavalier, and Fearow could all suit her style. Moltres could represent her role as the Vermillion Bird.
Tang Lian: poison type specialist. Despite this, his ace is a Meowscarada who also uses a flower trick to take down foes. Ariados can lay traps with webs and Nidorino uses its needles to poison opponents. He has an Accelgor from when he helped Qianluo evolve her Escavalier. Torterra, Terrapagos, or Drednaw could represent his role as the Black Tortoise.
Jin Xian (Jade Deity): experienced with fighting, steel, and ice type Pokémon. Cobalion and Gallade suit him well aesthetically, conceptually, and personality-wise. Articuno could go well with his Blizzard Sword. He could probably have a Lucario, too. (Was thinking about Alolan Ninetales at one point, but that may be more suitable for Li Hanyi. Honestly, Jin Xian and Li Hanyi do have quite a few similarities, especially with them both connected to Kunlun Mountain.)
Jin Yan: ghost and dark specialist. Sableye and Gengar bring the chaos and the fun. Tyranitar could be nice for him, but it might be too heavy of a hitter for him to handle. Other possibilities include Liepard (which would be a great match aesthetically) and maybe Grimmsnarl.
Jin Xuan: probably favors psychic types, but has no obvious specialization. He uses a formidable Gardevoir and Dusknoir to protect the Emperor. His secret ace is the legendary ice dragon Kyurem, cold and empty as the Art of Detachment he practices. All his Pokémon would probably be shiny.
Jin Yu: favors bug types and normal types, but doesn’t appear to be interested in battling. He has a connection with butterflies in the novel that’s subtly referenced in the show and his palm technique is warm, so Volcarona could be a good ace for him. An Icy Snow Pattern Vivillon as a gift from Jin Xian could be a sweet way to represent their friendship. Indeedee could be a great match for him in terms of abilities and temperament. I also like the idea of him having an Absol that was abused/neglected by his late master, because Zhuo Qing doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would treat his Pokémon well, and the foreshadowing nature of Absol would almost be poetic.
Jin Wei: specializes in ghost and steel types. His sword is a bit more exciting in other mediums and is very ghostly, so Aegislash would be an amazing fit. He could also have an Alolan Marowak that he raised since it was a Cubone, and possibly a Spiritomb. As more of a ceremonial sword, Zacian could be under Jin Wei’s watch.
Lei Wujie: fire type specialist. Personality-wise, Growlithe would be a great fit and he could probably start out on his journey with it. Darmanitan could suit him well, since it also fights with fire and fists. Mega Charizard X could represent the Azure Dragon role that he has. Feucoco is no thoughts, head empty, cute and on fire.
Li Hanyi: ice specialist. Has a terrifyingly strong Chien-Pao, as well as a Glaceon and Alolan Ninetails who help keep out unwanted guests to their mountain.
Blood of Youth Birthdays
I did some research on Weibo and was able to find out the birthdays for several characters:
Zhao Yuzhen: January 19th
Ye Ruoyi: February 24th
Li Hanyi: March 24th
Lei Wujie: April 1st
Xiao Se: May 20th
Tang Lian: June 24th
Wuxin: July 30th
Sikong Qianluo: August 19th

As they say, the one who bets is the one who bites.

Performance issues 🌸

A natural exquisite heart - 天生玲瓏心
Léi WúJié, My dumbass pure-hearted boy!!!

Jin Wei and Lei Wujie 💜💙
The Blood of Youth Special
(Takes place after episode 40)

Lei Wujie + high five
for @jianghushenanigans
nice to meet you, you're welcome for the gifs, and thank you for running your blog (I'm getting so much content from you LOL)